Changeset 13410

2006-12-05T10:34:41+13:00 (17 years ago)

added a little bit about stem/case options for search indexes

2 edited


  • trunk/gli/help/en/help.xml

    r13359 r13410  
    290290<Text id="si-10">The one that is selected by default on the search page is called the "default index". This can be set by selecting an index from the list and clicking "Set Default". The default index is tagged with "[Default Index]" in the "Assigned Indexes" list. If no default index is set, the first one in the list will be used as the default.</Text>
    291291<Text id="si-11">The names used for the drop-down list of indexes on the search page can be set in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.SearchMetadata"/> part of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel (see <Reference target="searchmetadatasettings"/>).</Text>
     292<Text id="si-12">For MG and MGPP indexes, there are further options controlling how the indexes are built. Stemming and case-folding may be enabled or disabled in the indexes&mdash;if disabled, the options will not be displayed on the preferences page of the collection. Accent-folding is also available for MGPP indexes. This works in a similar way to case-folding, but instead of lower and upper case letters matching, letters with diacritics match those without.</Text>
    293294<Section name="partitionindexes">
  • trunk/gli/help/en/searchindexes.htm

    r12723 r13410  
    1818<p>The "Assigned Indexes" list shows what indexes are currently assigned to the collection. </p>
    20 <p>To add an index, click "New Index".... A popup window appears with a list of sources, which includes text and metadata. Select which sources you want to index. The "Select All" and "Select None" buttons will check or uncheck all of the items in the list, respectively. Once a new index has been defined, click "Add Index" to add it to the collection. "Add Index" will only become active once the settings describe a new index that is not already assigned to the collection. </p>
     20<p>To add an index, click "New Index"... A popup window appears with a list of sources, which includes text and metadata. Select which sources you want to index. The "Select All" and "Select None" buttons will check or uncheck all of the items in the list, respectively. Once a new index has been defined, click "Add Index" to add it to the collection. "Add Index" will only become active once the settings describe a new index that is not already assigned to the collection. </p>
    2222<p>For MG indexes, you also need to choose the granularity of the index, using the "Indexing level:" menu. </p>
    3838<p>The names used for the drop-down list of indexes on the search page can be set in the "Search" part of the "Format" panel (see <a href="searchmetadatasettings.htm">Search</a>).</p>
     40<p>For MG and MGPP indexes, there are further options controlling how the indexes are built. Stemming and case-folding may be enabled or disabled in the indexes&mdash;if disabled, the options will not be displayed on the preferences page of the collection. Accent-folding is also available for MGPP indexes. This works in a similar way to case-folding, but instead of lower and upper case letters matching, letters with diacritics match those without.</p>
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