// Variable for the currently selected flag ratio var currentRatio = null; var aspectRatios = null; var aspectMaxRatio = 0; function calcMaxRatio(aspect_ratio_data) { // work out the maximum ratio var max_ratio = 0; $.each(aspect_ratio_data, function(key, ratio_table) { var ratio_array = key.split(":"); var ratio_x = ratio_array[0]; var ratio_y = ratio_array[1]; var ratio = ratio_y / ratio_x; if (ratio > max_ratio) { max_ratio = ratio; } }); return max_ratio; } function calcCompleteWidth(aspect_ratio_data,scale) { // work out the maximum ratio var max_width = 0; $.each(aspect_ratio_data, function(key, ratio_table) { var ratio_array = key.split(":"); var ratio_x = ratio_array[0]; var ratio_y = ratio_array[1]; var ratio = ratio_y / ratio_x; max_width += (scale*ratio); }); return max_width; } function scaledDivsFitInPage(aspect_ratio_data, scale_to_height, num_of_rows_allowed, la_x_dim) { var divs_fit = true; var row = 1; var total_row_width = 0; var total_height = 0; $.each(aspect_ratio_data, function(key, ratio_table) { var ratio_array = key.split(":"); var ratio_x = ratio_array[0]; var ratio_y = ratio_array[1]; var ratio = ratio_y / ratio_x; var scaled_div_width = scale_to_height*ratio; if (total_row_width + scaled_div_width > la_x_dim) { // this div doesn't fit on the current row // => start a new row total_row_width = scaled_div_width; row++; if (row>num_of_rows_allowed) { // blow out! divs_fit = false; return false; // jquery.each equivalent to 'break' } } else { total_row_width += scaled_div_width; row++; } }); return divs_fit; } function calcScaleToHeight(aspectRatios,la_x_dim,la_y_dim) { // determine scale factor so divs max out (as in, filling in the page) based la_y_dim height, var num_of_rows_allowed = 1; var scale_to_height = la_y_dim; // optimized version of true calcuation, la_y_dim / num_of_rows_allowed; //var div_width = complete_width_100 * (div_height/100) var num_flag_bins = aspectRatios.length; while (!scaledDivsFitInPage(aspectRatios,scale_to_height,num_of_rows_allowed,la_x_dim)) { num_of_rows_allowed++; if (num_of_rows_allowed>num_flag_bins) { // needing more rows than there are flag bins is an indication that things // just don't fit, and so will need to use a scroll bar. // Exiting at this point will naturally achieve this break; } scale_to_height = la_y_dim/num_of_rows_allowed; // if get to here, then need } console.log("**** num_of_rows = " + num_of_rows_allowed + ", scale to height = " + scale_to_height); return scale_to_height; } $(function() { $.getJSON( "../similarity-2d/flag-aspect-ratios-json.jsp", function(data) { aspectRatios = data; //var scale_to_y_dim = 130; // express scale_to_y_dim to use relative to height of window var window_height = $(window).height(); var div_top = $('#aspect-ratio-div').offset().top + 20; var la_y_dim = (div_top>0) ? window_height - div_top : window_height * 0.6; var la_x_dim = $(window).width() * 0.7; //var scale_to_y_dim = la_y_dim/4; //console.log("*** scale to y dim = " + la_y_dim); //alert("scale_to_y_dim = " + scale_to_y_dim); aspectMaxRatio = calcMaxRatio(aspectRatios); //var complete_width_100 = calcCompleteWidth(aspectRatios,100); // as if every aspect ratio bin is scaled to 100 pixels high scale_to_y_dim = calcScaleToHeight(aspectRatios,la_x_dim,la_y_dim); var items = []; $.each(data, function(key, ratio_table) { var freq = ratio_table.freq; var ratio_array = key.split(":"); var ratio_x = ratio_array[0]; var ratio_y = ratio_array[1]; var ratio = ratio_y / ratio_x; var ratioScale = aspectMaxRatio/ratio; var x_dim = Math.round(scale_to_y_dim * ratioScale); var y_dim = scale_to_y_dim; var innertext = "
"+freq + " countries, " + key + "
"; var flags = []; var nz_prioritized_flags = ratio_table.flags.sort(); // Promote NZ flag to start of array, but otherwise keep sorted var p = nz_prioritized_flags.length-1; var found_nz = false; while (p>0) { var curr; var curr_title; if (!found_nz) { curr = ratio_table.flags[p]; curr_title = curr.replace(/^.*\//,"").replace(/\.(.*?)$/,""); } if (curr_title == "nz") { found_nz = true; // swap with adjacent cell var tmp_m1 = nz_prioritized_flags[p-1]; nz_prioritized_flags[p-1] = curr; nz_prioritized_flags[p] = tmp_m1; } p--; } $.each(nz_prioritized_flags, function(index, flag_filename) { var title = flag_filename.replace(/^.*\//,"").replace(/\.(.*?)$/,""); flags.push(""); }); innertext += flags.join(""); var ratio_id = "ratio-" + key.replace(":","_"); if (found_nz) { currentRatio = ratio_id; } var id = " id='" + ratio_id + "'"; var style = "style='width:" + x_dim + "px; height:" + y_dim + "px;"; if (found_nz) { style += "border-color:white; border-width:4px;" } style += " overflow-y:scroll;"; style += "'"; var onclick = " onclick='updateCanvasDimensions("+ratio_y + "," + ratio_x + ")'"; items.push( "
"+ innertext + "
" ); }); $('#aspect-ratio-div').append("
"); // now change the flag tooltip labels into their country names $.getJSON( "../similarity-2d/iso-3166-keyed-by-alpha-2-countrycodes.json", function(data) { $.each( data, function( iso2_key, country_name ) { var $img = $('#aspect-ratio-'+iso2_key.toLowerCase()); var title = $img.attr("title") + ": " + country_name; $img.attr("title",title); } ) }); }); }); $(window).resize(function() { console.log("choose-canvas resize()"); //console.log("*** aspect ratio div position top = " + $('#aspect-ratio-div').position().top); var window_height = $(window).height(); var div_top = $('#aspect-ratio-div').offset().top + 20; //var top = 0; var la_y_dim = window_height - div_top; var la_x_dim = $(window).width() * 0.7; var scale_to_y_dim = calcScaleToHeight(aspectRatios,la_x_dim,la_y_dim); // (top==0) ? la_y_dim/4 : la_y_dim/2.8; //console.log("*** scale to y dim = " + la_y_dim); $.each(aspectRatios, function(key, ratio_table) { var freq = ratio_table.freq; var ratio_array = key.split(":"); var ratio_x = ratio_array[0]; var ratio_y = ratio_array[1]; var ratio = ratio_y / ratio_x; var ratioScale = aspectMaxRatio/ratio; var x_dim = Math.round(scale_to_y_dim * ratioScale); var y_dim = scale_to_y_dim; var ratio_id = "ratio-" + key.replace(":","_"); //console.log("*** ratio_id = " + ratio_id + " xdim = " + x_dim + ", ydim = " + y_dim); $('#'+ratio_id).css("width",x_dim + "px"); $('#'+ratio_id).css("height",y_dim + "px"); }); }); function updateCanvasDimensions(height, width) { // Show feedback by highlighting the chosen square document.getElementById(currentRatio).style.borderColor = 'black'; document.getElementById(currentRatio).style.borderWidth = '1px'; currentRatio = "ratio-" + width + "_" + height; document.getElementById(currentRatio).style.borderColor = 'white'; document.getElementById(currentRatio).style.borderWidth = '4px'; // Changing the value of sizeConstant will change the // size of the svg canvas without affecting the // width/height ratios var sizeConstant = 400; var h = sizeConstant; var w = (sizeConstant / height) * width; if (typeof flagCanvasSettings !== 'undefined') { flagCanvasSettings.width = w; flagCanvasSettings.height = h; } }