source: other-projects/trunk/realistic-books/packages/AntInstaller/examples/buildtypes/script-no-xerces/installer/antinstall-config.xml@ 19253

Last change on this file since 19253 was 19253, checked in by davidb, 15 years ago

Establishing a source code repository for Veronica's Realistic Book's software

File size: 6.9 KB
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
2<!DOCTYPE installer PUBLIC "-//tp23 //DTD Ant Installer Config//EN" "">
5 ui="swing,text"
6 verbose="true"
7 debug="false"
8 lookAndFeel="org.tp23.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"
9 antialiased="true"
10 name="Test Installer"
11 windowIcon="/resources/gkmain_inv.png"
12 defaultImageResource="/resources/antbar.png"
13 minJavaVersion="1.4"
14 finishButtonText="Build">
16 <page
17 type="input"
18 name="intro"
19 displayText="Welcome to the new installer program"
20 imageResource="/resources/antbar.png">
21 <comment
22 displayText="This is a title comment"
23 title="true"/>
24 <comment
25 displayText="This is just a bold comment"
26 bold="true"/>
27 <comment
28 displayText="This is just a comment"/>
29 </page>
30 <page
31 type="splash"
32 name="splash"
33 displayText="Example Splash Page"
34 imageResource="/resources/antbar.png"
35 splashResource="/resources/example-splash.png"
36 altText="example text splash"/>
38 <page
39 type="license"
40 name="license"
41 displayText="License conditions"
42 resource="/LICENSE-ant-install.txt"
43 usePaging="true"
44 imageResource="/resources/antbar.png">
45 </page>
46 <page
47 type="input"
48 name="properties.1"
49 displayText="Required install options">
50 <text property="myProperty" defaultValue="blah blah" displayText="Enter a value"/>
51 <checkbox
52 property="isvalue"
53 displayText="Do you want to do this"
54 defaultValue="true"
55 force="false"/>
56 <select
57 property="colour"
58 defaultValue="#FF0000"
59 displayText="Select your favorite colour">
60 <option text="Red" value="#FF0000"/>
61 <option text="Green" value="#00FF00"/>
62 <option text="Blue" value="#0000FF"/>
63 </select>
64 <directory
65 property="installDir"
66 defaultValue="/usr/local/demoapp"
67 defaultValueWin="${env.ProgramFiles}\demoapp"
68 displayText="Select an installation directory"
69 create="true"
70 checkExists="true"/>
71 <file
72 property="webxml"
73 defaultValue="/usr/tomcat/webapps/default/WEB-INF/web.xml"
74 defaultValueWin="C:\tomcat\webapps\default\WEB-INF\web.xml"
75 displayText="Select the web.xml file"
76 checkExists="false"/>
77 </page>
78 <page
79 type="input"
80 name="selector"
81 displayText="Select components to install"
82 imageResource="/resources/antbar.png">
83 <comment
84 displayText="Choose the components you want to install"
85 bold="true"/>
86 <target
87 displayText="Core components"
88 target="default"
89 defaultValue="true"
90 force="true"/>
91 <target
92 displayText="Source code"
93 target="tgsrc"
94 defaultValue="true"
95 force="false"/>
96 <validated
97 property="validatedtext"
98 displayText="Validated Text Input"
99 defaultValue="23/10/2004"
100 regex="^[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$"/>
101 <text
102 property="unvalidatedtext"
103 displayText="Unvalidated User Name"
104 defaultValue="${}"/>
105 <password
106 property="unsafepassword"
107 displayText="Enter a password"
108 defaultValue="pa55word"
109 regex="[0-9a-zA-Z_]{8}"/>
110 <large-select
111 property="lang"
112 defaultValue="uk"
113 displayText="Select your favorite language">
114 <option text="Spanish" value="es"/>
115 <option text="Catalan" value="ca"/>
116 <option text="English" value="uk"/>
117 <option text="French" value="fr"/>
118 <option text="Japanese" value="jp"/>
119 <option text="Persian" value="pe"/>
120 <option text="Urdu" value="ur"/>
121 <option text="Flemish" value="fl"/>
122 <option text="German" value="de"/>
123 <option text="Greek" value="gk"/>
124 <option text="Turkish" value="tk"/>
125 <option text="Slav" value="sv"/>
126 <option text="Euskera" value="ek"/>
127 <option text="Welsh" value="we"/>
128 <option text="Jamaican patoi" value="ra"/>
129 <option text="Mockney" value="??"/>
130 <option text="Giberish" value="¿¿"/>
131 <option text="Love" value="lv"/>
132 <option text="Sign" value=":)"/>
133 <option text="Java" value="jv"/>
134 <option text="C++" value="++"/>
135 <option text="American" value="us"/>
136 </large-select>
137 <target
138 displayText="OS Specific target"
139 osSpecific="true"
140 target="myOsSpecific"
141 defaultValue="true"
142 force="false"/>
143 </page>
144 <page
145 ifProperty="${lang}=lv"
146 type="input"
147 name="Language of Love"
148 displayText="Language of Love">
149 <comment
150 displayText="Aaaarrr, how sweet"
151 bold="true"/>
152 </page>
153 <page
154 ifProperty="${lang}=us"
155 type="input"
156 name="American"
157 displayText="Hey Yankiee">
158 <comment
159 displayText="It totaliser and initialise, with Ss you know, but never mind"
160 bold="true"/>
161 </page>
162 <page
163 ifTarget="tgsrc"
164 type="input"
165 name="properties.2"
166 displayText="Required if Source code selected">
167 <text property="myProperty2" defaultValue="tiddly poop" displayText="Enter a value"/>
168 <select
169 property="colour2"
170 defaultValue="#FF0000"
171 displayText="colour2"
172 explanatoryText="This field can be used on any input field to render further descriptive text
173 This field can be used on any input field to render further descriptive text">
174 <option text="Red" value="#FF0000"/>
175 <option text="Green" value="#00FF00"/>
176 <option text="Blue" value="#0000FF"/>
177 </select>
178 <text property="myProperty3" defaultValue="blah blah" displayText="Enter a value"/>
179 <date property="" dateFormat="dd-MM-yy mm:ss" defaultValue="TODAY" displayText="Enter a date"/>
180 <!-- example disabled since you might not have tomcat installed -->
181 <!--app-root
182 property="tomcat.root"
183 defaultValue="/var"
184 displayText="Select the tomcat root"
185 checkFile1="conf/tomcat-users.xml"
186 checkFile2="conf/server.xml"
187 checkDir1="webapps"
188 checkDir2="conf">
189 </app-root-->
190 </page>
191 <page
192 type="input"
193 name="contrib"
194 displayText="Contributions">
195 <target-select
196 property="colourtarget"
197 defaultValue="tgt1"
198 displayText="Select a target"
199 explanatoryText="only one target available">
200 <option text="target-one" value="tgt1"/>
201 <option text="target-two" value="tgt2"/>
202 <option text="target-three" value="tgt3"/>
203 </target-select>
204 </page>
205 <page
206 type="input"
207 name="envcond"
208 displayText="Environment Conditional"
209 imageResource="/resources/makewavesdawn.png"
210 ifProperty="${env.DISPLAY}=:0.0">
211 <comment
212 displayText="This page only shows if DISPLAY=:0.0"
213 bold="false"/>
214 </page>
215 <page
216 type="input"
217 name="propcond.1"
218 displayText="Blue Conditional"
219 ifProperty="${colourtarget}=#0000FF">
220 <comment
221 displayText="original syntax not permitted"
222 bold="false"/>
223 <comment
224 displayText="colourtarget is Blue"
225 bold="false"/>
226 </page>
227 <page
228 type="input"
229 name="propcond.2"
230 displayText="Red Conditional"
231 ifProperty="${colourtarget}=#FF0000">
232 <comment
233 displayText="preferred syntax"
234 bold="false"/>
235 <comment
236 displayText="This page only shows if colourtarget is RED"
237 bold="false"/>
238 </page>
239 <page
240 type="progress"
241 name="progress"
242 displayText="Installation progress"
243 showTargets="false"
244 target="cleanuptarget">
245 </page>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.