Changeset 14583 for greenstone3

2007-09-26T11:26:24+12:00 (17 years ago)

added more strings

1 edited


  • greenstone3/trunk/web/WEB-INF/classes/

    r10904 r14583  
    4949help.numbrowseoptions=There are {0} ways to find information in this collection:
    5050help.simplehelpheading=How to find information in the {0} collection
    51 help.Searchshort=search for particular words
    52 help.Searchlong=<p />You can <i>search for particular words</i> that appear in the text from the "search" page. This is the first page that comes up when you begin, and can be reached from other pages by pressing the <i>search</i> button.
    53 help.Titleshort=access publications by title
     51help.Searchshort=search for particular words 
     52help.Searchlong=<p />You can <i>search for particular words </i> that appear in the text from the "search" page. This is the first page that comes up when you begin, and can be reached from other pages by pressing the <i>search</i> button.
     53help.Titleshort= access publications by title
    5454help.Titlelong=<p />You can <i>access publications by title</i> by pressing the <i>titles</i> button.  This brings up a list of books in alphabetic order.
     55help.titlesshort= access publications by title
     56help.titleslong=<p />You can <i>access publications by title</i> by pressing the <i>titles</i> button.  This brings up a list of books in alphabetic order.
    5557help.Organizationshort=access publications by organisation
    5658help.Organizationlong=<p />You can <i>access publications by organisation</i> by pressing the <i>organisations</i> button.  This brings up a list of organisations.
    6365help.Creatorshort=access publications by author
    6466help.Creatorlong=<p />You can <i>access publications by author</i> by pressing the <i>authors a-z</i> button.  This brings up a list of books, sorted by author name. 
     67help.authorsshort=access publications by author
     68help.authorslong=<p />You can <i>access publications by author</i> by pressing the <i>authors a-z</i> button.  This brings up a list of books, sorted by author name.
    6569help.Subjectshort=access publications by subject
    6670help.Subjectlong=<p/>You can <i>access publications by subject</i> by pressing the <i>subjects</i> button.  This brings up a list of subjects, represented by bookshelves.
    67 help.Topicshort=access publications by topic
     71help.Topicshort=access publications by topic 
    6872help.Topiclong=<p>You can <i>access publications by topic</i> by pressing the <i>topic</i> button.  This brings up a list of topics to browse. 
    6973help.Toshort=access publications by To field
    101105help.long=<p>Click on the <i>unknown</i> button to browse publications (listing is sorted by an unknown field). 
    102106help.defaultlong=<p>Click on the <i>unknown</i> button to browse publications (listing is sorted by an unknown field). 
     107help.Collageshort=access publications by collage
     108help.Collagelong=<p>You can <i>access publications by collage</i> by pressing the <i>collage</i> button. This brings up a list of collages.
     109help.Subjectshort=access publications by subject
     110help.Subjectlong=<p>You can <i>access publications by subject</i> by pressing the <i>subject</i> button. This brings up a list of subjects.
     111help.Titleshort=access publications by title
     112help.Titlelong=<p>You can <i>access publications by title</i> by pressing the <i>title</i> button. This brings up a list of titles.
     113help.Organisationshort=access publications by organisation
     114help.Organisationslong=<p>You can <i>access publications by collage</i> by pressing the <i>collage</i> button. This brings up a list of organizations.
     115help.Courseshort=access publications by cource
     116help.Courselong=<p>You can <i>access publications by course</i> by pressing the <i>course</i> button. This brings up a list of courses.
     117help.EnglishTitleshort=access publications by English Title
     118help.EnglishTitlelong=<p>You can <i>access publications by English Title</i> by pressing the <i>English Title</i> button. This brings up a list of doc with English Titles
     119help.FrenchTitleshort=access publications by French Title
     120help.FrenchTitlelong=<p>You can <i>access publications by French Title</i> by pressing the <i>French Title</i> button. This brings up a list of doc with French Titles
     121help.SpanishTitleshort=access publications by SpanishTitle
     122help.SpanishTitlelong=<p>You can <i>access publications by Spanish Title</i> by pressing the <i>Spanish Title</i> button. This brings up a list of doc with Spanish Titles.
     123help.Alllangshort=access publications by Alllang
     124help.Alllanglong=<p>You can <i>access publications by alllang</i> by pressing the <i>alllang</i> button. This brings up a list of doc in all languages.
    104126#stuff for individual collections
    106128collect.SearchBySender=search by sender
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