creator maintainer public true buildtype mgpp infodbtype gdbm indexes text dc.Title,ex.dc.Title,ex.Title dc.Creator defaultindex text levels document indexoptions accentfold casefold stem defaultlevel document # import options, needed for diffcol testing # especially in conjunction with -sort flag to ArchivesInfPlugin OIDtype hash_on_full_filename sortmeta OID # Need to block for the model collection, since the paragraph # breaks in the extracted text for this one postscript file are different on # different OS when doing diffcol, possibly due to different versions of # ghostscript's ps2ascii. Otherwise, the text content is identical. plugin GreenstoneXMLPlugin plugin PDFPlugin plugin RTFPlugin plugin WordPlugin plugin PostScriptPlugin -block_exp cluster\.ps$ -convert_to text plugin ImagePlugin plugin EmbeddedMetadataPlugin plugin MetadataXMLPlugin plugin ArchivesInfPlugin -sort plugin DirectoryPlugin classify List -metadata dc.Title;ex.Title -partition_type_within_level approximate_size classify AZCompactList -metadata dc.Creator format VList "[link][icon][/link] [ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}[ex./srclink] [highlight] {Or}{[dc.Title],[exp.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled} [/highlight]{If}{[ex.Source],
([ex.Source])}" format HList "[link][highlight][ex.Title][/highlight][/link]" format DocumentHeading "{Or}{[parent(Top):Title],[Title],untitled}
" format DocumentText "[Text]" format DocumentButtons "Detach|Highlight" format SearchTypes "plain,form" collectionmeta collectionname [l=en] "Word-PDF-Basic" collectionmeta .text [l=en] "_labeltext_" collectionmeta .dc.Title,ex.dc.Title,Title [l=en] "_labelTitle_" collectionmeta .document [l=en] "_textdocument_" collectionmeta .section [l=en] "_textsection_" collectionmeta .document:text [l=en] "_labeltext_" collectionmeta .document:dc.Title,Title,ex.dc.Title [l=en] "_labelTitle_" collectionmeta .document:Source [l=en] "_labelSource_" collectionmeta .document:dc.Title,Title [l=en] "_labelTitle_" collectionmeta .dc.Creator [l=en] "_labelCreator_"