/* * Copyright (c) 1995-1999, Index Data. * See the file LICENSE for details. * Sebastian Hammer, Adam Dickmeiss * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/08/03 03:11:33 johnmcp * Added the YAZ toolkit source to the packages directory (for z39.50 stuff) * * Revision 1.17 1999/11/30 13:47:12 adam * Improved installation. Moved header files to include/yaz. * * Revision 1.16 1999/10/21 12:06:29 adam * Retrieval module no longer uses ctype.h - functions. * * Revision 1.15 1999/08/27 09:40:32 adam * Renamed logf function to yaz_log. Removed VC++ project files. * * Revision 1.14 1998/10/13 16:09:50 adam * Added support for arbitrary OID's for tagsets, schemas and attribute sets. * Added support for multiple attribute set references and tagset references * from an abstract syntax file. * Fixed many bad logs-calls in routines that read the various * specifications regarding data1 (*.abs,*.att,...) and made the messages * consistent whenever possible. * Added extra 'lineno' argument to function readconf_line. * * Revision 1.13 1998/02/11 11:53:35 adam * Changed code so that it compiles as C++. * * Revision 1.12 1997/11/18 09:51:09 adam * Removed element num_children from data1_node. Minor changes in * data1 to Explain. * * Revision 1.11 1997/09/17 12:10:36 adam * YAZ version 1.4. * * Revision 1.10 1997/09/05 09:50:56 adam * Removed global data1_tabpath - uses data1_get_tabpath() instead. * * Revision 1.9 1996/06/10 08:56:02 quinn * Work on Summary. * * Revision 1.8 1996/05/01 12:45:31 quinn * Support use of local tag names in abs file. * * Revision 1.7 1995/12/13 13:44:31 quinn * Modified Data1-system to use nmem * * Revision 1.6 1995/12/12 16:37:08 quinn * Added destroy element to data1_node. * * Revision 1.5 1995/12/12 14:11:31 quinn * More work on the large-record problem. * * Revision 1.4 1995/12/11 15:22:37 quinn * Added last_child field to the node. * Rewrote schema-mapping. * * Revision 1.3 1995/11/01 16:34:56 quinn * Making data1 look for tables in data1_tabpath * * Revision 1.2 1995/11/01 13:54:46 quinn * Minor adjustments * * Revision 1.1 1995/11/01 11:56:08 quinn * Added Retrieval (data management) functions en masse. * * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include data1_maptab *data1_read_maptab (data1_handle dh, const char *file) { NMEM mem = data1_nmem_get (dh); data1_maptab *res = (data1_maptab *)nmem_malloc(mem, sizeof(*res)); FILE *f; int lineno = 0; int argc; char *argv[50], line[512]; data1_mapunit **mapp; int local_numeric = 0; if (!(f = yaz_path_fopen(data1_get_tabpath(dh), file, "r"))) { yaz_log(LOG_WARN|LOG_ERRNO, "%s", file); return 0; } res->name = 0; res->target_absyn_ref = VAL_NONE; res->map = 0; mapp = &res->map; res->next = 0; while ((argc = readconf_line(f, &lineno, line, 512, argv, 50))) if (!strcmp(argv[0], "targetref")) { if (argc != 2) { yaz_log(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: Bad # args for targetref", file, lineno); continue; } if ((res->target_absyn_ref = oid_getvalbyname(argv[1])) == VAL_NONE) { yaz_log(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: Unknown reference '%s'", file, lineno, argv[1]); continue; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "targetname")) { if (argc != 2) { yaz_log(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: Bad # args for targetname", file, lineno); continue; } res->target_absyn_name = (char *)nmem_malloc(mem, strlen(argv[1])+1); strcpy(res->target_absyn_name, argv[1]); } else if (!yaz_matchstr(argv[0], "localnumeric")) local_numeric = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "name")) { if (argc != 2) { yaz_log(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: Bad # args for name", file, lineno); continue; } res->name = (char *)nmem_malloc(mem, strlen(argv[1])+1); strcpy(res->name, argv[1]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "map")) { data1_maptag **mtp; char *ep, *path = argv[2]; if (argc < 3) { yaz_log(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: Bad # of args for map", file, lineno); continue; } *mapp = (data1_mapunit *)nmem_malloc(mem, sizeof(**mapp)); (*mapp)->next = 0; if (argc > 3 && !data1_matchstr(argv[3], "nodata")) (*mapp)->no_data = 1; else (*mapp)->no_data = 0; (*mapp)->source_element_name = (char *)nmem_malloc(mem, strlen(argv[1])+1); strcpy((*mapp)->source_element_name, argv[1]); mtp = &(*mapp)->target_path; if (*path == '/') path++; for (ep = strchr(path, '/'); path; (void)((path = ep) && (ep = strchr(path, '/')))) { int type, np; char valstr[512], parm[512]; if (ep) ep++; if ((np = sscanf(path, "(%d,%[^)]):%[^/]", &type, valstr, parm)) < 2) { yaz_log(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: Syntax error in map " "directive: %s", file, lineno, argv[2]); fclose(f); return 0; } *mtp = (data1_maptag *)nmem_malloc(mem, sizeof(**mtp)); (*mtp)->next = 0; (*mtp)->type = type; if (np > 2 && !data1_matchstr(parm, "new")) (*mtp)->new_field = 1; else (*mtp)->new_field = 0; if ((type != 3 || local_numeric) && d1_isdigit(*valstr)) { (*mtp)->which = D1_MAPTAG_numeric; (*mtp)->value.numeric = atoi(valstr); } else { (*mtp)->which = D1_MAPTAG_string; (*mtp)->value.string = (char *)nmem_malloc(mem, strlen(valstr)+1); strcpy((*mtp)->value.string, valstr); } mtp = &(*mtp)->next; } mapp = &(*mapp)->next; } else yaz_log(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: Unknown directive '%s'", file, lineno, argv[0]); fclose(f); return res; } /* * Locate node with given elementname. * NOTE: This is stupid - we don't find repeats this way. */ static data1_node *find_node(data1_node *p, char *elementname) { data1_node *c, *r; for (c = p->child; c; c = c->next) if (c->which == DATA1N_tag && c->u.tag.element && !data1_matchstr(c->u.tag.element->name, elementname)) return c; else if ((r = find_node(c, elementname))) return r; return 0; } /* * See if the node n is equivalent to the tag t. */ static int tagmatch(data1_node *n, data1_maptag *t) { if (n->which != DATA1N_tag) return 0; if (n->u.tag.element) { if (n->u.tag.element->tag->tagset) { if (n->u.tag.element->tag->tagset->type != t->type) return 0; } else if (t->type != 3) return 0; if (n->u.tag.element->tag->which == DATA1T_numeric) { if (t->which != D1_MAPTAG_numeric) return 0; if (n->u.tag.element->tag->value.numeric != t->value.numeric) return 0; } else { if (t->which != D1_MAPTAG_string) return 0; if (data1_matchstr(n->u.tag.element->tag->value.string, t->value.string)) return 0; } } else /* local tag */ { char str[10]; if (t->type != 3) return 0; if (t->which == D1_MAPTAG_numeric) sprintf(str, "%d", t->value.numeric); else strcpy(str, t->value.string); if (data1_matchstr(n->u.tag.tag, str)) return 0; } return 1; } static int map_children(data1_handle dh, data1_node *n, data1_maptab *map, data1_node *res, NMEM mem) { data1_node *c; data1_mapunit *m; /* * locate each source element in turn. */ for (c = n->child; c; c = c->next) if (c->which == DATA1N_tag && c->u.tag.element) { for (m = map->map; m; m = m->next) { if (!data1_matchstr(m->source_element_name, c->u.tag.element->name)) { data1_node *pn = res; data1_node *cur = pn->last_child; data1_maptag *mt; /* * process the target path specification. */ for (mt = m->target_path; mt; mt = mt->next) { if (!cur || mt->new_field || !tagmatch(cur, mt)) { cur = data1_mk_node (dh, mem); cur->which = DATA1N_tag; cur->u.tag.element = 0; cur->u.tag.tag = mt->value.string; cur->u.tag.node_selected = 0; cur->parent = pn; cur->root = pn->root; if (!pn->child) pn->child = cur; if (pn->last_child) pn->last_child->next = cur; pn->last_child = cur; } if (mt->next) pn = cur; else if (!m->no_data) { cur->child = c->child; cur->last_child = c->last_child; c->child = 0; c->last_child = 0; } } break; } } if (map_children(dh, c, map, res, mem) < 0) return -1; } return 0; } /* * Create a (possibly lossy) copy of the given record based on the * table. The new copy will refer back to the data of the original record, * which should not be discarded during the lifetime of the copy. */ data1_node *data1_map_record (data1_handle dh, data1_node *n, data1_maptab *map, NMEM m) { data1_node *res = data1_mk_node(dh, m); res->which = DATA1N_root; res->u.root.type = map->target_absyn_name; if (!(res->u.root.absyn = data1_get_absyn(dh, map->target_absyn_name))) { yaz_log(LOG_WARN, "%s: Failed to load target absyn '%s'", map->name, map->target_absyn_name); } res->parent = 0; res->root = res; if (map_children(dh, n, map, res, m) < 0) { data1_free_tree(dh, res); return 0; } return res; }