:: $1 should be the collection name :: $2 should be the oai URL :: $3 should be the cache directory :: $4 should be the max records :: $5 should be the OAI metadata prefix :: $6 should be GS3 root :: $7 should be the collection directory :: $8 should be the log file :: %9 should be the creator :: %10 should be the proxy settings DEL %8 cd %6 CALL gs3-setup.bat cd gs2build/ CALL setup.bat cd bin/script/ perl -S mkcol.pl -gs3mode -collectdir %7 %1 :: need to ensure that OAIPLUG is included :: hack the model collection to inclde it echo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 >> %8 if not exist %3 goto else RMDIR /S /Q %3 goto endif :else md %3 :endif echo "Away to download OAI" >> %8 echo %9 SET _MyVariable=%9 SET _MyVariable=###%_MyVariable%### SET _MyVariable=%_MyVariable:"###=% SET _MyVariable=%_MyVariable:###"=% SET _MyVariable=%_MyVariable:###=% perl downloadfrom.pl -download_mode OAI -cache_dir %3 -url %2 -max_records %4 -metadata_prefix %5 %_MyVariable% exit