TIPPLE README ------------- 1. SVN checkout this URL to somewhere (from now on I will call this "somewhere" the "root" dir): http://svn.greenstone.org/other-projects/tipple-android/ The layout of the folder you checked out is as follows: tipple-lib (main Tipple library) tipple-standalone (main implementation of Tipple that references tipple-lib) osmosis (plugin to create your own 2D map files for Tipple, see PDF file "mapsforge-getting-started.pdf" inside this folder) mixare-fixes (optional fixes for Mixare) i-greenstone-server-files (things for i-greenstone-server) 2. Assuming you have at least Android 2.3.3 SDK installed, import into Eclipse the folders tipple-lib, tipple-standalone 3. Edit setup.sh if necessary in order to put the Android SDK "platform-tools" folder on the classpath, then type into cygwin terminal: source setup.sh 4. Unzip/untar "mixare-development" into the same directory as mixare-fixes.sh, and rename it to "mixare". (Latest repo of Mixare is probably here, in case you do want to work with the latest version: https://github.com/DevBinnooh/mixare) 5. In the root directory of trunk, execute this .sh script in your cygwin terminal by typing: ./mixare-fixes.sh 6. Launch Eclipse, and import: mixare (this requires you to select "mixare/" in the import projects window) mixare-lib (this requires you to select "mixare/plugins" in the import projects window) (If Eclipse complains about one of these projects not having a "res" folder, just create a blank folder called "res" for the project in Eclipse) Within Eclipse, run as "Android Application" the mixare project (not mixare-lib). This will install it onto your phone. Now with that done, the only thing left to do is run as "Android Application" the project: 7. Type into cygwin terminal (with Android device connected with USB): adb install i-greenstone-server-files/i-jetty-3.1-aligned.apk This will install i-greenstone-server on your phone. Then launch the application at least once and wait for it to set itself up. Then do: adb push i-greenstone-server-files/greenstone/webapps/greenstone3/sites/localsite/collect/tipple-universe /sdcard/greenstone/webapps/greenstone3/sites/localsite/collect/tipple-universe (For the sake of being conservative, I have given you my own development files to push over. If you want to start from scratch and compile your own i-greenstone-server and generate your own "latest and greatest" GS3 webapp on it, then I suggest you check out on the Greenstone SVN the extensions "i-greenstone-server" and "android-war", found in the folder "gs3-extensions".) 8. Open i-greenstone-server, and click "Start Greenstone". 9. In Eclipse, run "Tipple" (not "Tipple Library") as an Android application, and hopefully everything works out! (You will see one marker on campus with the i-greenstone-server turned on, and you'll see six markers with the pre-built hamilton.loc XML file. If you change your GPS location to Whangarei (i.e. with a fake GPS application) you should see more!) If not, immediately shoot me an email at cjb60@students.waikato.ac.nz. Do not hesitate! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------------- - I have included a folder with the Tipple SVN called "osmosis", if you are interested in building your own .map file for Tipple. Because I had issues with the latest version of Osmosis, I put on SVN the version of Osmosis I used + a saved version of the "getting started" webpage as a PDF. You only really need to use the "getting started" PDF in order to find out how to install the Mapsforge plugin for Osmosis. Once you have the Mapsforge plugin installed, go to osmosis/bin and look at the example compile.bat I have created in order to generate your own .map file. - Even if the GPS is turned on and you turn on AR View (Mixare) in Tipple, it may say something like "Connection error occured - please make sure you are connected to internet" or something like that. You just have to keep hitting "Retry" until it works (it will disappear when Mixare gets a GPS location fix). - When you query from i-greenstone-server, all "locations" have the same marker radius, which is actually quite big. This is because originally my articles in the collection "tipple-universe" did not have the "Radius" metadata in them. So if you put a "Radius" metadata in an article, my GreenstoneXMLRetriever.java should map that to "radius", as long as you remove the exact line I used to hardcode the radius. BUGS ---- - i-greenstone-server may randomly stop hosting sometimes. Logcat logs indicate the OS is trying to get rid of it. Or maybe it's a problem I caused. Definitely look into this. - Whenever Tipple removes all the markers and displays new ones (i.e. when your location has changed sufficiently), if you go into one of the new locations and the phone vibrates, you won't see the yellow marker with the '+' symbol telling you you're currently in this location. ------- CONTACT ------- If you are confused about any of this or want more info, do not hesitate to email me at: cjb60@students.waikato.ac.nz