/* * Copyright (c) 1995-1998, Index Data. * See the file LICENSE for details. * Sebastian Hammer, Adam Dickmeiss * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/08/03 03:12:37 johnmcp * Added the YAZ toolkit source to the packages directory (for z39.50 stuff) * * Revision 1.4 1999/12/21 16:25:20 adam * Fixed handling of default/inherited attributes. * * Revision 1.3 1999/12/20 15:20:13 adam * Implemented ccl_pquery to convert from CCL tree to prefix query. * * Revision 1.2 1999/11/30 13:47:12 adam * Improved installation. Moved header files to include/yaz. * * Revision 1.1 1999/06/08 10:10:16 adam * New sub directory zutil. Moved YAZ Compiler to be part of YAZ tree. * * Revision 1.22 1999/04/20 09:56:49 adam * Added 'name' paramter to encoder/decoder routines (typedef Odr_fun). * Modified all encoders/decoders to reflect this change. * * Revision 1.21 1998/10/13 16:03:37 adam * Better checking for invalid OID's in p_query_rpn. * * Revision 1.20 1998/03/31 15:13:20 adam * Development towards compiled ASN.1. * * Revision 1.19 1998/03/05 08:09:03 adam * Minor change to make C++ happy. * * Revision 1.18 1998/02/11 11:53:36 adam * Changed code so that it compiles as C++. * * Revision 1.17 1997/11/24 11:33:57 adam * Using function odr_nullval() instead of global ODR_NULLVAL when * appropriate. * * Revision 1.16 1997/09/29 13:19:00 adam * Added function, oid_ent_to_oid, to replace the function * oid_getoidbyent, which is not thread safe. * * Revision 1.15 1997/09/29 07:13:43 adam * Changed type of a few variables to avoid warnings. * * Revision 1.14 1997/09/22 12:33:41 adam * Fixed bug introduced by previous commit. * * Revision 1.13 1997/09/17 12:10:42 adam * YAZ version 1.4. * * Revision 1.12 1997/09/01 08:54:13 adam * New windows NT/95 port using MSV5.0. Made prefix query handling * thread safe. The function options ignores empty arguments when met. * * Revision 1.11 1996/11/11 13:15:29 adam * Added proximity operator. * * Revision 1.10 1996/08/12 14:10:35 adam * New function p_query_attset to define default attribute set. * * Revision 1.9 1996/03/15 11:03:46 adam * Attribute set can be set globally for a query with the @attrset * operator. The @attr operator has an optional attribute-set specifier * that sets the attribute set locally. * * Revision 1.8 1996/01/02 11:46:56 quinn * Changed 'operator' to 'roperator' to avoid C++ conflict. * * Revision 1.7 1995/09/29 17:12:36 quinn * Smallish * * Revision 1.6 1995/09/27 15:03:03 quinn * Modified function heads & prototypes. * * Revision 1.5 1995/06/15 12:31:02 quinn * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.4 1995/06/15 07:45:19 quinn * Moving to v3. * * Revision 1.3 1995/06/14 11:06:35 adam * Bug fix: Attributes wasn't interpreted correctly! * * Revision 1.2 1995/05/26 08:56:11 adam * New function: p_query_scan. * * Revision 1.1 1995/05/22 15:31:49 adam * New function, p_query_rpn, to convert from prefix (ascii) to rpn (asn). * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static oid_value p_query_dfset = VAL_NONE; struct lex_info { const char *query_buf; const char *lex_buf; size_t lex_len; int query_look; char *left_sep; char *right_sep; int escape_char; int term_type; }; static Z_RPNStructure *rpn_structure (struct lex_info *li, ODR o, oid_proto, int num_attr, int max_attr, int *attr_list, oid_value *attr_set); static enum oid_value query_oid_getvalbyname (struct lex_info *li) { enum oid_value value; char buf[32]; if (li->lex_len > 31) return VAL_NONE; memcpy (buf, li->lex_buf, li->lex_len); buf[li->lex_len] = '\0'; value = oid_getvalbyname (buf); return value; } static int compare_term (struct lex_info *li, const char *src, size_t off) { size_t len=strlen(src); if (li->lex_len == len+off && !memcmp (li->lex_buf+off, src, len-off)) return 1; return 0; } static int query_token (struct lex_info *li) { const char *sep_match; const char **qptr = &li->query_buf; while (**qptr == ' ') (*qptr)++; if (**qptr == '\0') return 0; li->lex_len = 0; if ((sep_match = strchr (li->left_sep, **qptr))) { int sep_index = sep_match - li->left_sep; ++(*qptr); li->lex_buf = *qptr; while (**qptr && **qptr != li->right_sep[sep_index]) { ++(li->lex_len); ++(*qptr); } if (**qptr) ++(*qptr); } else { li->lex_buf = *qptr; while (**qptr && **qptr != ' ') { ++(li->lex_len); ++(*qptr); } } if (li->lex_len >= 1 && li->lex_buf[0] == li->escape_char) { if (compare_term (li, "and", 1)) return 'a'; if (compare_term (li, "or", 1)) return 'o'; if (compare_term (li, "not", 1)) return 'n'; if (compare_term (li, "attr", 1)) return 'l'; if (compare_term (li, "set", 1)) return 's'; if (compare_term (li, "attrset", 1)) return 'r'; if (compare_term (li, "prox", 1)) return 'p'; if (compare_term (li, "term", 1)) return 'y'; } return 't'; } static int lex (struct lex_info *li) { return li->query_look = query_token (li); } static Z_AttributesPlusTerm *rpn_term (struct lex_info *li, ODR o, oid_proto proto, int num_attr, int *attr_list, oid_value *attr_set) { Z_AttributesPlusTerm *zapt; Odr_oct *term_octet; Z_Term *term; Z_AttributeElement **elements; zapt = (Z_AttributesPlusTerm *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*zapt)); term_octet = (Odr_oct *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*term_octet)); term = (Z_Term *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*term)); if (!num_attr) elements = (Z_AttributeElement**)odr_nullval(); else { int i, k = 0; int *attr_tmp; elements = (Z_AttributeElement**) odr_malloc (o, num_attr * sizeof(*elements)); attr_tmp = (int *)odr_malloc (o, num_attr * 2 * sizeof(int)); memcpy (attr_tmp, attr_list, num_attr * 2 * sizeof(int)); for (i = num_attr; --i >= 0; ) { int j; for (j = i+1; jattributeType = &attr_tmp[2*i]; if (attr_set[i] == VAL_NONE) elements[k]->attributeSet = 0; else { oident attrid; int oid[OID_SIZE]; attrid.proto = PROTO_Z3950; attrid.oclass = CLASS_ATTSET; attrid.value = attr_set[i]; elements[k]->attributeSet = odr_oiddup (o, oid_ent_to_oid (&attrid, oid)); } elements[k]->which = Z_AttributeValue_numeric; elements[k]->value.numeric = &attr_tmp[2*i+1]; k++; } num_attr = k; } #ifdef ASN_COMPILED zapt->attributes = (Z_AttributeList *) odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*zapt->attributes)); zapt->attributes->num_attributes = num_attr; zapt->attributes->attributes = elements; #else zapt->num_attributes = num_attr; zapt->attributeList = elements; #endif zapt->term = term; term->which = Z_Term_general; term->u.general = term_octet; term_octet->buf = (unsigned char *)odr_malloc (o, li->lex_len); term_octet->size = term_octet->len = li->lex_len; memcpy (term_octet->buf, li->lex_buf, li->lex_len); return zapt; } static Z_Operand *rpn_simple (struct lex_info *li, ODR o, oid_proto proto, int num_attr, int *attr_list, oid_value *attr_set) { Z_Operand *zo; zo = (Z_Operand *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*zo)); switch (li->query_look) { case 't': zo->which = Z_Operand_APT; if (!(zo->u.attributesPlusTerm = rpn_term (li, o, proto, num_attr, attr_list, attr_set))) return NULL; lex (li); break; case 's': lex (li); if (!li->query_look) return NULL; zo->which = Z_Operand_resultSetId; zo->u.resultSetId = (char *)odr_malloc (o, li->lex_len+1); memcpy (zo->u.resultSetId, li->lex_buf, li->lex_len); zo->u.resultSetId[li->lex_len] = '\0'; lex (li); break; default: return NULL; } return zo; } static Z_ProximityOperator *rpn_proximity (struct lex_info *li, ODR o) { Z_ProximityOperator *p = (Z_ProximityOperator *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*p)); if (!lex (li)) return NULL; if (*li->lex_buf == '1') { p->exclusion = (int *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*p->exclusion)); *p->exclusion = 1; } else if (*li->lex_buf == '0') { p->exclusion = (int *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*p->exclusion)); *p->exclusion = 0; } else p->exclusion = NULL; if (!lex (li)) return NULL; p->distance = (int *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*p->distance)); *p->distance = atoi (li->lex_buf); if (!lex (li)) return NULL; p->ordered = (int *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*p->ordered)); *p->ordered = atoi (li->lex_buf); if (!lex (li)) return NULL; p->relationType = (int *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*p->relationType)); *p->relationType = atoi (li->lex_buf); if (!lex (li)) return NULL; if (*li->lex_buf == 'k') p->which = 0; else if (*li->lex_buf == 'p') p->which = 1; else p->which = atoi (li->lex_buf); if (!lex (li)) return NULL; #ifdef ASN_COMPILED p->which = Z_ProximityOperator_known; p->u.known = (int *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*p->u.known)); *p->u.known = atoi (li->lex_buf); #else p->proximityUnitCode = (int *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*p->proximityUnitCode)); *p->proximityUnitCode = atoi (li->lex_buf); #endif return p; } static Z_Complex *rpn_complex (struct lex_info *li, ODR o, oid_proto proto, int num_attr, int max_attr, int *attr_list, oid_value *attr_set) { Z_Complex *zc; Z_Operator *zo; zc = (Z_Complex *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*zc)); zo = (Z_Operator *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*zo)); zc->roperator = zo; switch (li->query_look) { case 'a': zo->which = Z_Operator_and; zo->u.and = odr_nullval(); break; case 'o': zo->which = Z_Operator_or; zo->u.and = odr_nullval(); break; case 'n': zo->which = Z_Operator_and_not; zo->u.and = odr_nullval(); break; case 'p': zo->which = Z_Operator_prox; zo->u.prox = rpn_proximity (li, o); if (!zo->u.prox) return NULL; break; default: return NULL; } lex (li); if (!(zc->s1 = rpn_structure (li, o, proto, num_attr, max_attr, attr_list, attr_set))) return NULL; if (!(zc->s2 = rpn_structure (li, o, proto, num_attr, max_attr, attr_list, attr_set))) return NULL; return zc; } static Z_RPNStructure *rpn_structure (struct lex_info *li, ODR o, oid_proto proto, int num_attr, int max_attr, int *attr_list, oid_value *attr_set) { Z_RPNStructure *sz; const char *cp; sz = (Z_RPNStructure *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*sz)); switch (li->query_look) { case 'a': case 'o': case 'n': case 'p': sz->which = Z_RPNStructure_complex; if (!(sz->u.complex = rpn_complex (li, o, proto, num_attr, max_attr, attr_list, attr_set))) return NULL; break; case 't': case 's': sz->which = Z_RPNStructure_simple; if (!(sz->u.simple = rpn_simple (li, o, proto, num_attr, attr_list, attr_set))) return NULL; break; case 'l': lex (li); if (!li->query_look) return NULL; if (num_attr >= max_attr) return NULL; if (!(cp = strchr (li->lex_buf, '=')) || (size_t) (cp-li->lex_buf) > li->lex_len) { attr_set[num_attr] = query_oid_getvalbyname (li); if (attr_set[num_attr] == VAL_NONE) return NULL; lex (li); if (!(cp = strchr (li->lex_buf, '='))) return NULL; } else { if (num_attr > 0) attr_set[num_attr] = attr_set[num_attr-1]; else attr_set[num_attr] = VAL_NONE; } attr_list[2*num_attr] = atoi(li->lex_buf); attr_list[2*num_attr+1] = atoi (cp+1); num_attr++; lex (li); return rpn_structure (li, o, proto, num_attr, max_attr, attr_list, attr_set); case 'y': lex (li); if (!li->query_look) return NULL; if (compare_term (li, "general", 0)) li->term_type = Z_Term_general; else if (compare_term (li, "numeric", 0)) li->term_type = Z_Term_numeric; else if (compare_term (li, "string", 0)) li->term_type = Z_Term_characterString; else if (compare_term (li, "oid", 0)) li->term_type = Z_Term_oid; else if (compare_term (li, "datetime", 0)) li->term_type = Z_Term_dateTime; else if (compare_term (li, "null", 0)) li->term_type = Z_Term_null; lex (li); return rpn_structure (li, o, proto, num_attr, max_attr, attr_list, attr_set); case 0: /* operator/operand expected! */ return NULL; } return sz; } Z_RPNQuery *p_query_rpn_mk (ODR o, struct lex_info *li, oid_proto proto, const char *qbuf) { Z_RPNQuery *zq; int attr_array[1024]; oid_value attr_set[512]; oid_value topSet = VAL_NONE; oident oset; int oid[OID_SIZE]; zq = (Z_RPNQuery *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*zq)); lex (li); if (li->query_look == 'r') { lex (li); topSet = query_oid_getvalbyname (li); if (topSet == VAL_NONE) return NULL; lex (li); } if (topSet == VAL_NONE) topSet = p_query_dfset; if (topSet == VAL_NONE) topSet = VAL_BIB1; oset.proto = proto; oset.oclass = CLASS_ATTSET; oset.value = topSet; if (!oid_ent_to_oid (&oset, oid)) return NULL; zq->attributeSetId = odr_oiddup (o, oid); if (!(zq->RPNStructure = rpn_structure (li, o, proto, 0, 512, attr_array, attr_set))) return NULL; return zq; } Z_RPNQuery *p_query_rpn (ODR o, oid_proto proto, const char *qbuf) { struct lex_info li; li.left_sep = "{\""; li.right_sep = "}\""; li.escape_char = '@'; li.term_type = Z_Term_general; li.query_buf = qbuf; return p_query_rpn_mk (o, &li, proto, qbuf); } Z_AttributesPlusTerm *p_query_scan_mk (struct lex_info *li, ODR o, oid_proto proto, Odr_oid **attributeSetP, const char *qbuf) { int attr_list[1024]; oid_value attr_set[512]; int num_attr = 0; int max_attr = 512; const char *cp; oid_value topSet = VAL_NONE; oident oset; int oid[OID_SIZE]; lex (li); if (li->query_look == 'r') { lex (li); topSet = query_oid_getvalbyname (li); lex (li); } if (topSet == VAL_NONE) topSet = p_query_dfset; if (topSet == VAL_NONE) topSet = VAL_BIB1; oset.proto = proto; oset.oclass = CLASS_ATTSET; oset.value = topSet; *attributeSetP = odr_oiddup (o, oid_ent_to_oid (&oset, oid)); while (li->query_look == 'l') { lex (li); if (!li->query_look) return NULL; if (num_attr >= max_attr) return NULL; if (!(cp = strchr (li->lex_buf, '=')) || (size_t) (cp-li->lex_buf) > li->lex_len) { attr_set[num_attr] = query_oid_getvalbyname (li); lex (li); if (!(cp = strchr (li->lex_buf, '='))) return NULL; } else { if (num_attr > 0) attr_set[num_attr] = attr_set[num_attr-1]; else attr_set[num_attr] = VAL_NONE; } attr_list[2*num_attr] = atoi (li->lex_buf); attr_list[2*num_attr+1] = atoi (cp+1); num_attr++; lex (li); } if (!li->query_look) return NULL; return rpn_term (li, o, proto, num_attr, attr_list, attr_set); } Z_AttributesPlusTerm *p_query_scan (ODR o, oid_proto proto, Odr_oid **attributeSetP, const char *qbuf) { struct lex_info li; li.left_sep = "{\""; li.right_sep = "}\""; li.escape_char = '@'; li.term_type = Z_Term_general; li.query_buf = qbuf; return p_query_scan_mk (&li, o, proto, attributeSetP, qbuf); } int p_query_attset (const char *arg) { p_query_dfset = oid_getvalbyname (arg); return (p_query_dfset == VAL_NONE) ? -1 : 0; }