Changeset 14292

2007-08-01T14:22:41+12:00 (17 years ago)

added strings for the authentication service

1 edited


  • greenstone3/trunk/web/WEB-INF/classes/

    r13997 r14292  
    7171doc.detach_page_tip=Open this page in a new window
     75# authentication page
     77authen.login_descibe_line_1=The page you have requested requires you to sign in.
     78authen.login_descibe_line_2=[Note that you must belong to the "administrator" group to access this page]
     79authen.login_descibe_line_3=Please enter your Greenstone username and password.
     80authen.no_permission=Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page.
     82authen.username_describe=Usernames must be between 2 and 30 characters long. They can contain alphanumeric characters, '.', and '_'.
     84authen.password_describe=Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters.
     85authen.account_status=account status
     89authen.groups_describe=Groups is a comma separated list.
     91authen.add_a_new_user_title=Add a new user
     92authen.change_password_title=Change password
     93authen.change_password_login_describe_line_1=The page you have requested requires you to sign in.
     94authen.change_password_login_describe_line_2=Please enter your Greenstone username and password.
     95authen.change_password_describe_line_1=Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters.
     96authen.old_password=old password
     97authen.new_password=new password
     98authen.retype_new_password=retype new password
     99authen.change_password_successed_title=Change password
     100authen.change_password_successed_content=Your password was successfully changed.
     101authen.old_password_warning=The old password was incorrect.
     102authen.new_retype_password_warning=Enter your new password and then retype it.
     103authen.two_password_not_match=The two versions of your new password did not match.
     104authen.password_empty_warning=Either the new password or the retyped password cannot be empty.
     105authen.password_initial=Please enter an initial password for this user.
     106authen.new_password_invalid=The new password is invalid.
     107authen.retyped_password_invalid=The retyped password is invalid.                 
     108authen.username_password_empty_warning=Either the username or the new password cannot be empty.
     109authen.edit_user_information=Edit user information
     110authen.do_you_really_want_to_permanently_remove_user=Do you really want to permanently remove user "
     112authen.unsername_err=The username is invalid
     113authen.password_err=The password is invalid         
     114authen.wrong_password_warning=Either your username or password was incorrect.
     115authen.list_of_current_users_title=List of current users
     116authen.delete_warning=Do you really want to permanently remove user "
     119authen.sign_in=sign in
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