import/ indexed_doc HTMLPlugin 2775 fitzroy.html fitzroy.html en utf8 Marilee Mongello Fitzroy/Stafford/Blount Genealogy HTML Tudor period|Others HASH5faad9a3db2a4add0dfa3a 1376384210 20130813 1376384428 20130813 HASH5faa.dir <center><img SRC="_httpextlink_&amp;rl=0&amp;el=direct&amp;href=" ALT="Fitzroy Genealogy" height=48 width=328></center> <ul> <ul><font size=+1></font>&nbsp; <br><font size=+1>Elizabeth Stafford</font> <br>born ? <br>daughter of Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham (led failed revolt against Richard III &amp; was executed for treason) and Catherine Woodville <br>married Thomas Howard, 3rd duke of Norfolk <br>died May 1532 <br>buried in Essex</ul> <font color="#006600"><font size=+1>interesting notes:</font></font> Elizabeth Stafford's mother, Catherine Woodville, was the niece of Queen Elizabeth Woodville and daughter of Jacquetta of Luxembourg <br>also, Henry's illegitimate son with Elizabeth Blount married Elizabeth Stafford's daughter, Mary Howard! <br>&nbsp;</ul> <ul><font size=+1>Elizabeth Blount, known as Bessie Blount</font> <br>born about 1502 <br>daughter of Sir John Blount of Shropshire <br>married Gilbert, Lord Talboys <br>mother of Henry Fitzroy, duke of Richmond (father was Henry VIII) <br>died 1539 <br>&nbsp; <br>&nbsp; <ul> <ul><font size=+1>Henry Fitzroy</font> <br>born early June1519 <br>son of Elizabeth Blount and Henry VIII, king of England <br>created duke of Richmond, duke of Somerset &amp; earl of Nottingham 21 June 1524 <br>married to Mary Howard 1533 <br>died 1536/7 <br>buried in Thetford (wrapped in lead rather than in a traditional coffin)</ul> <font color="#006600"><font size=+1>interesting note:</font></font> once, in an effort to work out the complicated Tudor succession while Henry &amp; Katharine were still married, some suggested Fitzroy marry his half-sister, Princess Mary Tudor.&nbsp; Oddly enough, the plan was endorsed by the pope! <br>&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;</ul> </ul> <font size=-1><a href="_httpextlink_&amp;rl=1&amp;">to Tudor Genealogy</a></font> <br><font size=-1><a href="_httpextlink_&amp;rl=1&amp;">to Tudor England</a></font> <!-- text below generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE --><!-- Counter/Statistics data collection code --><script language="JavaScript" src="_httpextlink_&amp;rl=0&amp;"></script><script language="javascript">geovisit();</script><noscript><img src="_httpextlink_&amp;rl=0&amp;el=direct&amp;href=" alt="setstats" border="0" width="1" height="1"></noscript> <IMG SRC="_httpextlink_&amp;rl=0&amp;el=direct&amp;href=" ALT=1 WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1>