#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib"); } use File::Basename; use unicode; my %classifications = ( 'Pharmacokinetics' => ['Absorption', 'Distribution', 'Metabolism', 'Elimination', 'Effect of Food', 'Drug Interactions', 'Special Populations'], 'Pharmacodynamics' => ['Trace Metal', 'Excretion', 'Selectivity', 'Copper', 'Zinc', 'Manganese', 'Iron', 'Distribution', 'Tissue', 'Brain', 'Heart', 'Plasma', 'Fetal', 'Liver', 'Kidney'], 'Safety/Side Effects/Toxicity' => ['Acute Toxicity', 'Repeated Dose Toxicity', 'Studies in Rodents', 'Studies in Dogs', 'Overdosage', 'Reproductive Toxicity', 'Teratogenicity', 'Mutagenecity', 'Carcinogenicity'], 'Other' => ['Superoxide Dismutase', 'Ferroxidase I', 'Ferroxidase II', 'Metallothienein', 'Ceruloplasmin'], 'Efficacy' => ['Heart', 'Complications', 'Microvascular', 'Renal', 'Diabetes'], 'Contraindications' => [], 'Precautions' => [] ); my @meta_files = (); &recursive_rename("import"); # process meta files foreach my $mfile (@meta_files) { &process_meta_file($mfile); } sub recursive_rename { my ($dir) = @_; opendir (DIR, "$dir") || die; my @files = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; foreach $file (@files) { next if $file eq "." || $file eq ".."; next if $file =~ /processed.htm$/; my $path = "$dir/$file"; if (-d $path) { &recursive_rename($path); } else { $newfile = &rename_file($file); if ($newfile ne $file) { print STDERR "renaming $file --> $newfile\n"; `mv "$path" "$dir/$newfile"`; } if ($file =~ /^title\.txt$/) { # we'll process all the title.txt files after we've finished # renaming everything push(@meta_files, "$dir/$newfile"); } if ($file =~ /\.html?$/i) { &process_html_file("$dir/$newfile"); } } } } # clean up the html (currently just use the non-css version) sub process_html_file { my ($filename) = @_; print STDERR "processing $filename\n"; open (FILE, $filename) || die; undef $/; my $file = ; $/ = "\n"; close FILE; my $header = "\n\n\n"; my $footer = "\n\n"; my ($noncss, $css) = $file =~ /document\.write\(\"(.*?[^\\])\"\).*?document\.write\(\"(.*?[^\\])\"\)/si; # remove backslashes added for javascript strings $noncss =~ s/\\\"/\"/sg; $noncss =~ s/\\\n/\n/sg; # Occurances of 2HCl (lowercase el) were mistakenly changed to 2HC1 # (digit one) during OCR in some cases so we'll change them back $noncss =~ s/2HC1/2HCl/g; # alter tags to support renamed files $noncss =~ s/( tags while ($noncss =~ s/(]*>\s*<\/div>)//sig) {} # remove empty table rows $noncss =~ s/(]*>(\s*]*>\s*<\/td>)*\s*<\/tr>)//sig; $noncss =~ s/]*>\s*<\/table>//sig; open (FILE, ">$filename") || die; print FILE $header . $noncss . $footer; close FILE; } sub rename_file { my ($filename) = @_; $filename =~ s/\s+//g; $filename =~ s/^protemix\(\d+\)-?//; $filename =~ s/^OCR\d+-0//; $filename =~ s/^(\d+)-\d+\.pdf$/$1-all.pdf/; return $filename; } # process a title.txt file and replace it with a meta.xml file sub process_meta_file { my ($filename) = @_; open (FILE, $filename) || die ("couldn't open $filename"); undef $/; my $title = ; $/ = "\n"; close FILE; unlink($filename); $title =~ s/\s+/ /gs; $title =~ s/^\s+//; $title =~ s/\s+$//; $title = &unicode::ascii2utf8(\$title); # assumes title is iso-8859-1 my $metafile = "\n"; $metafile .= " $title\n"; # currently just write some random values for classification metadata my @c1 = ('Animal', 'Human', 'Other'); my $rand = int(rand 3); my $classtext = " " . $c1[$rand] . "\n"; my @c2 = ('Pharmacokinetics', 'Pharmacodynamics', 'Safety/Side Effects/Toxicity', 'Other', 'Efficacy', 'Contraindications', 'Precautions'); $rand = int(rand 7); my $c2val = $c2[$rand]; $classtext .= " $c2val\n"; if (defined $classifications{$c2val}) { if (scalar(@{$classifications{$c2val}})) { my $numvals = scalar(@{$classifications{$c2val}}); $rand = int(rand $numvals); my $c3val = $classifications{$c2val}->[$rand]; $classtext .= " $c3val\n"; } } else { print STDERR "ERROR: '$c2val' not in clasifications list\n"; } my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($filename); opendir(DIR, $dir) || die; my @files = readdir DIR; foreach my $file (@files) { if ($file =~ s/\.html?$//i) { $metafile .= " \n$classtext \n"; } } $metafile .= "\n"; $filename = "$dir/meta.xml"; open (FILE, ">$filename") || die; print FILE $metafile; close FILE; }