package org.greenstone.atea; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.csv.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; // Google's gson imports for parsing any kind of json import; import; import; import; // For working with GeoJSON's Simple Features in Java import mil.nga.sf.geojson.Feature; import mil.nga.sf.geojson.FeatureCollection; import mil.nga.sf.geojson.FeatureConverter; import mil.nga.sf.geojson.Geometry; import mil.nga.sf.geojson.MultiPoint; import mil.nga.sf.geojson.Polygon; import mil.nga.sf.geojson.Position; /** Simple Features GeoJSON Java * - liks to API and more * * ( * * Also need the basic data types used by the Geometry objects above: * ( * * Further helper jars needed (because of encountering the exception documented at * * * * */ /** * This class needs the gson library, and now the sf(-2.02).jar and sf-geojson(-2.02).jar files too * to create and store Simple Features geo json objects with Java. * I copied the gson jar file from GS3. * * TO COMPILE: * maori-lang-detection/src$ * javac -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*" org/greenstone/atea/ * * TO RUN: * maori-lang-detection/src$ * java -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*" org/greenstone/atea/CountryCodeCountsMapData ../mongodb-data/countrycodes.json ../mongodb-data/counts.json * */ public class CountryCodeCountsMapData { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.atea.CountryCodeCountsMapData.class.getName()); //Map countryToJsonMap; JsonArray countryCodesJsonArray; JsonArray countryCountsJsonArray; // North-central Antarctica coords private final double ANTARCTICA_LNG = 57.0d; private final double ANTARCTICA_LAT = -70.0d; // For EU coords, spot in Atlantic Ocean close to western European coast. private final double EU_LNG = -20.0d; private final double EU_LAT = 50.0d; public CountryCodeCountsMapData(String countryCoordsJSONFile, String countryCountsJSONFile) throws Exception { // map of country codes to lat, lng json for that country code Map countryToJsonMap = new HashMap(); // Parse json file of country codes and put into a JsonArray. // then put into map of each country code to its JsonObject. countryCodesJsonArray = parseJSONFile(countryCoordsJSONFile); for(JsonElement obj : countryCodesJsonArray) { JsonObject countryCodeJson = obj.getAsJsonObject(); countryToJsonMap.put(countryCodeJson.get("country").getAsString(), countryCodeJson); } // Parse json file of country code counts // Then for each JsonObject in this file, // find a match on its country code in the map created above to get a country code JsonObject // Get the longitude and latitude of the JsonObject that matched that country code. // Add this lng,lat location information to the current JsonObject from the counts file. countryCountsJsonArray = parseJSONFile(countryCountsJSONFile); for(JsonElement obj : countryCountsJsonArray) { JsonObject json = obj.getAsJsonObject(); String countryCode = json.get("_id").getAsString().toUpperCase(); // set the property back as uppercase and with property name "countrycode" instead of "_id" json.remove("_id"); json.addProperty("countrycode", countryCode); int count = (int)json.get("count").getAsDouble(); //"Got country code: " + countryCode); //" count: " + count); // locate in countryCode map JsonObject countryCodeJson = countryToJsonMap.get(countryCode); if(countryCodeJson != null) { //"Found in map: " + countryCodeJson.toString()); // for geojson, want longitude then latitude Double lng = countryCodeJson.get("longitude").getAsDouble(); Double lat = countryCodeJson.get("latitude").getAsDouble(); //"long: " + Double.toString(lng) + ", lat: " + Double.toString(lat)); String countryName = countryCodeJson.get("name").getAsString(); // let's add lat and lng fields to countryCounts object json.addProperty("lng", lng); // adds Number: json.addProperty("lat", lat); json.addProperty("region", countryName); } else {"No geolocation info found for country code " + countryCode); if(countryCode.equals("EU")) { //"Unlisted country code: EU"); // add lat and lng for Europe json.addProperty("lng", EU_LNG); json.addProperty("lat", EU_LAT); json.addProperty("region", "Europe"); } else if(countryCode.equals("UNKNOWN")) { //"Unlisted country code: UNKNOWN"); // add lat and lng for Antarctica json.addProperty("lng", ANTARCTICA_LNG); json.addProperty("lat", ANTARCTICA_LAT); json.addProperty("region", "UNKNOWN"); } else { logger.error("ERROR: entirely unknown country code: " + countryCode); } } } } /** Convert mongodb tabular output of json records stored in the given file * into a JsonArray. */ public JsonArray parseJSONFile(String filename) throws Exception { JsonArray jsonArray = null; // read into string try ( BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); ) { StringBuilder str = //new StringBuilder(); new StringBuilder("["); String line; while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.replaceAll("/\\* [^\\/]* \\*/", ""); str.append(line); if(line.endsWith("}")) { str.append(",\n"); } } // replace last comma with closing bracket String fileContents = str.substring(0, str.length()-2) + "]"; //System.err.println("Got file:\n" + fileContents); // jsonArray = new JsonParser().parse(fileContents).getAsJsonArray(); } catch(Exception e) { throw e; } return jsonArray; } /** * Reading * * * * * * Downloaded geojson simple features' jar file from maven, but it didn't work: * a more private version of is not included in the jar file (there's only * mil.nga.sf.geojson.MultiPoint , whereas * mil.nga.sf.MultiPoint is missing * * This seems to have gone wrong at * * but the one at * * has it. So I've been trying to build that, but don't have the correct version of maven. */ public Geometry toMultiPointGeoJson() { //System.err.println("toGeoJSON() is not yet implemented."); List points = new LinkedList(); for(JsonElement obj : this.countryCountsJsonArray) { JsonObject json = obj.getAsJsonObject(); Double lng = json.get("lng").getAsDouble(); Double lat = json.get("lat").getAsDouble(); Position point = new Position(lng, lat); points.add(point); } Geometry multiPoint = new MultiPoint(points); return multiPoint; } // public FeatureCollection toFeatureCollection() { final int HISTOGRAM_WIDTH = 4; FeatureCollection featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(); for(JsonElement obj : this.countryCountsJsonArray) { JsonObject json = obj.getAsJsonObject(); String countryCode = json.get("countrycode").getAsString(); String region = json.get("region").getAsString(); int count = json.get("count").getAsInt(); // make a histogram for each country Geometry rectangle = this.toPolygon(json, count, HISTOGRAM_WIDTH); Feature countryFeature = new Feature(rectangle); Map featureProperties = new HashMap(); featureProperties.put("count", new Integer(count)); featureProperties.put("code", countryCode); featureProperties.put("region", region); countryFeature.setProperties(featureProperties); featureCollection.addFeature(countryFeature); } return featureCollection; } // create rectangular "histogram" for each country code private Geometry toPolygon(JsonObject json, int count, int HISTOGRAM_WIDTH) { int half_width = HISTOGRAM_WIDTH/2; double vertical_factor = 1.0; Double lng = json.get("lng").getAsDouble(); Double lat = json.get("lat").getAsDouble(); String countryCode = json.get("countrycode").getAsString(); //create the 4 corners of the rectangle // West is negative, east is positive, south is negative, north is positive // See // But since the histograms grow vertically/northwards and we can't go past a latitude of 90, // to compensate, we increase the width of the histograms by the same factor as our inability // to grow northwards. Double north = lat + (vertical_factor * count); while (north > 90) { // recalculate north after decreasing histogram's vertical growth // by the same factor as we increase its width vertical_factor = vertical_factor/2.0; half_width = 2 * half_width; north = lat + (vertical_factor * count); } Double east = lng + half_width; Double west = lng - half_width; Double south = lat; List> outerList = new LinkedList>(); List points = new LinkedList(); outerList.add(points); points.add(new Position(west, south)); // Position(lng, lat) not Position(lat, lng) points.add(new Position(west, north)); points.add(new Position(east, north)); points.add(new Position(east, south)); Geometry rectangle = new Polygon(outerList); // Coords: a List of List of Positions, see // return rectangle; } public String writeMultiPointGeoJsonToFile(File folder) { final String filename = "multipoint.json"; File outFile = new File(folder, filename); Geometry geometry = this.toMultiPointGeoJson(); String multiPointGeojsonString = FeatureConverter.toStringValue(geometry); System.err.println("\nMap data as MultiPoint geometry:\n" + multiPointGeojsonString + "\n"); try ( Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile)); ) { // Some basic re-formatting for some immediate legibility // But pasting the contents of the file (or the System.err output above) // directly into will instantly reformat the json perfectly anyway. multiPointGeojsonString = multiPointGeojsonString.replace("[[", "\n[\n\t["); multiPointGeojsonString = multiPointGeojsonString.replace("],[", "],\n\t["); multiPointGeojsonString = multiPointGeojsonString.replace("]]", "]\n]"); writer.write(multiPointGeojsonString + "\n"); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to write multipoint geojson:\n**********************"); logger.error(multiPointGeojsonString); logger.error("**********************\ninto file " + outFile.getAbsolutePath()); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return outFile.getAbsolutePath(); } public String writeFeaturesGeoJsonToFile(File folder) { final String filename = "geojson-features.json"; File outFile = new File(folder, filename); FeatureCollection featureColl = this.toFeatureCollection(); String featuresGeojsonString = FeatureConverter.toStringValue(featureColl); System.err.println("\nMap data as featurecollection:\n" + featuresGeojsonString + "\n"); try ( Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile)); ) { writer.write(featuresGeojsonString + "\n"); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to write multipoint geojson:\n**********************"); logger.error(featuresGeojsonString); logger.error("**********************\ninto file " + outFile.getAbsolutePath()); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return outFile.getAbsolutePath(); } public int getTotalCount() { int total = 0; for(JsonElement obj : this.countryCountsJsonArray) { JsonObject json = obj.getAsJsonObject(); int count = json.get("count").getAsInt(); total += count; } return total; } // Unfinished and unused public void parseCSVFile(String filename) throws Exception { File csvData = new File(filename); CSVParser parser = CSVParser.parse(csvData, java.nio.charset.Charset.forName("US-ASCII"), CSVFormat.RFC4180); for (CSVRecord csvRecord : parser) {"Got record: " + csvRecord.toString()); } } public static void printUsage() { System.err.println("CountryCodeCountsMapData countrycodes.json counts.json"); } public static void main(String args[]) { if(args.length != 2) { printUsage(); System.exit(-1); } try { File countsFile = new File(args[1]); File parentFolder = countsFile.getParentFile().getCanonicalFile(); // canonical resolves any .. and . in path CountryCodeCountsMapData mapData = new CountryCodeCountsMapData(args[0], args[1]); String multipointOutFileName = mapData.writeMultiPointGeoJsonToFile(parentFolder); String featuresOutFileName = mapData.writeFeaturesGeoJsonToFile(parentFolder); System.err.println("***********\nWrote mapdata to files " + multipointOutFileName + " and " + featuresOutFileName); System.err.println("You can paste the geojson contents of either of these files into the " + "editor at to see the data arranged on a world map"); System.err.println("Total count for query: " + mapData.getTotalCount()); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }