/** * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/ */ THREE.ShadowMapPlugin = function () { var _gl, _renderer, _depthMaterial, _depthMaterialMorph, _depthMaterialSkin, _depthMaterialMorphSkin, _frustum = new THREE.Frustum(), _projScreenMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(), _min = new THREE.Vector3(), _max = new THREE.Vector3(), _matrixPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); this.init = function ( renderer ) { _gl = renderer.context; _renderer = renderer; var depthShader = THREE.ShaderLib[ "depthRGBA" ]; var depthUniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( depthShader.uniforms ); _depthMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader, uniforms: depthUniforms } ); _depthMaterialMorph = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader, uniforms: depthUniforms, morphTargets: true } ); _depthMaterialSkin = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader, uniforms: depthUniforms, skinning: true } ); _depthMaterialMorphSkin = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader, uniforms: depthUniforms, morphTargets: true, skinning: true } ); _depthMaterial._shadowPass = true; _depthMaterialMorph._shadowPass = true; _depthMaterialSkin._shadowPass = true; _depthMaterialMorphSkin._shadowPass = true; }; this.render = function ( scene, camera ) { if ( ! ( _renderer.shadowMapEnabled && _renderer.shadowMapAutoUpdate ) ) return; this.update( scene, camera ); }; this.update = function ( scene, camera ) { var i, il, j, jl, n, shadowMap, shadowMatrix, shadowCamera, program, buffer, material, webglObject, object, light, renderList, lights = [], k = 0, fog = null; // set GL state for depth map _gl.clearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); _gl.disable( _gl.BLEND ); _gl.enable( _gl.CULL_FACE ); _gl.frontFace( _gl.CCW ); if ( _renderer.shadowMapCullFace === THREE.CullFaceFront ) { _gl.cullFace( _gl.FRONT ); } else { _gl.cullFace( _gl.BACK ); } _renderer.setDepthTest( true ); // preprocess lights // - skip lights that are not casting shadows // - create virtual lights for cascaded shadow maps for ( i = 0, il = scene.__lights.length; i < il; i ++ ) { light = scene.__lights[ i ]; if ( ! light.castShadow ) continue; if ( ( light instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) && light.shadowCascade ) { for ( n = 0; n < light.shadowCascadeCount; n ++ ) { var virtualLight; if ( ! light.shadowCascadeArray[ n ] ) { virtualLight = createVirtualLight( light, n ); virtualLight.originalCamera = camera; var gyro = new THREE.Gyroscope(); gyro.position = light.shadowCascadeOffset; gyro.add( virtualLight ); gyro.add( virtualLight.target ); camera.add( gyro ); light.shadowCascadeArray[ n ] = virtualLight; console.log( "Created virtualLight", virtualLight ); } else { virtualLight = light.shadowCascadeArray[ n ]; } updateVirtualLight( light, n ); lights[ k ] = virtualLight; k ++; } } else { lights[ k ] = light; k ++; } } // render depth map for ( i = 0, il = lights.length; i < il; i ++ ) { light = lights[ i ]; if ( ! light.shadowMap ) { var shadowFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; if ( _renderer.shadowMapType === THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap ) { shadowFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; } var pars = { minFilter: shadowFilter, magFilter: shadowFilter, format: THREE.RGBAFormat }; light.shadowMap = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( light.shadowMapWidth, light.shadowMapHeight, pars ); light.shadowMapSize = new THREE.Vector2( light.shadowMapWidth, light.shadowMapHeight ); light.shadowMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); } if ( ! light.shadowCamera ) { if ( light instanceof THREE.SpotLight ) { light.shadowCamera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( light.shadowCameraFov, light.shadowMapWidth / light.shadowMapHeight, light.shadowCameraNear, light.shadowCameraFar ); } else if ( light instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) { light.shadowCamera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( light.shadowCameraLeft, light.shadowCameraRight, light.shadowCameraTop, light.shadowCameraBottom, light.shadowCameraNear, light.shadowCameraFar ); } else { console.error( "Unsupported light type for shadow" ); continue; } scene.add( light.shadowCamera ); if ( scene.autoUpdate === true ) scene.updateMatrixWorld(); } if ( light.shadowCameraVisible && ! light.cameraHelper ) { light.cameraHelper = new THREE.CameraHelper( light.shadowCamera ); light.shadowCamera.add( light.cameraHelper ); } if ( light.isVirtual && virtualLight.originalCamera == camera ) { updateShadowCamera( camera, light ); } shadowMap = light.shadowMap; shadowMatrix = light.shadowMatrix; shadowCamera = light.shadowCamera; shadowCamera.position.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld ); _matrixPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld ); shadowCamera.lookAt( _matrixPosition ); shadowCamera.updateMatrixWorld(); shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( shadowCamera.matrixWorld ); if ( light.cameraHelper ) light.cameraHelper.visible = light.shadowCameraVisible; if ( light.shadowCameraVisible ) light.cameraHelper.update(); // compute shadow matrix shadowMatrix.set( 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); shadowMatrix.multiply( shadowCamera.projectionMatrix ); shadowMatrix.multiply( shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse ); // update camera matrices and frustum _projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( shadowCamera.projectionMatrix, shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse ); _frustum.setFromMatrix( _projScreenMatrix ); // render shadow map _renderer.setRenderTarget( shadowMap ); _renderer.clear(); // set object matrices & frustum culling renderList = scene.__webglObjects; for ( j = 0, jl = renderList.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { webglObject = renderList[ j ]; object = webglObject.object; webglObject.render = false; if ( object.visible && object.castShadow ) { if ( ! ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh || object instanceof THREE.ParticleSystem ) || ! ( object.frustumCulled ) || _frustum.intersectsObject( object ) ) { object._modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse, object.matrixWorld ); webglObject.render = true; } } } // render regular objects var objectMaterial, useMorphing, useSkinning; for ( j = 0, jl = renderList.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { webglObject = renderList[ j ]; if ( webglObject.render ) { object = webglObject.object; buffer = webglObject.buffer; // culling is overriden globally for all objects // while rendering depth map // need to deal with MeshFaceMaterial somehow // in that case just use the first of material.materials for now // (proper solution would require to break objects by materials // similarly to regular rendering and then set corresponding // depth materials per each chunk instead of just once per object) objectMaterial = getObjectMaterial( object ); useMorphing = object.geometry.morphTargets.length > 0 && objectMaterial.morphTargets; useSkinning = object instanceof THREE.SkinnedMesh && objectMaterial.skinning; if ( object.customDepthMaterial ) { material = object.customDepthMaterial; } else if ( useSkinning ) { material = useMorphing ? _depthMaterialMorphSkin : _depthMaterialSkin; } else if ( useMorphing ) { material = _depthMaterialMorph; } else { material = _depthMaterial; } if ( buffer instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) { _renderer.renderBufferDirect( shadowCamera, scene.__lights, fog, material, buffer, object ); } else { _renderer.renderBuffer( shadowCamera, scene.__lights, fog, material, buffer, object ); } } } // set matrices and render immediate objects renderList = scene.__webglObjectsImmediate; for ( j = 0, jl = renderList.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { webglObject = renderList[ j ]; object = webglObject.object; if ( object.visible && object.castShadow ) { object._modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse, object.matrixWorld ); _renderer.renderImmediateObject( shadowCamera, scene.__lights, fog, _depthMaterial, object ); } } } // restore GL state var clearColor = _renderer.getClearColor(), clearAlpha = _renderer.getClearAlpha(); _gl.clearColor( clearColor.r, clearColor.g, clearColor.b, clearAlpha ); _gl.enable( _gl.BLEND ); if ( _renderer.shadowMapCullFace === THREE.CullFaceFront ) { _gl.cullFace( _gl.BACK ); } }; function createVirtualLight( light, cascade ) { var virtualLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(); virtualLight.isVirtual = true; virtualLight.onlyShadow = true; virtualLight.castShadow = true; virtualLight.shadowCameraNear = light.shadowCameraNear; virtualLight.shadowCameraFar = light.shadowCameraFar; virtualLight.shadowCameraLeft = light.shadowCameraLeft; virtualLight.shadowCameraRight = light.shadowCameraRight; virtualLight.shadowCameraBottom = light.shadowCameraBottom; virtualLight.shadowCameraTop = light.shadowCameraTop; virtualLight.shadowCameraVisible = light.shadowCameraVisible; virtualLight.shadowDarkness = light.shadowDarkness; virtualLight.shadowBias = light.shadowCascadeBias[ cascade ]; virtualLight.shadowMapWidth = light.shadowCascadeWidth[ cascade ]; virtualLight.shadowMapHeight = light.shadowCascadeHeight[ cascade ]; virtualLight.pointsWorld = []; virtualLight.pointsFrustum = []; var pointsWorld = virtualLight.pointsWorld, pointsFrustum = virtualLight.pointsFrustum; for ( var i = 0; i < 8; i ++ ) { pointsWorld[ i ] = new THREE.Vector3(); pointsFrustum[ i ] = new THREE.Vector3(); } var nearZ = light.shadowCascadeNearZ[ cascade ]; var farZ = light.shadowCascadeFarZ[ cascade ]; pointsFrustum[ 0 ].set( -1, -1, nearZ ); pointsFrustum[ 1 ].set( 1, -1, nearZ ); pointsFrustum[ 2 ].set( -1, 1, nearZ ); pointsFrustum[ 3 ].set( 1, 1, nearZ ); pointsFrustum[ 4 ].set( -1, -1, farZ ); pointsFrustum[ 5 ].set( 1, -1, farZ ); pointsFrustum[ 6 ].set( -1, 1, farZ ); pointsFrustum[ 7 ].set( 1, 1, farZ ); return virtualLight; } // Synchronize virtual light with the original light function updateVirtualLight( light, cascade ) { var virtualLight = light.shadowCascadeArray[ cascade ]; virtualLight.position.copy( light.position ); virtualLight.target.position.copy( light.target.position ); virtualLight.lookAt( virtualLight.target ); virtualLight.shadowCameraVisible = light.shadowCameraVisible; virtualLight.shadowDarkness = light.shadowDarkness; virtualLight.shadowBias = light.shadowCascadeBias[ cascade ]; var nearZ = light.shadowCascadeNearZ[ cascade ]; var farZ = light.shadowCascadeFarZ[ cascade ]; var pointsFrustum = virtualLight.pointsFrustum; pointsFrustum[ 0 ].z = nearZ; pointsFrustum[ 1 ].z = nearZ; pointsFrustum[ 2 ].z = nearZ; pointsFrustum[ 3 ].z = nearZ; pointsFrustum[ 4 ].z = farZ; pointsFrustum[ 5 ].z = farZ; pointsFrustum[ 6 ].z = farZ; pointsFrustum[ 7 ].z = farZ; } // Fit shadow camera's ortho frustum to camera frustum function updateShadowCamera( camera, light ) { var shadowCamera = light.shadowCamera, pointsFrustum = light.pointsFrustum, pointsWorld = light.pointsWorld; _min.set( Infinity, Infinity, Infinity ); _max.set( -Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity ); for ( var i = 0; i < 8; i ++ ) { var p = pointsWorld[ i ]; p.copy( pointsFrustum[ i ] ); THREE.ShadowMapPlugin.__projector.unprojectVector( p, camera ); p.applyMatrix4( shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse ); if ( p.x < _min.x ) _min.x = p.x; if ( p.x > _max.x ) _max.x = p.x; if ( p.y < _min.y ) _min.y = p.y; if ( p.y > _max.y ) _max.y = p.y; if ( p.z < _min.z ) _min.z = p.z; if ( p.z > _max.z ) _max.z = p.z; } shadowCamera.left = _min.x; shadowCamera.right = _max.x; shadowCamera.top = _max.y; shadowCamera.bottom = _min.y; // can't really fit near/far //shadowCamera.near = _min.z; //shadowCamera.far = _max.z; shadowCamera.updateProjectionMatrix(); } // For the moment just ignore objects that have multiple materials with different animation methods // Only the first material will be taken into account for deciding which depth material to use for shadow maps function getObjectMaterial( object ) { return object.material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ? object.material.materials[ 0 ] : object.material; }; }; THREE.ShadowMapPlugin.__projector = new THREE.Projector();