package org.greenstone.gatherer.collection; /** *######################################################################### * * A component of the Gatherer application, part of the Greenstone digital * library suite from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the * University of Waikato, New Zealand. * *

* * Author: John Thompson, Greenstone Digital Library, University of Waikato * *

* * Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project * *

* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * *

* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * *

* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *######################################################################## */ import*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import org.greenstone.gatherer.Gatherer; import org.greenstone.gatherer.Message; import org.greenstone.gatherer.collection.Collection; import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.GUIManager; import org.greenstone.gatherer.undo.UndoManager; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.Utility; /** The actually saving of a collection must run in a thread other than the AWTEvent thread, or else the save progress box will never get updated. To that end this class provides a threaded save method, which saves the various parts of the collection to the appropriate disk location. * @author John Thompson, Greenstone Digital Library, University of Waikato * @version 2.3 */ public class SaveCollectionTask extends Thread { private boolean close_after = false; /** Should we exit the Gatherer once this save is complete. */ private boolean exit_after = false; /** Do we run the import scripts once this save is complete. */ private boolean import_after = false; /** The current collection. */ private Collection collection = null; /** The filename of the collection we are saving. */ private String name = null; static final private int CLOSE_COLLECTION = 0; static final private int COLLECTION_COPIED = 1; static final private int COLLECTION_SAVED = 2; static final private int COLLECTION_CFG_SAVED = 3; static final private int COPY_COLLECTION = 4; static final private int MAKE_COLLECTION = 5; static final private int METADATA_SAVED = 6; static final private int METADATA_XML_SAVED = 7; static final private int OPEN_COLLECTION = 8; static final private int RESTORE_COLLECTION = 9; /** Constructor. * @param name The filename of the collection we are saving as. */ public SaveCollectionTask(Collection collection) { this.collection = collection; } /** Constructor. * @param exit_after true to cause the Gatherer to exit once save is complete, false otherwise. */ public SaveCollectionTask(Collection collection, boolean close_after, boolean exit_after) { this.close_after = close_after; this.collection = collection; this.exit_after = exit_after; } /** Constructor. * @param name The filename of the collection we are saving as. */ public SaveCollectionTask(Collection collection, String name) { this.collection = collection; = name; } /**

This method, when created in a forked process by start(), performs the actions necessary to save a collection. If this is a regular save it saves the state of the current collection, ensuring all files, metadata files, and configuration files are written to disk. If, instead, this is a "Save As" action then there as several more steps involved:


1. Perform a regular collection save on what we will later refer to as the origin collection.


2. Call CollectionManager.makeCollection() to create the collection structure to save into (copied collection).


3. Copy files from the origin to the copied collections (except special collection files ending with ~).


4. Restore origin collection by undoing file copy actions and removing the ~ from the end of collection files.


5. Close the origin collection.


6. Open the copied collection.


Of course all of this takes a while, and depends on several other bits of code to work properly.

. * @see org.greenstone.gatherer.collection.Collection * @see org.greenstone.gatherer.collection.CollectionModel * @see org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.GUIManager * @see org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.GConfigPane * @see org.greenstone.gatherer.msm.MetadataSetManager * @see org.greenstone.gatherer.util.Utility */ public void run() { // Change cursor to hourglass. Gatherer.g_man.wait(true); // Create progress monitor box. It will display itself as necessary. ProgressMonitor spd = new ProgressMonitor(Gatherer.g_man, Gatherer.dictionary.get("SaveProgressDialog.Title", collection.getName()), null, 0, 100); spd.setMillisToDecideToPopup(100); spd.setMillisToPopup(100); // 0. Force all remaining metadata.xml files to load. // 1. Perform a regular collection save on what we will later refer to as the origin collection. ///ystem.err.println("1. Save origin."); String tmp_loc = Gatherer.c_man.getCollectionFilename(); String args[] = new String[1]; args[0] = collection.getName() + ".col"; try { // Block until all of the metadata files have been read in. collection.gdm.waitUntilComplete(); // Write out the metadata xml files. The destroy below is meant to do this, but never does.; spd.setProgress(getValue(METADATA_XML_SAVED)); File file = new File(tmp_loc); // Create backup if(file.exists()) { File backup = new File(tmp_loc + "~"); backup.deleteOnExit(); if(!file.renameTo(backup)) { Gatherer.println("Error in CollectionManager.load(): FileNotRenamedException"); } } // Carry on.; spd.setProgress(getValue(COLLECTION_SAVED)); // Write out the collection configuration file. Gatherer.g_man.config_pane.saveConfiguration(); spd.setProgress(getValue(COLLECTION_CFG_SAVED)); // Write out the metadata files.; spd.setProgress(getValue(METADATA_SAVED)); // Clean-up spd.setProgress(100); ///atherer.g_man.collectionChanged(Gatherer.c_man.ready()); collection.setSaved(true); } catch (Exception error) { Gatherer.printStackTrace(error); } // Now we check whether we've finished, or is this a Save As action, in which case we've got miles to go. if(name != null) { // 2. Call CollectionManager.makeCollection() to create the collection structure to save into (copied collection). ///ystem.err.println("2. Make copy."); Gatherer.c_man.createCollection(null, null, name, null, null, null); spd.setProgress(getValue(MAKE_COLLECTION)); // 3. Copy files from the origin to the copied collections (except special collection files ending with ~). // As part of this we must rename origin.col to copy.col ///ystem.err.println("3. Copy origin."); ArrayList files = new ArrayList(); File collection_file = new File(Gatherer.c_man.getCollectionFilename()); File copied_dir = new File(Utility.getCollectionDir(Gatherer.config.gsdl_path) + name); files.add(collection_file.getParentFile()); while(files.size() > 0) { File file = (File) files.get(0); files.remove(0); if(file.isDirectory()) { File children[] = file.listFiles(); for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { files.add(children[i]); } children = null; } else { // Rename origin.col file. if(file.equals(collection_file)) { File copied_file = new File(copied_dir, name + ".col"); copy(collection_file, copied_file); copied_file = null; } // Exclude *~ files from certain locations and lock.tmp file. else if(!file.getName().endsWith("~") && !file.getName().equals(CollectionManager.LOCK_FILE)) { StringTokenizer origin = new StringTokenizer(file.getAbsolutePath(), File.separator); StringTokenizer destin = new StringTokenizer(copied_dir.getAbsolutePath(), File.separator); while(destin.hasMoreTokens()) { origin.nextToken(); destin.nextToken(); } File copied_file = new File(copied_dir.getAbsolutePath()); while(origin.hasMoreTokens()) { copied_file = new File(copied_file, origin.nextToken()); } copy(file, copied_file); copied_file = null; origin = null; destin = null; } } file = null; } spd.setProgress(getValue(COPY_COLLECTION)); // 4. Restore origin collection by undoing file copy actions and removing the ~ from the end of collection files. ///ystem.err.println("4. Restore origin."); Gatherer.c_man.undo.undoAll(); ///ystem.err.println(" - UndoAll complete."); // Recurse collection tree restoring *~ files.clear(); // Should be empty anyway. files.add(collection_file.getParentFile()); while(files.size() > 0) { File file = (File) files.get(0); files.remove(0); if(file.isDirectory()) { File children[] = file.listFiles(); for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { files.add(children[i]); } children = null; } else if(file.getName().endsWith("~")) { String filename = file.getAbsolutePath(); File original_file = new File(filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 1)); ///ystem.err.println("Renaming " + filename); if(!file.renameTo(original_file)) { Gatherer.println("Error in FileRenameException"); } } } ///ystem.err.println(" - Restore *~ complete."); spd.setProgress(getValue(RESTORE_COLLECTION)); // 5. Close the origin collection. ///ystem.err.println("5. Close origin."); collection.setSaved(true); Gatherer.c_man.closeCollection(); spd.setProgress(getValue(CLOSE_COLLECTION)); // 6. Open the copied collection. ///ystem.err.println("6. Open copy."); Gatherer.c_man.loadCollection(copied_dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name + ".col"); spd.setProgress(getValue(OPEN_COLLECTION)); copied_dir = null; } spd.close(); spd = null; tmp_loc = null; args = null; // Reset undo queue. if(Gatherer.c_man.ready()) { Gatherer.c_man.undo.clear(); } Gatherer.g_man.wait(false); // Now we are finished action any necessary action. if(import_after) { Gatherer.c_man.importCollection(); } if(close_after) { Gatherer.c_man.closeCollection(); } ///ystem.err.println("Save Complete."); if(exit_after) { Gatherer.self.exit(); } } public void setImportAfter(boolean state) { import_after = true; } private void copy(File source, File destination) { ///ystem.err.println("Copy: " + source.getAbsolutePath()); ///ystem.err.println(" to: " + destination.getAbsolutePath()); try { destination.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileInputStream f_in = new FileInputStream(source); FileOutputStream f_out = new FileOutputStream(destination); byte data[] = new byte[Utility.BUFFER_SIZE]; int data_size = 0; while((data_size =, 0, Utility.BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) { f_out.write(data, 0, data_size); } f_in.close(); f_out.close(); } catch (Exception exception) { Gatherer.printStackTrace(exception); } } private int getValue(int reference) { double multiplier; if(name == null) { multiplier = 1.0; } else { multiplier = 0.25; } switch(reference) { // Standard Save case COLLECTION_SAVED: return (int)((double)70 * multiplier); case COLLECTION_CFG_SAVED: case METADATA_SAVED: case METADATA_XML_SAVED: return (int)((double)10 * multiplier); // Save As case MAKE_COLLECTION: return 5; case COPY_COLLECTION: return 30; case RESTORE_COLLECTION: return 30; case CLOSE_COLLECTION: return 10; case OPEN_COLLECTION: return 10; } return 0; } }