require 'spec_helper' describe 'private' do it 'should issue a warning' do scope.expects(:warning).with("private() DEPRECATED: This function will cease to function on Puppet 4; please use assert_private() before upgrading to puppet 4 for backwards-compatibility, or migrate to the new parser's typing system.") begin [] rescue # ignore this end end context "when called from inside module" do it "should not fail" do scope.expects(:lookupvar).with('module_name').returns('foo') scope.expects(:lookupvar).with('caller_module_name').returns('foo') expect { [] }.not_to raise_error end end context "with an explicit failure message" do it "prints the failure message on error" do scope.expects(:lookupvar).with('module_name').returns('foo') scope.expects(:lookupvar).with('caller_module_name').returns('bar') expect { ['failure message!'] }.to raise_error Puppet::ParseError, /failure message!/ end end context "when called from private class" do it "should fail with a class error message" do scope.expects(:lookupvar).with('module_name').returns('foo') scope.expects(:lookupvar).with('caller_module_name').returns('bar') scope.source.expects(:name).returns('foo::baz') scope.source.expects(:type).returns('hostclass') expect { [] }.to raise_error Puppet::ParseError, /Class foo::baz is private/ end end context "when called from private definition" do it "should fail with a class error message" do scope.expects(:lookupvar).with('module_name').returns('foo') scope.expects(:lookupvar).with('caller_module_name').returns('bar') scope.source.expects(:name).returns('foo::baz') scope.source.expects(:type).returns('definition') expect { [] }.to raise_error Puppet::ParseError, /Definition foo::baz is private/ end end end