package org.nzdl.gsdl.GsdlCollageApplet; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import*; /** * * @author Katrina Edgar * @author David Bainbridge * * Main class for the GsdlCollageApplet
* Processes the parameters passed through the Applet
* Builds an appropriate starting url from these parameters
* Creates a storage class for downloaded images
* Starts thread to download images and their associated url
* Starts thread to display downloaded images on the applet screen
*/ public class GsdlCollageApplet extends Applet { /** Amount of error checking output produced
* Ranges from 0 - no output to 3 - maximum output */ protected int verbosity_ = 0; /** Indicates whether java2 functionality should be used
* If true will allow advanced image processing techniques to occur, * such as fading and colouring using pixel manipulation
* If false, images will maintain an alpha value of 1 (appear solid), * newer images will simply be pasted on top of existing images
*/ protected boolean isJava2_ = true; /** Number of nested links to follow When used with greenstone, * controls to which level of the document links will be followed For * example a maximum depth of 1 will mean only the top page of a * document will be examined, while a depth of 2 will include sections * within this document, 3 includes sections within sections, and so * on */ protected int maxDepth_ = 3; /** Maximum number of images to display on the canvas */ protected int maxDisplay_ = 25; /** Maximum number of downloaded images to store
Prevents applet * from using excessive amounts of bandwidth by downloading too many * images simulataneously*/ protected int maxDownloads_ = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** Types of images permitted in the collage, for example gif, jpg, * png... */ protected String imageType_ = ".jpg%.png"; /** Caption of the collage */ protected String caption_ = ""; /** Background color of applet screen */ protected Color bgcolor_ = new Color(150, 193, 155); /** Time lapse between repainting of the applet */ protected int refreshDelay_ = 2000; /** Stores an image and url pair and provides associated methods */ protected DownloadImages download_images_ = null; /** Downloads images from a starting url, recursively follows nested * links */ protected DownloadUrls download_thread_ = null; /** Image processing and placement on applet screen */ protected DisplayImages display_thread_ = null; /** Gets verbosity */ public int verbosity() { return verbosity_; } /** Gets maximum depth for nested links */ public int maxDepth() { return maxDepth_; } /** Gets maximum number of images to display */ public int maxDisplay() { return maxDisplay_;} /** Gets maximum number of images to store during downloading */ public int maxDownloads() { return maxDownloads_; } /** Gets the refresh delay used between repaint */ public int refreshDelay() { return refreshDelay_; } /** Gets parameters from the applet code and stores locally. * Forms a starting url for image retrieval to begin from. * The starting url is formed either by: * * Using the image_url parameter as provided, which is assumed to * be a complete url * * If this parameter does not exist, the assumption is that the * collage is being incorporated with the Greenstone Digital Library * Software. The starting url is formed by concatenating * the gwcgi, collection and classifier parameters as provided. * Then starts downloading and displaying images */ Thread paint ; public void init() { if (verbosity_ >= 4) { System.err.println("Attempting to retrieve parameters..."); } // gets the parameters specified String verbosity_param = getParameter("verbosity"); String is_java2_param = getParameter("isJava2"); String max_depth_param = getParameter("maxDepth"); String max_downloads_param = getParameter("maxDownloads"); String max_display_param = getParameter("maxDisplay"); String refresh_delay_param = getParameter("refreshDelay"); String image_type_param = getParameter("imageType"); String bgcolor_param = getParameter("bgcolor"); String caption_param = getParameter("caption"); String document_root = getParameter("documentroot"); String gwcgi = getParameter("gwcgi"); // Check it isn't null if ((verbosity_param!=null) && (!verbosity_param.startsWith("_"))) { verbosity_ = Integer.parseInt(verbosity_param); } else { verbosity_ = 1; } if (verbosity_ >= 4) { System.err.println("Got parameters."); } if (caption_param != null && !caption_param.startsWith("_")) { caption_ = caption_param; } else { if (verbosity_ >= 4) { System.err.println("No Caption: setting to a space."); } caption_ = " "; } if ((bgcolor_param != null) && (!bgcolor_param.startsWith("_"))) { if (bgcolor_param.startsWith("#")) { bgcolor_ = Color.decode(bgcolor_param); } else { String [] c = bgcolor_param.split(","); if (c.length == 3) bgcolor_ = new Color(Integer.parseInt(c[0]), Integer.parseInt(c[1]), Integer.parseInt(c[2])); } if (verbosity_ >= 4){ System.err.println("Set BG to be " + bgcolor_.toString()); } } else { if (verbosity_ >= 4) { System.err.println("No BG: setting to NZDL green."); } bgcolor_ = new Color(150, 193, 155); } if ((image_type_param != null) && (!image_type_param.startsWith("_"))) { imageType_ = image_type_param; } if ((is_java2_param == null) || (is_java2_param.equals("auto")) || (is_java2_param.startsWith("_"))) { String version = System.getProperty("java.version"); version = version.substring(0, version.lastIndexOf(".")); System.err.println("VERSION: " + version); float ver = (new Float(version)).floatValue(); isJava2_ = (ver >= 1.2) ? true : false; } else { isJava2_ = (is_java2_param.equals("true")) ? true : false; } if ((max_depth_param != null) && (!max_depth_param.startsWith("_"))) { // System.err.println("maxDepth = " + max_depth_param); maxDepth_ = Integer.parseInt(max_depth_param); } if ((max_downloads_param!=null) && (!max_downloads_param.startsWith("_"))) { maxDownloads_ = Integer.parseInt(max_downloads_param); System.out.println(" maxDownloads " + maxDownloads_ ); maxDownloads_=50; } if ((max_display_param!=null) && (!max_display_param.startsWith("_"))) { maxDisplay_ = Integer.parseInt(max_display_param); } if ((refresh_delay_param!=null) && (!refresh_delay_param.startsWith("_"))) { refreshDelay_ = Integer.parseInt(refresh_delay_param); } if (document_root !=null){ document_root = document_root.substring(1); if (document_root.indexOf("/") > 0 ){ document_root = document_root.substring(0, document_root.indexOf("/")); } else{ document_root = gwcgi; } } String image_url = getParameter("imageURL"); String image_ignore = getParameter("imageIgnorePrefix"); String href_musthave = getParameter("hrefMustHave"); String image_mustnothave = getParameter("imageMustNotHave"); // builds starting url when incorporated with Greenstone if (image_url==null) { String gwcgi_param = getParameter("gwcgi"); gwcgi_param = tidy_URL(gwcgi_param, true); String collection_param = getParameter("collection"); String classifier_param = getParameter("classifier"); image_url = gwcgi_param + "a=d"; image_url += "&c=" + collection_param; image_url += "&cl=" + classifier_param; } MediaTracker trk = new MediaTracker(this); // creates a class to store the image and it's associated url download_images_ = new DownloadImages( this, verbosity_,isJava2_ ); // starts the download image thread with the starting url download_thread_ = new DownloadUrls(this, download_images_, image_url, href_musthave, image_mustnothave, image_ignore, imageType_,document_root,verbosity_,trk); // starts the display image thread with the currently downloaded images display_thread_ = new DisplayImages(this, download_images_,isJava2_, bgcolor_); } /** Goes to the url associated with the image that is clicked on screen
* Displays the url containing the image in a new window */ public boolean mouseDown(Event event, int x, int y) { // determines which image was clicked on CollageImage cimage = display_thread_.clickedOnImage(x,y); // if they were clicking on an image (as opposed to background) if (cimage != null) { System.err.println("Click on image: from url = " + cimage.from_url_); try { // displays the associated url in a new window URL from_url = null; java.util.regex.Pattern p = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("cl=CL\\d(\\.\\d)*\\s"); java.util.regex.Matcher m = p.matcher(cimage.from_url_.trim()+" "); if (m.find() ){ from_url = cimage.url_; } else{ from_url = new URL(cimage.from_url_ + "#" + cimage.name_); } getAppletContext().showDocument(from_url,"gsdlDoc"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return true; } /** Start threads for downloading and displaying images */ public void start() { download_thread_.start(); display_thread_.start(); paint = new Thread(new Runnable(){ public void run() { try { Thread curr_thread = Thread.currentThread(); while (curr_thread == paint) { repaint(); Thread.sleep(2000); curr_thread = Thread.currentThread(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } }); paint.start(); } /** Stops threads for downloading and displaying images */ public void stop() { download_thread_.stop(); display_thread_.stop(); download_thread_ = null; display_thread_ = null; } /** Destroys threads for downloading and displaying images */ public void destroyed() { download_thread_ = null; display_thread_ = null; } /** Repaints the applet */ public void update(Graphics g) { // System.err.println("Update called"); paint(g); } /** Repaints the applet using the paint method of the thread that is * currently displaying images */ public void paint(Graphics g) { if (display_thread_!=null) { //display_thread_.display_collage(); display_thread_.paint(g); } else { System.err.println("Applet still trying to paint!!"); } } /** Ensures a URL address (as string) has a protocol, host, and file. * * If the URL is a CGI script URL, it should be tidied up so that it is * appropriate to tage attrib=value pairs on the end. This means it * must either end with a "?" or (if it contains a question-mark * internally) end with a "&". */ String tidy_URL(String address, boolean isCGI) { // System.err.println("tidy URL: " + address); // make sure the URL has protocol, host, and file if (address.startsWith("http")) { // the address has all the necessary components } else if (address.startsWith("/")) { // there is not protocol and host URL document = getDocumentBase(); String port = ""; if (document.getPort()!=-1) { port = ":" + document.getPort(); } address = "http://" + document.getHost() + port + address; } else { // this URL is relative to the directory the document is in URL document = getDocumentBase(); String directory = document.getFile(); int end = directory.lastIndexOf('/'); String port = ""; if (document.getPort()!=-1) { port = ":" + document.getPort(); } directory = directory.substring(0,end + 1); address = "http://" + document.getHost() + port + directory + address; } // if the URL is a cgi script, make sure it has a "?" in ti, // and that it ends with a "?" or "&" if (isCGI) { if (address.indexOf((int) '?') == -1) { address = address + "?"; } else if (!address.endsWith("?")) { address = address + "&"; } } return address; } }