2006-04-06T14:30:10+12:00 (18 years ago)

reran the xsl for the new format, and modified xsl files. hopefully only small formatting things have changed :-)

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/help/en/definefilters.htm

    r11552 r11597  
    13 Filters allow you to group together into a subcollection all documents in an
    14 index for which a metadata value matches a given pattern.
    15 <p></p>
    16 To create a filter, click the "Define Filters" tab and enter a name for the
    17 new filter into the "Subcollection filter name:" field.  Next choose a
    18 document attribute to match against, either a metadata element or the name of
    19 the file in question.  Enter a regular expression to use during the matching.
    20 You can toggle between "Including" documents that match the filter, or
    21 "Excluding" them.  Finally, you can specify any of the standard PERL regular
    22 expression flags to use when matching (e.g.  "i" for case-insensitive matching).
    23 Finally, click "Add Filter" to add the filter to the "Defined Subcollection Filters"
    24 list.
    25 <p></p>
    26 To remove a filter, select it from the list and click "Remove Filter".
    27 <p></p>
    28 To alter a filter, select it from the list, change any of the values that
    29 appear in the editing controls and click "Replace Filter" to commit the changes.
    30       </body>
     13<p>Filters allow you to group together into a subcollection all documents in an index for which a metadata value matches a given pattern.</p>
     14<p>To create a filter, click the "Define Filters" tab and enter a name for the new filter into the "Subcollection filter name:" field.  Next choose a document attribute to match against, either a metadata element or the name of the file in question.  Enter a regular expression to use during the matching. You can toggle between "Including" documents that match the filter, or "Excluding" them.  Finally, you can specify any of the standard PERL regular expression flags to use when matching (e.g.  "i" for case-insensitive matching). Finally, click "Add Filter" to add the filter to the "Defined Subcollection Filters" list.</p>
     15<p>To remove a filter, select it from the list and click "Remove Filter".</p>
     16<p>To alter a filter, select it from the list, change any of the values that appear in the editing controls and click "Replace Filter" to commit the changes.</p>
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