creator maintainer public true beta false indexes section:text section:Title document:text plugin GAPlug plugin HTMLPlug -description_tags -cover_image plugin WordPlug -description_tags plugin ArcPlug plugin RecPlug -use_metadata_files classify Hierarchy -metadata dls.Subject -sort dls.Title -buttonname Subject classify Hierarchy -metadata dls.AZList -hlist_at_top -sort dls.Title -buttonname Title classify Hierarchy -metadata dls.Organization -sort dls.Title -buttonname Organization classify Hierarchy -metadata dls.Keyword -sort dls.Title -buttonname Howto # To build this collection using the List clasifier for the Howto # listing (as shown in the Greenstone Developer's Guide) you should # uncomment the following two lines and comment out the line above # before rebuilding. #classify List -metadata dls.Keyword -buttonname Howto #format CL4VList "
[link][dls.Keyword][/link]" format SearchVList "[link][icon][/link]{If}{[parent(All\': \'):Title],[parent(All\': \'):Title]:}[link][Title][/link]" format VList "[link][icon][/link][highlight]{Or}{[Title],Untitled}[/highlight]{If}{[Date],
" format DocumentText "



[Text]" format DocumentImages true format DocumentButtons "Expand Text|Expand Contents|Detach|Highlight" format DateList "[link][icon][/link][highlight]{Or}{[dls.Title],[dc.Title],[Title],Untitled}[/highlight][Date]" format HList "[link][highlight]{Or}{[dls.Title],[dc.Title],[Title],Untitled}[/highlight][/link]" collectionmeta iconcollectionsmall [l=en] "_httpprefix_/collect/demo/images/en/demosm.gif" collectionmeta iconcollection [l=en] "_httpprefix_/collect/demo/images/en/demo.gif" collectionmeta iconcollectionsmall [l=fr] "_httpprefix_/collect/demo/images/fr/demosm.gif" collectionmeta iconcollection [l=fr] "_httpprefix_/collect/demo/images/fr/demo.gif" collectionmeta iconcollectionsmall [l=es] "_httpprefix_/collect/demo/images/es/demosm.gif" collectionmeta iconcollection [l=es] "_httpprefix_/collect/demo/images/es/demo.gif" collectionmeta iconcollectionsmall [l=ru] "_httpprefix_/collect/demo/images/ru/demosm.gif" collectionmeta iconcollection [l=ru] "_httpprefix_/collect/demo/images/ru/demo.gif" # -- English strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=en] "Greenstone demo" collectionmeta collectionextra [l=en] "This is a demonstration collection for the Greenstone digital library software.\nIt contains a small subset (11 documents) of the Humanitarian and Development Libraries." collectionmeta .section:text [l=en] "chapters" collectionmeta .section:Title [l=en] "section titles" collectionmeta .document:text [l=en] "entire documents" # -- French strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=fr] "Démo Greenstone" collectionmeta collectionextra [l=fr] "Il s\'agit d\'une collection de démonstration pour le logiciel Greenstone. Elle contient seulement un petit échantillon des Bibliothèques humanitaires pour le Développement (11 documents)." collectionmeta .section:text [l=fr] "chapitres" collectionmeta .section:Title [l=fr] "titres des sections" collectionmeta .document:text [l=fr] "documents entiers" # -- Spanish strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=es] "Colección de muestra Greenstone" collectionmeta collectionextra [l=es] "Esta es una colección de demostración del programa Greenstone. Contiene un pequeño subconjunto (11 documentos) de las Bibliotecas Humanitarias para el Desarrollo." collectionmeta .section:text [l=es] "capítulos" collectionmeta .section:Title [l=es] "títulos de las secciones" collectionmeta .document:text [l=es] "documentos enteros" # -- Russian strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=ru] "демонстрационный пример Greenstone" collectionmeta collectionextra [l=ru] "Это - демонстрационная коллекция программного обеспечения цифровой библиотеки Greenstone. Она содержит небольшой поднабор (11 документов) Гуманитарной библиотеки и Библиотеки развития." collectionmeta .section:text [l=ru] "Главы" collectionmeta .section:Title [l=ru] "Названия разделов" collectionmeta .document:text [l=ru] "Полные документы" # -- Armenian strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionextra [l=hy] "Սա Գրինսթոուն թվային գրադարանի ցուցադրական նմուշ է։ Այն պարունակում է հասարակագիտական և զարգացման բնագավառների 11 փաստաթղթերի հավաքածու" collectionmeta .section:text [l=hy] "Բաժիններ" collectionmeta .section:Title [l=hy] "Բաժինների վերնագրեր" collectionmeta .document:text [l=hy] "ողջ փաստաթուղթը" # -- Finnish strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionextra [l=fi] "Tämä on esimerkkikokoelma, joka on tehty Greenstone digitaalisen kirjaston ohjelmistoa varten. Se sisältää osan (11 dokumenttia) Humanitäärisestä kirjastosta ja Kehitystyökirjastosta." collectionmeta .section:text [l=fi] "kappaleita" collectionmeta .section:Title [l=fi] "osien otsakkeita" collectionmeta .document:text [l=fi] "koko dokumentteja"