/********************************************************************** * * librarymain.cpp -- * Copyright (C) 1999 The New Zealand Digital Library Project * * A component of the Greenstone digital library software * from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the * University of Waikato, New Zealand. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *********************************************************************/ #include "receptionist.h" #include "cgiwrapper.h" #include "nullproto.h" // z39.50 stuff - johnmcp #include "z3950proto.h" #include "collectserver.h" #include "filter.h" #include "browsefilter.h" #include "mgqueryfilter.h" #include "mgppqueryfilter.h" #include "infodbclass.h" #include "mggdbmsource.h" #include "mgsearch.h" #include "mgppsearch.h" #include "fileutil.h" #include #include "action.h" #include "statusaction.h" #include "pageaction.h" #include "pingaction.h" #include "queryaction.h" #include "documentaction.h" #include "authenaction.h" #include "usersaction.h" #include "extlinkaction.h" #include "buildaction.h" #include "delhistoryaction.h" #include "browserclass.h" #include "vlistbrowserclass.h" #include "hlistbrowserclass.h" #include "datelistbrowserclass.h" #include "invbrowserclass.h" #include "pagedbrowserclass.h" #include "htmlbrowserclass.h" #include "recptconfig.h" int main () { receptionist recpt; nullproto nproto; z3950proto zproto; text_tarray collections; // get gsdlhome text_t gsdlhome; site_cfg_read (gsdlhome); text_t collectdir = filename_cat (gsdlhome, "collect"); read_dir (collectdir, collections); text_tarray::const_iterator thiscol = collections.begin(); text_tarray::const_iterator endcol = collections.end(); while (thiscol != endcol) { // ignore the modelcol if (*thiscol == "modelcol") { thiscol ++; continue; } // read config file to see if built with mg or mgpp text_t buildtype = "mg"; // mg is default text_tarray cfgline; text_t key; text_t filename = filename_cat(collectdir, *thiscol, "index/build.cfg"); ifstream confin(filename.getcstr()); if (confin) { while (read_cfg_line(confin, cfgline) >= 0) { if (cfgline.size() ==2 ) { key = cfgline[0]; cfgline.erase(cfgline.begin()); if (key =="buildtype") { buildtype = cfgline[0]; break; } } } } confin.close(); // this memory is created but never destroyed // we're also not doing any error checking to make sure we didn't // run out of memory collectserver *cserver = new collectserver(); gdbmclass *gdbmhandler = new gdbmclass(); // add a null filter filterclass *filter = new filterclass (); cserver->add_filter (filter); // add a browse filter browsefilterclass *browsefilter = new browsefilterclass(); browsefilter->set_gdbmptr (gdbmhandler); cserver->add_filter (browsefilter); if (buildtype == "mg") { mgsearchclass *mgsearch = new mgsearchclass(); // add a query filter mgqueryfilterclass *queryfilter = new mgqueryfilterclass(); queryfilter->set_gdbmptr (gdbmhandler); queryfilter->set_mgsearchptr (mgsearch); cserver->add_filter (queryfilter); // add a mg and gdbm source mggdbmsourceclass *mggdbmsource = new mggdbmsourceclass (); mggdbmsource->set_gdbmptr (gdbmhandler); mggdbmsource->set_mgsearchptr (mgsearch); cserver->add_source (mggdbmsource); } else if (buildtype == "mgpp") { mgppsearchclass *mgsearch = new mgppsearchclass(); // add a query filter mgppqueryfilterclass *queryfilter = new mgppqueryfilterclass(); queryfilter->set_gdbmptr (gdbmhandler); queryfilter->set_mgsearchptr (mgsearch); cserver->add_filter (queryfilter); // add a mg and gdbm source mggdbmsourceclass *mggdbmsource = new mggdbmsourceclass (); mggdbmsource->set_gdbmptr (gdbmhandler); mggdbmsource->set_mgsearchptr (mgsearch); cserver->add_source (mggdbmsource); } // inform collection server and everything it contains about its // collection name cserver->configure ("collection", *thiscol); // configure receptionist's collectinfo structure text_tarray colinfo; colinfo.push_back (*thiscol); colinfo.push_back (gsdlhome); colinfo.push_back (gsdlhome); recpt.configure ("collectinfo", colinfo); nproto.add_collectserver (cserver); thiscol ++; } // add the protocol to the receptionist recpt.add_protocol (&nproto); // z39.50 stuff - johnmcp // add the z39.50 server information. Read in the file // etc/recpt/z3950.cfg for list of servers and their databases. text_t z3950cfg = filename_cat (gsdlhome, "etc"); z3950cfg = filename_cat (z3950cfg, "recpt"); z3950cfg = filename_cat (z3950cfg, "z3950.cfg"); #ifdef USE_FASTCGI // currently can't use z39.50 if fastcgi is in use if (0) { #else if (file_exists(z3950cfg)) { #endif text_t z3950err = filename_cat (gsdlhome, "etc"); z3950err = filename_cat (z3950err, "recpt"); z3950err = filename_cat (z3950err, "z3950log.txt"); zproto.read_config_file(z3950cfg,z3950err); // only add this protocol if we have any servers configured. if (zproto.getServerCount()>0) recpt.add_protocol (&zproto); } // add other converters utf8inconvertclass utf8inconvert; utf8outconvertclass utf8outconvert; recpt.add_converter ("u", &utf8inconvert, &utf8outconvert); mapinconvertclass gbinconvert; gbinconvert.setmapfile (gsdlhome, "gbku", 0x25a1); mapoutconvertclass gboutconvert; gboutconvert.setmapfile (gsdlhome, "ugbk", 0xa1f5); recpt.add_converter ("g", &gbinconvert, &gboutconvert); text_t armapfile = filename_cat (gsdlhome, "unicode", "MAPPINGS"); armapfile = filename_cat (armapfile, "WINDOWS", "1256.TXT"); simplemapinconvertclass arinconvert; arinconvert.setmapfile (armapfile); simplemapoutconvertclass aroutconvert; aroutconvert.setmapfile (armapfile); recpt.add_converter ("a", &arinconvert, &aroutconvert); // the list of actions. Note: these actions will become invalid // at the end of this function. statusaction astatusaction; astatusaction.set_receptionist (&recpt); recpt.add_action (&astatusaction); pageaction apageaction; apageaction.set_receptionist (&recpt); recpt.add_action (&apageaction); pingaction apingaction; recpt.add_action (&apingaction); queryaction aqueryaction; aqueryaction.set_receptionist (&recpt); recpt.add_action (&aqueryaction); documentaction adocumentaction; adocumentaction.set_receptionist (&recpt); recpt.add_action (&adocumentaction); usersaction ausersaction; recpt.add_action (&ausersaction); extlinkaction anextlinkaction; recpt.add_action (&anextlinkaction); buildaction abuildaction; abuildaction.set_receptionist (&recpt); recpt.add_action (&abuildaction); authenaction aauthenaction; aauthenaction.set_receptionist(&recpt); recpt.add_action (&aauthenaction); delhistoryaction adelhistoryaction; recpt.add_action(&adelhistoryaction); // list of browsers vlistbrowserclass avlistbrowserclass; recpt.add_browser (&avlistbrowserclass); recpt.setdefaultbrowser ("VList"); hlistbrowserclass ahlistbrowserclass; recpt.add_browser (&ahlistbrowserclass); datelistbrowserclass adatelistbrowserclass; recpt.add_browser (&adatelistbrowserclass); invbrowserclass ainvbrowserclass; recpt.add_browser (&ainvbrowserclass); pagedbrowserclass apagedbrowserclass; recpt.add_browser (&apagedbrowserclass); htmlbrowserclass ahtmlbrowserclass; recpt.add_browser (&ahtmlbrowserclass); cgiwrapper (recpt, ""); return 0; }