package org.greenstone.atea; import*; import java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.csv.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; //import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.greenstone.atea.morphia.*; /** * Class to process the dump text files produced FOR EACH SITE (e.g. site "00001") that * Nutch has finished crawling and whose text has been dumped out to a file called dump.txt. * This reads in the dump.txt file contained in each site folder within the input folder. * (e.g. input folder "crawled" could contain folders 00001 to 01465. Each contains a dump.txt) * Each dump.txt could contain the text contents for an entire site, or for individual pages. * This class then uses class TextDumpPage to parse each webpage within a dump.txt, * which parses out the actual text body content of each webpage's section within a dump.txt. * Finally, MaoriTextDetector is run over that to determine whether the full body text is * likely to be in Maori or not. * * Potential issues: since a web page's text is dumped out by nutch with neither paragraph * nor even newline separator, it's hard to be sure that the entire page is in language. * If it's in multiple languages, there's no way to be sure there aren't promising Maori language * paragraphs contained in a page, if the majority/the remainder happen to be in English. * * So if we're looking for any paragraphs in Maori to store in a DB, perhaps it's better to run * the MaoriTextDetector.isTextInMaori(BufferedReader reader) over two "lines" at a time, * instead of running it over the entire html body's text. * * TO COMPILE OR RUN, FIRST DO: * cd maori-lang-detection/apache-opennlp-1.9.1 * export OPENNLP_HOME=`pwd` * cd maori-lang-detection/src * * MORE IMPORTANT PRELIMINARIES: * - Make sure the MongoDB is up and running and accessible. * - If you want to keep any existing MongoDB collections called Websites and Webpages, then * first renamed those collections in MongoDB (using Robo3T makes renaming easy) before * running this program. * * TO COMPILE: * maori-lang-detection/src$ * javac -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*:$OPENNLP_HOME/lib/opennlp-tools-1.9.1.jar" org/greenstone/atea/ * * TO RUN: * maori-lang-detection/src$ * java -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*:$OPENNLP_HOME/lib/opennlp-tools-1.9.1.jar" org/greenstone/atea/NutchTextDumpToMongoDB ../crawled-small * * or: * java -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*:$OPENNLP_HOME/lib/opennlp-tools-1.9.1.jar" org/greenstone/atea/NutchTextDumpToMongoDB ../crawled-small > ../crawled-small/bla.txt 2>&1 * */ public class NutchTextDumpToMongoDB { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.atea.NutchTextDumpToMongoDB.class.getName()); static boolean DEBUG_MODE = true; // this is set to false in main() at the end of this class /** Counter for number of sites. * Should be equal to number of times NutchTextDumpToMongoDB constructor * is called: once per site. */ static private int SITE_COUNTER = 0; static private long WEBPAGE_COUNTER = 0; private final MaoriTextDetector maoriTxtDetector; private final MongoDBAccess mongodbAccess; public final String siteID; public final boolean siteCrawlUnfinished; public final long siteCrawledTimestamp; /** When the crawl of the site terminated */ // private handle to a csv writer private CSVPrinter emptyWebPageInfoCSVPrinter; private int countOfWebPagesWithBodyText = 0; private String geoLocationCountryCode = null; /** 2 letter country code */ private boolean urlContainsLangCodeInPath = false; /** If any URL on this site contains a /mi(/) or http(s)://mi.* in its URL path */ private String domainOfSite; //private String baseSiteDomain; // domainOfSite stripped of any http(s)://www. private int numPagesInMRI = 0; private int numPagesContainingMRI = 0; /** keep a list to store the text of each page */ private ArrayList pages; /** Number of language and confidence results to return for storing in MongoDB * MongoDB runs out of space if storing too many, as we store this info per sentence * and a long text document becomes a very large MongoDB document presumably */ private static final int NUM_TOP_LANGUAGES = 3; // 103 max, in current version of opennlp lang model private boolean isStartOfNewWebPageRecord(String prevLine, String line) { // The start of a new web page's record in nutch's text dump of an entire site // is denoted by a newline followed by a URL (protocol) // or the very start of the file with a URL (protocol) return ((prevLine == null || prevLine.equals("")) && (line.startsWith("http://") || line.startsWith("https://"))); } public void debugPageDump(StringBuilder pageDump) { if(DEBUG_MODE) { // START DEBUG logger.debug("__________________________________________"); logger.debug("@@@ Found page entry: "); logger.debug("__________________________________________"); logger.debug(pageDump.toString()); logger.debug("------------------------------------------"); // END DEBUG } } /** A NutchTextDumpToMongoDB processes the dump.txt for one site */ public NutchTextDumpToMongoDB(MongoDBAccess mongodbAccess, CSVPrinter emptyWebPageInfoCSVPrinter, MaoriTextDetector maoriTxtDetector, String siteID, File txtDumpFile, long lastModified, boolean siteCrawlUnfinished) throws IOException { // increment static counter of sites processed by a NutchTextDumpToMongoDB instance SITE_COUNTER++; // keep a handle to the csv file writer this.emptyWebPageInfoCSVPrinter = emptyWebPageInfoCSVPrinter; // siteID is of the form %5d (e.g. 00020) and is just the name of a site folder this.siteID = siteID; this.siteCrawlUnfinished = siteCrawlUnfinished; this.siteCrawledTimestamp = lastModified; this.maoriTxtDetector = maoriTxtDetector; this.mongodbAccess = mongodbAccess; pages = new ArrayList(); String line = null; StringBuilder pageDump = null; try ( BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(txtDumpFile)); ) { boolean readingText = false; String prevLine = null; while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { // readLine removes newline separator line = line.trim(); // iff outside of a page's body text, then an empty line marks the end of a page // in nutch's text dump of a site. // But note, there can be an empty line (or more?) between the start and end // markers of a page's text, though. if(isStartOfNewWebPageRecord(prevLine, line)) { if(pageDump != null) { // should also be the case then: if(prevLine != null) // finish old pageDump and begin new one //debugPageDump(pageDump); TextDumpPage page = new TextDumpPage(siteID, pageDump.toString()); // parses the fields and body text of a webpage in nutch's txt dump of entire site //page.parseFields(); //page.getText(); pages.add(page); inspectPageURLPath(page); pageDump = null; } // begin new webpage dump pageDump = new StringBuilder(); pageDump.append(line); pageDump.append("\n"); } else if(!line.equals("")) { pageDump.append(line); pageDump.append("\n"); } // can throw away any newlines between text start and end markers. prevLine = line; } // process final webpage record: //debugPageDump(pageDump); if(pageDump == null) { logger.warn("siteID " + siteID + " had an empty dump.txt file. Reinspect site."); } else { TextDumpPage page = new TextDumpPage(siteID, pageDump.toString()); pages.add(page); inspectPageURLPath(page); pageDump = null; } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("@@@@@@@@@ Error reading in nutch txtdump file " + txtDumpFile, ioe); } // Just do this once: get and store domain of site. // Passing true to get domain with protocol prefix if(pages.size() > 0) { TextDumpPage firstPage = pages.get(0); String url = firstPage.getPageURL(); this.domainOfSite = Utility.getDomainForURL(url, true); //this.baseSiteDomain = Utility.stripProtocolAndWWWFromURL(this.domainOfSite); } else { this.domainOfSite = "UNKNOWN"; //this.baseSiteDomain = "UNKNOWN"; } /* No need to loop again through all pages. Instead, just inspectPageURLPath() as each page is created above. // For any site, we just need to work out if any of its pages contains /mi(/) or http(s)://mi.* in its URL path for(TextDumpPage aPage : pages) { inspectPageURLPath(aPage); } */ webPageDataToMongoDB(mongodbAccess); } /** for every site, we just need to work out if any of its pages contains /mi(/) or http(s)://mi. in its URL. * This method is called on each page of a site as the page is created. */ private void inspectPageURLPath(TextDumpPage page) { String url = page.getPageURL(); //logger.debug("@@@@ pageURL: " + url); if(!this.urlContainsLangCodeInPath) { // if not already set to true for any previous page in this site, // check if this page of the site contains /mi(/) or http(s)://mi in its URL path if(url.contains("/mi/") || url.endsWith("/mi") || url.startsWith("https://mi.") || url.startsWith("http://mi.")) { this.urlContainsLangCodeInPath = true; } } } private void webPageDataToMongoDB(MongoDBAccess mongodbAccess) throws IOException { TextDumpPage page = null; for(int i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) { page = pages.get(i); String text = page.getPageText(); if(text.equals("")) { System.err.println(siteID + ",Empty page " + i + "," + page.getPageURL() + "," + page.get("status") + "," + page.get("protocolStatus") + "," + page.get("parseStatus")); // write information about any empty web page into the emptyPage csv file emptyWebPageInfoCSVPrinter.printRecord(siteID, i, page.getPageURL(), page.get("status"), page.get("protocolStatus"),page.get("parseStatus")); // don't care about empty pages continue; } else { WEBPAGE_COUNTER++; // count of cumulative total of webpages for all sites countOfWebPagesWithBodyText++; // of this site alone boolean isMRI = maoriTxtDetector.isTextInMaori(text); if(isMRI) { numPagesInMRI++; } String[] sentences = maoriTxtDetector.getAllSentences(text); int totalSentences = sentences.length; int numSentencesInMRI = 0; ArrayList singleSentences = maoriTxtDetector.getAllSentencesInfo(sentences, NUM_TOP_LANGUAGES); ArrayList overlappingSentences = maoriTxtDetector.getAllOverlappingSentencesInfo(sentences, NUM_TOP_LANGUAGES); WebpageInfo webpage = page.convertStoredDataToWebpageInfo(WEBPAGE_COUNTER/*new ObjectId()*/, this.siteID/*SITE_COUNTER*/, isMRI, totalSentences, singleSentences, overlappingSentences); for(SentenceInfo si : singleSentences) { //LanguageInfo bestLanguage = si.languagesInfo[0]; //if(bestLanguage.langCode.equals(MaoriTextDetector.MAORI_3LETTER_CODE)) { if(si.bestLangCode.equals(MaoriTextDetector.MAORI_3LETTER_CODE)) { numSentencesInMRI++; } } webpage.setMRISentenceCount(numSentencesInMRI); webpage.setContainsMRI((numSentencesInMRI > 0)); if(numSentencesInMRI > 0) { // if(numSentencesInMRI >= 5) { // Not sure if we can trust that a single sentence detected as Maori on a page is really Maori // But if at least 5 sentences are detected as Maori, it is more likely to be the case to be MRI? numPagesContainingMRI++; } //mongodbAccess.insertWebpageInfo(webpage); // Uses morphia to save to mongodb, see; } } } public void websiteDataToDB() { // // LocalDateTime date = // LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(this.siteCrawledTimestamp), ZoneId.systemDefault()); // String crawlTimestamp = // date.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")) + " " + date.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss")); boolean redoCrawl = false; if(this.siteCrawlUnfinished) { // arbitrary decision, but need some indication that the MRI content was not close to one-off in the website if(this.numPagesInMRI > 2) { redoCrawl = true; } } File geoLiteCityDatFile = new File(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("GeoLiteCity.dat").getFile()); try { if(this.domainOfSite.equals("UNKNOWN")) { // for sites that had 0 webpages downloaded, we have no domain this.geoLocationCountryCode = "UNKNOWN"; } else { this.geoLocationCountryCode = Utility.getCountryCodeOfDomain(this.domainOfSite, geoLiteCityDatFile); } } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("*** For SiteID " + siteID + ", got exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); //if(this.domainOfSite.endsWith(".nz")) { // nz TLDs are worth counting //this.geoLocationCountryCode = "NZ"; //} // Help along identification of domain's country by construing TLDs if 2 letters after last period mark int periodIndex = domainOfSite.length()-3; // .com|org etc extensions that have 3 chars afte period mark will remain unknown // 2 letter extensions will be considered TLD if(periodIndex >=0 && domainOfSite.charAt(periodIndex) == '.' && ((periodIndex+1) < domainOfSite.length())) { // has a 2 letter TLD. Make it uppercase to match return value of Utility.getCountryCodeOfDomain() above String TLD = domainOfSite.substring(periodIndex+1); this.geoLocationCountryCode = TLD.toUpperCase(); } else { this.geoLocationCountryCode = "UNKNOWN"; // couldn't get the country code, so should also be UNKNOWN not null } } int totalPages = pages.size(); WebsiteInfo website = new WebsiteInfo(/*SITE_COUNTER,*/ this.siteID, this.domainOfSite, //this.baseSiteDomain, totalPages, this.countOfWebPagesWithBodyText, this.numPagesInMRI, this.numPagesContainingMRI, this.siteCrawledTimestamp, this.siteCrawlUnfinished, redoCrawl, this.geoLocationCountryCode, this.urlContainsLangCodeInPath); //mongodbAccess.insertWebsiteInfo(website); // Uses morphia to save to mongodb, see; } // --------------- STATIC METHODS AND INNER CLASSED USED BY MAIN -------------- // public static void printUsage() { System.err.println("Run this program as:"); System.err.println("\tNutchTextDumpToMongoDB "); } public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length != 1) { printUsage(); return; } File sitesDir = new File(args[0]); if(!sitesDir.exists() || !sitesDir.isDirectory()) { logger.error("Error: " + args[0] + " does not exist or is not a directory"); return; } NutchTextDumpToMongoDB.DEBUG_MODE = false; try ( MongoDBAccess mongodb = new MongoDBAccess(); CSVPrinter emptyWebPageInfoCSVPrinter = new CSVPrinter(new FileWriter("InfoOnEmptyPagesNotInMongoDB.csv"), CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withQuoteMode(QuoteMode.MINIMAL)); ) { mongodb.connectToDB(); //mongodb.showCollections(); // write out csv column headings into the csv file on empty web pages emptyWebPageInfoCSVPrinter.printRecord("siteID","pagenum","URL","(fetch)status","protocolStatus","parseStatus"); // print out the column headers for the websites csv file // // OPTIONAL TODO: creating collections can be done here if dropping and recreating MaoriTextDetector mriTxtDetector = new MaoriTextDetector(true); // true: run silent File[] sites = sitesDir.listFiles(); // sort site folders in alphabetical order // Arrays.sort(sites); for(File siteDir : sites) { // e.g. 00001 if(siteDir.isDirectory()) { // look for dump.txt File txtDumpFile = new File(siteDir, "dump.txt"); if(!txtDumpFile.exists()) { logger.error("Text dump file " + txtDumpFile + " did not exist"); continue; } else { File UNFINISHED_FILE = new File(siteDir, "UNFINISHED"); String siteID = siteDir.getName(); if(siteID.contains("_")) { logger.warn("*** Skipping site " + siteID + " as its dir name indicates it wasn't crawled properly."); continue; } long lastModified = siteDir.lastModified(); logger.debug("@@@ Processing siteID: " + siteID); NutchTextDumpToMongoDB nutchTxtDump = new NutchTextDumpToMongoDB( mongodb, emptyWebPageInfoCSVPrinter, mriTxtDetector, siteID, txtDumpFile, lastModified, UNFINISHED_FILE.exists()); // now it's parsed all the web pages in the site's text dump // Let's print stats on each web page's detected language being MRI or not // and how many pages there were in the site in total. //nutchTxtDump.printSiteStats(); nutchTxtDump.websiteDataToDB(); } } } } catch(Exception e) { // can get an exception when instantiating NutchTextDumpToMongoDB instance // or with CSV file logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }