Version number not set. Check that the file '${}' exists and defines property 'version'. Using user-specified value for rk.os: '${rk.os}' Can't work out what to set rk.os to. Please report this to . In the mean time, manually set rk.os to 'windows', 'mac', or 'linux' by reinvoking the release kit with, for example, '-Drk.os=windows' Version (version): ${version} Branch Path (branch.path): ${branch.path} Date (date): ${date} Current Month (current.month): ${current.month} Current Year (current.year): ${current.year} Operating System (rk.os): ${rk.os} Operating System Suffix (os.suffix): ${os.suffix} Calculating the size of some components Compiling Uninstaller this target does not support the current os this target does not support the current os Setting version in common-src/src/lib/gsdlconf.h Setting version in etc/VERSION Setting version in Sneakily changing some log4j stuff Changing date and version in the docs