package diffutil; BEGIN { die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; die "GSDLOS not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLOS'}; unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib"); unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib/cpan"); } use util; sub files_in_dir { my ($dirname) =@_; opendir(DIR, $dirname) || die "can't opendir $dirname: $!"; my $skipdirs_re = qr/^cached|didx|sidx$/; @local_files = grep { /^\w/ && ((-d &util::filename_cat($dirname,$_) && $_ !~ m/$skipdirs_re/) || -f &util::filename_cat($dirname,$_))} readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; return @local_files; } sub GetErrors { my ($aryErrors,$aryReturnErrors,$intLineCount) = @_; for(my $intCounter = 0; $intCounter < $intLineCount ; $intCounter++) { if(my $strAError = shift(@{$aryErrors})) { $strAError =~ s/^(<( )*)|^(>( )*)//g; push(@{$aryReturnErrors},$strAError); } else {return 0;} } return 1; } sub IgnoreExp { my ($strModel,$strTest,$strIgnoreExp) = @_; if($strIgnoreExp eq "") { return 0; } else { if($strModel =~ m/$strIgnoreExp/ && $strTest =~ m/$strIgnoreExp/) #if($strModel =~ m/$strIgnoreExp/mg && $strTest =~ m/$strIgnoreExp/mg) { return 1; } else {return 0;} } } sub GenerateOutput { my ($strResult,$strIgnoreExp) = @_; if($strResult eq "") {return "";} my @aryErrors = split ("\n",$strResult); my $strErrorMessage = ""; my $intCounter = 0; my $hashptErrorLines; while(my $strFirstLine = shift(@aryErrors)) { my $charResultChar; my @aryModelErrors; my @aryTestErrors; my $strAError = ""; if($strFirstLine =~ m/(\d+,)*\d+[a-z]\d+(,\d+)*/) { $charResultChar = $strFirstLine; $charResultChar =~ s/\d|\W//g; my @aryRightLeft = split($charResultChar,$strFirstLine); my @aryModelLines = split(",",$aryRightLeft[0]); my @aryTestLines = split(",",$aryRightLeft[1]); my $intModelLineCount = 0; my $intTestLineCount = 0; if(scalar(@aryModelLines)> 2 || scalar(@aryTestLines)> 2){die "Error Found!!\n";} $intModelLineCount = (scalar(@aryModelLines) == 1) ? 1 : ($aryModelLines[1] - $aryModelLines[0] + 1); $intTestLineCount = (scalar(@aryTestLines) == 1) ? 1 : ($aryTestLines[1] - $aryTestLines[0] + 1); if($charResultChar eq "c") { die "Nothing to parse 1\n" unless(&GetErrors(\@aryErrors,\@aryModelErrors,$intModelLineCount) == 1); if($aryErrors[0] eq "---") { my $strExtra = shift(@aryErrors); } else { print "Incorrect format of diff program\n"; } #die "Nothing to parse 2\n" unless(my $strExtra = shift(@aryErrors)); #die "Error Occoured: $strResult\n" unless($strExtra eq "---"); die "Nothing to parse 3\n" unless(&GetErrors(\@aryErrors,\@aryTestErrors,$intTestLineCount) == 1); if($intModelLineCount == 1 && $intTestLineCount == 1 && &IgnoreExp($aryModelErrors[0],$aryModelErrors[0],$strIgnoreExp) == 1) #&IgnoreExp($aryModelErrors[0],$aryTestErrors[0],$strIgnoreExp) == 1) # 2nd param should be aryTestErrors? { $strAError = ""; } else { $strAError .= "Differences found between Model and Test Collection\n"; $strAError .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $strAError .= "Model Collection:\n"; for(my $intCounter = 0; $intCounter < $intModelLineCount ; $intCounter++) { my $intOutLine = $aryModelLines[0] + $intCounter; $strAError .= " Line $intOutLine \t($aryModelErrors[$intCounter])\n"; } $strAError .= "Test Collection:\n"; for(my $intCounter = 0; $intCounter < $intTestLineCount ; $intCounter++) { my $intOutLine = $aryTestLines[0] + $intCounter; $strAError .= " Line $intOutLine \t($aryTestErrors[$intCounter])\n"; } } } elsif($charResultChar eq "a") { die "Nothing to parse 4\n" unless(&GetErrors(\@aryErrors,\@aryTestErrors,$intTestLineCount) == 1); $strAError .= "Missing in Model Collection\n"; $strAError .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $strAError .= "In Test Collection but not in Model Collection (Mismatch from Line $aryModelLines[0]):\n"; for(my $intCounter = 0; $intCounter < $intTestLineCount ; $intCounter++) { my $intOutLine = $aryTestLines[0] + $intCounter; $strAError .= " Line $intOutLine \t($aryTestErrors[$intCounter])\n"; } } elsif($charResultChar eq "d") { die "Nothing to parse 5:$strResult\n" unless( &GetErrors(\@aryErrors,\@aryModelErrors,$intModelLineCount) == 1); $strAError .= "Missing in Test Collection\n"; $strAError .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $strAError .= "In Model Collection but not in Test Collection (Mismatch from Line $aryTestLines[0]):\n"; for(my $intCounter = 0; $intCounter < $intModelLineCount ; $intCounter++) { my $intOutLine = $aryModelLines[0] + $intCounter; $strAError .= " Line $intOutLine \t($aryModelErrors[$intCounter])\n"; } } else { die "Missing comparsion type!!\n"; } } else { die "$strResult\n"; } if($strAError ne ""){$strErrorMessage .= "\n".$strAError;} } return $strErrorMessage; } 1;