package org.hathitrust.extractedfeatures; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import*; import; import; import org.apache.spark.util.DoubleAccumulator; import scala.Tuple2; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; public class ProcessForPOSCount implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Following details on number of partitions to use given in // "Parallelized collections" section of: // // // For a more detailed discussion see: // protected static final int DEFAULT_NUM_CORES = 6; protected static final int DEFAULT_NUM_PARTITIONS = 3*DEFAULT_NUM_CORES; protected String _input_dir; protected String _json_list_filename; protected int _verbosity; public ProcessForPOSCount(String input_dir, String json_list_filename, int verbosity) { _input_dir = input_dir; _json_list_filename = (json_list_filename != null) ? json_list_filename : input_dir; _verbosity = verbosity; } protected String generateSparkAppName(String exec_mode) { String spark_app_name = "[" + exec_mode + "] Extracted Features: Process for POS"; spark_app_name += " [" + _json_list_filename + "]"; return spark_app_name; } public void execPOSCount() { String spark_app_name = generateSparkAppName("Per Page"); SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(spark_app_name); JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf); String filename_root = _json_list_filename.replaceAll(".*/","").replaceAll("\\..*$",""); String output_directory = "pos-" + filename_root + "-out"; if (ClusterFileIO.exists(output_directory)) { System.err.println("Error: " + output_directory + " already exists. Spark unable to write output data"); jsc.close(); System.exit(1); } int num_partitions = Integer.getInteger("wcsa-ef-ingest.num-partitions", DEFAULT_NUM_PARTITIONS); JavaRDD json_list_data = jsc.textFile(_json_list_filename,num_partitions).cache(); json_list_data.setName("JSON-file-list"); long num_volumes = json_list_data.count(); double per_vol = 100.0/(double)num_volumes; DoubleAccumulator per_vol_progress_accum ="Per Volume Progress Percent"); boolean strict_file_io = Boolean.getBoolean("wcsa-ef-ingest.strict-file-io"); //boolean icu_tokenize = Boolean.getBoolean(""); PerVolumePOSStreamFlatmap paged_solr_wordfreq_flatmap = new PerVolumePOSStreamFlatmap(_input_dir,_verbosity, per_vol_progress_accum,per_vol, strict_file_io); JavaRDD pos_list = json_list_data.flatMap(paged_solr_wordfreq_flatmap); pos_list.setName("pos-stream"); /* JavaPairRDD pos_pairs = pos_list.mapToPair(new PairFunction() { public Tuple2 call(String s) { return new Tuple2(s, 1); } }); pos_pairs.setName("single-pos-count"); JavaPairRDD pos_counts = pos_pairs.reduceByKey(new Function2() { public Integer call(Integer a, Integer b) { return a + b; } }); pos_counts.setName("pos-frequency"); */ JavaPairRDD pos_pairs = pos_list.mapToPair(s -> new Tuple2(s, 1)); pos_pairs.setName("single-pos-count"); JavaPairRDD pos_counts = pos_pairs.reduceByKey((a, b) -> a + b); pos_counts.setName("pos-frequency"); JavaPairRDD pos_counts_swapped_pair = pos_counts.mapToPair(item -> item.swap()); pos_counts_swapped_pair.setName("frequency-pos-swap"); JavaPairRDD pos_counts_swapped_pair_sorted = pos_counts_swapped_pair.sortByKey(true, num_partitions); pos_counts_swapped_pair_sorted.setName("descending-sorted-frequency-pos"); JavaPairRDD pos_count_sorted = pos_counts_swapped_pair_sorted.mapToPair(item -> item.swap()); pos_count_sorted.setName("descending-pos-frequency"); pos_count_sorted.saveAsTextFile(output_directory); jsc.close(); } public static void print_usage(HelpFormatter formatter, Options options) { formatter.printHelp("RUN.bash [options] input-dir json-filelist.txt", options); } public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); Option verbosity_opt = new Option("v", "verbosity", true, "Set to control the level of debugging output [0=none, 1=some, 2=lots]"); verbosity_opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(verbosity_opt); Option properties_opt = new Option("p", "properties", true, "Read in the specified Java properties file"); properties_opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(properties_opt); // Need to work with CLI v1.2 as this is the JAR that is bundled with Hadoop/Spark CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); //CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); // if working with CLI v1.3 and above HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); print_usage(formatter,options); System.exit(1); } String verbosity_str = cmd.getOptionValue("verbosity","1"); int verbosity = Integer.parseInt(verbosity_str); String property_filename = cmd.getOptionValue("properties",null); String[] filtered_args = cmd.getArgs(); if (filtered_args.length != 2) { print_usage(formatter,options); System.exit(1); } if (property_filename != null) { try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(property_filename); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); System.getProperties().load(bis); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("File not found: '" + property_filename + "'. Skipping property file read"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IO Exception for: '" + property_filename + "'. Malformed syntax? Skipping property file read"); } } String input_dir = filtered_args[0]; String json_list_filename = filtered_args[1]; ProcessForPOSCount prep_for_pos = new ProcessForPOSCount(input_dir,json_list_filename,verbosity); prep_for_pos.execPOSCount(); } }