package org.greenstone.atea; //import org.bson.BSONObject; import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; //import com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable; // to use collection.find() filters like eq(), regex() etc import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.*; // to use collection.find().projection() filters like include() etc import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.*; // to use aggregation functions like unwind(), match(), sort() etc import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.*; // to use functions like sum() and addToSet() within aggregation functions import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.*; //import org.bson.conversions.Bson; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoCredential; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions; import com.mongodb.Block; import org.bson.Document; import org.bson.conversions.Bson; import org.bson.json.JsonMode; import org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; //import com.mongodb.DBObject; import*; // for pretty printing import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.greenstone.atea.morphia.*; import dev.morphia.*; /** * * * TO COMPILE: * maori-lang-detection/src$ * javac -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*" org/greenstone/atea/ * * TO RUN: * java -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*" org.greenstone.atea.MongoDBAccess * * Manually connecting to mongodb from client: * mongo 'mongodb://' -u USERNAME -p * Then after connecting with pwd, type: * use DBNAME * * Or connect to mongodb and specify db in one statement: * mongo 'mongodb://' -u USERNAME -p * * Some links: * - * - (particularly "collection") * - * IMPORTANT LINK: * - * */ public class MongoDBAccess implements AutoCloseable { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.atea.MongoDBAccess.class.getName()); static final String PROPS_FILENAME = ""; public static final String WEBPAGES_COLLECTION = "Webpages"; public static final String WEBSITES_COLLECTION = "Websites"; public static final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** mongodb filter types to execute */ public static final int IS_MRI = 0; public static final int CONTAINS_MRI = 1; /** Some reused fieldnames in the Websites collection */ private static final String FILTER_NUMPAGES_IN_MRI = "numPagesInMRI"; private static final String FILTER_NUMPAGES_CONTAINING_MRI = "numPagesContainingMRI"; // configuration details, some with fallback values private String HOST = "localhost"; private int PORT = 27017; // mongodb port private String USERNAME; private String PASSWORD; private String DB_NAME ="ateacrawldata"; private MongoClient mongo = null; private MongoDatabase database = null; /** * Mongodb Client handle via morphia, which handles the ODM (object document mapper) * for MongoDB */ public Datastore datastore = null; public MongoDBAccess() throws Exception { boolean success = false; // Read in the username and password from our props file Properties props = new Properties(); //File propsFile = new File(PROPS_FILENAME); //logger.debug("*** Conf props filename: " + propsFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { props.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(PROPS_FILENAME)); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error(e); } USERNAME = props.getProperty("mongodb.user", ""); if(USERNAME.equals("")) { USERNAME = "root"; logger.warn("WARNING: No sensible value for mongodb.user specified in " + PROPS_FILENAME + ". Attempting to use: " + USERNAME); } PASSWORD = props.getProperty("mongodb.pwd"); logger.debug("Got pwd: " + PASSWORD); if(PASSWORD != null && PASSWORD.equals("CHANGEME")) { success = false; throw new Exception("************ FATAL ERROR: Change DB password in properties file " + PROPS_FILENAME); } HOST = props.getProperty("", HOST); String port = props.getProperty("mongodb.port", Integer.toString(PORT)); PORT = Integer.parseInt(port); DB_NAME = props.getProperty("mongodb.dbname", DB_NAME);"Connecting to mongodb with:");" - host: " + HOST);" - port: " + PORT);" - user: " + USERNAME);" - db name: " + DB_NAME); } /** * Since we have only a single MongoClient, don't need to call close/disconnect on it as per * */ public void connectToDB() throws Exception { // Creating a Mongo client mongo = new MongoClient( HOST, PORT ); // Creating Credentials MongoCredential credential; credential = MongoCredential.createCredential(USERNAME, DB_NAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray()); System.out.println("Connected to the database successfully"); // Accessing the database this.database = mongo.getDatabase(DB_NAME);"Credentials: "+ credential); /* MongoCredential credential; credential = MongoCredential.createCredential(USERNAME, DB_NAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray());"Credentials: "+ credential); // Create our Mongo client mongo = new MongoClient( new ServerAddress(HOST, PORT), credential, new MongoClientOptions.Builder().build()); System.out.println("Connected to the database successfully"); this.database = mongo.getDatabase(DB_NAME); */ Morphia morphia = new Morphia(); morphia.mapPackage("com.greenstone.atea.morphia"); datastore = morphia.createDatastore(mongo, DB_NAME); datastore.ensureIndexes(); } // TODO: which fields should be indexed? public void showCollections() { //MongoIterable colls = this.database.listCollectionNames(); for(String coll : this.database.listCollectionNames()) { System.err.println("coll: " + coll); } } /* public void insertWebsiteInfo(WebsiteInfo website) { MongoCollection collection = this.database.getCollection(WEBSITES_COLLECTION); Document document = new Document("_id", .append("siteFolderName", website.siteFolderName) .append("domain", website.domain) .append("totalPages", website.totalPages) .append("numPagesWithBodyText", website.countOfWebPagesWithBodyText) .append("numPagesInMRI", website.numPagesInMRI) .append("siteCrawledTimestamp", website.siteCrawledTimestamp) .append("siteCrawlUnfinished", website.siteCrawlUnfinished) .append("redoCrawl", website.redoCrawl); document.put("urlContainsLangCodeInpath", website.urlContainsLangCodeInpath); if(website.geoLocationCountryCode != null && !website.geoLocationCountryCode.equals("")) { document.put("countryCode", website.geoLocationCountryCode); } collection.insertOne(document); logger.debug("Website info for " + + "(" + website.siteFolderName + ")" + " inserted successfully into " + WEBSITES_COLLECTION); } */ /** * Inserts a web page into the mongodb. Besides page related metadata and full body text * the language information per sentence and per 2 adjacent sentences also get stored * into the mongodb. */ /* public void insertWebpageInfo(WebpageInfo webpage) { int mri_sentence_count = 0; // load the webpages db 'table' // in mongodb, the equivalent of db tables are called 'collections' MongoCollection collection = this.database.getCollection(WEBPAGES_COLLECTION); Document document = new Document("_id", webpage.webpageID) .append("siteid", webpage.websiteID) .append("url", webpage.URL) .append("isMRI", webpage.isMRI) .append("totalSentences", webpage.totalSentences) .append("charEncoding", webpage.charEncoding) .append("modTime", webpage.modifiedTime) .append("fetchTime", webpage.fetchTime); // INSTEAD, ARRAY OF OBJECTS TO BE INSERTED AS PER: // List sentencesList = new ArrayList<>(); for(SentenceInfo sentenceInfo : webpage.singleSentences) { BasicDBObject bsonRecord = new BasicDBObject("langCode", sentenceInfo.langCode); bsonRecord.put("confidence", sentenceInfo.confidenceLevel); bsonRecord.put("sentence", sentenceInfo.sentence); sentencesList.add(bsonRecord); if(sentenceInfo.langCode.equals(MaoriTextDetector.MAORI_3LETTER_CODE)) { mri_sentence_count++; } } document.put("singleSentences", sentencesList); List overlappingSentencesList = new ArrayList<>(); for(SentenceInfo sentenceInfo : webpage.overlappingSentences) { BasicDBObject bsonRecord = new BasicDBObject("langCode", sentenceInfo.langCode); bsonRecord.put("confidence", sentenceInfo.confidenceLevel); bsonRecord.put("sentence", sentenceInfo.sentence); overlappingSentencesList.add(bsonRecord); } document.put("overlappingSentences", overlappingSentencesList); // also put the full text in there document.put("text", webpage.text); // also store the count of sentences in MRI webpage.setMRISentenceCount(mri_sentence_count); document.put("mriSentenceCount", mri_sentence_count); collection.insertOne(document); logger.debug("\nwebpage info for " + webpage.webpageID + " inserted successfully into " + WEBPAGES_COLLECTION); } */ public ArrayList queryAllMatchingIsMRIURLs(String domain) { return queryAllMatchingURLsFilteredBy(domain, IS_MRI); } public ArrayList queryAllMatchingcontainsMRIURLs(String domain) { return queryAllMatchingURLsFilteredBy(domain, CONTAINS_MRI); } /** * Java mongodb find: * Java mongodb find filters: * Java mongodb projection: * mongodb projection: * * Parse MongoDB query into Java: * Maybe also * * */ public ArrayList queryAllMatchingURLsFilteredBy(String domain, int filterType) { final ArrayList urlsList = new ArrayList(); // remove any http(s)://(www.) from the start of URL first // since it goes into a regex domain = Utility.stripProtocolAndWWWFromURL(domain); // load the "webpages" db table // in mongodb, the equivalent of db tables are called 'collections' MongoCollection collection = this.database.getCollection(WEBPAGES_COLLECTION); // code we'll execute in Iterable.forEach() below // see also Block storeURL = new Block() { @Override public void apply(final Document document) { //System.out.println(document.toJson()); String url = document.getString("URL"); // add to our urlsList //System.out.println(url); urlsList.add(url); } }; // Run the following mongodb query: // db.getCollection('Webpages').find({URL: /domain/, isMRI: true}, {URL: 1, _id: 0}) // 1. One way that works: //collection.find(and(eq("isMRI", true), regex("URL", pattern))).projection(fields(include("URL"), excludeId())).forEach(storeURL); // 2. Another way: //String query = "{URL: /DOMAIN/, isMRI: true}"; String query = "{URL: /DOMAIN/, "; if(filterType == IS_MRI) { query += "isMRI: true}"; } else if(filterType == CONTAINS_MRI) { query += "containsMRI: true}"; } domain = domain.replace(".", "\\."); // escape dots in domain for regex query = query.replace("DOMAIN", domain); //System.err.println("Executing find query: " + query); BasicDBObject findObj = BasicDBObject.parse(query); BasicDBObject projectionObj = BasicDBObject.parse("{URL: 1, _id: 0}"); collection.find(findObj).projection(projectionObj).forEach(storeURL); return urlsList; } /** * RUNNING A MONGODB COLLECTION.AGGREGATE() in JAVA: * * * * Not Java: * * ( * * On using group(TExpression) inside collection.aggregate(). * * For forEach lamba expressions, see also * and * and * * * The mongodb aggregate() we want to run this time: * db.Websites.aggregate([ { $match: { $and: [ {numPagesContainingMRI: {$gt: 0}}, {$or: [{geoLocationCountryCode:"NZ"},{domain: /\.nz/}]} ] } }, { $unwind: "$geoLocationCountryCode" }, { $group: { _id: "nz", count: { $sum: 1 }, domain: { $addToSet: '$domain' } } }, { $sort : { count : -1} } ]); */ public void aggregateContainsMRIForNZ(Writer writer, int filterType) throws IOException { // working with the WebSites collection, not WebPages collection! MongoCollection collection = this.database.getCollection(WEBSITES_COLLECTION); String mriFilterString = (filterType == CONTAINS_MRI) ? "{numPagesContainingMRI: {$gt: 0}}" : "{numPagesInMRI: {$gt: 0}}"; Bson orQuery = or( BasicDBObject.parse("{geoLocationCountryCode: \"NZ\"}"), BasicDBObject.parse("{domain: /\\.nz/}") ); Bson andQuery = and( BasicDBObject.parse(mriFilterString), orQuery); // Hopefully the lambda expression (forEach()) at end means // we write out each result Document as we get it collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList( match(andQuery), unwind("$geoLocationCountryCode"), group("NZ", Arrays.asList(sum("count", 1), addToSet("domain", "$domain"))), sort(BasicDBObject.parse("{count : -1}")) )).forEach((Block)doc -> writeDoc(doc, writer)); // should only have one doc for NZ since it's a count by geolocation. return; } /** * The aggregate() we want to run this time: * db.Websites.aggregate([ { $match: { $and: [ {geoLocationCountryCode: {$ne: "NZ"}}, {domain: {$not: /\.nz/}}, {numPagesContainingMRI: {$gt: 0}}, {$or: [{geoLocationCountryCode: "AU"}, {urlContainsLangCodeInPath: false}]} ] } }, { $unwind: "$geoLocationCountryCode" }, { $group: { _id: {$toLower: '$geoLocationCountryCode'}, count: { $sum: 1 }, domain: { $addToSet: '$domain' } } }, { $sort : { count : -1} } ]); */ public void aggregateContainsMRIForOverseas(Writer writer, int filterType, boolean isMiInURLPath) throws UncheckedIOException { // working with the WebSites collection, not WebPages collection! MongoCollection collection = this.database.getCollection(WEBSITES_COLLECTION); String mriFilterString = (filterType == CONTAINS_MRI) ? "{numPagesContainingMRI: {$gt: 0}}" : "{numPagesInMRI: {$gt: 0}}"; Bson orQuery = or( BasicDBObject.parse("{geoLocationCountryCode: \"AU\"}"), BasicDBObject.parse("{urlContainsLangCodeInPath: "+ isMiInURLPath +"}") // e.g. "{urlContainsLangCodeInPath: false}" ); Bson andQuery = and( BasicDBObject.parse("{geoLocationCountryCode: {$ne: \"NZ\"}}"), BasicDBObject.parse("{domain: {$not: /\\.nz/}}"), BasicDBObject.parse(mriFilterString), orQuery); collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList( match(andQuery), //match(BasicDBObject.parse(matchQuery)) // match((List)JSON.parse(matchQuery)), unwind("$geoLocationCountryCode"), group("$geoLocationCountryCode", Arrays.asList(sum("count", 1), addToSet("domain", "$domain"))), sort(BasicDBObject.parse("{count : -1}")) )).forEach((Block)doc -> writeDoc(doc, writer)); // casting to Block necessary because otherwise we see the error at // // Less efficient way is to keep all the results in memory and then // write them out one at a time /* AggregateIterable output = collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList( match(andQuery), //match(BasicDBObject.parse(matchQuery)) // match((List)JSON.parse(matchQuery)), unwind("$geoLocationCountryCode"), group("$geoLocationCountryCode", Arrays.asList(sum("count", 1), addToSet("domain", "$domain"))), sort(BasicDBObject.parse("{count : -1}")) )); for (Document doc : output) { //System.out.println(doc); System.out.println(doc.toJson()); } */ return; } /** * called by lambda forEach() call on Document objects to write them out to a file. * Have to deal with unreported exceptions here that can't be dealt with when doing * the actual forEach(). See * */ public void writeDoc(Document doc, Writer writer) throws UncheckedIOException { //OLD WAY: writer.write(doc.toJson(new JsonWriterSettings(JsonMode.STRICT, true)) + NEWLINE); // Can't control json output to add newlines after each array element, // no matter which JsonMode is used. // // Still can't control array element output, // but this way uses newer mongo java driver 3.9(.1). Tried its various JsonModes too: //JsonWriterSettings writeSettings = new JsonWriterSettings(); //writeSettings.builder().outputMode(JsonMode.SHELL).indent(true).build(); //writer.write(doc.toJson(writeSettings) + NEWLINE); // Not the JsonWriter of mongodb java driver: // // Have to use gson's pretty print to produce a json string that contains // newlines after every array element in the json: String jsonStr = prettyPrintJson(doc.toJson()); //System.err.println(jsonStr); try { writer.write(jsonStr + NEWLINE); } catch (IOException ex) { //throw ex; throw new UncheckedIOException(ex); } } public String prettyPrintJson(String jsonStr) { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonElement je = jp.parse(jsonStr); String prettyJsonString = gson.toJson(je); return prettyJsonString; } /** */ public void close() {} // TODO: // In the database, need to ensure we have else // create collection (table in RDBMS) websites, create collection webpages. // The webpages collection will have sentences embedded based on my decisions from // reading the series // // Then need functions: // insertWebsiteDocument() // insertWebpageDocument() public static void main(String args[]) { try { MongoDBAccess mongodbCon = new MongoDBAccess(); mongodbCon.connectToDB(); mongodbCon.showCollections(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }