#!/bin/sh # This script checks the configuration dir=`expr match "$0" '\(.*\)checkConfig.sh'` # if it we did not call ./ change to the directory we called if [ "$dir" != "./" ] ; then if [ "$dir" != "" ] ; then cd "$dir" ; fi fi # Installer requires Java if [ "$JAVA_HOME" = "" ] ; then echo Installer requires Java available from http://java.sun.com echo If you have Java installed you may just need to set the variable JAVA_HOME exit 1; fi # Installer from command line classpath cd installer CLASSPATH=../../../../lib/xercesImpl.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:../../../../lib/xml-apis.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:../../../../lib/ant-installer.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:../../../../antlib/ant.jar COMMAND=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java #echo $COMMAND -classpath $CLASSPATH org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.ExecInstall $1 $COMMAND -classpath $CLASSPATH org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.ConfigurationLoader . if [ $? != 0 ] ; then exit $? ; fi