Changeset 17494 for documentation/trunk

2008-10-08T13:59:48+13:00 (16 years ago)

Updated tutorials and associated files.

5 added
18 edited


  • documentation/trunk/manuals/README.html

    r13863 r17494  
    181181    <li>Find an appropriate font file (in .PFM or .TTF format) that contains the
    182     necessary fonts, and run to
    183     generate an XML file</li>
    184     <li>Register to FOP by adding a new entry in the userconfig.xml file</li>
    185     <li>In fo-common.xsl, add a new language-value pair for the <code>font</code><i>
    186     </i>variable.</li>
     182    necessary fonts;</li>
     183    <li>Go to the FOP installation, and run TTFReader to
     184    generate an XML file for the font, eg. <br/>
     185    <blockquote>
     186    <p><code><font size="2">java -cp .:/research/lh92/greenstone/documentation/modules/shared/fop/build/fop.jar:/research/lh92/greenstone/documentation/modules/shared/fop/lib/avalon-framework.jar:/research/lh92/greenstone/documentation/modules/shared/fop/lib/xml-apis.jar:/research/lh92/greenstone/documentation/modules/shared/fop/lib/xercesImpl.jar:/research/lh92/greenstone/documentation/modules/shared/fop/lib/xalan.jar org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader /research/lh92/packages/fonts/ae_Arab.ttf /research/lh92/greenstone/documentation/modules/shared/fop/conf/Arab.xml</font></code></p>
     187    </blockquote>
     188    </li>
     189    <li>Register to FOP by adding a new entry in the userconfig.xml file, see below for an example</li>
     190    <li>In fo-common.xsl, add a new language-value pair for the <code>font</code> variable, and make sure the <code>lang</code> attribute in the source xml file is set properly.</li>
    208212<p>Then run fop with <code>-c userconfig.xml</code> option to use the new
    209 configuration.</p>
     213configuration. Preferably, use the generate-pdf script because this already
     214uses the option.</p>
     215<p>Note: when you see the <code>[Fatal Error] :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog</code> exception, please check
     216whether the filepaths of the configuration file (xml) and the font file (.ttf) are correct.</p>
    211219<a name="todo"/>
    212220<h2>ToDo list</h2>
  • documentation/trunk/manuals/

    r13647 r17494  
    3 echo "clean all gennerated files"
    4 rm -r build/
     6echo -e "what do you want to clean? \n type 'pdf' for all pdf files\n 'html' for all html files\n 'all' for all the generated files."
     7read cmd
     9if [ $cmd = 'all' ]; then
     10    rm -r $output_dir/
     11    exit
     15langs="en fr es ru"
     16for l in $langs; do
     17    cd $output_dir/$l
     18    if [ $cmd = 'html' ]; then
     19        rm -r html/
     20        echo "removed all the generated html files"
     21    fi
     22    if [ $cmd = 'pdf' ]; then
     23        rm -r pdf/
     24        echo "removed all the generated pdf files"
     25    fi
     26    cd $top_dir
  • documentation/trunk/manuals/

    r13782 r17494  
    1515cp $processing_dir/style.css $output_dir/
    17 langs="en es fr ru"
     17langs="en es fr ru ar"
    1818manuals="Develop User Install Paper"
  • documentation/trunk/manuals/

    r14606 r17494  
    15 langs="en es ru fr"
     15langs="en es ru fr ar"
    1616manuals="Paper User Develop  Install"
  • documentation/trunk/manuals/processing/common.xsl

    r14096 r17494  
    55  xmlns:util="ExternalRef" extension-element-prefixes="util">
     7  <!-- Various Title templates -->
    78  <xsl:template match="Title"><p><b><i><xsl:apply-templates/></i></b></p></xsl:template>
    1010  <xsl:template match="Title" mode="Figure">
    11     <xsl:param name="no"/>
    12     <div style="margin-right:1.7pt;" align="center"><b>Figure&#160;<xsl:value-of select="$no"/>
    13             <xsl:if test="SubTitle"><xsl:value-of select="SubTitle"/></xsl:if>&#160;
    14             <xsl:apply-templates select="Text"/></b>
    15         </div>
    16   </xsl:template>
     11    <xsl:param name="no"/>
     12    <div style="margin-right:1.7pt;" align="center">
     13      <b>Figure&#160;<xsl:value-of select="$no"/>
     14      <!-- if contains subtitle, display subtitle together with the figure's title -->
     15      <xsl:if test="SubTitle"><xsl:value-of select="SubTitle"/></xsl:if>
     16      &#160;<xsl:apply-templates select="Text"/></b>
     17      </div>
     18  </xsl:template> 
    1920  <xsl:template match="Title" mode="Table">       
    2021    <div style="margin-right:1.7pt;" align="center">
    2122    <b>Table&#160;<xsl:number count="Table[not(@class='hidden')]" level="any"/>&#160;<xsl:apply-templates/></b></div>
    22   </xsl:template>
    25     <xsl:template match="NumberedList"><ol><xsl:apply-templates/></ol></xsl:template>
     23  </xsl:template> 
     26  <xsl:template match="NumberedList"><ol><xsl:apply-templates/></ol></xsl:template>
    2627  <xsl:template match="NumberedItem"><li><xsl:apply-templates/></li></xsl:template>
    2930  <xsl:template match="BulletList">
    30     <xsl:if test="not(parent::Bullet)">
    31     <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><xsl:for-each select="Bullet"><li><xsl:apply-templates/></li>
    32         <xsl:if test="BulletList">
    33         <xsl:for-each select="BulletList"><ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><xsl:for-each select="Bullet"><li><xsl:apply-templates/></li></xsl:for-each></ul>
    34         </xsl:for-each></xsl:if></xsl:for-each></ul><p/></xsl:if>
     31    <xsl:if test="not(parent::Bullet)">
     32      <ul style="list-style-type: disc;">
     33        <xsl:for-each select="Bullet">
     34          <li><xsl:apply-templates/></li>
     35          <xsl:if test="BulletList">
     36            <xsl:for-each select="BulletList">
     37              <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><xsl:for-each select="Bullet"><li><xsl:apply-templates/></li></xsl:for-each></ul>
     38            </xsl:for-each>
     39          </xsl:if>
     40        </xsl:for-each>
     41      </ul>
     42      <p/>
     43    </xsl:if>
    3544  </xsl:template>
    3847  <xsl:template match="Text">
    39     <xsl:choose>
    40         <xsl:when test="parent::Indented"><p class="indented"><xsl:apply-templates/></p>    </xsl:when>
    41         <xsl:when test="parent::Title|parent::Footnote"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:when>
    42         <xsl:when test="not(parent::Version) and not(parent::Date) and not(parent::NumberedItem) and not(parent::Bullet)"><p><xsl:apply-templates/></p></xsl:when>
    43         <xsl:otherwise><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:otherwise>
    44     </xsl:choose>   
     48    <xsl:choose>
     49      <xsl:when test="parent::Indented"><p class="indented"><xsl:apply-templates/></p>  </xsl:when>
     50      <xsl:when test="parent::Title|parent::Footnote"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:when>
     51      <xsl:when test="not(parent::Version) and not(parent::Date) and not(parent::NumberedItem) and not(parent::Bullet)">
     52        <p><xsl:apply-templates/></p>
     53      </xsl:when>
     54      <xsl:otherwise><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:otherwise>
     55    </xsl:choose>   
    4556  </xsl:template>
    4859  <xsl:template match="CodeLine"> 
    49   <xsl:choose>
    50   <!-- codeline in figure or table -->
    51     <xsl:when test="parent::Figure or parent::th"><div class="codeline_figure"><xsl:apply-templates/></div></xsl:when>     
    52     <!-- consecutive codelines -->
    53     <xsl:when test="name(preceding-sibling::*[position()=1])='CodeLine' or name(following-sibling::*[position()=1])='CodeLine'"><div class="codeline"><xsl:apply-templates/></div></xsl:when>     
    54     <!-- a single line of code between two text paragraphs -->
    55     <xsl:otherwise><div class="codeline_single"><xsl:apply-templates/></div></xsl:otherwise>
    56   </xsl:choose> 
     60    <xsl:choose>
     61      <!-- codeline in figure or table -->
     62      <xsl:when test="parent::Figure or parent::th"><div class="codeline_figure"><xsl:apply-templates/></div></xsl:when>       
     63      <!-- consecutive codelines -->
     64      <xsl:when test="name(preceding-sibling::*[position()=1])='CodeLine' or name(following-sibling::*[position()=1])='CodeLine'">
     65        <div class="codeline"><xsl:apply-templates/></div>
     66      </xsl:when>     
     67      <!-- a single line of code between two text paragraphs -->
     68      <xsl:otherwise><div class="codeline_single"><xsl:apply-templates/></div></xsl:otherwise>
     69    </xsl:choose> 
    5770  </xsl:template>
    6073  <xsl:template match="Figure">
    6174    <a id="Figure_{@id}"/>
    62     <!-- number of current figure = total_number_of_previous_figure - total_number_of_previous_sub_figures-->
     75    <!-- no of current figure = total_number_of_previous_figure - total_number_of_previous_sub_figures-->
    6376    <xsl:variable name="temp_total_figs"><xsl:number count="Figure" level="any"/></xsl:variable>       
    6477    <xsl:variable name="temp_num_of_sub_figs">
    65             <xsl:number count="Figure[Title/SubTitle and substring(translate(@id, '_0123456789', '99999999999'), string-length(@id)-1, string-length(@id))='99']" level="any"/>
    66     </xsl:variable>         
    67     <xsl:variable name="no"><xsl:value-of select="$temp_total_figs - $temp_num_of_sub_figs"/></xsl:variable>
     78      <xsl:number count="Figure[Title/SubTitle and substring(translate(@id, '_0123456789', '99999999999'), string-length(@id)-1, string-length(@id))='99']" level="any"/>
     79    </xsl:variable>         
     80    <xsl:variable name="no"><xsl:value-of select="$temp_total_figs - $temp_num_of_sub_figs"/></xsl:variable>
    6982    <p/>       
    7083    <xsl:apply-templates select="Title" mode="Figure"><xsl:with-param name="no" select="$no"/></xsl:apply-templates>
    7185    <xsl:choose>   
    72     <xsl:when test="CodeLine">
    73       <table class="figure_code" align="center">
    74       <xsl:for-each select="*[not(name()='Title')]">
    75         <tr>
    76         <xsl:if test="parent::Figure[@class='withLineNumber']">
    77         <td><div class="linenumber"><xsl:number value="position()" format="1"/>&#160;&#160;</div></td></xsl:if>
    78         <td><xsl:apply-templates select="."/></td></tr>
    79       </xsl:for-each>
    80       </table>
    81     </xsl:when>
    82     <xsl:when test="File"><div align="center"><xsl:apply-templates select="File"/></div><br/>
    83         </xsl:when>   
     86      <xsl:when test="CodeLine">
     87        <table class="figure_code" align="center">
     88        <xsl:for-each select="*[not(name()='Title')]">
     89          <tr>
     90          <xsl:if test="parent::Figure[@class='withLineNumber']">
     91            <td><div class="linenumber"><xsl:number value="position()" format="1"/>&#160;&#160;</div></td>
     92          </xsl:if>
     93          <td><xsl:apply-templates select="."/></td>
     94          </tr>
     95        </xsl:for-each>
     96        </table>
     97      </xsl:when>
     99      <xsl:when test="File"><div align="center"><xsl:apply-templates select="File"/></div><br/></xsl:when>   
    84100    </xsl:choose>
    85101    <br/>
    90106    <p/><a id="Table_{@id}"/>
    91107    <xsl:if test="not(@class='hidden') and not(normalize-space(Title/Text)='')"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title" mode="Table"/></xsl:if>
    92109    <table cellpadding="2pt" cellspacing="2pt">
    93     <xsl:if test="not(@class='hidden')">
    94       <xsl:if test="not(../../@class='hidden')"><xsl:attribute name="style">border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid black;</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
    95       <xsl:attribute name="rules">rows</xsl:attribute><xsl:attribute name="align">center</xsl:attribute>       
    96     </xsl:if>
    97     <xsl:if test="@class='hidden'"><xsl:attribute name="width">90%</xsl:attribute><xsl:attribute name="align">center</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
    98     <xsl:for-each select="TableContent/tr">
    99     <tr>
    100       <xsl:if test="not(../../@class='hidden')"><xsl:attribute name="style">border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid black;</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
    101     <xsl:for-each select="th"><td valign="top"><xsl:if test="File"><xsl:attribute name="align">right</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
    102     <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/></td></xsl:for-each>
    103       </tr>
    104     </xsl:for-each>
     110      <xsl:if test="not(@class='hidden')">
     111        <xsl:if test="not(../../@class='hidden')">
     112          <xsl:attribute name="style">border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid black;</xsl:attribute>
     113        </xsl:if>
     114    <xsl:attribute name="rules">rows</xsl:attribute>
     115        <xsl:attribute name="align">center</xsl:attribute> 
     116      </xsl:if>
     118      <xsl:if test="@class='hidden'">
     119        <xsl:attribute name="width">90%</xsl:attribute>
     120        <xsl:attribute name="align">center</xsl:attribute>
     121      </xsl:if>
     123      <xsl:for-each select="TableContent/tr">
     124        <tr>
     125      <xsl:if test="not(../../@class='hidden')">
     126            <xsl:attribute name="style">border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid black;</xsl:attribute>
     127          </xsl:if>
     128          <xsl:for-each select="th">
     129            <td valign="top">
     130              <xsl:if test="File"><xsl:attribute name="align">right</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
     131              <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/></td>
     132            </xsl:for-each>
     133    </tr>
     134      </xsl:for-each>
    105135    </table>
    106136    <br/>
    110140  <xsl:template match="Section">     
    111     <a name="Section_{@id}"/><h3><xsl:if test="not(starts-with(../../@id, 'appendix'))">
    112     <xsl:number level="multiple" format="1.1" count="//Chapter|//Chapter//Section"/>&#160;</xsl:if>
    113     <xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></h3><xsl:apply-templates select="Content/*"/>
     141    <a name="Section_{@id}"/>
     142    <h3>
     143    <xsl:if test="not(starts-with(../../@id, 'appendix'))">
     144      <xsl:number level="multiple" format="1.1" count="//Chapter|//Chapter//Section"/>&#160;
     145    </xsl:if>
     146    <xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/>
     147    </h3>
     148    <xsl:apply-templates select="Content/*"/>
    114149  </xsl:template>
    130   <xsl:template match="Part"><a id="Part_{@id}"/><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template>   
    131   <xsl:template match="Comment"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template> 
     165  <xsl:template match="Part"><a id="Part_{@id}"/><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template>
     167  <xsl:template match="Comment"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template>
    132169  <xsl:template match="Indented"><p><div style="margin-left: 1em;"><xsl:apply-templates/></div></p></xsl:template>
    133171  <xsl:template match="img|table|br|td|tr|th">
    134     <xsl:copy><xsl:for-each select="@*"><xsl:copy/></xsl:for-each><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:copy>
     172    <xsl:copy><xsl:for-each select="@*"><xsl:copy/></xsl:for-each><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:copy>
     173  </xsl:template>
     175  <xsl:template match="i|b|u"><xsl:element name="{name()}"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:element></xsl:template>
     177  <xsl:template match="File">
     178    <a href="../{@url}" target="_blank"><img src="../{@url}" width="{@width}" height="{@height}" border="0"/></a>
     179  </xsl:template>
     181  <xsl:template match="text()"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:template> 
     183  <xsl:template match="Author"><b><xsl:apply-templates/></b></xsl:template>
     185  <xsl:template match="Affiliation"><i><xsl:apply-templates/></i></xsl:template>
     187  <xsl:template name="version_and_date">
     188    <p><b><xsl:apply-templates select="Version/Text"/></b>&#160;&#160;<xsl:apply-templates select="Date/Text"/></p>
     189  </xsl:template>   
     191  <xsl:template match="Chapter|Appendix|Bibliography" mode="index">
     192    <dt><a href="#Chapter_{@id}"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></a></dt>
     193    <xsl:for-each select="Content/Section">
     194      <dd><a href="#Section_{@id}"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></a></dd>
     195    </xsl:for-each>
     196  </xsl:template>
     199  <xsl:template match="Section" mode="index">
     200    <dt><a href="#Section_{@id}"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></a></dt> 
     201  </xsl:template>
     204  <xsl:template match="Chapter">
     205    <a id="Chapter_{@id}"/>   
     206    <h2>
     207      <xsl:if test="not(starts-with(@id, 'appendix')) and not(starts-with(@id, 'biblio'))">
     208        <xsl:value-of select="position()"/>
     209      </xsl:if>
     210      &#160;<xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/>
     211    </h2>
     212    <xsl:apply-templates select="Content/*"/>
     213  </xsl:template>
     216  <xsl:template match="Figure" mode="ref">
     217    <xsl:variable name="temp_total_figs"><xsl:number count="Figure" level="any"/></xsl:variable>       
     218    <xsl:variable name="temp_num_of_sub_figs">
     219      <xsl:number count="Figure[Title/SubTitle and substring(translate(@id, '_0123456789', '99999999999'), string-length(@id)-1, string-length(@id))='99']" level="any"/>
     220    </xsl:variable>
     222    <xsl:variable name="no"><xsl:value-of select="$temp_total_figs - $temp_num_of_sub_figs"/></xsl:variable>
     224    <xsl:variable name="subtitle">
     225      <xsl:if test="Title/SubTitle"><xsl:value-of select="substring-before(substring-after(Title/SubTitle, '('), ')')"/></xsl:if>
     226    </xsl:variable>
     228    <xsl:value-of select="concat($no, $subtitle)"/>
     229  </xsl:template> 
     231  <xsl:template match="Table" mode="ref"><xsl:number count="Table[not(@class='hidden')]" level="any"/></xsl:template>
     233  <xsl:template match="Chapter" mode="ref"><xsl:number level="any"/></xsl:template>
     235  <xsl:template match="Section" mode="ref"><xsl:number count="//Chapter|//Chapter//Section" format="1.1" level="multiple"/></xsl:template>
     237  <xsl:template match="Subsection" mode="ref">
     238    <xsl:number level="multiple" format="1.1.1" count="//Chapter|//Chapter//Section|//Chapter//Section//Subsection"/>
     239  </xsl:template>
     242  <xsl:template match="SupplementaryText">
     243    <xsl:param name="manual_id" select="''"/>
     244    <xsl:param name="manual_lang" select="''"/>     
     245    <xsl:for-each select="Text">
     246      <div class="indexlink"><a class="indexlink">
     247      <xsl:if test="@id='manual_index'">
     248        <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$manual_id"/>_<xsl:value-of select="$manual_lang"/>_index.html</xsl:attribute>
     249      </xsl:if>
     250      <xsl:if test="@id='top_index'"><xsl:attribute name="href">../../index.html</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
     251      <xsl:value-of select="."/></a></div>
     252    </xsl:for-each>
    135253  </xsl:template>
    136   <xsl:template match="i|b|u"><xsl:element name="{name()}"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:element></xsl:template> 
    137   <xsl:template match="File"><a href="../{@url}" target="_blank"><img src="../{@url}" width="{@width}" height="{@height}" border="0"/></a></xsl:template>
    138   <xsl:template match="text()"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:template> 
    139   <xsl:template match="Author"><b><xsl:apply-templates/></b></xsl:template>
    140   <xsl:template match="Affiliation"><i><xsl:apply-templates/></i></xsl:template>
    141   <xsl:template name="version_and_date"><p><b><xsl:apply-templates select="Version/Text"/></b>&#160;&#160;<xsl:apply-templates select="Date/Text"/></p></xsl:template> 
    144   <xsl:template match="Chapter|Appendix|Bibliography" mode="index">
    145   <dt><a href="#Chapter_{@id}"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></a></dt>
    146   <xsl:for-each select="Content/Section"><dd><a href="#Section_{@id}"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></a></dd></xsl:for-each>
    147 </xsl:template>
    150   <xsl:template match="Section" mode="index">
    151   <dt><a href="#Section_{@id}"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></a></dt> 
    152   </xsl:template>
    155 <xsl:template match="Chapter">
    156   <a id="Chapter_{@id}"/>   
    157   <h2><xsl:if test="not(starts-with(@id, 'appendix')) and not(starts-with(@id, 'biblio'))">
    158   <xsl:value-of select="position()"/></xsl:if>&#160;<xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></h2>
    159   <xsl:apply-templates select="Content/*"/>
    160 </xsl:template>
    163 <xsl:template match="Figure" mode="ref">
    164     <xsl:variable name="temp_total_figs"><xsl:number count="Figure" level="any"/></xsl:variable>       
    165     <xsl:variable name="temp_num_of_sub_figs">
    166     <xsl:number count="Figure[Title/SubTitle and substring(translate(@id, '_0123456789', '99999999999'), string-length(@id)-1, string-length(@id))='99']" level="any"/>
    167     </xsl:variable>     
    168     <xsl:variable name="no"><xsl:value-of select="$temp_total_figs - $temp_num_of_sub_figs"/></xsl:variable>
    169     <xsl:variable name="subtitle">
    170     <xsl:if test="Title/SubTitle"><xsl:value-of select="substring-before(substring-after(Title/SubTitle, '('), ')')"/></xsl:if>
    171     </xsl:variable>
    172     <xsl:value-of select="concat($no, $subtitle)"/>
    173   </xsl:template> 
    174   <xsl:template match="Table" mode="ref"><xsl:number count="Table[not(@class='hidden')]" level="any"/></xsl:template>
    175   <xsl:template match="Chapter" mode="ref"><xsl:number level="any"/></xsl:template>
    176   <xsl:template match="Section" mode="ref"><xsl:number count="//Chapter|//Chapter//Section" format="1.1" level="multiple"/></xsl:template>
    177   <xsl:template match="Subsection" mode="ref"><xsl:number level="multiple" format="1.1.1" count="//Chapter|//Chapter//Section|//Chapter//Section//Subsection"/></xsl:template>
    180 <xsl:template match="SupplementaryText">
    181     <xsl:param name="manual_id" select="''"/>
    182     <xsl:param name="manual_lang" select="''"/>     
    183     <xsl:for-each select="Text">
    184         <div class="indexlink"><a class="indexlink">
    185         <xsl:if test="@id='manual_index'"><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$manual_id"/>_<xsl:value-of select="$manual_lang"/>_index.html</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
    186         <xsl:if test="@id='top_index'"><xsl:attribute name="href">../../index.html</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
    187         <xsl:value-of select="."/></a></div>
    188     </xsl:for-each>
    189   </xsl:template>
    191256  <xsl:template match="Link">
    193258      <xsl:when test="not(parent::Text)">
    194259    <p><div style="margin-left: 2em;">
    195         <a><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:choose><xsl:when test="@url"><xsl:value-of select="@url"/></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose></xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="."/></a>
    196       </div></p>
     260        <a>
     261        <xsl:attribute name="href">
     262          <xsl:choose>
     263            <xsl:when test="@url"><xsl:value-of select="@url"/></xsl:when>
     264            <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise>
     265          </xsl:choose>
     266        </xsl:attribute>
     267        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
     268        </a>
     269        </div></p>
    197270      </xsl:when>
    198271      <xsl:otherwise>
    199     <a><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:choose><xsl:when test="@url"><xsl:value-of select="@url"/></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose></xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="."/></a>
     272    <a>
     273        <xsl:attribute name="href">
     274          <xsl:choose>
     275            <xsl:when test="@url"><xsl:value-of select="@url"/></xsl:when>
     276            <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise>
     277          </xsl:choose>
     278        </xsl:attribute>
     279        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
     280        </a>
    200281      </xsl:otherwise>
    201282    </xsl:choose>
  • documentation/trunk/manuals/processing/xml-to-top-index.xsl

    r14099 r17494  
    1010  <xsl:include href="common.xsl"/>
    12   <xsl:variable name="es">español</xsl:variable>
    13   <xsl:variable name="fr">français</xsl:variable>
    14   <xsl:variable name="ru">русскОй</xsl:variable>
     12  <xsl:variable name="es">Español</xsl:variable>
     13  <xsl:variable name="fr">Français</xsl:variable>
     14  <xsl:variable name="ru">РусскОй</xsl:variable>
     15  <xsl:variable name="ar">عرؚي</xsl:variable>
    1617  <xsl:variable name="sourceforgelink"></xsl:variable>
     18  <xsl:variable name="manual-suffix">-1</xsl:variable>
    1820  <xsl:variable name="tab">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</xsl:variable>
    2426      <h1>Greenstone Manuals</h1>
    2527      <xsl:for-each select="Manual">
    26         <h3><a class="title" href="en/html/{@id}_en_index.html"><xsl:apply-templates select="@name"/></a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="title" href="es/html/{@id}_es_index.html"><xsl:value-of select="$es"/></a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="title" href="fr/html/{@id}_fr_index.html"><xsl:value-of select="$fr"/></a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="title" href="ru/html/{@id}_ru_index.html"><xsl:value-of select="$ru"/></a></h3>
     28      <!-- language name in the first row-->
     29      <h3>
     30        <a class="title" href="en/html/{@id}_en_index.html"><xsl:apply-templates select="@name"/></a>
     31        <xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="title" href="es/html/{@id}_es_index.html"><xsl:value-of select="$es"/></a>
     32        <xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="title" href="fr/html/{@id}_fr_index.html"><xsl:value-of select="$fr"/></a>
     33        <xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="title" href="ru/html/{@id}_ru_index.html"><xsl:value-of select="$ru"/></a>
     34        <xsl:if test="@id='Install'"><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="title" href="ar/html/{@id}_ar_index.html"><xsl:value-of select="$ar"/></a></xsl:if>
     35      </h3>
    28         <div class="note"><xsl:value-of select="note"/></div>
     37      <div class="note"><xsl:value-of select="note"/></div>
    30         <div class="comment">Printable version: english (<a class="comment" href="en/html/{@id}_en_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-en.pdf">PDF</a>)<xsl:value-of select="$tab"/><xsl:value-of select="$es"/> (<a class="comment" href="es/html/{@id}_es_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-es.pdf">PDF</a>)<xsl:value-of select="$tab"/><xsl:value-of select="$fr"/> (<a class="comment" href="fr/html/{@id}_fr_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-fr.pdf">PDF</a>)<xsl:value-of select="$tab"/><xsl:value-of select="$ru"/> (<a class="comment" href="ru/html/{@id}_ru_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-ru.pdf">PDF</a>)</div>
     39      <div class="comment">Printable version:
     40        English (<a class="comment" href="en/html/{@id}_en_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-en{$manual-suffix}.pdf">PDF</a>)
     41        <xsl:value-of select="$tab"/><xsl:value-of select="$es"/> (<a class="comment" href="es/html/{@id}_es_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-es{$manual-suffix}.pdf">PDF</a>)
     42        <xsl:value-of select="$tab"/><xsl:value-of select="$fr"/> (<a class="comment" href="fr/html/{@id}_fr_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-fr{$manual-suffix}.pdf">PDF</a>)
     43        <xsl:value-of select="$tab"/><xsl:value-of select="$ru"/> (<a class="comment" href="ru/html/{@id}_ru_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-ru{$manual-suffix}.pdf">PDF</a>)
     44        <xsl:if test="@id='Install'"><xsl:value-of select="$tab"/><xsl:value-of select="$ar"/> (<a class="comment" href="ar/html/{@id}_ar_all.html">HTML</a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a class="comment" href="{$sourceforgelink}/{@id}-ar{$manual-suffix}.pdf">PDF</a>)</xsl:if>     
     45      </div>
    3247        <dl><xsl:apply-templates select="file"><xsl:with-param name="manualNodes" select="document(file/@href)"/></xsl:apply-templates></dl>
    5570<xsl:template match="Chapter">
    56     <dd><a href="en/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text>[<a href="es/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:value-of select="$es"/></a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a href="fr/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:value-of select="$fr"/></a><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a href="ru/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:value-of select="$ru"/></a>]</dd> 
     71    <dd>
     72        <a href="en/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></a>
     73        <xsl:text>  </xsl:text>[<a href="es/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:value-of select="$es"/></a>
     74        <xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a href="fr/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:value-of select="$fr"/></a>
     75        <xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a href="ru/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:value-of select="$ru"/></a>
     76        <xsl:if test="//@id='Install'"><xsl:text>  </xsl:text><a href="ar/html/Chapter_{@id}.htm"><xsl:value-of select="$ar"/></a></xsl:if>]</dd> 
  • documentation/trunk/manuals/xml-source/ar/Install_ar.xml

    r15032 r17494  
    1010<Text id="1">Ù
    11 ÙƒØªØšØ© greenstone الرقÙ
    12 ÙŠÙ‡</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     11كتؚة Greenstone الرقÙ
     12يه</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15 <Text id="2"> "Ù
     15<Text id="2">Ù
    1616ر؎د الÙ
    17 Ø«ØšØª " </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     17ثؚت  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20 <Text id="3"> Ø¥ÙŠØ§Ù† هـ. ويتن و ؎تيفان ؚودي.Ù
     20<Text id="3">إيان هـ. ويتن و ؎تيفان ؚودي.Ù
    2121عد الترجÙ
    2323ال صالح Ù
    24 ØµØ·ÙÙŠ.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     24صطفي.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    2828 Ø¹Ù„ÙˆÙ
    2929 Ø§Ù„حاسوؚ <br/> جاÙ
    30 Ø¹Ø© وايكاتو ، نيوزيلندا  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     30عة وايكاتو ، نيوزيلندا <br/>Ù
     31كتؚة Ù
     32عهد الدراسات الؚي؊ية ،جاÙ
     33عة الخرطوÙ
     34،السودان </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    33 <Text id="manual_index">العودة الى الك؎اف اليدوي </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    34 <Text id="top_index">عودة الى أعلى الك؎اف</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     37<Text id="manual_index">العودة الى الك؎اف  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     38<Text id="top_index">عودة الى  Ø§Ù„ك؎اف</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    36 <Text id="5"> Greenstone عؚارة عن ؚرناÙ
     40<Text id="5">ؚرناÙ
     41ج Greenstone عؚارة عن ؚرناÙ
    3742ج يÙ
    3843كنه Ù
    4752 Ø§Ù„Ù
    49 Ø§Øª ون؎رها على الإنترنت أو على CD-ROM. Greenstone يتÙ
    50  Ø§Ù„عÙ
    51 Ù„ عليها Ù
    52 Ù† Ù‚ØšÙ„ Ù
     54ات ون؎رها على الإنترنت أو على CD-ROM  .قاÙ
     55  Ù
    5356؎روع الÙ
    5457كتؚة الرقÙ
    55 ÙŠØ© لنيوزيلاندا" في جاÙ
    56 Ø¹Ø© وايكاتو، ويوزع ؚالتعاون Ù
     58ية لنيوزيلاندا  في جاÙ
     59عة وايكاتو ØšØ¥Ù†ØªØ§Ø¬ Greenstone  ، ويوزع ؚالتعاون Ù
    5760ع Ù
    5962Ø© اليونسكو وجÙ
    6063عية هيوÙ
    61 Ø§Ù† إنفو. كÙ
    62 Ø§ أنه ؚرناÙ
     64ان إنفو Human Info NGO. و هو Ù
     65ن الؚراÙ
    6366ج Ù
    64 ÙØªÙˆØ­ الÙ
     67فتوحة الÙ
    6568صدر، وÙ
    6669تاح في Ù
    67 ÙˆÙ‚ع ØšÙ
     70وقع "" ØšÙ
    6871وجؚ رخصة الاستخداÙ
    6972 Ø§Ù„عاÙ
    70  GNU " </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     73 GNU .</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    7275<Text id="6">نريد ان نتأكد Ù
    7477ج تعÙ
    7578ل جيدا ؚالنسؚة لك. الرجاء الاؚلاغ عن اية Ù
    76 ØŽØ§ÙƒÙ„ ل<i>[email protected] </i>  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     79؎اكل ل<i>[email protected] </i>  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    79 <Text id="7">Greenstone gsdl-2.50</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     82<Text id="7">Greenstone gsdl-2.50</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    8285<Text id="8">اذار / Ù
    83 Ø§Ø±Ø³ 2004  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     86ارس 2004  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    8588<Section id="about_this_manual">
    87 <Text id="9"> "حول هذا الÙ
    88 Ø±ØŽØ¯ " </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     90<Text id="9">حول هذا الÙ
     91ر؎د  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    9598ج الÙ
    9699رتؚطة ØšÙ‡ و التي هي Ù
    97 ØªØ§Ø­Ø© ؚحرية —the Apache Webserver and Perl. سعينا جاهدين لجعل إجراءات التثؚيت ؚسيطة قدر الإÙ
    98 ÙƒØ§Ù† .</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     100تاحة ؚحرية — Apache Webserver و Perl. سعينا جاهدين لجعل إجراءات التثؚيت ؚسيطة قدر الإÙ
     101كان .</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    99102<Text id="11">يÙ
    100103كن ت؎غيل الؚراÙ
    101104ج على Ù
    102105ختلف Ù
    103 Ù†ØµØ§Øª الت؎غيل ، وفي إعدادات Ù
     106نصات الت؎غيل ، وؚإعدادات Ù
    104107ختلفة. وؚالتالي فان هناك العديد Ù
    105108ن القضايا التي ت؀ثر (أو قد ت؀ثر) في اجراء التثؚيت . القسÙ
    130133Ø© ؚالؚرÙ
    131134جيات الÙ
    132 Ø±ØªØšØ·Ù‡ ، وكيفية الحصول عليها. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     135رتؚطه ، وكيفية الحصول عليها. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    137140<Text id="12">الوثا؊ق الÙ
    138 ØµØ§Ø­ØšØ© </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     141صاحؚة </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    143146وعة الكاÙ
    144147لة Ù
    145 Ù† وثا؊ق greenstone ت؎Ù
     148ن وثا؊ق Greenstone ت؎Ù
    146149ل Ø®Ù
    147150سة Ù
    148 Ø¬Ù„دات : </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     151جلدات : </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    153156يه Ù
    154157ر؎د الÙ
    155 Ø«ØšØª <i>(هذه الوثيقة) </i> </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     158ثؚت <i>(هذه الوثيقة) </i> </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    161164ر؎د الÙ
    163    </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     166   </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    166169<Text id="16">Ù
    167 ÙƒØªØšØ© greenstone الرقÙ
     170كتؚة Greenstone الرقÙ
    168171يه Ù
    169172ر؎د الÙ
    170 Ø·ÙˆØ±   </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     173طور   </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    176179ن الورقة الي الÙ
    178 ÙˆØ¹Ø©  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     181وعة  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    184187 Ø§Ù„Ù
    186    </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     189   </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    193196<Text id="copyright-title">حق الÙ
    194 Ø€Ù„ف </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    195 </Title>
    196 <Content>
    197 <!-- Missing translation: right-text-1 -->
     197؀لف </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     200<Text id="right-text-1">حق الن؎ر &copy; 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 لÙ
     201؎روع <Link url="">Ù
     202؎روع Ù
     203كتؚة نيوزيلندا الرقÙ
     204ية</Link> في <Link url="">جاÙ
     205عة ويكاتو</Link>, نيوزيلندا.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    198206<Text id="right-text-2">يÙ
    199 Ù†Ø­ الإذن ؚنسخ ، توزيع و / أو تعديل هذه الوثيقة تحت ؎روط <Link url = ""> Gnu رخصة الوثا؊ق الحرة </Link> ، الاصدار 1،2 أو أى نسخه Ù
     207نح الإذن ؚنسخ ، توزيع و / أو تعديل هذه الوثيقة تحت ؎روط   <Link url="">رخصة GNU للتوثيق الحر </Link>, الإصدار 1.2 أو أى نسخه Ù
    200208ن؎وره في وقت لاحق Ù
    201209ن Ù‚ØšÙ„ Ù
    202210؀سسة الؚرÙ
    203 Ø¬ÙŠØ§Øª الحرة ؛ ؚدون أقساÙ
    204  Ø«Ø§ØšØªØ© ØŒ ؚدون نصوص الغلاف – الأÙ
     211جيات الحرة ؛; ؚدون أقساÙ
     212 Ø«Ø§ØšØªØ©ØŒ ؚدون نصوص الغلاف – الأÙ
    206214ي ،و ؚدون نصوص  الغلاف – الخلفي . نسخة Ù
    207215ن الرخصة أدرجت في القسÙ
    208216 Ø§Ù„Ù
    209 Ø¹Ù†ÙˆÙ† <Link url="">“ رخصة الوثا؊ق الحرة.” </Link>"gnu" </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     217عنون <Link url="">“ رخصة  GNU للتوثيق الحر.”</Link></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    212220<Section id="acknowledgements">
    214 <Text id="19">؎كر و عرفان </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     222<Text id="19">؎كر و عرفان </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    221229وعة Ù
    222 Ù† الأفراد. Rodger McNab and Stefan Boddie هÙ
    223 Ø§ الÙ
    224 Ù‡Ù†Ø¯Ø³Ø§Ù† و الÙ
    225 Ø·ØšÙ‚ان الري؊سيان. و إسهاÙ
    226 Ø§Øª David Bainbridge, George Buchanan, Hong Chen, Michael Dewsnip, Katherine Don, Elke Duncker, Carl Gutwin, Geoff Holmes, Dana McKay, John McPherson, Craig Nevill-Manning, Dynal Patel, Gordon Paynter, Bernhard Pfahringer, Todd Reed, Bill Rogers, John Thompson, and Stuart Yeates. أعضاء آخرون قدÙ
     230ن الأفراد. Rodger McNab and Stefan Boddie و هÙ
     231ا الرواد. و إسهاÙ
     232ات كل Ù
     233ن David Bainbridge, George Buchanan, Hong Chen, Michael Dewsnip, Katherine Don, Elke Duncker, Carl Gutwin, Geoff Holmes, Dana McKay, John McPherson, Craig Nevill-Manning, Dynal Patel, Gordon Paynter, Bernhard Pfahringer, Todd Reed, Bill Rogers, John Thompson, and Stuart Yeates. أعضاء آخرون قدÙ
    227234وا ر؀ي Ù
    228235ؚدعة في التصÙ
    235242 Ø§Ù„رخصة العاÙ
    236243Ø© GNUو التي تضÙ
    237 Ù†Øª: MG, GDBM, PDFTOHTML, PERL, WGET, WVWARE و XLHTML.  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     244نت: MG, GDBM, PDFTOHTML, PERL, WGET, WVWARE و XLHTML.  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    240247<Chapter id="versions_of_greenstone">
    242 <Text id="21">إصدارات greenstone  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    243 </Title>
    244 <Content>
    245 <Text id="22">greenstone ؚرÙ
     249<Text id="21">إصدارات Greenstone  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     252<Text id="22"> ؚرÙ
    246253جيات Greenstone  تعÙ
    247254ل علي Ù
    249256نصات الت؎غيل ، وؚإختلاف الإعدادات ، كÙ
    250257ا هو Ù
    251 Ù„خص في ال؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="different_options"/>.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     258لخص في ال؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="different_options"/>.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    252259<Figure id="different_options">
    254261<Text id="23">الخيارات الÙ
    255262ختلفة لاصدارات ويندوز Windows  ويونيكس Unix Ù
    256 Ù† greenstone  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     263ن Greenstone  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    258265<File width="542" height="264" url="images/Install_Fig_1.gif"/>
    260267<Text id="24">ان هناك العديد Ù
    261268ن القضايا التي ت؀ثر (أو قد ت؀ثر) إجراء التثؚيت. Ù‚ØšÙ„ أن تقرأ ، يجؚ عليك ان تن؞ر في هذه الÙ
    262 Ø³Ø§ØŠÙ„ : </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     269سا؊ل : </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    265272<Text id="25">هل انت تستعÙ
    266 Ù„ ويندوز Windows او يونيكس Unix؟ </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     273ل ويندوز Windows او يونيكس Unix؟ </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    278285وعات جديدة.ؚرناÙ
    279 Ø¬  greenstone الكاÙ
     286ج  Greenstone الكاÙ
    280287ل يعÙ
    281 Ù„ على 95/98/Me و NT/2000. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     288ل على 95/98/Me و NT/2000. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    294301صدر . و قد يتطلؚ Ù
    295302نك هذا تثؚيت ؚعض الؚرÙ
    296 Ø¬ÙŠØ§Øª الاضافيه على جهازك. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     303جيات الاضافيه على جهازك. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    304311 Ø£Ø³Ø§Ø³ÙŠ  “root” ؟ هذا قد يتطلؚ إعداد Ù
    305312زود الويؚ ليكون Ù
    306 Ù†Ø§Ø³ØšØ§  لgreenstone. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     313ناسؚا  لGreenstone. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    312319كنك ان تثؚت الÙ
    313320لفات الثنا؊ية . ولكن قد تريد ؎فره الÙ
    314 ØµØ¯Ø± ايضا – هي  في توزيع greenstone . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     321صدر ايضا – هي  في توزيع Greenstone . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    323330تاح Ù
    324331جانا لكل Ù
    325 Ù† ويندوز Windows  ويونيكس Unix. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     332ن ويندوز Windows  ويونيكس Unix. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    328335<Text id="31">هل يوجد في جهاز الكÙ
    329336ؚيوتر الخاص ØšÙƒ Ù
    330 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ و هو يعÙ
    331 Ù„ØŸ يوزع Ù
     337زود ويؚ و تقوÙ
     338 ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ه؟ يوزع Ù
    332339ع ؚرناÙ
    333340ج  Greenstone Ù
    334 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ ويندوز Windows. ولكن ، Ø§Ø°Ø§ كنت ؚالفعل تقوÙ
    335  ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ Ù
    336 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ ،و قد تريد الؚقاء Ù
    337 Ø¹Ù‡. ليونيكس Unix ، أنت ؚحاجة لت؎غيل Ù
    338 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     341زود ويؚ ويندوز Windows. ولكن ،يÙ
     342كنك ت؎غيل الؚرناÙ
     343ج ØšÙ
     344زود الويؚ الخاص ØšÙƒ.ؚالنسؚة ليونيكس Unix ، أنت ؚحاجة لت؎غيل Ù
     345زود ويؚ.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    344351 ØšØ¥Ø³ØªØ®Ø¯Ø§Ù
    345352 Ù
    346 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ  greenstone ، و سوف تحتاج لتعديل ؚسيط للإعداد الحالي لتعريف ؚرناÙ
    347ʯ greenstone. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     353زود ويؚ  Greenstone ، و سوف تحتاج لتعديل ؚسيط للإعداد الحالي لتعريف ؚرناÙ
     354ج Greenstone. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    352359<Chapter id="installation_procedure">
    354 <Text id="33">إجراءات التثؚيت</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     361<Text id="33">إجراءات التثؚيت</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    361368صدر .واجهات Ù
    363   greenstone تستخدÙ
     370  Greenstone تستخدÙ
    364371 Ù
    365372تصفح ويؚ : الÙ
    366 Ù„اح نتسكيؚ  Netscape Navigator  او انترنت اكسؚلورر Internet Explorer (الإصدارة 4،0 او اكثر في كلتا الحالتين) وكلاهÙ
     373تصفح نتسكيؚ  Netscape Navigator  او انترنت اكسؚلورر Internet Explorer (الإصدارة 4،0 او اكثر في كلتا الحالتين) وكلاهÙ
    367374ا Ù
    368375ناسؚ - في حال لÙ
    372379ن  ويندوز Windows و نتسكيؚ  Netscape في القرص الÙ
    374 Ø¬. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     381ج. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    375382<Section id="windows">
    377 <Text id="35">ويندوز Windows</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     384<Text id="35">ويندوز Windows</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    387394 ØšØ¥Ø³ØªØ®Ø¯Ø§Ù
    388395 Ø¥Ø¬Ø±Ø§Ø¡ تثؚيت ؚسيط" .ن؞اÙ
    389   greenstone  يحتل حوالي 40 Ù
     396  Greenstone  يحتل حوالي 40 Ù
    390397يغاؚايت Ù
    391398ن Ù
    392 Ø³Ø§Ø­Ø© القرص." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     399ساحة القرص." </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    393400<Text id="37">اذا اخترت اي ؎يء آخر سوى الاعداد الافتراضي ، سيتعين عليكÙ
    394  Ø£Ù† تقرر Ù
    395 Ø§ إذا كنت تريد تثؚيت ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية او ؎فره الÙ
     401 Ø£Ù† تقرر إذا Ù
     402ا كنت تريد تثؚيت ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية او ؎فره الÙ
    396403صدر. واذا كنت في ØŽÙƒ ، قÙ
    397404 ØšØ¥Ø®ØªÙŠØ§Ø± ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية. اجراء التثؚيت  هو نفسه ؚالنسؚة لهÙ
    399406 Ø§Ù„تالية الخيارات التي ستقدÙ
    400407 Ù„Ùƒ Ù
    401 Ø¹. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     408ع. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    402409<Text id="38">عندÙ
    403410ا تنتهي Ù
    404411ن التثؚيت يجؚ عليك التجاوز الى القسÙ
    405  <Crossref target="section" ref="how_to_find_greenstone"/>. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     412 <Crossref target="section" ref="how_to_find_greenstone"/>. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    406413<Subsection id="simple_installation">
    408 <Text id="39">تثؚيت ؚسيط  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     415<Text id="39">تثؚيت ؚسيط  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    414421ج ،قÙ
    415  ØšØ¥Ø¯Ø®Ø§Ù„ ل القرص الى السواقة (على سؚيل الÙ
     422 ØšØ¥Ø¯Ø®Ø§Ù„ القرص الى السواقة (على سؚيل الÙ
    416423ثال الى <i>D:</i>).إذا لÙ
    417424  يؚدأ إجراء التثؚيت  تلقا؊يا ؚعد نحو 20 ثانية ، انقر على قا؊Ù
    420427جة الخاصة ØšÙƒ.ؚالنسؚة لويندوز 3،1 Windows، واختر <i>Run</i> Ù
    421 Ù† “File manager”  وأطؚع <i>D:\Windows\win3.1\setup.exe</i> </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     428ن “File manager”  وأطؚع <i>D:\Windows\win3.1\setup.exe</i> </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    422429<Text id="41">لأؚسط تثؚيت ، عليك القؚول ؚالقيÙ
    423430Ø© الإفتراضية في كل Ù
    424431رة تقوÙ
    425432 ÙÙŠÙ‡Ø§ ؚنقر زر <i>Next</i>.هذا كل Ù
    426 Ø§ عليك فعله!يتÙ
    427  ØªØ«ØšÙŠØª  Greenstone  في الدليل <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i> </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     433ا عليك فعله! Ù„يتÙ
     434 ØªØ«ØšÙŠØª  Greenstone  في الدليل <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i> </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    428435<Text id="42">وؚÙ
    429436جرد إكتÙ
    430437ال التثؚيت ، لتؚدأ ن؞اÙ
    431   greenstone  انقر على زر <i>Start</i>  ، وفتح قا؊Ù
     438  Greenstone  انقر على زر <i>Start</i>  ، وفتح قا؊Ù
    432439Ø© <i>Program</i> ، واختر <i>Greenstone Digital Library</i>. ويودي هذا لفتح Ù
    433440رؚع حوار : يكفي ان تنقر على <i>Enter Library.</i> هنا يؚدأ تلقا؊يا Ù
    434441تصفح الانترنت الخاص ØšÙƒ ويحÙ
    435442ل الصفحة الر؊يسية لÙ
    436 ÙƒØªØšØ© greenstone الرقÙ
     443كتؚة Greenstone الرقÙ
    437444يه ، والتي ينؚغي ان تؚدو كÙ
    438445ا في الÙ
    439446ثال في ال؎كل <CrossRef target="Figure" ref="your_greenstone_home_page"/> أدخل الي Ù
    441 ÙˆØ¹Ø©  greenstone النÙ
    442 ÙˆØ°Ø¬ÙŠØ© ؚالنقر على ايقونتها.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     448وعة  Greenstone النÙ
     449وذجية ؚالنقر على ايقونتها.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    443450<Figure id="your_greenstone_home_page">
    445 <Text id="43">صفحة greenstone الر؊يسية الخاصة ØšÙƒ   </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     452<Text id="43">صفحة Greenstone الر؊يسية الخاصة ØšÙƒ   </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    447454<File width="395" height="327" url="images/Install_Fig_2.png"/>
    451458<Subsection id="windows_binaries">
    453 <Text id="44">ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية Windows  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     460<Text id="44">ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية Windows  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    470477كتؚه الويؚ،و التي هي اصعؚ ؚكثير في إعدادها ،تعتؚر ضرورية فقط  اذا كان لديك ؚالفعل Ù
    471478زود ويؚ وتريد ان تستخدÙ
    472 Ù‡ لأغراض greenstone . وعلى الرغÙ
     479ه لأغراض Greenstone . وعلى الرغÙ
    473480 Ù
    474481ن تواضع الاسÙ
    478485ات ؚقدرات Ù
    479486زود ويؚ كاÙ
    480 Ù„Ø©. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     487لة. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    481488<Text id="46">الÙ
    482489كتؚه الÙ
    486493Ø© Ù
    488 ÙˆØ¹Ø§Øª  greenstone الÙ
     495وعات  Greenstone الÙ
    491 ÙˆØ¹Ø©  greenstone النÙ
     498وعة  Greenstone النÙ
    492499وذجية  سوف تثؚت تلقا؊يا ؛ يÙ
    493500كنك ايضا تثؚيت الÙ
    504511جه التي انتجها ن؞اÙ
    505  greenstone . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     512 Greenstone . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    506513<Text id="47">الغرض Ù
    507514ن الÙ
    518525ع ذلك ، فان Ù
    519526زود الويؚ Ù
    520 Ø­Ø¯ÙˆØ¯ الإعداد) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     527حدود الإعداد) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    521528<Text id="48">يقرر ؚرناÙ
    522529ج الÙ
    533540لتين يÙ
    534541كن أن تواجهÙ
    535 Ø§. Greenstone رؚÙ
    536 Ø§  . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     542ا. رؚÙ
     543ا Greenstone . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    539546<Text id="49">يسؚؚ طلؚا لت؎غيل الهاتف غير Ù
    540 Ø±ØºÙˆØš فيه </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     547رغوؚ فيه </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    543550<Text id="50">ف؎ل ت؎غيل ؚرناÙ
    544551ج ال؎ؚكة ؚسؚؚ تثؚيت الؚرناÙ
    545 Ø¬ و لكنه تثؚيت  ؚ؎كل خاط؊. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     552ج و لكنه تثؚيت  ؚ؎كل خاط؊. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    560567كتؚة الÙ
    561568حلية Ù
    562 Ù†  greenstone ، يتضÙ
     569ن  Greenstone ، يتضÙ
    563570ن Ù
    564571رؚع الحوار زر  يتيح لك استخداÙ
    569576؎اكل اعلاه ، وعليك دا؊Ù
    570577ا استخداÙ
    571  Ø§Ù„نسخه القياسيه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     578 Ø§Ù„نسخه القياسيه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    572579<Text id="52"><b>Ù
    573 ÙƒØªØšÙ‡ الويؚ </b>.و تتيح هذه لأي جهاز ØšÙ‡ Ù
    574 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ خدÙ
     580كتؚه الويؚ </b> ØªØªÙŠØ­ لآي جهاز ØšÙ‡ Ù
     581زود ويؚ  ØšØ®Ø¯Ù
    575582Ø© Ù
    577 ÙˆØ¹Ø§Øª  greenstone الÙ
    578 ØšÙ†ÙŠØ© .كÙ
     584وعات Greenstone .كÙ
    579585ا هو Ù
    580 Ø¹ الÙ
     586ع Ù
     588وعة الÙ
    581589كتؚة الÙ
    582 Ø­Ù„ية اعلاه ،Ù
    583 Ø¬Ù
    584 ÙˆØ¹Ø©  greenstone النÙ
    585 ÙˆØ°Ø¬ÙŠØ© سوف يتÙ
    586  ØªØ«ØšÙŠØªÙ‡Ø§ تلقا؊يا - يÙ
     590حلية أعلاه .يÙ
     591كنك أيضا تثؚيت الÙ
     593وعات الأخري في القرص الÙ
     595ج يÙ
    587596كنك أيضا تثؚيت  الÙ
    591600ج (ان؞ر القسÙ
    592  <Crossref target="chapter" ref="greenstone_collections"/>). </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     601 <Crossref target="chapter" ref="greenstone_collections"/>). </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    593602<Text id="53">Ù
    594603كتؚه الويؚ تختلف عن الÙ
    597606قصود هو  ؚالنسؚة للحواسيؚ التي لديها ؚالفعل ؚراÙ
    598607ج Ù
    599 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ الويؚ . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     608زود الويؚ . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    600609<Text id="54">لت؎غيل Ù
    601 ÙƒØªØšØ© الويؚ ، ايضا تحتاج  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     610كتؚة الويؚ ، ايضا تحتاج  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    605614جيات ويؚ.  - واحد الاحتÙ
    606615الات هو اؚات؎ي Apache  (ان؞ر الÙ
    607 Ù„حق <Crossref target="chapter" ref="appendix_associated_software"/>). </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     616لحق <Crossref target="chapter" ref="appendix_associated_software"/>). </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    610619<Text id="56"><b>الÙ
    612 Ø¹ </b>. هذا العنصر ، و الذي هو Ù
     621ع </b> هذا العنصر ، و الذي هو Ù
    613622درج في كل Ù
    614623ن الÙ
    619628وعات Ù
    620629ن Ù
    621 ÙˆØ§Ø¯ ؚاختيارك.) لا يÙ
     630واد ؚاختيارك.( لا يÙ
    622631كن إستخداÙ
    623632 Ø§Ù„Ù
    625 Ø¹ في ؚي؊ة النوافذ 3.1/3.11 Windows)" </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     634ع في ؚي؊ة النوافذ 3.1/3.11 Windows) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    632641<Text id="57">إعداد Ù
    633642زود ويؚ ويندوز Windows (إصدارة Ù
    634 ÙƒØªØšØ© الويؚ فقط)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     643كتؚة الويؚ فقط)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    639648كتؚة الÙ
    640649حلية Ù
    641 Ù† greenstone أنها تعÙ
     650ن Greenstone أنها تعÙ
    642651ل Ù
    643 Ù†  خارج الصندوق "ولا تتطلؚ اي ترتيؚ خاص . نسخة Ù
     652ن  "خارج الصندوق "ولا تتطلؚ اي ترتيؚ خاص . نسخة Ù
    644653كتؚة الويؚ ، تحتاج لاجراء ؚعض التعديلات لإعداد Ù
    645 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ الويؚ الخاص ØšÙƒ ." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    646 <Text id="59">"اذا كان لديك Ù
    647 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ ،تحتاج لإجراء ؚعض التغييرات الصغيرة في إعداده لجعل تثؚيت greenstone يعÙ
     654زود الويؚ الخاص ØšÙƒ . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     655<Text id="59">اذا كان لديك Ù
     656زود ويؚ ،تحتاج لإجراء ؚعض التغييرات الصغيرة في إعداده لجعل تثؚيت Greenstone يعÙ
    648657ل .Ù
    649658ر؎د الÙ
    664673ات في Ù
    665674ر؎د الÙ
    666 Ø«ØšØª." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     675ثؚت.  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    667676<Text id="60">اذا لÙ
    668677 ÙŠÙƒÙ† لديك أي Ù
    679688ر نزولا الى نصف دستة Ù
    680689ن السطور في Ù
    681 Ù„ف الإعداد . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     690لف الإعداد . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    684693<Subsection id="windows_source">
    686 <Text id="61">Windows Ù
    687 ØµØ¯Ø±</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    688 </Title>
    689 <Content>
    690 <Text id="62"> greenstone ؎فره الÙ
     695<Text id="61">Ù
     696صدر Windows </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     699<Text id="62">؎فره Ù
    691700صدر  Greenstone  تحتل 50 Ù
    692701يغاؚايت Ù
    696705يغاؚايت. ؚتجÙ
    697706يع الÙ
    698 ØµØ¯Ø± على النوافذ  Windows  سوف تحتاج </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     707صدر على النوافذ  Windows  سوف تحتاج</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    701710<Text id="63">Ù
    703 Ø¹ Microsoft Visual C++ Ù
    704 Ø¬Ù
    705 Ø¹. (نحن الأن ؚصدد توفير الحلول لؚعض الÙ
     712ع ++ Microsoft Visual C . (نحن الأن ؚصدد توفير الحلول لؚعض الÙ
    706713؎اكل الطفيفه في تجÙ
    707 ÙŠØ¹ greenstone Ù
     714يع Greenstone Ù
    708715ع Ù
    709 Ø®ØªÙ„ف نوافذ Windows ports of GNU GCC. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     716ختلف نوافذ Windows   GNU GCC. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    712 <Text id="64">(لست ؚحاجة gdbm ، gnu Ù
    713 Ø¯ÙŠØ± قاعدة ؚيانات ، لانها Ù
    714 Ø¯Ø±Ø¬Ø© في greenstone Ù
    715 ØµØ¯Ø± التوزيع.)  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     719<Text id="64">(لست ؚحاجة الي Ù
     720دير قاعدة ؚيانات GDBM ، Gnu. ، لأنها Ù
     721درجة في توزيع Ù
     722صدر Greenstone ) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    716723<Text id="65">وÙ
    717724ن غير الÙ
    718 Ø±Ø¬Ø­ ان تكونوا قادرين على تجÙ
    719 ÙŠØ¹ greenstone في ؚي؊ة النوافذ 3.1/3.11 Windows. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    720 <Text id="66"> "فى حالة أنك قÙ
     725رجح ان تكون Ù‚ادرا على تجÙ
     726يع Greenstone في ؚي؊ة النوافذ 3.1/3.11 Windows. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     727<Text id="66">فى حالة أنك قÙ
    721728ت ؚإعادة تجÙ
    722 ÙŠØ¹ greenstone وترغؚ في إستخداÙ
     729يع Greenstone وترغؚ في إستخداÙ
    723730 Ø§Ù„إصدارة التي قÙ
    724731ت ؚإعادة تجÙ
    725732يعها لإن؎اء اقراص Ù
    727 Ø¬Ù‡ ، يجؚ أن تلاح؞ أن ال؎فرة التي أنتجت ؚالإصدارات الحالية Ù
     734جه ،
     735يجؚ أن تلاح؞ أن ال؎فرة التي أنتجت ؚالإصدارات الحالية Ù
    728736ن Ù
    730 Ø¹ Visual C++ لا تعÙ
     738ع ++ Visual C لا تعÙ
    731739ل في ؚي؊ة نوافذ 3.1/3.11 Windows ؚالرغÙ
    732  Ù
    733742ن عدÙ
    734743 ÙˆØ¬ÙˆØ¯  Ù
    738747جه لتعÙ
    739 Ù„ على إصدارات ويندوز Windows  الÙ
     749على إصدارات ويندوز Windows  الÙ
    740750ؚكرة ، ستحتاج لإصدارة Ù
    741751ختلفة Ù
    744754ع. وعلاوة على ذلك ، يستخدÙ
    745  Greenstone   STL و Ù
    746 ÙƒØªØšÙ‡ القوالؚ القياسيه C++، وعلى الرغÙ
     755 STL  Greenstone     
     756و Ù
     757كتؚه القوالؚ القياسيه ++ C، وعلى الرغÙ
    747758 Ù
    748759ن ان هذه الÙ
    750 Ø¹Ø§Øª احيانا تأتي Ù
    751 Ø¹ STL ، الإصدارة الÙ
     761عات تأتي احيانا Ù
     762ع STL ، فان  الإصدارة الÙ
    752763وفرة لا ت؀دي دا؊Ù
    753764ا العÙ
    754 Ù„ ؚ؎كل صحيح. وÙ
     765ل ؚ؎كل صحيح.
    755767ن Ø«Ù
    756768 Ù„إعادة تجÙ
    757 ÙŠØ¹  greenstone ؚطريقة تنتج اقراص Ù
     769يع  Greenstone ؚطريقة تنتج اقراص Ù
    759771جه تعÙ
    760772ل على إصدارات ويندوز Windows  الÙ
    761 ØšÙƒØ±Ø© ، عليك "  Visual C++ لا تعÙ
    762 Ù„ في ؚي؊ة نوافذ 3.1/3.11 Windows ؚالرغÙ
    763  Ù
    764 Ù† عدÙ
    765  ÙˆØ¬ÙˆØ¯  Ù
    766 ØŽÙƒÙ„Ø© Ù
    767 Ø¹ إصدارات  ويندوز Windows اللاحقة  (95, 98, Me, NT, 2000). إذا أردت ت؎غيل اقراص Ù
    768 Ø¯Ù
    769 Ø¬Ù‡ لتعÙ
    770 Ù„ على إصدارات ويندوز Windows  الÙ
    771 ØšÙƒØ±Ø© ، ستحتاج لإصدارة Ù
    772 Ø®ØªÙ„فة Ù
    773 Ù† الÙ
    774 Ø¬Ù
    775 Ø¹. وعلاوة على ذلك ، يستخدÙ
    776  Greenstone   STL و Ù
    777 ÙƒØªØšÙ‡ القوالؚ القياسيه C++، وعلى الرغÙ
    778  Ù
    779 Ù† ان هذه الÙ
    780 Ø¬Ù
    781 Ø¹Ø§Øª احيانا تأتي Ù
    782 Ø¹ STL ، الإصدارة الÙ
    783 ÙˆÙØ±Ø© لا ت؀دي دا؊Ù
    784 Ø§ العÙ
    785 Ù„ ؚ؎كل صحيح. وÙ
    786 Ù† Ø«Ù
    787  Ù„إعادة تجÙ
    788 ÙŠØ¹  greenstone ؚطريقة تنتج اقراص Ù
    789 Ø¯Ù
    790 Ø¬Ù‡ تعÙ
    791 Ù„ على إصدارات ويندوز Windows  الÙ
    792 ØšÙƒØ±Ø© ، عليك " </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     773ؚكرة ، سوف تحتاج</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    795776<Text id="67">Ù
    797 Ø¹   Microsoft Visual C ++ ، الإصدارة  4.0 أو 4.2</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     778ع ++ Microsoft Visual C  ، الإصدارة  4.0 أو 4.2</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    800781<Text id="68">إصدارة خارجية Ù
    801782ن stl ، Ù
    802 ÙƒØªØšÙ‡ القوالؚ القياسيه C++.تÙ
     783كتؚه القوالؚ القياسيه  ++ C .تÙ
    803784 ØªØ¶Ù
    804785ين  Stl Ù
    806787 Ù
    807788ع صيغ التجÙ
    808 ÙŠØ¹ هذه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     789يع هذه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    811792<Text id="69">علÙ
    812793ا ان إجراء تثؚيت النوافذ  Windows  لا يحاول  اجراء تجÙ
    813 ÙŠØ¹ greenstone لك اذا اخترت تثؚيت  ؎فره الÙ
     794يع Greenstone لك اذا اخترت تثؚيت  ؎فره الÙ
    815796ات تجÙ
    820 Ø®ØµØµØ© ، أن؞ر وثيقة  <i>Install.txt</i> التي توضع في الÙ
     801خصصة ، أن؞ر وثيقة  <i>Install.txt</i> التي توضع إفتراضيا في الÙ
    821802ستوي الأعلى Ù
    822 Ù† دليل  greenstone  (<i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i> by default)  اثناء اجراء  التثؚيت. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     803ن دليل  Greenstone  (<i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i> )  اثناء اجراء  التثؚيت. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    827808<Section id="unix">
    829 <Text id="70">يونيكس Unix</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    830 </Title>
    831 <Content>
    832 <Text id="71">وهذا القسÙ
     810<Text id="70">يونيكس Unix</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     813<Text id="71">هذا القسÙ
    833814 Ù‡Ùˆ Ù
    834815كتوؚ لÙ
    841822 <Crossref target="section" ref="how_to_find_greenstone"/>.) عليك ان تختار اذا Ù
    842823ا  كنت تريد تثؚيت ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية  او ؎فره الÙ
    843 ØµØ¯Ø±. ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية  تحتل حوالي 50 Ù
     824صدر. ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية  تحتاج الي حوالي 50 Ù
    844825يغاؚايت Ù
    845826ن Ù
    847828صدر تتطلؚ حوالى 160 Ù
    848829يغا ؚايت للتجÙ
    849 ÙŠØ¹. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     830يع. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    850831<Subsection id="unix_binaries">
    852 <Text id="72">Unix ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     833<Text id="72">ال؎فرة الثنا؊ية  Unix</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    857838 ELF binary.التوزيعات التي تلؚي هذه الÙ
    858839تطلؚات ت؎Ù
    859 Ù„ : </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     840ل : </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    862 <Text id="74">RedHat 5.1</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     843<Text id="74">RedHat 5.1</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    865 <Text id="75">SuSE Linux 6.1</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     846<Text id="75">SuSE Linux 6.1</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    868 <Text id="76">Debian 2.1</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     849<Text id="76">Debian 2.1</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    871 <Text id="77">Slackware 4.0</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     852<Text id="77">Slackware 4.0</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    874855<Text id="78">احدث نسخ Ù
    875856ن هذه التوزيعات ينؚغي أن نعÙ
    876 Ù„ ايضا. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     857ل ايضا. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    877858<Text id="79">سوف تحتاج Ù
    878859زود ويؚ : نوصي ؚإستخداÙ
    880861ا اننا نوصي ؚ؎دة ان تقوÙ
    881862 ØšØªØ«ØšÙŠØª Ù
    882 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ الويؚ الخاص ØšÙƒ <i>Ù‚ØšÙ„ </i> تثؚيت greenstone – لان هذا سوف يسهل كثيرا الاجاؚه على الاس؊له التي طرحت اثناء إجراء تثؚيت Greenstone .اذا كنت تريد ؚناء Ù
     863زود الويؚ الخاص ØšÙƒ <i>Ù‚ØšÙ„ </i> تثؚيت Greenstone – لان هذا سوف يسهل كثيرا الاجاؚه على الاس؊له التي طرحت اثناء إجراء تثؚيت Greenstone .اذا كنت تريد ؚناء Ù
    884865وعات الÙ
    894875لحق <Crossref target="chapter" ref="appendix_associated_software"/> يعطي Ù
    896 Ø§Øª عن كيفية للحصول على اؚات؎ي Apache وؚيرل Perl. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     877ات عن كيفية للحصول على اؚات؎ي Apache وؚيرل Perl. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    899880<Subsection id="unix_source">
    901 <Text id="80">Unix Ù
    902 ØµØ¯Ø±</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     882<Text id="80">Ù
     883صدر Unix</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    908889ا لـ  ويندوز Windows . وقد تÙ
    909890 ØªØ¬Ù
    910 ÙŠØ¹Ù‡ ÙˆØ§Ø®ØªØšØ§Ø±Ù‡ على لينكس Linux ، وسولاريس Solaris  ، ون؞اÙ
     891يعها واختؚارها على لينكس Linux ، وسولاريس Solaris  ، ون؞اÙ
    911892 Ø§Ù„ت؎غيل Ù
    912893اكنتو؎ Macintosh OS/X؛ فهي يجؚ ان تكون Ù
    913894سألة روتينيه الى حد Ù
    914895ا ؚالنسؚة الى ت؎غيلة على غيره Ù
    915 Ù† نكهات يونيكس Unix. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     896ن نكهات يونيكس Unix. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    916897<Text id="82">لتجÙ
    917898يع ؎فرة Ù
    918 ØµØ¯Ø± Greenstone  علي يونيكس Unix ، سوف تحتاج"</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     899صدر Greenstone  علي يونيكس Unix ، سوف تحتاج"</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    921 <Text id="83"> "GCC, the Gnu C++ Ù
    922 Ø¬Ù
    923 Ø¹."</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     902<Text id="83">Ù
     904ع ++ GCC ، Gnu C .</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    926 <Text id="84"> "gdbm ، gnu Ù
    927 Ø¯ÙŠØ± قاعدة الؚيانات." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     907<Text id="84">Ù
     908دير قاعدة ؚيانات GDBM ، Gnu. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    931912ج  Greenstone ، تحتاج أيضا  إلى Ù
    932913زود ويؚ و ؚيرل Perl  ، على النحو الÙ
    933 ÙˆØµÙˆÙ أعلاه تحت <i>يونيكس ثنا؊يات </i>. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     914وصوف أعلاه تحت <i>يونيكس ثنا؊يات </i>. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    938919<Text id="86">تثؚيت ن؞اÙ
    939  ÙŠÙˆÙ†ÙŠÙƒØ³  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     920 ÙŠÙˆÙ†ÙŠÙƒØ³  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    946927ج ،قÙ
    947  ØšØ§Ø¯Ø®Ø§Ù„ القرص الى السواقة ، وإطؚع  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     928 ØšØ§Ø¯Ø®Ø§Ù„ القرص الى السواقة ، وإطؚع  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    948929<Table class="hidden" id="table_commands">
    955936<th width="246">
    956 <Text id="88">جؚل القرص جهاز (هذا الأÙ
    957 Ø± قد تختلف Ù
     937<Text id="88">قÙ
     938 ØšÙˆØ¶Ø¹ القرص في سواقة الأقراص الÙ
     940جة (هذا الأÙ
     941ر قد يختلف Ù
    958942ن ن؞اÙ
    959943 Ø§Ù„Ù‰ آخر ، فعلى سؚيل الÙ
    964948ناسؚ لقرص Ù
    966 Ø¬) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     950ج) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    976960ستوي الأعلي للقرص الÙ
    978 Ø¬</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     962ج</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    985969<th width="246">
    986970<Text id="90">قÙ
    987  ØšØªØºÙŠÙŠØ± الدليل الي حيث يوجد نص تثؚيت يونيكس Unix </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     971 ØšØªØºÙŠÙŠØ± الدليل الي حيث يوجد نص تثؚيت يونيكس Unix </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    1004988ن قرص Ù
    1006 Ø¬).  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     990ج).  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    1012996ر الأخير  يؚدأ حوارا تفاعليا ؚطلؚ الÙ
    1014 Ø§Øª التي يحتاجها تثؚيت  greenstone على جهازك ، ويعطي تفصيلا ردود الفعل على Ù
    1015 Ø§ يحدث. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     998ات التي يحتاجها تثؚيت  Greenstone على جهازك ، ويعطي تفصيلا ردود الفعل على Ù
     999ا يحدث. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    10161000<Text id="93">يؚدأ إجراء التثؚيت ؚطلؚ تحديد الدليل لتثؚيت  greenstone فيه. أول Ù
    10171001لف يوضع هناك هو ؚرناÙ
    10491033رور للÙ
    1051  â€œadministrator” و هي  <i>admin</i>." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1035 â€œadministrator” و هي  <i>admin</i>." </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    10521036<Text id="94">ؚ؎كل افتراضي ،فان جÙ
    10531037يع ؚراÙ
    1054 Ø¬ greenstone تثؚت في  الدليل <i>/usr/local/gsdl</i>، اذا كان الÙ
     1038ج Greenstone تثؚت في  الدليل <i>/usr/local/gsdl</i>، اذا كان الÙ
    10561040 Ù‡Ùˆ  الذي يقوÙ
    10581042وقع الÙ
    1060 )." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1044)." </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    10611045<Text id="95">تثؚيت الÙ
    10621046صدر الثنا؊ي لا يستغرق سوى دقا؊ق قليلة ، Ù
    10691053ر Ù
    10701054ن ع؎ر دقا؊ق الى ساعة او نحو ذلك ، تؚعا لسرعة الÙ
    1071 Ø¹Ø§Ù„ج الخاص ØšÙƒ. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1055عالج الخاص ØšÙƒ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    10721056<Text id="96">لالغاء تثؚيت الؚراÙ
    1073 Ø¬ ، اطؚع  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1057ج ، اطؚع  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    10741058<CodeLine>cd ~/gsdl</CodeLine>
    1075 <Text id="97"> "او <i>/usr/local/gsdl</i> اذا كان هو الÙ
     1059<Text id="97">أو <i>/usr/local/gsdl</i> اذا كان هو الÙ
    10771061 Ø§Ù„أساسي الذي قاÙ
    1078  ØšØªØ«ØšÙŠØª  greenstone " </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1062 ØšØªØ«ØšÙŠØª Greenstone </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    10791063<CodeLine>sh Uni</CodeLine>
    10801064<Text id="98">اثناء إجراء  التثؚيت سيطلؚ Ù
    10811065نك تحديد رغؚتك في تثؚيت اي Ù
    1083 ÙˆØ¹Ø§Øª greenstone Ù
    1084 Ù†.يتÙ
     1067وعات Greenstone .يتÙ
    10851068 ØªØ«ØšÙŠØª Ù
    1087 ÙˆØ¹Ø© greenstone النÙ
     1070وعة Greenstone النÙ
    10881071وذجية  تلقا؊يا ؛تÙ
    10891072 ÙˆØµÙ الÙ
    10931076ج في القسÙ
    1094  <CrossRef target="Chapter" ref="greenstone_collections"/>.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1077 <CrossRef target="Chapter" ref="greenstone_collections"/>.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    10991082<Text id="99">إعداد Ù
    1100 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ يونيكس Unix   </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1083زود ويؚ يونيكس Unix   </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    11031086<Text id="100">اذا كان لديك Ù
    1104 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ ، سيتعين عليك اجراء ؚعض التغييرات الصغيرة للاعداد لجعل تثؚيت greenstone يعÙ
     1087زود ويؚ ، سيتعين عليك اجراء ؚعض التغييرات الصغيرة للاعداد لجعل تثؚيت Greenstone يعÙ
    11051088ل – يفسر نص التثؚيت Ù
    11061089ا هي هذه التغييرات - على الأرجح أنك سوف تحتاج الى Ù
    11171100لف ؚاسÙ
    11181101 install_record في الدليل الذي تÙ
    1119  ÙÙŠÙ‡ تثؚيت greenstone. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1102 ÙÙŠÙ‡ تثؚيت Greenstone. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    11201103<Text id="101">اذا لÙ
    11211104 ÙŠÙƒÙ† لديك أي Ù
    11291112 <Crossref target="chapter" ref="setting_up_webserver"/> سردا تفصيليا لاجزاء Ù
    11301113ن تثؚيت Ù
    1131 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ اؚات؎ي Apache التي تفعل greenstone ، وكيف أنها تحتاج الى تغيير. الاÙ
     1114زود ويؚ اؚات؎ي Apache التي تفعل Greenstone ، وكيف أنها تحتاج الى تغيير. الاÙ
    11321115ر الذي يÙ
    11331116كن  ان يصل الى نصف دستة تقريؚا Ù
    11341117ن السطور في Ù
    11351118لف الإعداد.  <Crossref target="chapter" ref="setting_up_webserver"/> سردا تفصيليا لاجزاء Ù
    1136 Ù† تركيؚ ويؚ اؚات؎ي التي ت؀ثر greenstone ، وكيف أنها تحتاج الى تغيير. الاÙ
     1119ن تركيؚ ويؚ اؚات؎ي التي ت؀ثر Greenstone ، وكيف أنها تحتاج الى تغيير. الاÙ
    11371120ر ØšÙ
    11381121ا ان تصل الى نصف اثنتي ع؎رة أو حتى خطوط في ت؎كيل الÙ
    1139 Ù„ف. "</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1122لف. "</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    11401123<Text id="102">لست ؚحاجة الى ان تكون الÙ
    11691152ا تثؚيت Ù
    11701153زود ويؚ اؚات؎ي Apache  على جهازك - حتى اذا كان Ù
    1171 ÙˆØ¬ÙˆØ¯Ø§ ؚالفعل. . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1154وجودا ؚالفعل. . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    11761159<Section id="how_to_find_greenstone">
    1178 <Text id="103">كيف تحصل علي greenstone</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1161<Text id="103">كيف تحصل علي Greenstone</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    11831166<Text id="104">الÙ
    11841167كتؚه الÙ
    1185 Ø­Ù„ية (ويندوز Windows فقط) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1168حلية (ويندوز Windows فقط) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    11911174حلية ، ؚؚساطة قÙ
    11921175 ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ ؚرناÙ
    1193 Ø¬  <i>greenstone</i> Ù
     1176ج  <i>Greenstone</i> Ù
    11941177ن قا؊Ù
    11951178Ø© <i>ؚدء</i> - في Ù
    11981181 ØšØªØ­Ù
    11991182يل الصفحة الر؊يسية لÙ
    1200 ÙƒØªØšØ©  greenstone الرقÙ
     1183كتؚة  Greenstone الرقÙ
    12011184يه .و يجؚ ان تكون Ù
    1203 ÙˆØ¹Ø© greenstone النÙ
     1186وعة Greenstone النÙ
    12041187وذجية Ù
    12051188تاحة Ù
    12111194لف </i> يتيح لك تغيير الÙ
    12121195تصفح الافتراضي الذي يستخدÙ
    1213 Ù‡ greenstone - لا يهÙ
     1196ه Greenstone - لا يهÙ
    12141197 Ø³ÙˆØ§Ø¡ كنت تستخدÙ
    12151198 Ø§Ù†ØªØ±Ù†Øª اكسؚلورر Internet Explorer او نتسكيؚ Netscape، إلا إذا علي ن؞اÙ
    12161199  ويندوز 2000 Windows،و هنا ننصحك ؚان تستخدÙ
    1217  Ø§Ù†ØªØ±Ù†Øª اكسؚلورر Internet Explorer . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1200 Ø§Ù†ØªØ±Ù†Øª اكسؚلورر Internet Explorer . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12221205<Text id="106">Ù
    1223 ÙƒØªØšØ© الويؚ (ويندوز  Windows  ويونيكس Unix ) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1206كتؚة الويؚ (ويندوز  Windows  ويونيكس Unix ) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12311214ج و إعداد Ù
    12321215زود الويؚ ،و للدخول في ن؞اÙ
    1233  greenstone استخدÙ
     1216 Greenstone استخدÙ
    12341217 Ø¹Ù†ÙˆØ§Ù† الÙ
    12351218وارد الÙ
    1236 ÙˆØ­Ø¯  URL هذا: </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    1237 <Text id="108"><i>http://localhost/gsdl/cgi-bin/library</i>
    1238  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1219وحد  URL هذا: </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     1220<Text id="108"><i>http://localhost/gsdl/cgi-bin/library</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12391221<Text id="109">يجؚ ان تكون Ù
    1241 ÙˆØ¹Ø© greenstone النÙ
     1223وعة Greenstone النÙ
    12421224وذجية Ù
    1243 ØªØ§Ø­Ø© في هذه الصفحة. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1225تاحة في هذه الصفحة. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12481230<Text id="110">الÙ
    1250 Ø¹</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1232ع</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12551237ع في الصفحه الر؊يسية  للÙ
    12561238كتؚه الرقÙ
    1257 ÙŠÙ‡  . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1239يه  . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12601242<Subsection id="administration">
    1262 <Text id="112">الادارة </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1244<Text id="112">الادارة </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12761258ين الجدد ، و ؚناء الÙ
    1278 ÙˆØ¹Ø§Øª. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1260وعات. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12831265<Section id="the_greenstone_librarian_interface_(gli)">
    1285 <Text id="114">greenstone واجهة Ù
    1286 ÙƒØªØšÙŠ (Gli) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1267<Text id="114">واجهة Ù
     1268كتؚي Gli) Greenstone)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    12891271<Text id="115">واجهة Ù
    1290 ÙƒØªØšÙŠ greenstone (Gli) Ù
    1291 Ø§ هو الا أداة لÙ
     1272كتؚي Gli) Greenstone) Ù
     1273ا هي الا أداة لÙ
    12931275 ÙÙŠ ؚناء الÙ
    12941276كتؚات الرقÙ
    12951277يه ؚاستخداÙ
    1296  greenstone - يتيح لك الوصول الى و؞يفة ؚناء الÙ
    1297 Ø¬Ù
    1298 ÙˆØ¹Ø§Øª في greenstone Ù
     1278 Greenstone - يتيح لك الوصول الى و؞يفة ؚناء الÙ
     1280وعات في Greenstone Ù
    12991281ن خلال واجهة سهلة الإستخداÙ
    1300  Ø£ØŽØ± وانقر".</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1282 Ø£ØŽØ± وانقر.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13011283<Text id="116">يتÙ
    13021284 ØªØ«ØšÙŠØª Gli تلقا؊يا Ù
    13031285ع جÙ
    1304 ÙŠØ¹ توزيعات greenstone – ويوضع في الدليل الفرعي <i>Gli </i> في الÙ
     1286يع توزيعات greenstone – ويوضع إفتراضيا في الدليل الفرعي <i>Gli </i> في الÙ
    13051287ستوى الأعلي Ù
    1306 Ù† دليل  greenstone (<i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\gli</i> by default). يجؚ أن تلاح؞ انه يعÙ
     1288ن دليل  Greenstone
     1289 <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\gli</i>  . يجؚ أن تلاح؞ انه يعÙ
    13071290ل ؚالا؎تراك Ù
    1308 Ø¹ greenstone ولن يعÙ
     1291ع Greenstone ولن يعÙ
    13091292ل ؚ؎كل سليÙ
    13101293 Ø§Ø°Ø§ لÙ
    13111294 ÙŠØªÙ
    13121295 ÙˆØ¶Ø¹Ù‡ في الدليل الفرعي Ù
    1313 Ù† تثؚيت greenstone الخاص ØšÙƒ.إذا قÙ
    1314 Øª ؚتنزيل واحدة Ù
    1315 Ù† توزيعات  greenstone ، وستكون هذه القضية. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1296ن تثؚيت Greenstone الخاص ØšÙƒ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13161297<Text id="117">لاستخداÙ
    13171298 Gli ،تحتاج لتثؚيت Java Runtime Environment في جهاز الكÙ
    13241305ثؚتؚ (للنوافذ Windows، يضÙ
    13251306ن ؚيرل Perl في ؚرÙ
    1326 Ø¬ÙŠØ§Øª greenstone). الرجاء الاؚلاغ عن اية Ù
     1307جيات Greenstone). الرجاء الاؚلاغ عن اية Ù
    13271308؎اكل ت؞هر لديك عند استخداÙ
    13281309 ÙˆØ§Ø¬Ù‡Ø© الÙ
    1329 ÙƒØªØšÙŠ الي <u>[email protected] </u>. greenstone الؚرÙ
    1330 Ø¬ÙŠØ§Øª).</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1310كتؚي الي <u>[email protected]</u> .</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13311311<Subsection id="running_under_windows">
    1333 <Text id="118">ت؎غيل في ؚي؊ة Windows </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1313<Text id="118">ت؎غيل في ؚي؊ة Windows </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13371317 ÙˆÙŠÙ†Ø¯ÙˆØ² اكسؚلورر Windows Explorer و أفتح الÙ
    13381318جلدد الفرعي <i>Gli </i> في الÙ
    1339 Ø¬Ù„د greenstone ، وأنقر نقرا Ù
     1319جلد Greenstone ، وأنقر نقرا Ù
    13401320زدوجا على الÙ
    13411321لف <i>gli.bat</i>يقوÙ
    13431323لف ؚفحص تثؚيت كل Ù
    13441324ن  greenstone ، Java Runtime Environment، و ؚيرل Perl ، ويؚدأ واجهة Ù
    1345 ÙƒØªØšÙŠ greenstone. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1325كتؚي Greenstone. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13481328<Subsection id="running_under_unix">
    1350 <Text id="120">ت؎غيل في ؚي؊ة يونيكس Unix  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    1351 </Title>
    1352 <Content>
    1353 <Text id="121"> Ù„ت؎غيل Gli في ؚي؊ة يونيكس  Unix،قÙ
     1330<Text id="120">ت؎غيل في ؚي؊ة يونيكس Unix  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     1333<Text id="121">لت؎غيل Gli في ؚي؊ة يونيكس  Unix،قÙ
    13541334 ØšØ§Ù„تغيير الي Ù
    1355 Ø¬Ù„د <i>gli</i> في دليل تثؚيت greenstone الخاص ØšÙƒ ، Ø«Ù
     1335جلد <i>gli</i> في دليل تثؚيت Greenstone الخاص ØšÙƒ ، Ø«Ù
    13561336 ØŽØºÙ„ نص <i> </i> <i>gli.bat</i>يقوÙ
    13571337 Ù‡Ø°Ø§ النص ؚفحص تثؚيت كل Ù
    1358 Ù†  greenstone ، Java Runtime Environment، و ؚيرل Perl و في Ù
     1338ن  ، Java Runtime Environment، و ؚيرل Perl و في Ù
    13591339سار الؚحث، واؚدأ واجهة Ù
    1360 ÙƒØªØšÙŠ greenstone. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1340كتؚي Greenstone. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13651345<Text id="122">الحصول على Ù
    1366 Ø³Ø§Ø¹Ø¯Ø©  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1346ساعدة  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13691349<Text id="123">يوفر واجهة Ù
    1370 ÙƒØªØšÙŠ greenstone تسهيلات Ù
     1350كتؚي Greenstone تسهيلات Ù
    13711351ساعدة تفاعلية واسعة على الانترنت. يÙ
    13721352كنك الحصول علي الÙ
    13851365عرفته. قÙ
    13861366 ØšØ§Ø³ØªØ®Ø¯Ø§Ù
    1387 Ù‡. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1367ه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13901370<Subsection id="compiling_gli">
    1392 <Text id="124">greenstone تجÙ
     1372<Text id="124">تجÙ
    13931373يع واجهة Ù
    1394 ÙƒØªØšÙŠ</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1374كتؚي Gli) Greenstone)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    13971377<Text id="125">اذا قÙ
    13981378ت ؚتنزيل Ù
    1399 ØµØ¯Ø±  greenstone الÙ
     1379صدر  Greenstone الÙ
    14001380وزع ، ستتاح لك ؎فرة Java الÙ
    14011381صدريه لواجهة الÙ
    14131393يعها ، يÙ
    14141394كنك ت؎غيل Gli على النحو الÙ
    1415 ØšÙŠÙ† اعلاه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1395ؚين اعلاه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14221402<Text id="126">اختؚار واستك؎اف الÙ
    1423 ØŽØ§ÙƒÙ„ وحلها  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    1424 </Title>
    1425 <Content>
    1426 <Text id="127">لاختؚار greenstone ،قÙ
     1403؎اكل وحلها  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     1406<Text id="127">لاختؚار Greenstone ،قÙ
    14271407 ØšØªÙˆØ¬ÙŠÙ‡ الÙ
    1428 ØªØµÙØ­ الي الصفحة الر؊يسية  في greenstone و قÙ
     1408تصفح الي الصفحة الر؊يسية  في Greenstone و قÙ
    14291409 ØšØ§Ø³ØªÙƒØŽØ§Ù الÙ
    14381418 Ø§Ù„صور ت؞هر على ال؎ا؎ه يÙ
    1439 ÙƒÙ† النقر عليها .  اذا ثؚت  Ù
     1419كن النقر عليها .  اذا تÙ
     1420 ØªØ«ØšÙŠØª  Ù
    14401421؀؎ر الفأرة فوق صورة ، فان Ù
    14421423 ØšØ±Ø§Ù
    1443 Ø¬ التصفح ت؞هر لك سريعا  رسال تخؚرك ØšÙ
    1444 Ø§ سيحدث اذا نقرت. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1424ج التصفح ت؞هر لك سريعا  رسالة تخؚرك ØšÙ
     1425ا سيحدث اذا قÙ
     1426ت ؚالنقر علي صورة.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14451427<Subsection id="troubleshooting">
    14471429<Text id="128">حل الÙ
    1448 ØŽØ§ÙƒÙ„ </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1430؎اكل </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14561438<th width="151">
    14571439<Text id="129">الÙ
    1458 ØŽÙƒÙ„Ø©  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1440؎كلة  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14601442<th width="246">
    1461 <Text id="130">جرؚ هذا  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1443<Text id="130">جرؚ هذا  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14661448<Text id="131">الÙ
    14671449كتؚه الÙ
    1468 Ø­Ù„ية (ويندوز فقط) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1450حلية (ويندوز فقط) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14701452<th width="151">
    14741456ني الإتصال ØšÙ
    14751457زود  خدÙ
    1476 Ø© الانترنت. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1458Ø© الانترنت. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14781460<th width="246">
    14791461<Text id="133">إضغط زر <i>الغاء </i> في Ù
    14801462رؚع الحوار. عادة يحل هذا الإجراءالÙ
    1481 ØŽÙƒÙ„Ø©. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1463؎كلة. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14871469<Text id="134">عندÙ
    14881470ا أقوÙ
    1489  ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ greenstone <i>لا يزال </i> يطلؚ Ù
     1471 ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ Greenstone <i>لا يزال </i> يطلؚ Ù
    14901472ني الإتصال ØšÙ
    14911473زود  خدÙ
    1492 Ø© الانترنت.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1474Ø© الانترنت.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    14941476<th width="246">
    14951477<Text id="135">قÙ
    1496  ØšØ§Ø®ØªÙŠØ§Ø±Ù†Ø³Ø®Ù‡ Ù
     1478 ØšØ§Ø®ØªÙŠØ§Ø± "نسخه Ù
    14971479قيدة "عندÙ
    14981480ا تقوÙ
    1499  ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ greenstone . هذه النسخه تعÙ
     1481 ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ Greenstone . هذه النسخه تعÙ
    15001482ل فقط Ù
    1501 Ø¹ نتسكيؚ." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1483ع نتسكيؚ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15121494يه ، فإنه لا يتÙ
    15131495كن Ù
    1514 Ù† العثور علي الصفحة. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1496ن العثور علي الصفحة. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15161498<th width="246">
    15171499<Text id="137">قÙ
    15181500 ØšÙØ­Øµ إعدادات ؚروكسي الإنترنت و تعطيلها (أستخدÙ
    1519  <i>Edit preferences</i> on Netscape or <i>Internet options</i> on Explorer</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1501 <i>Edit preferences</i> on Netscape or <i>Internet options</i> on Explorer</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15271509ع يعÙ
    1528 Ù„ ؚصورة ؚطي؊ة جدا </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1510ل ؚصورة ؚطي؊ة جدا </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15301512<th width="246">
    1531 <Text id="139">هل انت تستعÙ
    1532 Ù„ نتسكيؚ Netscape تحت ويندوز 2000 Windows  ؟ اذا كان الاÙ
     1513<Text id="139">هل انت تستخدÙ
     1514 نتسكيؚ Netscape تحت ويندوز 2000 Windows  ؟ اذا كان الاÙ
    15331515ر كذلك ، جرؚ استخداÙ
    15341516 Ø§Ù†ØªØ±Ù†Øª اكسؚلورر - ؚدلا عن ويندوز 2000 Windows (فقط) ويؚدو ان هناك ؚعض التعارض Ù
    1535 Ø¹ نتسكيؚ. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1517ع نتسكيؚ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15391521<th width="132">
    15401522<Text id="142">Ù
    1541 ÙƒØªØšØ© الويؚ (ويندوز  Windows  ويونيكس Unix ) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1523كتؚة الويؚ (ويندوز  Windows  ويونيكس Unix ) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15431525<th width="151">
    15441526<Text id="143">عندÙ
    15451527ا اقوÙ
    1546  ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ اؚات؎ي Apache، يتوقف فورا.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1528 ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ اؚات؎ي Apache، يتوقف فورا.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15481530<th width="246">
    15511533لف إعداد  اؚات؎ي Apache كÙ
    15521534وجه(ان؞ر القسÙ
    1553  <Crossref target="section" ref="apache_web_server"/>). </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1535 <Crossref target="section" ref="apache_web_server"/>). </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15661548ه - Ù
    1567 Ù„ف ثنا؊ي. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1549لف ثنا؊ي. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15691551<th width="246">
    15701552<Text id="146">تحقق Ù
    15711553ن ان <i>scriptalias </i> التي توجه في Ù
    1572 Ù„ف إعداد  اؚات؎ي Apache، Ù
    1573 Ø¹ التأكد Ù
     1554لف إعداد  اؚات؎ي Apache،  Ù
    15741555ن أنها تأتي Ù‚ØšÙ„ <i>Alias</i> (ان؞ر الاقساÙ
    1575  4،2 و 4.3).</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1556 4،2 و 4.3).</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15791560<th width="132"/>
    15801561<th width="151">
    1581 <Text id="147">تحصلت علي صفحة  greenstone الر؊يسية (Figure <CrossRef target="Figure" ref="your_greenstone_home_page"/>),، ولكن ايقونه الÙ
     1562<Text id="147">تحصلت علي صفحة  Greenstone الر؊يسية (Figure <CrossRef target="Figure" ref="your_greenstone_home_page"/>),، ولكن ايقونه الÙ
    15831564وعة النÙ
    1584 ÙˆØ°Ø¬ÙŠØ© لات؞هر. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1565وذجية لات؞هر. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15861567<th width="246">
    15921573ات التنقيح  التي ستساعدك تحديد Ù
    15931574كان الÙ
    1594 ØŽÙƒÙ„Ø©. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1575؎كلة. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    15981579<th width="132">
    1599 <Text id="149">الإصدارتين  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1580<Text id="149">الإصدارتين  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16011582<th width="151">
    16071588يه ، فإنه لا يتÙ
    16081589كن Ù
    1609 Ù† العثور علي الصفحة."</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1590ن العثور علي الصفحة.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16111592<th width="246">
    16161597عرف لإجراء “loopback”على الكÙ
    16171598ؚيوتر الÙ
    1618 Ø­Ù„ÙŠ الخاص ØšÙƒ. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1599حلي الخاص ØšÙƒ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16231604<th width="151">
    16241605<Text id="152">لا يستطيع الÙ
    1625 ØªØµÙØ­ ان يعثر على <i>main.cfg </i>. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1606تصفح ان يعثر على <i>main.cfg </i>. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16271608<th width="246">
    1628 <Text id="153"> Ø¥Ø°Ø§ كنت تستخدÙ
     1609<Text id="153">إذا كنت تستخدÙ
    16291610 Ù
    16301611كتؚه الانترنت تحقق Ù
    1631 Ù† ان الÙ
     1612ن ان Ù
    16321613لفات  greenstone Ù
    16331614وجودة ويÙ
    16391620؎كلة Ù
    16401621لف التراخيص (ان؞ر القسÙ
    1641 </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1622 <CrossRef target="Section" ref="gsdlsite_configuration_file"/>).</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16491630 Ø§Ù„Ù
    1651 Ø¹  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1632ع  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16531634<th width="246">
    16541635<Text id="155">اقرأ <i> Ù
    1655 ÙƒØªØšØ© greenstone الرقÙ
     1636كتؚة Greenstone الرقÙ
    16561637يه Ù
    16571638ر؎د الÙ
    1659   </i> ، الؚاؚ <CrossRef external="User" lang="en" target="Chapter" ref="making_greenstone_collections"/>.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1640  </i> ، الؚاؚ <CrossRef external="User" lang="en" target="Chapter" ref="making_greenstone_collections"/>.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16691650 ÙŠØªÙ
    16701651كن Ù
    1671 Ù† تسجيل الدخول. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1652ن تسجيل الدخول. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16731654<th width="246">
    16761657يع Ù
    16771658حتوياته قاؚل للكتاؚة عالÙ
    1678 ÙŠØ§ <i>Files\gsdl\etc</i> (see Section <CrossRef target="Section" ref="file_permissions"/>). </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1659يا <i>Files\gsdl\etc</i> (see Section <CrossRef target="Section" ref="file_permissions"/>). </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16891670<Text id="158">لÙ
    16901671عرفة الÙ
    1691 Ø²ÙŠØ¯  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1672زيد  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    16941675<Text id="159">لÙ
    16951676عرفة الÙ
    1696 Ø²ÙŠØ¯ عن تفاصيل تثؚيت  greenstone ، يÙ
     1677زيد عن تفاصيل تثؚيت  Greenstone ، يÙ
    16971678كن الرجوع الى <i>Ù
    1698 ÙƒØªØšØ© greenstone الرقÙ
     1679كتؚة Greenstone الرقÙ
    16991680يه Ù
    17001681ر؎د الÙ
    17061687ات عن كيفية تهي؊ة Ù
    1707 ÙˆÙ‚ع greenstone الخاص ØšÙƒ. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1688وقع Greenstone الخاص ØšÙƒ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    17121693<Chapter id="greenstone_collections">
    1714 <Text id="160">greenstone Ù
    1715 Ø¬Ù
    1716 ÙˆØ¹Ø§Øª  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1695<Text id="160">Ù
     1697وعات Greenstone  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    17191700<Text id="161">أدرجت Ù
    1721 ÙˆØ¹Ø§Øª توضيحية عديدة في قرص  greenstone الÙ
     1702وعات توضيحية عديدة في قرص  Greenstone الÙ
    17231704ج - اذا كان لديك اÙ
    1724 ÙƒØ§Ù†ÙŠÙ‡ النفاذ الى الانترنت ، وأخري كثيرة يÙ
     1705كانيه النفاذ الى الانترنت ، يÙ
     1706كنك ان تجد Ù
     1708وعات أخري كثيرة يÙ
    17251709كن تنزيلها ، اÙ
    17261710ا Ù
    17311715كتؚه الرقÙ
    17321716يه على ال؎ؚكه العالÙ
    1733 ÙŠØ©</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1717ية</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    17341718<Text id="162">Ù
    1736 ÙˆØ¹Ø© greenstone النوذجية  Demo هي Ù
     1720وعة Greenstone النÙ
     1721وذجية  Demo هي Ù
    17381723وعة فرعية صغيرة Ù
    17391724ن Ù
    17401725كتؚة التنÙ
    1741 ÙŠØ© الؚ؎ريه HDL) )، و هي Ù
     1726ية الؚ؎ريه (HDL) ، و هي Ù
    17431728وعة Ù
    17451730 ØªÙˆÙÙŠØ±Ù‡Ø§ (توفر ايضا واصفات ؚيانات Ù
    17461731ناسؚه). وتدرج تلقا؊يا عند تثؚيت الؚرÙ
    1747 Ø¬ÙŠØ§Øª. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    1748 <Text id="163">كÙ
    1749 Ø§ يأتي Ù
    1750 Ø¹  greenstone ؚعض الÙ
     1732جيات. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     1733<Text id="163">يوفر  Greenstone ؚعض الÙ
    17521735وعات التوضيحية الÙ
    17531736وثقه توثيقا جيدا و التي توفر صفحة عن “about”وصفا عن كيفية ؚنا؊ها.و تدل على Ù
    1754 Ø®ØªÙ„ف قدرات greenstone. تثؚيت الحوار سوف يسألك اذا Ù
    1755 Ø§ كنت تريد ادراجها في تثؚيت greenstone ؛ الحجÙ
     1737ختلف قدرات Greenstone.حوار التثؚيت سوف يسألك اذا Ù
     1738ا كنت تريد ادراجها في تثؚيت Greenstone ؛ الحجÙ
    17561739 Ø§Ù„تقريؚي لÙ
    17571740ساحة القرص اللازÙ
    17601743وعة Ù
    1761 ØšÙŠÙ† ادناه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1744ؚين ادناه.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    17621745<Table class="hidden" id="table_collections">
    17661749<th width="60">
    1767 <Text id="164"><i>demo</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1750<Text id="164"><i>demo</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    17691752<th width="182">
    17721755وعة greenstone النÙ
    17731756وذجية Demo <br/>(7 Ù
    1774 ÙŠØºØ§ØšØ§ÙŠØª)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1757يغاؚايت)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    17761759<th width="294">
    17881771ات واصفات الؚيانات الÙ
    1789 Ù†Ø§Ø³ØšØ©. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1772ناسؚة. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    17931776<th width="60">
    1794 <Text id="167"><i>dls-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1777<Text id="167"><i>dls-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    17961779<th width="182">
    17991782وعة الفرعية لÙ
    18001783كتؚة التنÙ
    1801 ÙŠØ©<br/>(150 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1784ية<br/>(150 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18031786<th width="294">
    18041787<Text id="169">على غرار Ù
    1806 ÙˆØ¹Ø© greenstone النÙ
     1789وعة Greenstone النÙ
    18071790وذجية ، Ù
    18241807ن؎ورات). ولها نفس هيكل Ù
    1826 ÙˆØ¹Ø© greenstone النÙ
     1809وعة Greenstone النÙ
    18271810وذجية Demo.كÙ
    18281811ا انها Ù
    18331816وعات الاخرى الاولى (Ù
    1834 Ø«Ù„<i>MSWord and PDF demonstration</i>, <i>Greenstone Archives</i>, أو <i>Simple image collection</i>).</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1817ثل<i>MSWord and PDF demonstration</i>, <i>Greenstone Archives</i>, أو <i>Simple image collection</i>).</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18381821<th width="60">
    1839 <Text id="170"><i>wrdpdf-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1822<Text id="170"><i>wrdpdf-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18411824<th width="182">
    1842 <Text id="171">MSWord and PDF demonstration<br/>(4 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1825<Text id="171">MSWord and PDF demonstration<br/>(4 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18441827<th width="294">
    18541837لف إعداد الÙ
    1856 ÙˆØ¹Ø© ؚسيط جدا. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1839وعة ؚسيط جدا. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18601843<th width="60">
    1861 <Text id="173"><i>gsarch-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1844<Text id="173"><i>gsarch-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18631846<th width="182">
    1864 <Text id="174">Greenstone Ù
    1865 Ø¬Ù
    1866 ÙˆØ¹Ø© أر؎يف <br/>(5 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1847<Text id="174">Ù
     1849وعة أر؎يف Greenstone    <br/>(5 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18681851<th width="294">
    18721855ن رسا؊ل الؚريد الالكترونى Ù
    18731856ن أر؎يف القا؊Ù
    1874 Ø© الؚريدية لـ greenstone ، ويستخدÙ
     1857Ø© الؚريدية لـ Greenstone ، ويستخدÙ
    18751858 Ù
    18761859قاؚس الؚريد الألكتروني  Email plugin، الذي يعرؚ أ؎كال Ù
    18781861لف إعداد الÙ
    1880 ÙˆØ¹Ø© ؚسيط جدا. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1863وعة ؚسيط جدا. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18841867<th width="60">
    1885 <Text id="176"><i>cltbib-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1868<Text id="176"><i>cltbib-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18871870<th width="182">
    18881871<Text id="177">Ù
    1890 ÙˆØ¹Ø© ؚيؚليوجرافية<br/>(7 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1873وعة ؚيؚليوجرافية<br/>(7 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    18921875<th width="294">
    18991882ن ا؎كال واجهة جدول الؚحث و التي تتيح الؚحث الحقلي. وهي Ù
    19001883عقدة الى حد Ù
    1901 Ø§. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1884ا. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19051888<th width="60">
    1906 <Text id="179"><i>cltext-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1889<Text id="179"><i>cltext-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19081891<th width="182">
    19091892<Text id="180">الÙ
    1910 Ù„حق الؚيؚليوجرافي<br/>(1 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1893لحق الؚيؚليوجرافي<br/>(1 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19121895<th width="294">
    1913 <Text id="181"> Ù
     1896<Text id="181">Ù
    19151898وعة ؚيؚليوجرافية صغيرة Ù
    19311914وعة  تقريؚا هو نفس الÙ
    1932 Ù„ف.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1915لف.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19361919<th width="60">
    1937 <Text id="182"><i>MARC-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1920<Text id="182"><i>MARC-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19391922<th width="182">
    1940 <Text id="183">MARC نÙ
    1941 ÙˆØ°Ø¬<br/>(1 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1923<Text id="183">نÙ
     1924وذج Ù
     1925ارك <br/>(1 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19431927<th width="294">
    19471931كتؚة الكونغرس ، وهي Ù
    1949 ÙˆØ¹Ø© ؚسيطة (ولا تتيح الؚحث الحقلي). </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1933وعة ؚسيطة (ولا تتيح الؚحث الحقلي). </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19531937<th width="60">
    1954 <Text id="185"><i>oai-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1938<Text id="185"><i>oai-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19561940<th width="182">
    19591943وعة توضيحية لÙ
    19601944ؚادرة الأر؎يف الÙ
    1961 ÙØªÙˆØ­ OAI<br/> (18 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1945فتوح OAI<br/> (18 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19631947<th width="294">
    19721956ن التسجيلات. وفى هذه الحاله تكون الصور ، لذلك تستخدÙ
    19731957 Ù
    1974 Ù‚اؚس   OAI ,Image plugins. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1958قاؚس   OAI ,Image plugins. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19781962<th width="60">
    1979 <Text id="188"><i>image-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1963<Text id="188"><i>image-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19811965<th width="182">
    1982 <Text id="189">صورة ؚسيطة Ù
    1983 Ø¬Ù
    1984 ÙˆØ¹Ø© <br/>(1 Ù
    1985 ÙŠØºØ§ØšØ§ÙŠØª) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1966<Text id="189">Ù
     1968وعة صور ؚسيطة  <br/>(1 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    19871970<th width="294">
    19971980ا يÙ
    1998 ÙƒÙ† ان تتحصل عليه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1981كن ان تتحصل عليه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20021985<th width="60">
    2003 <Text id="191"><i>authen-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1986<Text id="191"><i>authen-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20051988<th width="182">
    2006 <Text id="192">Formatting and authentication demo<br/>(8 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     1989<Text id="192">Ù
     1991وعة توضيحية للعرض   Ùˆ حق الدخول <br/>(8 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20081993<th width="294">
    20111996واد الأصلية في Ù
    2013 ÙˆØ¹Ø© greenstone النÙ
     1998وعة Greenstone النÙ
    20141999وذجية ، وهنا ت؞هر سÙ
    20152000تين Ù
    20172002عياري : و تسجيل الدخول للوثا؊ق عؚر تسجيل الÙ
    2019  . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2004 . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20232008<th width="60">
    2024 <Text id="194"><i>garish</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2009<Text id="194"><i>garish</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20262011<th width="182">
    20302015وعة النÙ
    20312016وذجية demo <br/>(8 Ù
    2032 ÙŠØºØ§ØšØ§ÙŠØª) </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2017يغاؚايت) </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20342019<th width="294">
    2035 <Text id="196"> Ù†ÙØ³ الÙ
     2020<Text id="196">نفس الÙ
    20362021واد الأصلية في Ù
    2038 ÙˆØ¹Ø© greenstone النÙ
     2023وعة Greenstone النÙ
    20392024وذجية demo، وقد جرى تحوير  نسق العرض لها لإ؞هار ان الصفحات التي يتÙ
    20402025 ØªÙˆÙ„يدها يÙ
    20452030عيارية و التي يتÙ
    20462031 ØªÙˆÙÙŠØ±Ù‡Ø§ Ù
    2047 Ø¹  greenstone. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2032ع  Greenstone . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20512036<th width="60">
    2052 <Text id="197"><i>isis-e</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2037<Text id="197"><i>isis-e</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20542039<th width="182">
    2055 <Text id="198">CDS/ISIS نÙ
    2056 ÙˆØ°Ø¬ (1 Mb)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2040<Text id="198">نÙ
     2041وذج   CDS/ISIS ( 1 Mb)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20582043<th width="294">
    20632048ن تسجيلات قاعدة ؚيانات  CDS/ISIS  و التي يؚلغ عددها نحو 150 تسجيلة ؚؚليوجرافية  - يستخدÙ
    20642049 Ù
    2065 Ù‚اؚس isisplug ،و الذي يقوÙ
     2050قاؚس ISISPlug ،
     2051و الذي يقوÙ
    20662052 ØšÙ‚راءة Ù
    2067 Ù„فات  ISIS .mst و .fdt و تحويلها الي واصفات ؚيانات  greenstone. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2053لفات ISIS  الÙ
     2054عيارية   .mst و .fdt و تحويلها الي واصفات ؚيانات  Greenstone. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20762063<Text id="200">إعداد Ù
    2077 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ الويؚ  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2064زود الويؚ  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20822069زود الويؚ الخاص ØšÙƒ للعÙ
    20832070ل Ù
    2084 Ø¹ greenstone. علÙ
     2071ع Greenstone. علÙ
    20852072ا ان هذا كله لا داعي له عندÙ
    20862073ا تكون الÙ
    20882075حلية (ويندوز Windows فقط) ، لأن هذا الؚرناÙ
    20892076ج يعÙ
    2090 Ù„ خارج الصندوق "ولا يحتاج الى Ù
    2091 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ ."</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2077ل "خارج الصندوق "ولا يحتاج الى Ù
     2078زود ويؚ .</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    20922079<Text id="202">ونحن نناق؎ كل Ù
    20932080ن Ù
    21192106صطلحات وpathnames)؛ قسÙ
    21202107     PWS/IIS لا تنطؚق الا على Ù
    2121 ÙƒØªØšØ© الويؚ (ويندوز Windows ). </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2108كتؚة الويؚ (ويندوز Windows ). </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    21222109<Text id="203">ØšÙ
    21232110جرد تثؚيت Ù
    2124 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ الويؚ الخاص ØšÙƒ ، تكون الخطوة التالية هي تثؚيت greenstone - نحن نفترض أنك اثناء إجراءات التثؚيت التي اتخذتها قد قÙ
     2111زود الويؚ الخاص ØšÙƒ ، تكون الخطوة التالية هي تثؚيت Greenstone - نحن نفترض أنك اثناء إجراءات التثؚيت التي اتخذتها قد قÙ
    21252112ت ؚالإجراء الإفتراضي لكل Ù
    21262113رحلة Ù
    21322119كتؚة الويؚ ، الى جانؚ ؚعض Ù
    21332120لفات الدعÙ
    2134 . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2121. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    21352122<Text id="204">جÙ
    21362123يع Ù
    21382125 Ø¹Ù†ÙˆØ§Ù† الÙ
    21392126وارد الÙ
    2140 ÙˆØ­Ø¯ الخاص localhost "للدلالة على ان Ù
     2127وحد الخاص  "localhost" للدلالة على ان Ù
    21412128زود الويؚ يعÙ
    21422129ل في هذاالحاسوؚ. وهكذا عندÙ
    21652152زود ويؚ  Ù
    21662153كتؚة نيوزيلندا الرقÙ
    2167 ÙŠÙ‡ØŒ في حين إذا كنت قÙ
     2154يه، في حين إذا قÙ
    21682155ت ؚطؚاعة <i>http://localhost</i> > ستحصل على Ù
    21692156زود الويؚ في الكÙ
    2170 ØšÙŠÙˆØªØ± الخاص ØšÙƒ." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2157ؚيوتر الخاص ØšÙƒ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    21712158<Section id="apache_web_server">
    2173 <Text id="205">Apache Ù
    2174 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ اؚات؎ي   </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2160<Text id="205">Ù
     2161زود ويؚ اؚات؎ي  Apache</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    21842171لف نصي. و Ù
    21852172ن السهل قراءته لÙ
    2186 Ø¹Ø±ÙØ© كيفية الإعداد. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2173عرفة كيفية الإعداد. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    21872174<Text id="207">اعتÙ
    21882175ادا على كيفية إعداد ؚرناÙ
    21892176ج ال؎ؚكة في جهاز الكÙ
    21902177ؚيوتر الخاص ØšÙƒ ، ورؚÙ
    2191 Ø§ØªØ­ØªØ§Ø¬ لإضافة هذا السطر في Ù
    2192 Ù„ف إعداد  اؚات؎ي Apache    <i>httpd.conf</i> </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2178ا ØªØ­ØªØ§Ø¬ لإضافة هذا السطر في Ù
     2179لف إعداد  اؚات؎ي Apache    <i>httpd.conf</i> </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    21932180<CodeLine>ServerName localhost</CodeLine>
    21942181<Text id="208">واذا لÙ
    22032190سح علي الفور و على الأرجح أنك لن تتÙ
    22042191كن Ù
    2205 Ù† قراءتها.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2192ن قراءتها.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22062193<Subsection id="setting_up_cgi-bin_directory">
    2208 <Text id="209">إعداد دليل  greenstone cgi-bin  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2195<Text id="209">إعداد دليل  Greenstone cgi-bin  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22202207 ÙŠØªÙ
    2221  ØªØ·ØšÙŠÙ‚  <i>scriptalias </i> عليه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2208 ØªØ·ØšÙŠÙ‚  <i>scriptalias </i> عليه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22222209<Text id="211">لفحص ت؎غيل اؚات؎ي ،قÙ
    22232210 ØšØªØŽØºÙŠÙ„ Ù
    22262213زود الويؚ تنفيذ هذا الÙ
    22272214لف Ù
    2228 Ù† الدليل أعلاه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2229 <Text id="212"> ÙŠØªÙˆÙØ± احد ؚراÙ
    2230 Ø¬  greenstone ، وهو Ù
     2215ن الدليل أعلاه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2216<Text id="212">يتوفر احد ؚراÙ
     2217ج  Greenstone ، وهو Ù
    22312218ا يسÙ
    2232 Ù‰ library.exe "، و ينفذ ؚواسطة Ù
     2219ى   "library.exe" ، و ينفذ ؚواسطة Ù
    22332220زود الويؚ ؛ وهو ؚدوره يقرأ الÙ
    22342221لف الÙ
    22362223ي Ù
    22372224لف إعداد Ù
    2238 ÙˆÙ‚ع  greenstone ، او" gsdlsite.cfg "، والذي يجؚ ان يكون Ù
    2239 ÙˆØ¬ÙˆØ¯Ø§ في نفس الدليل." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2225وقع  Greenstone ، او" gsdlsite.cfg "، والذي يجؚ ان يكون Ù
     2226وجودا في نفس الدليل. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22402227<Text id="213">افضل طريقة لترتيؚ هذا هو استخداÙ
    22412228 <i>ScriptAlias</i> التوجيهي في Ù
    22432230قتطف Ù
    22442231ن Ù
    2245 Ù„ف إعداد اؚات؎ي  <i>httpd.conf</i> و الذي يضيف <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\cgi-bin</i> كدليل cgi-bin إضافي . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2232لف إعداد اؚات؎ي  <i>httpd.conf</i> و الذي يضيف <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\cgi-bin</i> كدليل cgi-bin إضافي . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22462233<CodeLine>ScriptAlias /gsdl/cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/gsdl/cgi-bin/"</CodeLine>
    22472234<CodeLine>&lt;Directory C:/Program Files/gsdl/cgi-bin&gt;</CodeLine>
    22572244ن ال؎را؊ح الÙ
    22582245ا؊لة الي الخلف  الÙ
    2259 Ø¹ÙŠØ§Ø±ÙŠØ© في ويندوز Windows.)</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2246عيارية في ويندوز Windows.)</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22602247<Text id="215">وهذا يعني ان أي عناوين الÙ
    22612248واقع في ؎كل <i>http://localhost/gsdl/cgi-bin </i>... سيتÙ
    22752262ا كÙ
    22762263ا فعل Ù
    2277 Ù† Ù‚ØšÙ„. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2264ن Ù‚ØšÙ„. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22802267<Subsection id="document_root_directory">
    2282 <Text id="216">دليل الوثيقة الجذري  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2269<Text id="216">دليل الوثيقة الجذري  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22882275زود الويؚ سوف يحاول استرجاع الÙ
    22892276لف <i>hello.html </i> Ù
    2290 Ù† داخل الدليل  أعلاه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2277ن داخل الدليل  أعلاه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    22912278<Text id="218">Ù
    2292 Ù„فات عديدة داخل greenstone  ؚحاجة الى Ù
     2279لفات عديدة داخل Greenstone  ؚحاجة الى Ù
    22932280زود الويؚ لكي يقوÙ
    22942281 ØšÙ‚راءتها. أؚسط طريقة لترتيؚ هذا هو استخداÙ
    22972284خطوطات CGI. أضف هذه السطور الي Ù
    22982285لف إعداد اؚات؎ي Apache، ؚعد <i>scriptalias </i> التوجيهي ،وهي <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i>كÙ
    2299 ÙƒØ§Ù† اضافي للؚحث عن الوثا؊ق. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2286كان اضافي للؚحث عن الوثا؊ق. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    23002287<CodeLine>Alias /gsdl/ "C:/Program Files/gsdl/"</CodeLine>
    23012288<CodeLine>&lt;Directory C:/Program Files/gsdl&gt;</CodeLine>
    23302317ا كÙ
    23312318ا فعل Ù
    2332 Ù† Ù‚ØšÙ„.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2319ن Ù‚ØšÙ„.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    23332320<Text id="220">تأكد Ù
    2334 Ù† إضافة  <i>Alias</i>التوجيهي ؚعد <i>ScriptAlias</i>  التوجيهي.إصدار التعليÙ
     2321ن إضافة  <i>Alias</i>التوجيهي ؚعد <i>ScriptAlias</i>  التوجيهي..إصدار التعليÙ
    23352322ات لأؚات؎ي ؚالاسÙ
    23362323 Ø§Ù„Ù
    23442331ج ثنا؊ي  ؚوصفه الصفحه في Ù
    23452332تصفح الويؚ ، ؚدلا Ù
    2346 Ù† تنفيذه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2333ن تنفيذه.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    23512338<Text id="221">الاÙ
    2352 Ù†  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2339ن  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    23562343 ØªØ«ØšÙŠØª و إعداد نسخة Ù
    23572344ن Ù
    2358 ÙƒØªØšØ© ويؚ  greenstone  وفقا للتعليÙ
     2345كتؚة ويؚ  Greenstone  وفقا للتعليÙ
    23592346ات الÙ
    23602347ذكورة اعلاه ، سوف يكون ØšÙ
    23712358 Ù‚اعدة الؚيانات ،Ù
    23722359دونات الاستخداÙ
    2373  ØŒ الخ. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2360 ØŒ الخ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    23742361<Text id="223">اذا كنت ت؎عر ؚالقلق إزاء هذا ، يÙ
    23752362كنك ؚسهولة إحكاÙ
    23812368ن تلك الÙ
    2383 Ù†ÙˆØ­Ù‡ في الفرع الساؚق : </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2370نوحه في الفرع الساؚق : </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    23842371<CodeLine>Alias /gsdl/ "C:/Program Files/gsdl/"</CodeLine>
    23852372<CodeLine>&lt;Directory "C:/Program Files/gsdl"&gt;</CodeLine>
    23972384تدادات تطاؚق التعؚيرات الÙ
    2399 Ø© في <i>FilesMatch</i>  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2386Ø© في <i>FilesMatch</i>  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24062393<Text id="225">Ù
    2407 Ø²ÙˆØ¯Ø§Øª ويؚ PWS و IIS</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2394زودات ويؚ PWS و IIS</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24102397<Text id="226">على الرغÙ
    24112398 Ù
    2412 Ù† ان تثؚيت  ايا pws ولا IIS يتÙ
     2399ن ان تثؚيت  ايا Ù
     2400ن pws و IIS يتÙ
    24132401 ØšØŽÙƒÙ„ افتراضي على أن؞Ù
    2414 Ø© ويندوز Windows الحالية ، يÙ
     2402Ø© ويندوز Windows الحالية ،فانه يÙ
    24152403كن تثؚيتهÙ
    24162404ا ؚسهولة ؚاستخداÙ
    24172405 Ø§Ø¶Ø§ÙØ© / إزالة الؚراÙ
    24182406ج " في لوحة التحكÙ
    2419 . اذا لÙ
     2407. و اذا لÙ
    24202408 ÙŠÙƒÙˆÙ†ÙˆØ§ ؚالفعل ضÙ
    24212409ن القرص الÙ
    24262414ن Ù
    24272415وقع Ù
    2428 Ø§ÙŠÙƒØ±ÙˆØ³ÙˆÙØª Microsoft <i> </i>." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2429 <Text id="227">اجراءات الاعداد لgreenstone Ù
     2416ايكروسوفت Microsoft <i> </i>." </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2417<Text id="227">اجراءات الاعداد لGreenstone Ù
    24302418طاؚق لكلا pws وIIS. حدث Personal Web Manager و قÙ
    2431  ØšØ§Ø¯Ø§Ø¡ الاجراءات التالية. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2419 ØšØ§Ø¯Ø§Ø¡ الاجراءات التالية. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    2434 <Text id="228">اختر <i>Advanced</i> للحصول على ؎ا؎ة <i>Advanced Options</i>. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2422<Text id="228">اختر <i>Advanced</i> للحصول على ؎ا؎ة <i>Advanced Options</i>. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24372425<Text id="229">اختر <i>Home</i>وانقر <i>Add</i>اÙ
    2438 Ù„ا خانات الحقول على النحو التالي :  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2439 <Text id="230"><i>Directory</i> field:          <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i>
    2440  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2441 <Text id="231"><i>Alias</i>field:               <i>gsdl</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2442 <Text id="232">الحصول على التراخيص : <i>قراءة </i>  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2443 <Text id="233">تطؚيق التراخيص : <i>لا ؎يء </i>  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2444 <Text id="234">انقر <i>OK</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2426لا خانات الحقول على النحو التالي :  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2427<Text id="230"><i>Directory</i> field:          <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2428<Text id="231"><i>Alias</i>حقل:               <i>gsdl</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2429<Text id="232">الحصول على التراخيص : <i>قراءة </i>  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2430<Text id="233">تطؚيق التراخيص : <i>لا ؎يء </i>  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2431<Text id="234">انقر <i>OK</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24452432<Text id="235">وهذا يجعل Ù
    2446 Ù„فات greenstone Ù
     2433لفات Greenstone Ù
    24472434تاحة لخدÙ
    24482435Ø© Ù
    2449 Ø²ÙˆØ¯Ø§Ù„ويؚ.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2436زودالويؚ.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24522439<Text id="236">عد الي <i>Advanced Options</i>، وحدد <i>gsdl </i> وانقر <i>Add</i>اÙ
    2453 Ù„ا الخانات على النحو التالي :  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2454 <Text id="237"><i>Directory</i> field:           <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\cgi-bin</i></Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2455 <Text id="238"><i>Alias</i> field:               <i>cgi-bin</i>
    2456  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2457 <Text id="239">الحصول على التراخيص : <i>لا ؎يء </i> </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2458 <Text id="240">تطؚيق التراخيص : <i>تنفيذ </i>  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2459 <Text id="241">انقر <i>OK</i> </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2440لا الخانات على النحو التالي :  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2441<Text id="237"><i>Directory</i> field:           <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\cgi-bin</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2442<Text id="238"><i>Alias</i> field:               <i>cgi-bin</i></Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2443<Text id="239">الحصول على التراخيص : <i>لا ؎يء </i> </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2444<Text id="240">تطؚيق التراخيص : <i>تنفيذ </i>  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2445<Text id="241">انقر <i>OK</i> </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24602446<Text id="242">ويتيح هذا الاÙ
    24612447ر ؚرناÙ
    2462 Ø¬ greenstone  <i>library.exe </i> ليقوÙ
     2448ج  Greenstone  <i>library.exe</i> ليقوÙ
    24632449 Ù
    2464 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ الويؚ ؚتنفيذه.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2450زود الويؚ ؚتنفيذه.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24672453<Text id="243">اذهؚ الى Ù
    2468 ÙˆÙ‚ع <i>http://localhost/gsdl/cgi-bin/library.exe </i>  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2454وقع <i>http://localhost/gsdl/cgi-bin/library.exe </i>  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24692455<Text id="244">Ù
    2470 Ù„اح؞ه : انت ؚحاجة الى تحديد <i>.exe</i> Ù
     2456لاح؞ه : انت ؚحاجة الى تحديد Ù
    24712457لف التÙ
    2472 Ø¯ÙŠØ¯ Ù
    2473 Ø¹ pws وIIS.  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2458ديد  <i>.exe</i>  Ù
     2459ع pws وIIS.  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24822468<Text id="245">إعداد Ù
    2483 ÙˆÙ‚عك  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2469وقعك  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    24862472<Text id="246">لكي يعÙ
    2487 Ù„ greenstone ؚ؎كل صحيح ، فان تراخيص النفاذ لÙ
     2473ل Greenstone ؚ؎كل صحيح ، فان تراخيص النفاذ لÙ
    24882474لفات Ù
    24892475عينة يجؚ أن تعد ؚ؎كل Ù
    24922478لف إعداد Ù
    24932479رتؚط ØšÙ
    2494 ÙˆÙ‚ع greenstone .إجراء التثؚيت الاجراء يخلق Ù
     2480وقع Greenstone .إجراء التثؚيت الاجراء يخلق Ù
    24952481لف إعداد عاÙ
    24962482 ØšÙ†Ø§Ø¡Ø§ على Ù
    25042490ختلفة. يفسر هذا القسÙ
    25052491 ÙƒÙ„ا Ù
    2506 Ù† هذه القضايا. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2492ن هذه القضايا. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    25072493<Section id="file_permissions">
    25092495<Text id="247">Ù
    2510 Ù„ف التراخيص  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2496لف التراخيص  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    25152501 Ù„ويندوز 95/98 Windows، لأن هذه الن؞Ù
    25162502 Ù„ا تحدد اصحاؚ الÙ
    2517 Ù„فات.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2503لفات.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    25182504<Text id="249">في ؚي؊ة  ويندوز Windows NT, 2000، وان؞Ù
    25192505Ø© يونيكس ، نصوص CGI لا تعÙ
    25732559 Ø¥Ø¹Ø¯Ø§Ø¯Ù‡ للÙ
    2575  Ø§Ù„أصلي فقط." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2561 Ø§Ù„أصلي فقط." </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    25762562<Text id="250">لكي تعÙ
    25772563ل Ù
    25782564ن خلال Ù
    25792565تصفح الويؚ ، فان جÙ
    2580 ÙŠØ¹ أدلة greenstone لا ؚد Ù
     2566يع أدلة Greenstone لا ؚد Ù
    25812567ن إتاحة قراءتها. ايضا دليل  <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\etc</i>وجÙ
    25822568يع Ù
    25922578ترددا في جعل هذا الدليل قاؚل للكتاؚة ، يÙ
    25932579كنك تعيين التراخيص و تعين الÙ
    2594 Ù„فات التالية للكتاؚة <i>errout.txt</i>, <i>initout.txt</i>, <i>key.db</i>, <i>users.db</i>, <i>history.db</i> and <i>usage.txt</i>، <i>users.db لÙ
     2580لفات التالية للكتاؚة <i>errout.txt</i>, <i>initout.txt</i>, <i>key.db</i>, <i>users.db</i>, <i>history.db</i> و <i>usage.txt</i>، <i>users.db </i>.لÙ
    2596  CGI</i>. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2582  CGI .</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    25972583<Text id="251">اذا لÙ
    25982584 ÙŠØ¹Ø¯ Ù
    26052591 ÙŠØªÙ
    26062592 ØªÙˆÙ„يد Ù
    2607 Ù„ف (<i>usage.txt</i>) . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2593لف (<i>usage.txt</i>) . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    26102596<Section id="gsdlsite_configuration_file">
    2612 <Text id="252">gsdlsite.cfg Ù
    2613 Ù„ف الإعداد   </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2598<Text id="252">Ù
     2599لف الإعداد gsdlsite.cfg   </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    26182604 ØšÙ†Ø§Ø¡Ø§ على Ù
    26192605ا قÙ
    2620 Øª ØšÙ‡ في إختيارات التثؚيت. لإجراء تثؚيتنا هذا هو الÙ
     2606ت ØšÙ‡ في إختيارات التثؚيت. ؚالنسؚة لتثؚيتنا هذا هو الÙ
    26212607لف <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\cgi-bin\gsdlsite.cfg</i> و Ù
    2622 Ø­ØªÙˆÙŠØ§ØªÙ‡ هي : </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2608حتوياته هي : </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    26232609<CodeLine># Site configuration file for Greenstone.</CodeLine>
    26242610<CodeLine># Lines begining with</CodeLine>
    26492635لف ، رغÙ
    26502636 Ø§Ù†Ùƒ رؚÙ
    2651 Ø§ لن تحتاج الى ان تفعل ذلك. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2652 <Text id="255">"ي؎ير السطر <i>gsdlhome </i> الى دليل<i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i>  "</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2653 <Text id="256"><i>httpprefix </i> هو عنوان الويؚ للدليل الذي يثؚت فيه  greenstone . ساؚقا ؎رحنا كيفية تهي؊ة الاسÙ
     2637ا لن تحتاج الى ان تفعل ذلك. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2638<Text id="255">ي؎ير السطر <i>gsdlhome </i> الى دليل<i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i>  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2639<Text id="256"><i>httpprefix </i> هو عنوان الويؚ للدليل الذي يثؚت فيه  Greenstone . ساؚقا ؎رحنا كيفية تهي؊ة الاسÙ
    26542640 Ø§Ù„Ù
    26552641ستعار حتى ان عناوين الÙ
    26562642واقع على ؎كل <i>http://localhost/gsdl/</i>... يؚحث عنها في دليل  <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i> .ووضع سطر <i>httpprefix/gsdl</i> في Ù
    26572643لف الإعداد <i>gsdlsite</i>   ÙŠØ¶Ø¹ التقليد نفسه لؚراÙ
    2658ʯ greenstone . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2644ج Greenstone . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    26592645<Text id="257"><i>httpimg </i> هو عنوان الويؚ لدليل<i>C:\Program Files\gsdl\images</i>  ، الذي يحتوي على جÙ
    26602646يع صور gif الÙ
    26622648Ø© فى الواجهة.في أي تثؚيت Ù
    2663 Ø¹ÙŠØ§Ø±ÙŠ لـ greenstone سيكون هذا دا؊Ù
     2649عياري لـ Greenstone سيكون هذا دا؊Ù
    26642650ا <i>httpprefix/images</i> ، والسطر في الÙ
    26652651لف أعلاه يؚقى دون Ù
    2666 Ø³Ø§Ø³. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2652ساس. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    26672653<Text id="258"><i>gwcgi </i> هو عنوان الويؚ لÙ
    26682654كتؚة ؚرناÙ
    2669 Ø¬    .CGI و هذا ليس Ù
     2655ج    CGI .و هذا ليس Ù
    26702656طلوؚا Ù
    26712657ن جانؚ Ù
    26792665تاكدا Ù
    26802666ن انك ؚحاجة اليه ، لان ذلك قد يحدث الÙ
    2681 ØŽØ§ÙƒÙ„. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2667؎اكل. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    26822668<Text id="259"><i>maxrequests</i> هي تستخدÙ
    26832669  فقط Ù
    2684 Ø¹ إصدارة greenstone التي يتÙ
     2670ع إصدارة Greenstone التي يتÙ
    26852671 ØªØ¬Ù
    26862672يعها ؚاستخداÙ
    26982684ن القرص عندÙ
    26992685ا تطلؚ  صفحة ويؚ ؚرناÙ
    2700 Ø¬  greenstone. الÙ
    2701 ÙØ§Ø¶Ù„Ù‡ تكون في Ù
     2686ج  Greenstone.وتكون الÙ
     2687فاضله في Ù
    27022688قدار الذاكرة الÙ
    27182704طلوؚة.في Ù
    2720  Ø§Ù„تثؚيت يستخدÙ
     2706 Ø§Ù„تثؚيتات يستخدÙ
    27212707 ØšØ±ÙˆØªÙˆÙƒÙˆÙ„ CGI  الÙ
    27222708عياري ، وهو Ù
    27232709ا يعني ان <i>maxrequests</i>  يÙ
    27242710كن أن نتجاهلها ؚأÙ
    2725 Ø§Ù†. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2711ان.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    27302716<Chapter id="personalizing">
    2732 <Text id="260">إضفاء طاؚع ؎خصي على التثؚيت الخاص ØšÙƒ  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2718<Text id="260">إضفاء طاؚع ؎خصي على التثؚيت الخاص ØšÙƒ  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    27352721<Text id="261">على الارجح أن  اول ؎يء تريد ان تفعله ØšÙ
    2736 Ø¬Ø±Ø¯ تثؚيت وت؎غيل , greenstone هو إضفاء الطاؚع ال؎خصي علي الصفحة الر؊يسية .الÙ
    2737 Ù„ف الذي يولد صفحة greenstone الر؊يسية يسÙ
     2722جرد تثؚيت وت؎غيل , Greenstone هو إضفاء الطاؚع ال؎خصي علي الصفحة الر؊يسية .الÙ
     2723لف الذي يولد صفحة Greenstone الر؊يسية يسÙ
    27382724ى <i> </i> ، ويوضع في الدليل الفرعي <i>macros</i> للدليل الذي تÙ
    2739  ÙÙŠÙ‡ تثؚيت  greenstone . (الافتراضي لن؞Ù
     2725 ÙÙŠÙ‡ تثؚيت  Greenstone . (الافتراضي لن؞Ù
    27402726 ÙˆÙŠÙ†Ø¯ÙˆØ² Windows هو <i>C:\Program Files\gsdl</i>.) وهو Ù
    27412727لف نص ؚسيط تحتاج لتعديله لان؎اء صفحة جديدة. ؚدلا Ù
    27432729لف جديد ، يÙ
    27442730كن القول ؚانه <i> </i>.و سيكون هذا Ù
    2745 Ø«Ù„ <i></i> ولكن سوف تحدد حزÙ
     2731ثل "<i></i>" ولكن سوف تحدد حزÙ
    27462732Ø© الÙ
    2747 ÙˆÙ‚ع" - وهو الحد الأدني لإنجاز العÙ
     2733وقع - وهو الحد الأدني لإنجاز العÙ
    27482734ل الفعلي - في طريقة Ù
    2749 Ø®ØªÙ„فة." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2735ختلفة.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    27502736<Text id="262">عندÙ
    27512737ا تقوÙ
    27592745وعات على جهازك. الحل يكÙ
    2760 Ù† في  ان greenstone يعتÙ
     2746ن في  ان Greenstone يعتÙ
    27612747د على استخداÙ
    27622748“macros” – و هذا يوضح لÙ
    27722758وضح ادناه. تعتؚر لغة “macro”  تسهيلة قوية ، و الÙ
    27732759ؚين إدناه ليس سوي جزء صغير - ان؞ر <i> Ù
    2774 ÙƒØªØšÙ‡ greenstone الرقÙ
     2760كتؚه Greenstone الرقÙ
    27752761يه Ù
    27762762ر؎د الÙ
    27792765ن الÙ
    2781 Ø§Øª. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2767ات. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    27822768<Section id="example">
    27842770<Text id="263">Ù
    2785 Ø«Ø§Ù„  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2771ثال  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    27882774<Figure id="your_own_greenstone_home_page">
    2790 <Text id="264">صفحه  greenstone  الر؊يسية الخاصة ØšÙƒ </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2776<Text id="264">صفحه  Greenstone  الر؊يسية الخاصة ØšÙƒ </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    27922778<File width="395" height="227" url="images/Install_Fig_3.png"/>
    27972783يه جديدة. كل Ù
    27982784ن رواؚط  انقر هنا " ياخذك الى Ù
    2799 Ø±ÙÙ‚ greenstone الÙ
     2785رفق Greenstone الÙ
    28002786ناسؚ – تÙ
    28012787 ØªÙˆÙ„يد هذه الصفحه ØšÙ
    28022788لف <i> </i> الÙ
    2803 ÙˆØ¶Ø­ في ال؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="yourhome_dm"/>." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2789وضح في ال؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="yourhome_dm"/>." </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    28042790<Figure id="yourhome_dm">
    2806 <Text id="266"> ØªØ³ØªØ®Ø¯Ù
    2807  <i> </i> لخلق ال؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="your_own_greenstone_home_page"/> </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2792<Text id="266">تستخدÙ
     2793 <i> </i> لخلق ال؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="your_own_greenstone_home_page"/> </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    28092795<CodeLine>package home</CodeLine>
    28372823كنك استخداÙ
    28382824 Ø§Ù„؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="yourhome_dm"/> كنÙ
    2839 ÙˆØ°Ø¬ لتخلق ؚنفسك صفحة greenstone الر؊يسية الخاصة ØšÙƒ. ؚصورة اساسية ، هي تعرف macro يسÙ
     2825وذج لتخلق ؚنفسك صفحة Greenstone الر؊يسية الخاصة ØšÙƒ. ؚصورة اساسية ، هي تعرف macro يسÙ
    28402826ي الÙ
    28412827حتوي  .<i>content</i> داخل الأقواس الÙ
    28482834ين الرواؚط واستخداÙ
    28492835 Ø¬Ù
    2850 ÙŠØ¹ التسهيلات الاخرى التي توفرها لغة تأ؎ير النص الفا؊ق html. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2836يع التسهيلات الاخرى التي توفرها لغة تأ؎ير النص الفا؊ق html. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    28512837<Text id="268">لرؚط صفحة Ù
    28522838وقعك الجديدة Ù
    28532839ع صفحات الÙ
    28542840كتؚة الرقÙ
    2855 ÙŠØ© الأخري حياتك صفحة جديدة في العلاقة Ù
    2856 Ø¹ الآخرين الÙ
    2857 ÙƒØªØšÙ‡ الرقÙ
    2858 ÙŠÙ‡ صفحات ، انت ؚحاجة الى استخداÙ
    2859  Ø§Ù„وصفة السحرية.في لغة  macro  هذه ،فان الوصفة السحرية هي عؚارة عن كلÙ
     2841ية الأخري ، انت ؚحاجة الى استخداÙ
     2842 Ø§Ù„وصفة السحرية.في لغة  macro  هذه ، الوصفة السحرية هي عؚارة عن كلÙ
    28602843ات Ù
    28612844حاطة ؚالعلاÙ
    28792862وعة الÙ
    2880 Ù†Ø§Ø³Øš .</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    2881 <Text id="269"> ØªØ¹Ø±ÙŠÙ macro يسÙ
     2863ناسؚ .</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     2864<Text id="269">تعريف macro يسÙ
    28822865ي الÙ
    28832866حتوي  <i>_content_</i> و هو Ù
    28892872ن قيد الÙ
    28902873عالجه ؚواسطة Ù
    2891 ÙØ³Ø±Ù„غة macro. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2874فسرلغة macro. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    28922875<Text id="270">علÙ
    2893 Ø§ ان تعريف macro  <i>_content_ </i> لا يحتوي على الرو؀س أو التذييلات ؚلغة تأ؎ير النص الفا؊ق html .اذا كنت تريد تغيير الرأس او الذيل Ù
     2876ا ان تعريف <i>_content_</i> لا يحتوي على الرو؀س أو التذييلات ؚلغة تأ؎ير النص الفا؊ق html .اذا كنت تريد تغيير الرأس او الذيل Ù
    28942877ن صفحه Ù
    28952878وقعك ، يجؚ عليك ان تعرف macros لل  <i>_header_</i> و / أو <i>_footer_</i>  ، واضافتها الى Ù
    28962879لف <i> </i> الÙ
    2897 Ù„ف في ال؎كل  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2880لف في ؎كل  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    28982881<CodeLine>_macroname_ {</CodeLine>
    29022885ثال ، العÙ
    29032886ود الاخضر اسفل الجانؚ الايسر Ù
    2904 Ù† صفحات greenstone هو Ù
     2887ن صفحات Greenstone هو Ù
    29052888عرف في  macro   <i>_header_ </i> ، وإزالة القيÙ
    29062889Ø© Ù
    29072890نه سوف تزيله ، كÙ
    29082891ا هو Ù
    2909 ØšÙŠÙ† في نهاية ال؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="yourhome_dm"/>. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2892ؚين في نهاية ال؎كل <Crossref target="figure" ref="yourhome_dm"/>. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    29122895<Section id="how_to_make_it_work">
    2914 <Text id="272">كيف تجعلها تعÙ
    2915 Ù„ </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2897<Text id="272">كيف تعدها للعÙ
     2898ل.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    29182901<Text id="273">يجؚ أن تعلÙ
    2919  greenstone عن صفحة الÙ
     2902 Greenstone عن صفحة الÙ
    29202903وقع  الجديدة <i> </i>. يقوÙ
    29212904 Ø§Ù„ن؞اÙ
    29282911اء الÙ
    29292912ت؎اؚكة تعالج ؚصورة Ù
    2930 Ù†Ø·Ù‚يه : أحدث تعريف ؚالاسؚقيه. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2913نطقيه : أحدث تعريف ؚالاسؚقيه. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    29312914<Text id="274">وهكذا لجعل ؚرناÙ
    29322915ج Ù
    2933 ÙƒØªØšØ© greenstone الرقÙ
     2916كتؚة Greenstone الرقÙ
    29342917يه يستخدÙ
    29352918 ØµÙØ­Ø© الÙ
    29442927لفات macro التي يتÙ
    29452928 ØªØ­Ù
    2946 ÙŠÙ„ها في الؚدء. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2929يلها في الؚدء. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    29512934<Text id="275">اعادة توجيه Ù
    2952 ÙˆÙ‚ع لgreenstone </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2935وقع لgreenstone </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    29552938<Text id="276">قد ترغؚ في اعادة توجيه لؚرناÙ
    2956 Ø¬ CGI greenstone لجعل عنوان الÙ
     2939ج Greenstone لجعل عنوان الÙ
    29572940وقع الخاص ØšÙƒ اكثر Ù
    29602943ثال ، على ن؞اÙ
    29612944نا عنوان الÙ
    2962 ÙˆÙ‚ع <i> </i> (وهو اختصار ل<i>Http:// </i> هو اعادة توجيهها الى <i> </i>.Ù
    2963 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ اؚات؎ي Apache ينجز هذا Ù
     2945وقع <i> </i> (وهو اختصار ل<i>Http:// </i> و هو اعادة توجيهها الى <i> </i>.ينجز Ù
     2946زود ويؚ اؚات؎ي Apache هذا Ù
    29642947ع <i>Redirect</i> التوجيهي. جنؚا الى جنؚ Ù
    29652948ع غيرها Ù
    29662949ن التوجيهات ، وهذا يعود الى Ù
    29672950لف الإعداد  <i>C:\Program Files\Apache  Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf</i>. لاعادة توجيه عنوان الÙ
    2968 ÙˆÙ‚ع <i></i>الى <i> </i> ، ووضع هذا السطر في <i>httpd.conf </i> :</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2951وقع <i></i>الى <i> </i> ، ووضع هذا السطر في <i>httpd.conf </i> :</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    29692952<CodeLine>Redirect /index.html</CodeLine>
    29702953<Text id="277">Ø«Ù
    29802963ثل <i></i> ان يعاد توجيهه الى <i> </i> ،قÙ
    29812964 ØšØ¥Ø¯Ø±Ø§Ø¬Ù‡ في Ù
    2982 Ù„ف <i>httpd.conf </i>  </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2965لف <i>httpd.conf </i>  </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    29832966<CodeLine>Redirect /greenstone</CodeLine>
    29842967<Text id="278">اذا كان جهازك لا يÙ
    29942977لك اسÙ
    29952978 Ù†Ø·Ø§Ù‚- له نفس التأثير كÙ
    2996 Ø§ سؚق في إعادة التوجيهات اعلاه." </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2979ا سؚق في إعادة التوجيهات اعلاه." </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    29972980<Text id="279">ؚدلا Ù
    29982981ن وضع تعليÙ
    30032986لف <i>.htaccess</i> ضÙ
    30042987ن دليل الوثيقة الجذري للÙ
    3005 Ø²ÙˆØ¯. في الحقيقة ، والقياÙ
     2988زود. في الحقيقة ، القياÙ
    30062989 ØšÙ‡Ø°Ø§ الإجراء له Ù
    30072990يزتان - اولا ، تغييرات <i> Htaccess </i> تنفذ على الفور ، في حين انك تحتاج لأعادة ت؎غيل Ù
    30112994 Ø£Ø³Ø§Ø³ÙŠ “root” لتعديل <i>httpd.conf </i> ، في حين انك لا تقوÙ
    3012  ØšÙ‡Ø°Ø§ <i>httpd.conf</i>, </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     2995 ØšÙ‡Ø°Ø§ <i>httpd.conf</i>, </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    30203003لاحق الÙ
    30213004رتؚطه ؚالؚرناÙ
    3022ʯ </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3005ج </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    30273010وعة الؚراÙ
    30283011ج الÙ
    3029 Ø°ÙƒÙˆØ±Ø© أعلاه.</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3012ذكورة أعلاه.</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    30303013<Section id="apache_webserver">
    3032 <Text id="282">Apache Ù
    3033 Ø²ÙˆØ¯ ويؚ</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3015<Text id="282">Ù
     3016زود ويؚ Ø£ØšØ§ØªØŽÙŠ  Apache</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    30373020كن Ù
    30383021ن ت؎غيل أي نسخة Ù
    3039 Ù† greenstone وؚصرف الن؞ر عن نسخة Ù
     3022ن Greenstone وؚصرف الن؞ر عن نسخة Ù
    30403023كتؚه ويندوز  Windows الÙ
    30413024حلية ، أنت  ؚحاجة الى Ù
    30503033زود ويؚ اؚات؎ي Apache Ù
    30513034جانا Ù
    3052 Ù†  <i></i> و هو سهل التركيؚ. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3035ن  <i></i> و هو سهل التركيؚ. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    30553038<Section id="perl">
    3057 <Text id="284">Perl</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
    3058 </Title>
    3059 <Content>
    3060 <Text id="285"> ÙŠØ³ØªØ®Ø¯Ù
    3061  greenstone لغة ؚيرل عند ؚناء Ù
     3040<Text id="284">Perl</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
     3043<Text id="285">يستخدÙ
     3044 Greenstone لغة ؚيرل عند ؚناء Ù
    30633046وعات.ؚالنسؚة لويندوز Windows ،فان ؚيرل Perl Ù
    30773060تاح Ù
    30783061جانا في <i> </i>.نسخة ؚيرل  5،0 Perl أو أعلى هي الÙ
    3079 Ø·Ù„وؚة. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3062طلوؚة. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    30823065<Section id="gcc">
    3084 <Text id="286">GCC</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3067<Text id="286">GCC</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    30873070<Text id="287">تجÙ
    3088 Ø¹ إصدارة يونيكس  greenstone  تحت Gnu C++ compiler, GCC..يجعل  Greenstone الاستخداÙ
    3089  Ø§Ù„Ù
    3090 ÙƒØ«Ù لÙ
    3091 ÙƒØªØšÙ‡ القوالؚ القياسيه   C++ (لقد وجدنا ؚعض الÙ
     3071ع إصدارة يونيكس  Greenstone  تحت Gnu C++ , GCC..و هذا يجعل   Greenstone يستخدÙ
     3072  Ù
     3073كتؚه القوالؚ القياسيه  ++ C استخداÙ
     3074ا Ù
     3075كثفا .(لقد وجدنا ؚعض الÙ
    30923076؎اكل في  ؚعض الاصدارات القديÙ
    30933077Ø© Ù
    30953079؎اكل stl ). علÙ
    30963080ا ان هذا الاصدار Ù
    3097 Ù† greenstone لا يجÙ
    3098 Ø¹ في GCC 3.0 </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3081ن Greenstone لا يجÙ
     3082ع في GCC 3.0 .</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    31013085<Section id="gdbm">
    3103 <Text id="288">GDBM</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3087<Text id="288">GDBM</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    31063090<Text id="289">جÙ
    31073091يع الإصدارات Ù
    3108 Ù† greenstone تستخدÙ
    3109  gnu Ù
    3110 Ø¯ÙŠØ± قاعدة ؚيانات ، gdbm – وقد تÙ
    3111  ØªÙˆÙÙŠØ±Ù‡Ø§ Ù
     3092ن Greenstone تستخدÙ
     3093 Ù
     3094دير قاعدة ؚيانات GDBM ، Gnu. – وقد تÙ
     3095 ØªÙˆÙÙŠØ±Ù‡ Ù
    31123096ع جÙ
    31133097يع اصدارات ويندوز  Windows  Ù
    3114 Ù† greenstone وتثؚت تلقا؊يا اثناء اجراء  التثؚيت.ن؞Ù
     3098ن Greenstone وتثؚت تلقا؊يا اثناء اجراء  التثؚيت.ن؞Ù
    31153099 Ù„ينكس Linux  لديها ؚالفعل gdbm ، لذا نحن لا نوفر ذلك للينكس. و Ù
    31203104ر يÙ
    31213105كنك التنزيل Ù
    3122 Ù† <i> </i>. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3106ن <i> </i>. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    31253109<Section id="java_runtime_environment">
    3127 <Text id="290">Java runtime environment</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3111<Text id="290">Java runtime environment</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    31303114<Text id="291">لاستخداÙ
    31313115 ÙˆØ§Ø¬Ù‡Ø© Ù
    3132 ÙƒØªØšÙŠ  greenstone ، انت في حاجة الى إصدارة Ù
     3116كتؚي   Greenstone ، انت في حاجة الى إصدارة Ù
    31333117ناسؚة Ù
    31343118ن Java Runtime Environment - اذا لÙ
    31403124كنك تحÙ
    31413125يل أخر اصداره Ù
    3142 Ù† <u> </u>. الاصدار 1.4.0 او اعلى . </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3126ن <u> </u>. الاصدار 1.4.0 او اعلى . </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    31453129<Section id="java_compiler">
    3147 <Text id="292">Java Ù
    3148 Ø¬Ù
    3149 Ø¹</Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3131<Text id="292">Ù
     3133ع Java</Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
    31583142وعة تطوير الؚرÙ
    31593143جيات j2se Ù
    3160 Ù† <u></u>.. الاصدار 1.4.0 او اعلى. </Text><Updated date="3-Mar-2008 by Kamal Mustafa"/>
     3144ن <u></u>.. الاصدار 1.4.0 او اعلى. </Text><Updated date="18-Mar-2008 by Kamal Salih"/>
  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/processing/xml-to-index.xsl

    r13638 r17494  
    66  <xsl:include href="common.xsl"/>
    8     <!-- set mode to cd/web/wiki depending on where the files will end up -->
    9   <xsl:variable name="mode">cd</xsl:variable>
     8  <!-- set mode to cd/web/wiki depending on where the files will end up -->
     9  <xsl:variable name="mode">wiki</xsl:variable>
    1111  <xsl:template match="TutorialList">
    2424      <xsl:apply-templates select="Tutorial[not(@hidden)]"/>
    2525    </dl>
     27    <hr/><div style="text-align:center;"><xsl:apply-templates select="/TutorialList/SupplementaryText/Text[@id='copyright']"/></div>
    2629      </body>
    2730    </html>
  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/processing/xml-to-many-html.xsl

    r13638 r17494  
    77  <xsl:output method="html"/>
    88  <!-- set mode to cd/web/wiki depending on where the files will end up -->
    9   <xsl:variable name="mode">web</xsl:variable>
     9  <xsl:variable name="mode">wiki</xsl:variable>
    1111  <xsl:template match="Tutorial">
    2525    <h2><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></h2>
    2626    <xsl:apply-templates select="Content/*"/>
     28    <hr/><div style="text-align:center;"><xsl:apply-templates select="/TutorialList/SupplementaryText/Text[@id='copyright']"/></div>
    2730      </body>
    2831    </html>
  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/processing/xml-to-one-html.xsl

    r13638 r17494  
    66  <xsl:output method="html"/>
    77  <!-- set mode to cd/web depending on where the files will end up -->
    8   <xsl:variable name="mode">web</xsl:variable>
     8  <xsl:variable name="mode">wiki</xsl:variable>
    1010  <xsl:template match="TutorialList">
    2222    </dl>
    2323    <xsl:apply-templates select="Tutorial[not(@hidden)]"/>
     25    <hr/><div style="text-align:center;"><xsl:apply-templates select="SupplementaryText/Text[@id='copyright']"/></div>
    2426      </body>
    2527    </html>
    3638  <xsl:template match="Tutorial">
     39    <div style="page-break-before: always;">
    3740    <a name="{@id}"/>
    3841    <h2><xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></h2>
    4245      </xsl:call-template>
    4346    </div>
    44     <xsl:apply-templates select="Content/*"/>
     47    <xsl:apply-templates select="Content/*"/>   
    4548    <br/>
    4649    <br/>
     50    </div>
    4751  </xsl:template>
    4953  <xsl:template name="supplementary">
    5054    <xsl:param name="mode">web</xsl:param>
     55    <!--
    5156    <xsl:call-template name="IndexLink">
    5257      <xsl:with-param name="mode">combined</xsl:with-param>
    5358    </xsl:call-template>
     59    -->
    5460    <xsl:apply-templates select="Prerequisite" mode="combined"/>
    5561    <xsl:if test="SampleFiles">
  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/processing/xml-to-one-workshop.xsl

    r13638 r17494  
    2626    <xsl:apply-templates select="$manifest/Section" mode="index"/>
    2727    <xsl:apply-templates select="$manifest/Section"/>
     29    <div style="text-align:center;"><xsl:apply-templates select="/TutorialList/SupplementaryText/Text[@id='copyright']"/></div>
    2831      </body>
    2932    </html>
    30   </xsl:template>
     33  </xsl:template> 
    3236  <xsl:template match="Section" mode="index">
    3337    <xsl:variable name="secnum" select="@number"/>
     38    <div style="page-break-after: always;">   
    3439    <h2><a href="#{@id}"><xsl:value-of select="Heading"/></a></h2>
    3540    <xsl:for-each select="TutorialRef|SplitTutorialRef">
    3944    <xsl:if test="self::TutorialRef">
    4045      <xsl:apply-templates select="$tutorial/Tutorial[@id=$id]" mode="index">
    41         <xsl:with-param name="number"><xsl:value-of select="$secnum"/>.<xsl:value-of select="$pos"/></xsl:with-param>
     46        <xsl:with-param name="number">
     47              <xsl:value-of select="$pos"/>
     48              <!--<xsl:value-of select="$secnum"/>.<xsl:value-of select="$pos"/>-->
     49            </xsl:with-param>
    4250      </xsl:apply-templates>
    4351    </xsl:if>
    4452    <xsl:if test="self::SplitTutorialRef">
    4553      <xsl:apply-templates select="$tutorial/Tutorial[@id=$id]" mode="splitindex">
    46         <xsl:with-param name="number"><xsl:value-of select="$secnum"/>.<xsl:value-of select="$pos"/></xsl:with-param>
     54        <xsl:with-param name="number">
     55              <xsl:value-of select="$pos"/>
     56              <!--<xsl:value-of select="$secnum"/>.<xsl:value-of select="$pos"/>-->
     57            </xsl:with-param>
    4758        <xsl:with-param name="split" select="@split"/>
    4859        <xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type"/>
    5364      </dl>
    5465    </xsl:for-each>
     66    </div>
    5567  </xsl:template>
    6476      <xsl:if test="self::TutorialRef">
    6577    <xsl:apply-templates select="$tutorial/Tutorial[@id=$id]">
    66       <xsl:with-param name="number"><xsl:value-of select="$secnum"/>.<xsl:value-of select="$pos"/></xsl:with-param>
     78          <xsl:with-param name="number">
     79            <!-- for just one section -->
     80            <xsl:value-of select="$pos"/>
     81            <!-- for more than one sections -->
     82       <!--<xsl:value-of select="$secnum"/>.<xsl:value-of select="$pos"/>-->
     83          </xsl:with-param>
    6784    </xsl:apply-templates>
    6885      </xsl:if>
    6986      <xsl:if test="self::SplitTutorialRef">
    7087    <xsl:apply-templates select="$tutorial/Tutorial[@id=$id]" mode="split">
    71       <xsl:with-param name="number"><xsl:value-of select="$secnum"/>.<xsl:value-of select="$pos"/></xsl:with-param>
     88      <xsl:with-param name="number">
     89            <xsl:value-of select="$pos"/>
     90            <!--<xsl:value-of select="$secnum"/>.<xsl:value-of select="$pos"/>-->
     91          </xsl:with-param>
    7292      <xsl:with-param name="split" select="@split"/>
    7393      <xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type"/>
    81101  </xsl:template>
    83   <xsl:template match="Tutorial">
     103  <xsl:template match="Tutorial">   
    84104    <xsl:param name="number"/>
     105    <div style="page-break-after: always;">
    85106    <h2><xsl:value-of select="$number"/>. <xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/></h2>
    86107    <xsl:apply-templates select="Content/*"/>
     108    </div>
    87109  </xsl:template>
    104126    <xsl:param name="beginnotes"/>
    105127    <xsl:param name="endnotes"/>
     129    <div style="page-break-after: always;">
    106130    <h2><xsl:value-of select="$number"/>. <xsl:apply-templates select="Title/Text"/><xsl:value-of select="$titleextra"/></h2>
    107131    <xsl:apply-templates select="$beginnotes"/>
    121145    </xsl:if>
    122146    <xsl:apply-templates select="$endnotes"/>
     147    </div>
    123148  </xsl:template>
  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r14060 r17494  
    33     <!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;">
    44     <!ENTITY rarr "&#8594;">
    5      <!ENTITY mdash "&#8212;">
     5     <!ENTITY mdash "&#8212;"> 
     6     <!ENTITY copy "&#169;">   
    9 <Text id="0001">Greenstone tutorial exercises (October 2006)</Text>
     10<Text id="0001">Greenstone tutorial exercises (March 2008)</Text>
    11 <Version current="2.71"/>
     12<Version current="2.80"/>
    1314<Text id="title">Greenstone tutorial exercise</Text>
    1920<Text id="wiki">Back to wiki</Text>
    2021<Text id="print">Print version</Text>
     22<Text id="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2005 2006 2007 2008 by the <Link url="">New Zealand Digital Library Project</Link> at <Link url="">the University of Waikato</Link>, New Zealand<br/>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the <Link url="">GNU Free Documentation License</Link>, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <Link url="">“GNU Free Documentation License.”</Link></Text>
    41 <Text id="0085">On inserting the <b>UNAIDS CD-ROM</b>, for many computers installation will begin automatically. If not, "auto-run"&mdash;a configurable setting under Windows&mdash;is disabled on your computer and you need to double-click <i>setup.exe</i> on the CD-ROM.</Text>
     43<Text id="0085">On inserting the <b>UNAIDS CD-ROM</b>, for many computers installation will begin automatically. If not, "auto-run"&mdash;a configurable setting under Windows&mdash;is disabled on your computer and you need to double-click <i>Setup.exe</i> on the CD-ROM.</Text>
    43 <Text id="0086">My Computer &rarr; UNAIDS20 &rarr; setup.exe</Text>
     45<Text id="0086">My Computer &rarr; UNAIDS20 &rarr; Setup.exe</Text>
    374376<Text id="0193">Installing Greenstone</Text>
    376 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.70w"/>
     378<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    448 <Text id="0223">"Welcome to the ImageMagick Setup Wizard Click &lt;<b>Next</b>&gt;</Text>
     450<Text id="0223">"Welcome to the ImageMagick Setup Wizard Click &lt;<b>Next</b>&gt;"</Text>
    486488<Prerequisite id="install_greenstone"/>
    487 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.70w"/>
     489<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    589591<Text id="0253">Building a small collection of HTML files</Text>
    591 <SampleFiles folder="hobbits"/>
    592 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     593<SampleFiles folder="simple_html"/>
     594<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    595 <Text id="0254">You will need some HTML files, such as those in the <Path>hobbits</Path> folder in <Path>sample_files</Path>.</Text>
     597<Text id="0254">You will need some HTML files, such as those in the <Path>simple_html</Path> folder in <Path>sample_files</Path>.</Text>
    601603<Text id="0255">Start the Greenstone Librarian Interface:</Text>
    603 <Text id="0255a">Start &rarr; All Programs &rarr; Greenstone Digital Library Software v2.71 &rarr; Greenstone Librarian Interface</Text>
     605<Text id="0255a">Start &rarr; All Programs &rarr; Greenstone Digital Library Software v2.74 &rarr; Greenstone Librarian Interface</Text>
    617 <Text id="0260">You will create a collection based on a few HTML web pages that describe some Hobbits in <i>Lord of the Rings</i>.</Text>
     619<Text id="0260">You will create a collection based on a few HTML web pages from the Tudor collection.</Text>
    618620<Text id="0261">A window pops up. Fill it out with appropriate values&mdash;for example,</Text>
    620 <Text id="0261a"><AutoText key="glidict::CDM.General.Collection_Name"/> About Hobbits<br/></Text>
    621 <Text id="0261b"><AutoText key="glidict::NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Description"/> A collection about hobbits.</Text>
     622<Text id="0261a"><AutoText key="glidict::CDM.General.Collection_Name"/> Small HTML Collection<br/></Text>
     623<Text id="0261b"><AutoText key="glidict::NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Description"/> A small collection of HTML pages.</Text>
    623625<Text id="0262">Leave the setting for <AutoText key="glidict::NewCollectionPrompt.Base_Collection"/> at its default: <AutoText key="glidict::NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection"/>, and click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text>
    626 <Text id="0264">Next you must gather together the files that will constitute the collection. A suitable set has been prepared ahead of time in <Path>sample_files &rarr; hobbits</Path>. Using the left-hand side of the Librarian Interface's <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, interactively navigate to the <Path>sample_files</Path> folder.</Text>
     628<Text id="0264">Next you must gather together the files that will constitute the collection. A suitable set has been prepared ahead of time in <Path>sample_files &rarr; simple_html</Path>. Using the left-hand side of the Librarian Interface's <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, interactively navigate to the <Path>sample_files</Path> folder.</Text>
    632 <Text id="0265">Now drag the <Path>hobbits</Path> folder from the left-hand side and drop it on the right. The progress bar at the bottom shows some activity. Gradually, duplicates of all the files will appear in the collection panel.</Text>
     634<Text id="0265">Now drag the <Path>simple_html</Path> folder from the left-hand side and drop it on the right. The progress bar at the bottom shows some activity. Gradually, duplicates of all the files will appear in the collection panel.</Text>
    634636<Text id="0266">You can inspect the files that have been copied by double-clicking on the folder in the right-hand side.</Text>
    650 <Text id="0270">Click the <AutoText key="glidict::CreatePane.Preview_Collection" type="button"/> button to look at the end result. This loads the relevant page into your web browser (starting it up if necessary). Look around the collection and learn about Hobbits!</Text>
     652<Text id="0270">Click the <AutoText key="glidict::CreatePane.Preview_Collection" type="button"/> button to look at the end result. This loads the relevant page into your web browser (starting it up if necessary).</Text>
    659 <Text id="0272">Presently there is no manually assigned metadata, but the act of building the collection has extracted metadata from the documents. Double click the <Path>hobbits</Path> folder to expand its content. Then single-click <Path>bilbo.html</Path> to display all its metadata in the right-hand side of the panel. The initial fields, starting <AutoText text="dc." type="quoted"/>, are empty. These are Dublin Core metadata fields for manually entered data.</Text>
     661<Text id="0272">Presently there is no manually assigned metadata, but the act of building the collection has extracted metadata from the documents. Double click the <Path>simple_html</Path> folder to expand its content. Then single-click <Path>aragon.html</Path> to display all its metadata in the right-hand side of the panel. The initial fields, starting <AutoText text="dc." type="quoted"/>, are empty. These are Dublin Core metadata fields for manually entered data.</Text>
     670<Text id="0275">Viewing the internal links and external links</Text>
     673<Text id="0275a">Hyperlinks in a Greenstone collection work like this. If the link is to a document that is also in the collection, clicking it takes you to that document in the collection. If the link is to a document that is <i>not</i> in the collection, clicking it takes you to that document on the web.</Text>
     674<Text id="0257b">Open <Path>boleyn.html</Path> and look for the link to <Path>Katharine of Aragon</Path> (in the 5th paragraph of the <Path>Biography</Path> section). This links to a document inside the collection--<Path>aragon.html</Path>. View this document by clicking the link.  For an external link, click <Path>letters written by Katharine</Path> (in the <Path>Primary Sources</Path> section). This takes you out on to the web. (A warning message is displayed first. You can also get rid of the warning by add <Format>cgiarg shortname=el argdefault=direct
     675</Format> in the <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path> file)</Text>
    668678<Text id="0277">Setting up a shortcut in the Librarian interface</Text>
    679689<SampleFiles folder="images"/>
    680 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     690<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    701711<Text id="0345">Back in the Librarian Interface, change to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> panel and view the extracted metadata for <Path>Bear.jpg</Path>.</Text>
    702 </NumberedItem>
    703 <Heading>
    704 <Text id="0347">Adding a metadata set to the collection</Text>
    705 </Heading>
    706 <Comment>
    707 <Text id="0346">We now add our own metadata and use it to give users a new way to browse the collection. We use the Dublin Core metadata set.</Text>
    708 </Comment>
    709 <NumberedItem>
    710 <Text id="0348">The collection (image-e) on which <b>backdrop</b> is based uses only extracted metadata. To add another metadata set, go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> panel of the Librarian Interface and click the <AutoText key="glidict::EnrichPane.ManageMetadataSets" type="button"/> button underneath the file tree. </Text>
    711 </NumberedItem>
    712 <NumberedItem>
    713 <Text id="0349a">The window that pops up shows the metadata sets currently used by the collection. To add a new one, click <AutoText key="glidict::MetadataSetDialog.Add" type="button"/>.</Text>
    714 <Text id="0349b">In the window that pops up, select the Dublin Core metadata set from the list of available sets, and click <AutoText key="glidict::MetadataSetDialog.Add_Set" type="button"/>. Close the <AutoText key="glidict::MetadataSetDialog.Title"/> dialog by clicking <AutoText key="glidict::General.Close" type="button"/>.</Text>
    715 </NumberedItem>
    716 <NumberedItem>
    717 <Text id="0351">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> panel, the metadata for each file now shows the (empty) Dublin Core <AutoText text="dc."/> fields as well as the extracted <AutoText text="ex."/> fields.</Text>
    767 <Text id="0364">Changes in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel take place immediately and you can see the result straightaway by clicking <b>reload</b> (or <b>refresh</b>) in the web browser. If you modify anything in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/>, <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> or <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panels, you will need to rebuild the collection.</Text>
     761<Text id="0364">Changes in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel take place immediately and you can see the result straightaway by clicking the <AutoText key="glidict::CreatePane.Preview_Collection"/>. If you modify anything in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/>, <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> or <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panels, you will need to rebuild the collection.</Text>
    814808<SampleFiles folder="Word_and_PDF"/>
    815 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     809<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    824 <Text id="0282">Copy all the files from <Path>sample_files &rarr; Word_and_PDF &rarr; Documents</Path> into the collection. You can select multiple files by clicking on the first one and shift-clicking on the last one, and drag them all across together. (This is the normal technique of multiple selection.)</Text>
     818<Text id="0282">Copy all the .doc, .rtf, .pdf and .ps files from <Path>sample_files &rarr; Word_and_PDF &rarr; Documents</Path> into the collection. There are 10 files in all: you can select multiple files by clicking on the first one and shift-clicking on the last one, and drag them all across together. (This is the normal technique of multiple selection.)</Text>
    842 <Text id="0289c">The extracted Title metadata for some documents is incorrect. For example, the Titles for <Path>pdf01.pdf</Path> and <Path>word03.doc</Path> (the same document in different formats) have missed out the second line. The Title for <Path>pdf03.pdf</Path> has the wrong text altogether. The PostScript documents (<Path></Path> and <Path></Path> do not have extracted titles: what appears in the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> list is just the first few characters of the document).</Text>
     836<Text id="0289c">The extracted Title metadata for some documents is incorrect. For example, the Titles for <Path>pdf01.pdf</Path> and <Path>word03.doc</Path> (the same document in different formats) have missed out the second line. The Title for <Path>pdf03.pdf</Path> has the wrong text altogether.</Text>
    869 <Text id="0304">In the Librarian Interface, look at the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, by clicking on this in the list to the left. Here you can add, configure or remove plugins to be used in the collection. There is no need to remove any plugins, but it will speed up processing a little. In this case we have only Word, PDF, RTF, and PostScript documents, and can remove the <AutoText text="ZIPPlug"/>, <AutoText text="TEXTPlug"/>, <AutoText text="HTMLPlug"/>, <AutoText text="EMAILPlug"/>, <AutoText text="ImagePlug"/>, <AutoText text="ISISPlug"/> and <AutoText text="NULPlug"/> plugins. To delete a plugin, select it and click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.Remove" type="button"/>. <AutoText text="GAPlug"/> is required for any type of source collection and should not be removed. </Text>
     863<Text id="0304">In the Librarian Interface, look at the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, by clicking on this in the list to the left. Here you can add, configure or remove plugins to be used in the collection. There is no need to remove any plugins, but it will speed up processing a little. In this case we have only Word, PDF, RTF, and PostScript documents, and can remove the <AutoText text="ZIPPlug"/>, <AutoText text="TEXTPlug"/>, <AutoText text="HTMLPlug"/>, <AutoText text="EMAILPlug"/>, <AutoText text="ImagePlug"/>, <AutoText text="ISISPlug"/> and <AutoText text="NULPlug"/> plugins. To delete a plugin, select it and click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.Remove" type="button"/>. <AutoText text="GAPlug"/> and <AutoText text="MetadataXMLPlug"/> are required for any type of source collection and should not be removed. </Text>
    881875<Text id="0312">You can add indexes based on any metadata. Add a new index based on <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/> by clicking <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.IndexManager.New_Index" type="button"/>. Select <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/> in the list of metadata, and click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.IndexManager.Add_Index" type="button"/>.</Text>
    883 <Comment>
    884 <Text id="0313">The next section is <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Subcollections"/>. In this exercise, we will not make any changes to this.</Text>
    885 </Comment>
    887878<Text id="0314">Browsing classifiers</Text>
    904 <Text id="0321">Check that all the facilities work properly. There should be three full-text indexes, called <i>text</i>, <i>dc.Title,ex.Title</i>, and <i>dc.Creator</i>. The <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> list should display all the documents to which you have assigned <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Title"/> metadata (and only those documents). The <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list should show one bookshelf for each author you have assigned as <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/>, and clicking on that bookshelf should take you to all the documents they authored.</Text>
     895<Text id="0321">Check that all the facilities work properly. There should be three full-text indexes, called <i>text</i>, <i>dc.Title</i>, and <i>dc.Creator</i>. The <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> list should display all the documents to which you have assigned <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Title"/> metadata (and only those documents). The <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list should show one bookshelf for each author you have assigned as <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/>, and clicking on that bookshelf should take you to all the documents they authored.</Text>
    931922<Text id="0321d-1">If you have already done the <TutorialRef id="enhanced_word"/> exercise, some of the documents will have extracted ex.Creator metadata, and some will have dc.Creator. To use both of these in the Creators classifier, make a similar change to the <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/>: make the <AutoText text="metadata"/> field read <Format><AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator" type="plain"/><AutoText text=",ex.Creator" type="plain"/></Format>.</Text>
    932 <Text id="0321d-2">You may notice that <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/> has two options after the <AutoText text="metadata"/> option: <AutoText text="firstvalueonly"/> and <AutoText text="allvalues"/>. Manually added metadata can be used to replace or enhance automatically extracted metadata, and these options control exactly which pieces of metadata a document is classified by.</Text>
     923<Text id="0321e"><b>Build</b> the collection again and <b>preview</b> it. Now all of the documents should appear in the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> list (and extracted Creators should appear in the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list).</Text>
     926<Text id="0321d-2">We will play around with the format statements and customize the outlook of this collection in the <TutorialRef id="formatting_word_pdf"/> exercise.</Text>
     930<Tutorial id="formatting_word_pdf">
     932<Text id="fw-1">Formatting the Word and PDF collection</Text>
     934<Prerequisite id="word_pdf_collection"/>
     935<Version initial="2.70w" current="2.80"/>
     938<Text id="fw-1a">In this exercise, we play around with the format statements in the Word and PDF collection.</Text>
     941<Text id="fw-2">Open the <b>reports</b> collection in the Librarian Interface and go to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel.</Text>
     944<Text id="fw-2a">Tidying up the default format statement</Text>
     947<Text id="fw-3a">In this part of the exercise, we make the format statement simpler without changing the resulting display.</Text>
     948<Text id="fw-3">Greenstone's default format statement is complex because it is designed to produce something reasonable under almost any conditions, and also because for practical reasons it needs to be backwards compatible with legacy collections. For this collection, we don't need all of the complexity.</Text>
     949<Text id="fw-3a-1">Make sure that the <AutoText text="VList"/> format statement is selected in the list of formats.</Text>
     950<Text id="fw-4">The default <AutoText text="VList"/> format statement looks like the following:</Text>
     952&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     953&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[ex.srclink]<highlight>{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}</highlight>[ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     954&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[highlight]<br/>
     958<Text id="fw-5">This format statement is the default used for any vertical list, such as search results, classifiers, and document table of contents.</Text>
     959<Text id="fw-6"><Format>{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}</Format> chooses <i>ex.thumbicon</i> metadata if its there, otherwise chooses <i>ex.srcicon</i> metadata. If neither are present, nothing is displayed. For this collection there is no <i>ex.thumbicon</i> metadata so the choice is not needed.</Text>
     960<Text id="fw-7">Replace <Format>{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}</Format> (highlighted above) with <Format>[ex.srcicon]</Format>.  </Text>
     961<Text id="fw-8">There is no <i>exp.Title</i> metadata, so remove that element from <Format>{Or}{[dc.Title],[exp.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}</Format>.</Text>
     962<Text id="fw-9">The resulting format statement looks like the following:</Text>
     964&lt;td valign=top&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     965&lt;td valign=top&gt;[ex.srclink][ex.srcicon][ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     966&lt;td valign=top&gt;[highlight]<br/>
     968[/highlight] {If}{[ex.Source],&lt;br&gt;&lt;i&gt;([ex.Source])&lt;/i&gt;}&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     970<Text id="fw-10">Preview the collection to make sure the display hasn't changed. You shouldn't notice any difference when looking at search results, classifiers etc. </Text>
     973<Text id="fw-10a">Linking to Greenstone version or original version of documents</Text>
     976<Text id="fw-11">For collections with documents that undergo a conversion process during importing (e.g. Word, PDF, PowerPoint documents, but not text, HTML documents), the original file is stored in the collection along with the converted version. The default <AutoText text="VList"/> format statement links to both versions:</Text>
     977<Text id="fw-12"><Format>[][icon][/]</Format> links to the Greenstone HTML version, while <Format>[ex.srclink][ex.srcicon][/ex.srclink]</Format> links to the original.</Text>
     978<Text id="fw-13">Choose <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> in <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> by selecting <AutoText text="Search"/> from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> drop down list, and <AutoText text="VList"/> from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> list. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> to add the <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> format statement into the list of assigned formats. Experiment with removing either of the two links from the format statement.</Text>
     979<Text id="fw-13a">To see the results of your changes, preview the collection and do a search. You are making changes to <AutoText text="SearchVList"/>, which means the changes will only apply to search results.</Text>
     980<Text id="fw-13b">Storing and displaying the original allows users to see the correct format, but requires the user to have the relevant program installed. It also increases the size of the collection. The Greenstone version can be viewed in a browser, but may not look as nice.</Text>
     983<Text id="fw-14a">Making bookshelves show how many items they contain</Text>
     986<Text id="fw-14">Next, we'll customize the format for the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list. Classifier bookshelves have only a few pieces of metadata to display: <Format>[ex.Title]</Format> and <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format>. Whatever metadata the classifier has been built on, the bookshelf label is always stored as <Format>[ex.Title]</Format>. This is why a Creator is printed out for each bookshelf even though <Format>[dc.Creator]</Format> is not specified in the format statement. <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format> is only defined for bookshelves, so this metadata can be used in an <Format>{If}</Format> statement to make bookshelves and documents display differently in the list.</Text>
     987<Text id="fw-15">Make each bookshelf in the Creator classifier show how many entries it contains. In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="CL2 AZCompactList"/> classifier which is based on <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/> metadata from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> drop down list, and <AutoText text="VList"/> from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> list. Click the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> button to add this format into the list of assigned formats. Note that it gets added as <AutoText text="CL2VList"/> in this list: it is the <AutoText text="VList"/> format for the second (<AutoText text="CL2"/>) classifier.</Text>
     988<Text id="fw15a">Append the following text to the bottom of the format statement:</Text>
     992<Text id="fw-16"><b>Preview</b> the collection. Click on the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list and notice that the bookshelves now display how many documents they contain.</Text>
     993<Text id="fw-17">This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf.  Since only bookshelves define <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format>, only they will display this. By modifying <AutoText text="CL2VList"/> instead of <AutoText text="VList"/>, the change will only apply to the second classifier (Creators).</Text>
     996<Text id="fw-17a">Displaying multi-valued metadata</Text>
     999<Text id="fw-18">Next we modify the document entries in the Creator classifier to display all authors. Back in <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/>, select the <AutoText text="CL2VList"/> format in the list of assigned formats. After <Format>{If}{[ex.Source],&lt;br&gt;</Format> in the format statement, add <Format>[sibling:dc.Creator]</Format>.</Text>
     1000<Text id="fw-19"><Format>[ex.Source]</Format> is not defined for bookshelves, so can also be used to differentiate bookshelves and documents.</Text>
     1001<Text id="fw-20">The resulting format statement looks like:</Text>
     1003&lt;td valign=top&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     1004&lt;td valign=top&gt;[ex.srclink][ex.srcicon][ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     1005&lt;td valign=top&gt;[highlight]<br/>
     1011<Text id="fw-21">This will display the Greenstone link, the link to the original, then the Title. For bookshelves, it will also display how many documents the bookshelf contains. For documents, it will display all the Authors (Creators), and the source document. <Format>[sibling:dc.Creator]</Format> displays all the Creator metadata for the document, separated by a space (<AutoText text=" " type="quoted"/>), while <Format>[dc.Creator]</Format> displays only the first author. Preview the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list and make sure that all authors are displayed for documents.</Text> 
     1014<Text id="fw-22">You can change the separator between the authors. Modify the format statement, and replace <Format>[sibling:dc.Creator]</Format> with <Format>[sibling(All'&lt;br/&gt;'):dc.Creator]</Format>. This will add a new line after each author (<Format>&lt;br/&gt;</Format> specifies a line break in HTML). Preview the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list.</Text>
     1015<Text id="fw-23">If you have done exercise <TutorialRef id="enhanced_word"/>, the collection will have both dc.Creator and ex.Creator metadata. To display both, you can use </Text>
     1017[sibling:dc.Creator] [sibling:ex.Creator]
     1019<Text id="fw-23a">To display dc.Creator if it is present, otherwise display ex.Creator, use</Text>
     1025<Text id="0321d-1">Advanced multi-valued metadata</Text>
     1028<Text id="0321d-2">You may notice that the <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/> classifier has two options after the <AutoText text="metadata"/> option: <AutoText text="firstvalueonly"/> and <AutoText text="allvalues"/>. Manually added metadata can be used to replace or enhance automatically extracted metadata, and these options control exactly which pieces of metadata a document is classified by.</Text>
    9331029<Text id="0321d-3">For example, say we have two documents. Document 1 has four Creators specified (dc.Creator = dcA, dc.Creator = dcB, ex.Creator = exA, ex.Creator = exB), while document 2 has three (ex.Creator = exA, ex.Creator = exB, ex.Creator = exC). The following table shows which metadata values each document is classified by, for the different classifier options:</Text>
    948 <Text id="0321e"><b>Build</b> the collection again and <b>preview</b> it. Now all of the documents should appear in the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> list (and extracted Creators should appear in the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list).</Text>
    949 <Text id="0321f">Extracted metadata is unreliable. But it is very cheap! On the other hand, manually assigned metadata is reliable, but expensive. The previous section of this exercise has shown how to aim for the best of both worlds by using extracted metadata but correcting it when it is wrong. While this may not satisfy the professional librarian, it could provide a useful compromise for the music teacher who wants to get their collection together with a minimum of effort.</Text>
    950 </NumberedItem>
    951 <Heading>
    952 <Text id="0295">Branding a collection with an image</Text>
    953 </Heading>
    954 <NumberedItem>
    955 <Text id="0296">Switch back to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel. The first section <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.General"/> appears. This allows you to modify the values you provided when defining the collection, if desired. You can also brand the collection using a suitable image.</Text>
    956 </NumberedItem>
    957 <NumberedItem>
    958 <Text id="0297">Click on the <AutoText key="glidict::General.Browse" type="button"/> button associated with <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.General.Icon_Collection"/>, and browse to the image <Path>sample_files &rarr; Word_and_PDF &rarr; wrdpdf.gif</Path> on your computer. When you select this image, Greenstone automatically generates an appropriate URL for the image. <b>Preview</b> the collection: you should see the new image at the top left of the page.</Text>
    959 </NumberedItem>
    960 </Content>
    961 </Tutorial>
    962 <Tutorial id="formatting_word_pdf">
    963 <Title>
    964 <Text id="fw-1">Formatting the Word and PDF collection</Text>
    965 </Title>
    966 <Prerequisite id="word_pdf_collection"/>
    967 <Version initial="2.70w" current="2.71"/>
    968 <Content>
    969 <Comment>
    970 <Text id="fw-1a">In this exercise, we play around with the format statements in the Word and PDF collection.</Text>
    971 </Comment>
    972 <NumberedItem>
    973 <Text id="fw-2">Open the <b>reports</b> collection in the Librarian Interface and go to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel.</Text>
    974 </NumberedItem>
    975 <Heading>
    976 <Text id="fw-2a">Tidying up the default format statement</Text>
    977 </Heading>
    978 <NumberedItem>
    979 <Text id="fw-3a">In this part of the exercise, we make the format statement simpler without changing the resulting display.</Text>
    980 <Text id="fw-3">Greenstone's default format statement is complex because it is designed to produce something reasonable under almost any conditions, and also because for practical reasons it needs to be backwards compatible with legacy collections. For this collection, we don't need all of the complexity.</Text>
    981 <Text id="fw-3a-1">Make sure that the <AutoText text="VList"/> format statement is selected in the list of formats.</Text>
    982 <Text id="fw-4">The default <AutoText text="VList"/> format statement looks like the following:</Text>
    983 <Format>
    984 &lt;td valign="top"&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    985 &lt;td valign="top"&gt;[ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}[ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    986 &lt;td valign="top"&gt;[highlight]<br/>
    987 {Or}{[dls.Title],[dc.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}<br/>
    988 [/highlight]{If}{[ex.Source],&lt;br&gt;&lt;i&gt;([ex.Source])&lt;/i&gt;}&lt;/td&gt;
    989 </Format>
    990 <Text id="fw-5">This format statement is the default used for any vertical list, such as search results, classifiers, and document table of contents.</Text>
    991 <Text id="fw-6"><Format>{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}</Format> chooses <i>ex.thumbicon</i> metadata if its there, otherwise chooses <i>ex.srcicon</i> metadata. If neither are present, nothing is displayed. For this collection there is no <i>ex.thumbicon</i> metadata so the choice is not needed.</Text>
    992 <Text id="fw-7">Replace <Format>{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}</Format> with <Format>[ex.srcicon]</Format>.  </Text>
    993 <Text id="fw-8">There is no <i>dls.Title</i> metadata, so remove that element from <Format>{Or}{[dls.Title],[dc.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}</Format>.</Text>
    994 <Text id="fw-9">The resulting format statement looks like the following:</Text>
    995 <Format>
    996 &lt;td valign=top&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    997 &lt;td valign=top&gt;[ex.srclink][ex.srcicon][ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    998 &lt;td valign=top&gt;[highlight]<br/>
    999 {Or}{[dc.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}[/highlight] {If}{[ex.Source],&lt;br&gt;&lt;i&gt;([ex.Source])&lt;/i&gt;}&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    1000 </Format>
    1001 <Text id="fw-10">Preview the collection to make sure the display hasn't changed. You shouldn't notice any difference when looking at search results, classifiers etc. </Text>
    1002 </NumberedItem>
    1003 <Heading>
    1004 <Text id="fw-10a">Linking to Greenstone version or original version of documents</Text>
    1005 </Heading>
    1006 <NumberedItem>
    1007 <Text id="fw-11">For collections with documents that undergo a conversion process during importing (e.g. Word, PDF, PowerPoint documents, but not text, HTML documents), the original file is stored in the collection along with the converted version. The default <AutoText text="VList"/> format statement links to both versions:</Text>
    1008 <Text id="fw-12"><Format>[link][icon][/link]</Format> links to the Greenstone HTML version, while <Format>[srclink][srcicon][/srclink]</Format> links to the original.</Text>
    1009 <Text id="fw-13">Choose <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> in <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> by selecting <AutoText text="Search"/> from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> drop down list, and <AutoText text="VList"/> from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> list. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> to add the <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> format statement into the list of assigned formats. Experiment with removing either of the two links from the format statement.</Text>
    1010 <Text id="fw-13a">To see the results of your changes, preview the collection and do a search. You are making changes to <AutoText text="SearchVList"/>, which means the changes will only apply to search results.</Text>
    1011 <Text id="fw-13b">Storing and displaying the original allows users to see the correct format, but requires the user to have the relevant program installed. It also increases the size of the collection. The Greenstone version can be viewed in a browser, but may not look as nice.</Text>
    1012 </NumberedItem>
    1013 <Heading>
    1014 <Text id="fw-14a">Making bookshelves show how many items they contain</Text>
    1015 </Heading>
    1016 <NumberedItem>
    1017 <Text id="fw-14">Next, we'll customize the format for the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list. Classifier bookshelves have only a few pieces of metadata to display: <Format>[ex.Title]</Format> and <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format>. Whatever metadata the classifier has been built on, the bookshelf label is always stored as <Format>[ex.Title]</Format>. This is why a Creator is printed out for each bookshelf even though <Format>[dc.Creator]</Format> is not specified in the format statement. <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format> is only defined for bookshelves, so this metadata can be used in an <Format>{If}</Format> statement to make bookshelves and documents display differently in the list.</Text>
    1018 <Text id="fw-15">Make each bookshelf in the Creator classifier show how many entries it contains. In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="CL2 AZCompactList"/> classifier which is based on <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/> metadata from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> drop down list, and <AutoText text="VList"/> from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> list. Click the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> button to add this format into the list of assigned formats. Note that it gets added as <AutoText text="CL2VList"/> in this list: it is the <AutoText text="VList"/> format for the second (<AutoText text="CL2"/>) classifier.</Text>
    1019 <Text id="fw15a">Append the following text to the bottom of the format statement:</Text>
    1020 <Format>
    1021 {If}{[numleafdocs],&lt;td&gt;&lt;i&gt;([numleafdocs])&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/td&gt;}
    1022 </Format>
    1023 <Text id="fw-16"><b>Preview</b> the collection. Click on the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list and notice that the bookshelves now display how many documents they contain.</Text>
    1024 <Text id="fw-17">This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf.  Since only bookshelves define <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format>, only they will display this. By modifying <AutoText text="CL2VList"/> instead of <AutoText text="VList"/>, the change will only apply to the second classifier (Creators).</Text>
    1025 </NumberedItem>
    1026 <Heading>
    1027 <Text id="fw-17a">Displaying multi-valued metadata</Text>
    1028 </Heading>
    1029 <NumberedItem>
    1030 <Text id="fw-18">Next we modify the document entries in the Creator classifier to display all authors. Back in <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/>, select the <AutoText text="CL2VList"/> format in the list of assigned formats. After <Format>{If}{[ex.Source],&lt;br&gt;</Format> in the format statement, add <Format>[sibling:dc.Creator]</Format>.</Text>
    1031 <Text id="fw-19"><Format>[ex.Source]</Format> is not defined for bookshelves, so can also be used to differentiate bookshelves and documents.</Text>
    1032 <Text id="fw-20">The resulting format statement looks like:</Text>
    1033 <Format>
    1034 &lt;td valign=top&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    1035 &lt;td valign=top&gt;[ex.srclink][ex.srcicon][ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    1036 &lt;td valign=top&gt;[highlight]<br/>
    1037 {Or}{[dc.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}[/highlight]<br/>
    1038 {If}{[ex.Source],&lt;br&gt;<highlight>[sibling:dc.Creator]</highlight><br/>
    1039 &lt;i&gt;([ex.Source])&lt;/i&gt;}&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    1040 {If}{[numleafdocs],&lt;td&gt;&lt;i&gt;([numleafdocs])&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/td&gt;}
    1041 </Format>
    1042 <Text id="fw-21">This will display the Greenstone link, the link to the original, then the Title. For bookshelves, it will also display how many documents the bookshelf contains. For documents, it will display all the Authors (Creators), and the source document. <Format>[sibling:dc.Creator]</Format> displays all the Creator metadata for the document, separated by a space (<AutoText text=" " type="quoted"/>), while <Format>[dc.Creator]</Format> displays only the first author. Preview the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list and make sure that all authors are displayed for documents.</Text> 
    1043 </NumberedItem>
    1044 <NumberedItem>
    1045 <Text id="fw-22">You can change the separator between the authors. Modify the format statement, and replace <Format>[sibling:dc.Creator]</Format> with <Format>[sibling(All'&lt;br/&gt;'):dc.Creator]</Format>. This will add a new line after each author (<Format>&lt;br/&gt;</Format> specifies a line break in HTML). Preview the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list.</Text>
    1046 <Text id="fw-23">If you have done exercise <TutorialRef id="enhanced_word"/>, the collection will have both dc.Creator and ex.Creator metadata. To display both, you can use </Text>
    1047 <Format>
    1048 [sibling:dc.Creator] [sibling:ex.Creator]
    1049 </Format>
    1050 <Text id="fw-23a">To display dc.Creator if it is present, otherwise display ex.Creator, use</Text>
    1051 <Format>
    1052 {Or}{[sibling:dc.Creator],[sibling:ex.Creator]}
    1053 </Format>
    1054 </NumberedItem>
    1055 <Heading>
    1056 <Text id="fw-24">Opening PDF files with query terms highlighted</Text>
    1057 </Heading>
    1058 <NumberedItem>
    1059 <Text id="fw-24a">Next we'll customize the <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> format statement to highlight the query terms in a PDF file when it is opened from the search result list. This requires Acrobat Reader 7.0 version or higher, and currently only works on a Microsoft Windows platform.</Text>
    1060 </NumberedItem>
    1061 <NumberedItem>
    1062 <Text id="fw-24c">The search terms are kept in the macro variable <AutoText text="_cgiargq_"/>, and we append <AutoText text="#search=&quot;_cgiargq_&quot;"/> to the end of a PDF file link to pass the query terms to the PDF file.</Text>
    1063 <Text id="fw-24d"><AutoText text="PDFPlug"/> renames each PDF file as <AutoText text="doc.pdf"/> and saves it in a unique directory for that document, so we use</Text>
    1064 <Format>_httpcollection_/index/assoc/[archivedir]/doc.pdf</Format>
    1065 <Text id="fw-24e">to refer to the PDF source file. (However, if you used the <AutoText text="-keep_original_filename"/> option to <AutoText text="PDFPlug"/> when building the collection, the original name of the PDF file is kept, and we use</Text>
    1066 <Format>_httpcollection_/index/assoc/[archivedir]/[Source]</Format>
    1067 <Text id="fw-24f">instead to locate the PDF source file.)</Text>
    1068 </NumberedItem>
    1069 <NumberedItem>
    1070 <Text id="fw-24g">Select <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> from the list of assigned formats. We need to test whether the file is a PDF file before linking to doc.pdf, using <Format>{If}{[ex.FileFormat] eq 'PDF',,}</Format>. For PDF files, we use the above format instead of the <Format>[ex.srclink]</Format> and <Format>[ex./srclink]</Format> variables to link to the file.</Text>
    1071 <Text id="fw-24b">The resulting format statement is:</Text>
    1072 <Format>
    1073 &lt;td valign="top"&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    1074 &lt;td valign="top"&gt;<highlight>{If}{[ex.FileFormat] eq 'PDF', &lt;a
    1075 href=\"_httpcollection_/index/assoc/[archivedir]/doc.pdf#search=&amp;quot;_cgiargq_&amp;quot;\"&gt;[ex.srcicon]&lt;/a&gt;,<br/>[ex.srclink][ex.srcicon][ex./srclink]}</highlight>&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    1076 &lt;td valign="top"&gt;[highlight]<br/>
    1077 {Or}{[dc.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}<br/>
    1078 [/highlight]{If}{[ex.Source],&lt;br&gt;&lt;i&gt;([ex.Source])&lt;/i&gt;}&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    1079 </Format>
    1080 <Text id="fw-24i">When the PDF icons are clicked in the search results, Acrobat will open the file with the search window open, and the query terms highlighted.</Text>
     1044<Text id="0322">Now we set the <AutoText text="firstvalueonly"/> option for the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> classifier. Switch to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Classifiers"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/> for <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/> metadata in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.ClassifierManager.Assigned"/> box and click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.ClassifierManager.Configure" type="button"/>. Select the <AutoText text="firstvalueonly"/> option.</Text>
     1045<Text id="0322a"><b>Rebuild</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection. Now the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list classifies documents based on the first author appearing in the <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/> metadata.</Text>
     1046<Text id="0322b">If you set the <AutoText text="metadata"/> field of <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/> to <Format><AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator" type="plain"/><AutoText text=",ex.Creator" type="plain"/></Format> in the <TutorialRef id="word_pdf_collection"/> exercise, now the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelCreator_" type="italics"/> list will classify based on the first author appearing in either the <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Creator"/> metadata or the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Creator"/> metadata.</Text>
    10881054<SampleFiles folder="Word_and_PDF"/>
    1089 <Version initial="2.70" current="2.71"/>
     1055<Version initial="2.70" current="2.80"/>
    10911057<Text id="ep-2">Greenstone converts PDF files to HTML using third-party software: <AutoText text="" type="italics"/>. This lets users view these documents even if they don't have the PDF software installed. Unfortunately, sometimes the formatting of the resulting HTML files is not so good.</Text>
    10941060<Text id="ep-3a">In the Librarian Interface, start a new collection called "PDF collection" and base it on <AutoText key="glidict::NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection"/>.</Text>
    10951061<Text id="ep-3b">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, drag just the PDF documents from <Path>sample_files &rarr; Word_and_PDF &rarr; Documents</Path> into the new collection. Also drag in the PDF documents from <Path>sample_files &rarr; Word_and_PDF &rarr; difficult_pdf</Path>.</Text>
    1096 <Text id="ep-3c">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Create"/> panel and build the collection. Examine the output from the build process. You will notice that one of the documents could not be processed. The following messages are shown: "The file pdf05-notext.pdf was recognised but could not be processed by any plugin.", and "5 documents were processed and included in the collection. 1 was rejected".</Text>
     1062<Text id="ep-3c">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Create"/> panel and build the collection. Examine the output from the build process. You will notice that one of the documents could not be processed. The following messages are shown: "The file pdf05-notext.pdf was recognised but could not be processed by any plugin.", and "3 were processed and included in the collection. 1 was rejected".</Text>
    1108 <Text id="0335">Use the <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File_Options"/> item on the <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> menu to switch to <AutoText key="glidict::Preferences.Mode.Expert"/> mode and then build the collection again. The <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Create"/> panel looks different in <AutoText key="glidict::Preferences.Mode.Expert"/> mode because it gives more options: locate the <AutoText key="glidict::CreatePane.Build_Collection" type="button"/> button, near the bottom of the window, and click it. Now a message appears saying that the file could not be processed, and why. Amongst all the output, we get the following message: "Error: PDF contains no extractable text. Could not convert pdf05notext.pdf to HTML format". cannot convert a PDF file to HTML if the PDF file has no extractable text.</Text>
     1074<Text id="0335">Use the <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File_Options"/> item on the <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> menu to switch to <AutoText key="glidict::Preferences.Mode.Expert"/> mode and then build the collection again. The <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Create"/> panel looks different in <AutoText key="glidict::Preferences.Mode.Expert"/> mode because it gives more options: locate the <AutoText key="glidict::CreatePane.Build_Collection" type="button"/> button, near the bottom of the window, and click it. Now a message appears saying that the file could not be processed, and why. Amongst all the output, we get the following message: "Error: PDF contains no extractable text. Could not convert pdf05-notext.pdf to HTML format". cannot convert a PDF file to HTML if the PDF file has no extractable text.</Text>
    1189 <Text id="ep-30">Edit the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement. PDF files processed as HTML will not have images to display, so we need to make sure they get text displayed instead. Change <Format>[srcicon]</Format> to <Format>{Or}{[srcicon],[Text]}</Format>.</Text>
    1190 </NumberedItem>
    1191 <NumberedItem>
    1192 <Text id="ep-33">Build and preview the collection. All PDF documents should look relatively nice. Try searching this collection. You will be able to search for the PDFs that were converted to HTML (try e.g. <AutoText text="bibliography" type="quoted"/>), but not the ones that were converted to images (try searching for <AutoText text="banana" type="quoted"/> or <AutoText text="METS" type="quoted"/>).</Text>
     1155<Text id="ep-30">Edit the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement. PDF files processed as HTML will not have images to display, so we need to make sure they get text displayed instead. Change <Format>[srcicon]</Format> to <Format>{If}{[NoText] eq "1",[srcicon],[Text]}</Format>.</Text>
     1158<Text id="ep-33">Build and preview the collection. All PDF documents should look relatively nice. Try searching this collection. You will be able to search for the PDFs that were converted to HTML (try e.g. <AutoText text="bibliography" type="quoted"/>), but not the ones that were converted to images (try searching for <AutoText text="FAO" type="quoted"/> or <AutoText text="METS" type="quoted"/>).</Text>
     1161<Text id="fw-24">Opening PDF files with query terms highlighted</Text>
     1164<Text id="fw-24a">Next we'll customize the <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> format statement to highlight the query terms in a PDF file when it is opened from the search result list. This requires Acrobat Reader 7.0 version or higher, and currently only works on a Microsoft Windows platform.</Text>
     1167<Text id="fw-24c">The search terms are kept in the macro variable <AutoText text="_cgiargq_"/>, and we append <AutoText text="#search=&quot;_cgiargq_&quot;"/> to the end of a PDF file link to pass the query terms to the PDF file.</Text>
     1168<Text id="fw-24d"><AutoText text="PDFPlug"/> renames each PDF file as <AutoText text="doc.pdf"/> and saves it in a unique directory for that document, so we use</Text>
     1170<Text id="fw-24e">to refer to the PDF source file. (However, if you used the <AutoText text="-keep_original_filename"/> option to <AutoText text="PDFPlug"/> when building the collection, the original name of the PDF file is kept, and we use</Text>
     1172<Text id="fw-24f">instead to locate the PDF source file.)</Text>
     1175<Text id="fw-24g">Select <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> from the list of assigned formats. We need to test whether the file is a PDF file before linking to doc.pdf, using <Format>{If}{[ex.FileFormat] eq 'PDF',,}</Format>. For PDF files, we use the above format instead of the <Format>[ex.srclink]</Format> and <Format>[ex./srclink]</Format> variables to link to the file.</Text>
     1176<Text id="fw-24b">The resulting format statement is:</Text>
     1178&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     1179&lt;td valign="top"&gt;<highlight>{If}{[ex.FileFormat] eq 'PDF', &lt;a
     1181&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[highlight]<br/>
     1185<Text id="fw-24i">When the PDF icons are clicked in the search results, Acrobat will open the file with the search window open, and the query terms highlighted.</Text>
    11981191<Text id="ew-a">Enhanced Word document handling</Text>
    1200 <Version initial="2.70w" current="2.71"/>
     1193<Version initial="2.70w" current="2.80"/>
    12011194<Prerequisite id="word_pdf_collection"/>
    1215 <Text id="ew-5"><b>Build</b> the collection. You will notice that the Microsoft Word program is started up for each Word document&mdash;the document is saved as HTML from Word itself, to get a better conversion. <b>Preview</b> the collection. In the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_"/> list, notice that <Path>word03.doc</Path> and <Path>word06.doc</Path> now have a book icon, rather than a page icon. These now appear with hierarchical structure. But these two are the only ones.</Text>
     1208<Text id="ew-5"><b>Build</b> the collection. You will notice that the Microsoft Word program is started up for each Word document&mdash;the document is saved as HTML from Word itself, to get a better conversion. <b>Preview</b> the collection. In the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_"/> list, notice that <Path>word03.doc</Path> and <Path>word06.doc</Path> now have a book icon, rather than a page icon. These now appear with hierarchical structure.</Text>
    12161209<Text id="ew-6">The default behaviour for <AutoText text="WordPlug"/> with <AutoText text="windows_scripting"/> is to section the document based on <AutoText text="Heading 1" type="quoted"/>, <AutoText text="Heading 2" type="quoted"/>, <AutoText text="Heading 3" type="quoted"/> styles. If you open up the <Path>word03.doc</Path> or <Path>word06.doc</Path> documents in Word, you will see that the sections use these Heading styles.</Text>
    12171210<Text id="ew-7">Note, to view style information in Word, you can select <Menu>Format &rarr; Styles and Formatting</Menu> from the menu, and a side bar will appear on the right hand side. Click on a section heading and the formatting information will be displayed in this side bar.</Text>
    1238 <Text id="ew-13"><AutoText text="PaperTitle" type="italics"/>: Title of the paper</Text>
    1239 </Bullet>
    1240 <Bullet>
    1241 <Text id="ew-14"><AutoText text="SammaryHeader" type="italics"/> (probably mistyped): Summary section</Text>
    1242 </Bullet>
    1243 <Bullet>
    1244 <Text id="ew-15"><AutoText text="Chapter Title" type="italics"/>: Level 1 section heading</Text>
    1245 </Bullet>
    1246 <Bullet>
    1247 <Text id="ew-16"><AutoText text="SectionHeading" type="italics"/>: Level 2 section heading</Text>
    1248 </Bullet>
    1249 <Bullet>
    1250 <Text id="ew-17"><AutoText text="Reference Heading" type="italics"/>: Reference section</Text>
     1231<Text id="ew-13"><AutoText text="ManualTitle" type="italics"/>: Title of the manual</Text>
     1234<Text id="ew-14"><AutoText text="ChapterTitle" type="italics"/>: Level 1 section heading</Text>
     1237<Text id="ew-15"><AutoText text="SectionHeading" type="italics"/>: Level 2 section heading</Text>
     1240<Text id="ew-16"><AutoText text="SubsectionHeading" type="italics"/>: Level 3 section heading</Text>
     1243<Text id="ew-17"><AutoText text="AppendixTitle" type="italics"/>: Appendix section title</Text>
    12641257<Text id="ew-12">These header options define which styles should be considered as title, level 1, level 2 and level 3 styles. </Text>
    1265 <Text id="ew-12a">Set the options as follows (spaces in the Word styles are removed when converting to HTML styles, and these options must match the HTML styles):</Text>
    1266 <Format>
    1267 level1_header:(SammaryHeader|ChapterTitle|ReferenceHeading)<br/>
     1258<Text id="ew-12a">Ensure that the <AutoText text="windows_scripting"/> option is checked, and set the options as follows (spaces in the Word styles are removed when converting to HTML styles, and these options must match the HTML styles):</Text>
    12681261level2_header: SectionHeading<br/>
    1269 title_header: PaperTitle
     1262level3_header: SubsectionHeading<br/>
     1263title_header: ManualTitle
    1287 <Text id="ew-21">If you look at <Path>word06.doc</Path> you will see that it now has two tables of contents. One is generated by Greenstone based on the document's styles, the other was already defined in the Word document. WordPlug can be configured to remove predefined tables of contents and tables of figures. The tables must be defined with Word styles in order for this to work.</Text>
    1288 </NumberedItem>
    1289 <NumberedItem>
    1290 <Text id="ew-22">To remove the tables of contents and figures from <Path>word06.doc</Path>, switch on the <AutoText text="delete_toc"/> option in <AutoText text="WordPlug"/>. Set the <AutoText text="toc_header"/> option to <Format>(MsoToc1|MsoToc2|MsoToc3|MsoTof)</Format>. In this document, the table of contents and list of figures use these four style names. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text> 
    1291 </NumberedItem>
    1292 <NumberedItem>
    1293 <Text id="ew-24"><b>Build</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection. <Path>word06.doc</Path> should now have only one table of contents.</Text>
     1281<Text id="ew-21">If you look at the HTML versions of <Path>word05.doc</Path> and <Path>word06.doc</Path>, you will see that it now has two tables of contents. One is generated by Greenstone based on the document's styles, the other was already defined in the Word document. WordPlug can be configured to remove predefined tables of contents and tables of figures. The tables must be defined with Word styles in order for this to work.</Text>
     1284<Text id="ew-22">To remove the tables of contents and figures from <Path>word06.doc</Path> and the table of contents from <Path>word05.doc</Path>, switch on the <AutoText text="delete_toc"/> option in <AutoText text="WordPlug"/>. Set the <AutoText text="toc_header"/> option to <Format>(MsoToc1|MsoToc2|MsoToc3|MsoTof|TOA)</Format>. In this document, the table of contents and list of figures use these four style names. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text>
     1287<Text id="ew-24"><b>Build</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection. Both <Path>word05.doc</Path> and <Path>word06.doc</Path> should now have only one table of contents.</Text>
    1302 <Text id="ew-26">Word document properties can be extracted as metadata. By default, only the Title will be extracted. Other properties can be extracted using the <AutoText text="metadata_fields"/>  option.</Text>
     1296<Text id="ew-26">When the <AutoText text="windows_scripting"/> option is set, word document properties can be extracted as metadata. By default, only the Title will be extracted. Other properties can be extracted using the <AutoText text="metadata_fields"/>  option.</Text>
    13241318<Text id="0403">Exporting a collection to CD-ROM/DVD</Text>
    1326 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     1320<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    13501344<SampleFiles folder="tudor"/>
    1351 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     1345<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
     1348<Text id="03881">You will need the files in the <Path>sample_files &rarr; tudor</Path> folder.</Text>
    13541351<Text id="0388">Invoke the Greenstone Librarian Interface (from the Windows <i>Start</i> menu) and start a new collection called <b>tudor</b> (use the <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> menu), based on the default <AutoText key="glidict::NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection"/>.</Text>
    1382 <Text id="0393b-1">Make sure that you have copied this exactly, with no spaces. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text>
     1379<Text id="0393b-1">Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text>
    14201417<Prerequisite id="large_html_collection"/>
    1421 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     1418<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    15331530<Prerequisite id="large_html_collection"/>
    1534 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     1531<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    15401537&lt;td valign=top&gt;[ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]} [ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    15411538&lt;td valign=top&gt;[highlight]<br/>
    1542 {Or}{[dls.Title],[dc.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}<br/>
    16101607&lt;td&gt;{If}{[numleafdocs],&lt;b&gt;Bookshelf title:&lt;/b&gt; [ex.Title],<br/>
    1611 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Title:&lt;/b&gt; [ex.Title]}<br/>
     1608&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;b&gt;Title:&lt;/b&gt; [ex.Title]}<br/>
    16261623<Text id="st-1">Section tagging for HTML documents</Text>
    1628 <Version initial="2.70w" current="2.71"/>
     1625<Version initial="2.70w" current="2.80"/>
    16821679<Text id="0411">Downloading files from the web</Text>
    1684 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     1681<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    16931690<Text id="0414">In a web browser, visit <Link></Link>, follow the link to <i>Tudor England</i>, and click &lt;<b>Enter</b>&gt;. You should be at the URL</Text>
    1694 <Link></Link>
    16951692<Text id="0415">This is where we started the downloading process to obtain the files you have been using for the <b>tudor</b> collection. You could do the same thing by copying this URL from the web browser, pasting it into the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Download"/> panel, and clicking the <AutoText key="glidict::Mirroring.Download" type="button"/> button. However, several megabytes will be downloaded, which might strain your network resources&mdash;or your patience! For a faster exercise we focus on a smaller section of the site. </Text>
    16991696<Text id="0415b">Enter this URL</Text>
    1701 <Text id="0417">into the <AutoText text="url"/> box. There are several other options that govern how the download process proceeds. To see a description of an option, hover the mouse over it and a tooltip will appear. To copy just the <i>citizens</i> section of the website, switch on the <AutoText text="below"/> option by checking its box. If you don't do this (or if you miss out the terminating "/" in the URL), the downloading process will follow links to other areas of the <i></i> website and grab those as well.</Text>
     1698<Text id="0417">into the <AutoText text="url"/> box. There are several other options that govern how the download process proceeds. To see a description of an option, hover the mouse over it and a tooltip will appear. To copy just the <i>citizens</i> section of the website, switch on the <AutoText text="below"/> option by checking its box and set the <AutoText text="depth"/> option to 1. If you don't do this (or if you miss out the terminating "/" in the URL), the downloading process will follow links to other areas of the <i></i> website and grab those as well.</Text>
    17251722<Prerequisite id="downloading_from_internet"/>
    1726 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     1723<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    1729 <Text id="0424">Open up your <b>webtudor</b> collection, and in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel inspect the files you dragged into it. The first folder is <Path></Path>, which opens up to reveal <Path>tudor</Path>, and so on. The files represent a complete sweep of the pages (and supporting images) that constitute the <i>Tudor citizens</i> section of the <i></i> web site. They were downloaded from the web in a way that preserved the structure of the original site. This allows any page's original URL to be reconstructed from the folder hierarchy.</Text>
     1726<Text id="0424">Open up your <b>tudor</b> collection, and in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel inspect the files you dragged into it. The first folder is <Path></Path>, which opens up to reveal <Path>tudor</Path>, and so on. The files represent a complete sweep of the pages (and supporting images) that constitute the <i>Tudor citizens</i> section of the <i></i> web site. They were downloaded from the web in a way that preserved the structure of the original site. This allows any page's original URL to be reconstructed from the folder hierarchy.</Text>
    17591756<SampleFiles folder="marc"/>
    1760 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     1757<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    1763 <Text id="0520a">This exercise looks at using fielded searching in a collection. Fielded searching is best used for metadata rich collections. Here we use bibliographic data in MARC format. We also "explode" the database, enabling editing of the metadata with the Librarian Interface.</Text>
    1764 </Comment>
    1765 <NumberedItem>
    1766 <Text id="0521">Start a new collection called <b>Beatles Bibliography</b> which will contain a collection of MARC records on the Beatles, from the US Library of Congress. Enter the requested information and base it on <AutoText key="glidict::NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection"/>.</Text>
    1767 </NumberedItem>
    1768 <NumberedItem>
    1769 <Text id="0522">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, open the <Path>sample_files &rarr; marc</Path> folder, drag <Path>locbeatles50.marc</Path> into the right-hand pane and drop it there. A popup window asks whether you want to add <AutoText text="MARCPlug" /> to the collection to process this file. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.QuickAdd" type="button"/>, because this plugin will be needed to process the MARC records.</Text>
    1770 </NumberedItem>
    1771 <NumberedItem>
    1772 <Text id="0523">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, remove the plugins <AutoText text="TextPlug" /> to <AutoText text="NULPlug" /> by selecting each one in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.Assigned"/> list and clicking <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.Remove" type="button"/> (<AutoText text="ZIPPlug" />, <AutoText text="GAPlug" /> and <AutoText text="MARCPlug" /> remain). It is not strictly necessary to remove these redundant plugins, but it is good practice to include only plugins that are needed, to avoid unwanted (and unexpected) side effects.</Text>
    1773 </NumberedItem>
     1760<Text id="0520a">This exercise looks at using fielded searching in a collection. Fielded searching is best used for metadata rich collections. Here we use bibliographic data in MARC format.</Text>
     1763<Text id="0521">Start a new collection called <b>Papers Bibliography</b> which will contain a collection of example MARC records of the working papers published at the <Link url="">Computer Science Department</Link>, <Link url="">Waikato University</Link>. Enter the requested information and base it on <AutoText key="glidict::NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection"/>.</Text>
     1766<Text id="0522">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, open the <Path>sample_files &rarr; marc</Path> folder, drag <Path>CMSwp-all.marc</Path> into the right-hand pane and drop it there. A popup window asks whether you want to add <AutoText text="MARCPlug" /> to the collection to process this file. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.QuickAdd" type="button"/>, because this plugin will be needed to process the MARC records.</Text>
     1768<!-- don't need to remove the plugins -->
     1771<Text id="0523">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, remove the plugins <AutoText text="TextPlug" /> to <AutoText text="NULPlug" /> by selecting each one in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.Assigned"/> list and clicking <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.Remove" type="button"/> (<AutoText text="ZIPPlug" />, <AutoText text="GAPlug" />, <AutoText text="MetadataXMLPlug"/> and <AutoText text="MARCPlug" /> remain). It is not strictly necessary to remove these redundant plugins, but it is good practice to include only plugins that are needed, to avoid unwanted (and unexpected) side effects.</Text>
    17751775<Text id="0524">Now select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Classifiers"/> within the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel and <b>remove</b> the default classifier for <b>Source</b> metadata.</Text>
    1781 <Text id="0525">Switch to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Create"/> panel, <b>build</b> the collection, and <b>preview</b> it. Browse through the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> and view a record or two. Try searching&mdash;for example, find items that include <AutoText text="rock music"/>.</Text>
     1781<Text id="0525">Switch to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Create"/> panel, <b>build</b> the collection, and <b>preview</b> it. Browse through the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> and view a record or two. Try searching&mdash;for example, find items that include <AutoText text="graphics"/>.</Text>
    1796 <Text id="0531a">Collections built with MGPP (the default indexer) provide the option of fielded searching. In the browser, go to the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:linktextPREFERENCES_" type="italics"/> page. You will notice that there is a <AutoText key="coredm::_preferences:textsearchtype_" /> option which enables you to switch between "normal" and "fielded" search. Change to fielded search now and click on the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelSearch_"/> button. The search form has changed to a fielded form.</Text>
     1796<Text id="0531a">Now let's look at fielded searching. In the browser, go to the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:linktextPREFERENCES_" type="italics"/> page. You will notice that there is a <AutoText key="coredm::_preferences:textsearchtype_" /> option which enables you to switch between "normal" and "fielded" search. Change to fielded search now and click on the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelSearch_"/> button. The search form has changed to a fielded form.</Text>
    1805 <Text id="0533"><b>Preview</b> the collection again. Notice that the collection's home page no longer includes a query box. (This is because the search form is too big to fit here nicely.) To search, you have to click <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelSearch_"/> in the navigation bar. Note that the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:linktextPREFERENCES_" type="italics"/> page has changed so that the "normal" query style is no longer offered.</Text>
     1805<Text id="0533"><b>Preview</b> the collection again. Notice that the collection's home page no longer includes a query box. (This is because the search form is too big to fit here nicely.) To search, you have to click <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelSearch_"/> in the navigation bar. Note that the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:linktextPREFERENCES_" type="italics"/> page has changed so that the "normal" query style is no longer the default value.</Text>
    1835 <Text id="0533-9">Once exploding has finished, the MARC database file will have been deleted, and a folder created in its place. This folder contains an empty file for each record in the original database. The metadata for these records can be viewed and edited by switching to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> panel.</Text>
    1836 </NumberedItem>
    1837 <NumberedItem>
    1838 <Text id="0533-10">Because the MARC file is no longer present, and the collection contains empty (.nul) files, we need to change the list of plugins. In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, remove <AutoText text="MARCPlug"/> and add <AutoText text="NULPlug"/> (use the default configuration).</Text>
    1839 </NumberedItem>
    1840 <NumberedItem>
    1841 <Text id="0533-11"><b>Rebuild</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection. You will notice that the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> classifier displays the filename not the record title, the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelSubject_" type="italics"/> classifier is empty, searching no longer returns any results, and the document display is useless.</Text>
     1835<Text id="0533-9">Once exploding has finished, the MARC database file will have been deleted, and three folders created in its place. These folders contain an empty file for each record in the original database. The metadata for these records can be viewed and edited by switching to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> panel.</Text>
     1838<Text id="0533-10">Because the MARC file is no longer present, and the collection contains empty (.nul) files, we need to change the list of plugins. In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, remove <AutoText text="MARCPlug"/>.</Text>
     1841<Text id="0533-11"><b>Rebuild</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection. You will notice that the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelSubject_" type="italics"/> classifier is empty, searching no longer returns any results, and the document display is useless.</Text>
     1842<Text id="0533-11b">Although the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> classifier was built on <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/>, it still displays the correct titles, but in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> panel you can see the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/> metadata are actually the filenames rather than titles of the MARC records. This is because the default <AutoText text="VList"/> format uses the <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Title"/> metadata. In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select <AutoText text="VList"/> in the list of assigned format statements. The resulting format statement looks like:</Text>
     1844&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     1845&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}[ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     1846&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[highlight]<br/>
     1850<Text id="0533-11c">Since there is no <AutoText key="metadata::dc.Title"/> metadata and <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Title"/> comes before <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/>, the expoded titles will be displayed.</Text>
    18441853<Text id="0533-11a">Reformatting the collection to use the exploded metadata</Text>
    1846 <Text id="0533-12">The collection previously used extracted (ex.) metadata, but now it uses exploded (exp.) metadata. The classifiers and search indexes were built on ex metadata, which is why they no longer work properly.</Text>
     1855<Text id="0533-12">The collection previously used extracted (ex.) metadata, but now it uses exploded (exp.) metadata. The <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelSubject_" type="italics"/> classifier and search indexes were built on ex metadata, which is why they no longer work properly.</Text>
    18471856<Text id="0533-12a">There is also no longer any text in the documents. Previously, MARCPlug stored the raw record as the "text" of each record. Now that the metadata is in the Librarian Interface, there is no longer the concept of raw record, and so there is no text.</Text>
    18481857<Text id="0533-12b">We need to modify the collection design to take note of these changes.</Text>
    1862 <Text id="0533-15">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Classifiers"/> section, change the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/> <AutoText text="AZList"/> to use <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Title"/> metadata. Double click the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/> <AutoText text="AZList"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.ClassifierManager.Assigned"/> list, and change the <AutoText text="metadata"/> option to use <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Title"/>. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>. Do the same thing for the Subject <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/>, changing <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Subject"/> to <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Subject"/>.</Text>
     1871<Text id="0533-15">To explicitly use the <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Title"/> metadata, in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Classifiers"/> section, change the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/> <AutoText text="AZList"/> to use <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Title"/> metadata. Double click the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/> <AutoText text="AZList"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.ClassifierManager.Assigned"/> list, and change the <AutoText text="metadata"/> option to use <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Title"/>. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>. Do the same thing for the Subject <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/>, changing <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Subject"/> to <AutoText key="metadata::exp.Subject"/>.</Text>
     1874<Text id="0533-23"><b>Rebuild</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection. The classifiers should be back to normal and searching should now work.</Text>
    1868 <Text id="0533-16a">There is no dls or dc metadata for this collection, so replace <Format>{Or}{[dls.Title],[dc.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}</Format> with <Format>{Or}{[exp.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}</Format>.</Text>
     1880<Text id="0533-16a">There is no dc metadata for this collection, so replace <Format>{Or}{[dc.Title],[exp.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}</Format> with <Format>{Or}{[exp.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}</Format>.</Text>
    18991911<Text id="0533-22">The <AutoText key="coredm::_document:textDETACH_" type="italics"/> and <AutoText key="coredm::_document:textNOHIGHLIGHT_" type="italics"/> buttons are not very useful for this collection, so lets get rid of them. Edit the <AutoText text="DocumentButtons"/> format statement to make it empty.</Text>
    1900 </NumberedItem>
    1901 <NumberedItem>
    1902 <Text id="0533-23"><b>Rebuild</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection. The classifiers should be back to normal, searching should now work, and there should be a nice record display.</Text>
    19101919<SampleFiles folder="isis"/>
    1911 <Version initial="2.70w" current="2.71"/>
     1920<Version initial="2.70w" current="2.80"/>
    1917 <Text id="is-3">Start a new collection called <b>ISIS Collection</b>.</Text>
     1926<Text id="is-3">Start a new collection called <b>ISIS Collection</b> (base it on <b>New Collection</b>).</Text>
    19721981<SampleFiles folder="custom"/>
    1973 <Version initial="2.70" current="2.71"/>
     1982<Version initial="2.70" current="2.80"/>
    19751984<Text id="mf-2">The appearance of all pages produced by Greenstone is governed by macro files, which reside in the folder <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros</Path>, images, and CSS stylesheets, both of which reside in <Path>Greenstone &rarr; images</Path>. </Text>
    19761985<Text id="mf-3">A macro takes the form <Format>_macroname_ {macro value}</Format>. Macro names start and end with underscores (_), and the macro value is enclosed in curly brackets ({}). Macro values can be text or HTML, and can include other macros.</Text>
    1977 <Text id="mf-4">Macros are grouped into packages, and different packages control the appearance of different pages. For example, the <AutoText text="home"/>, <AutoText text="help"/>, <AutoText text="preferences"/>, <AutoText text="query"/>, <AutoText text="document"/> packages control the home, help, preferences, query, and document pages, respectively. Some macro files contain macros for just one package, for example, <Path></Path>, <Path></Path>, <Path></Path>, while others contain macros for many packages. <Path></Path> contains macros used globally, <Path></Path> controls the common style of each page, <Path></Path>, <Path></Path> and other language files contain the text fragments for the entire interface, in that specific language. </Text>
     1986<Text id="mf-4">Macros are grouped into packages, and different packages control the appearance of different pages. For example, the <AutoText text="home"/>, <AutoText text="help"/>, <AutoText text="preferences"/>, <AutoText text="query"/>, <AutoText text="document"/> packages control the home, help, preferences, query, and document pages, respectively. Some macro files contain macros for just one package, for example, <Path></Path>, <Path></Path>, <Path></Path>, while others contain macros for many packages. <Path></Path> contains macros used globally, <Path></Path> controls the common style of each page, <Path></Path>, <Path></Path> and other language files contain the text fragments for the entire interface, in that language. </Text>
    19781987<Text id="mf-5">The output of the library program is a page of HTML which is viewed in a web browser. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are often used alongside HTML pages to control the formatting, such as layout, colour, font etc. The default Greenstone stylesheet is <Path>Greenstone &rarr; images &rarr; style.css</Path>.</Text>
    19791988<Text id="mf-6">In this exercise, we customize the macros, images and stylesheets to change the appearance of our library.</Text>
    1981 <Text id="mf-7">Changing the background and header images</Text>
    1982 </Heading>
    1983 <NumberedItem>
    1984 <Text id="mf-8">Three new images for this exercise can be found in <Path>sample_files &rarr; custom</Path>. Copy <Path>chalk-blue.gif</Path>, <Path>gsdlhead-blue.gif</Path> and <Path>divb-blue.gif</Path> from the <Path>custom</Path> folder into the <Path>Greenstone &rarr; images</Path> folder.</Text>
    1985 </NumberedItem>
    1986 <NumberedItem>
    1987 <Text id="mf-9">Open the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> in a text editor, e.g. WordPad. Find each occurrence of <Format>gsdlhead.gif</Format> in this file (there are two) and replace with <Format>gsdlhead-blue.gif</Format>. (If you are using WordPad, you can use <Menu>Edit &rarr; Find</Menu> to search for the text.)</Text>
    1988 <Text id="mf-10">Save <Path></Path> and close the file.</Text>
    1989 </NumberedItem>
    1990 <NumberedItem>
    1991 <Text id="mf-11">Open the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> with the same program. Locate the following part of the file (this is part of the <Format>_cssheader_</Format> macro):</Text>
    1992 <Format>
    1993 &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;<br/>
    1994 body.bgimage \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/chalk.gif"); \}<br/>
    1995 </Format>
    1996 <Text id="mf-12">Use copy and paste on the <Format>body.bgimage</Format> line to make it look like this: </Text>
    1997 <Format>
    1998 &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;<br/>
    1999 /*body.bgimage \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/chalk.gif"); \}*/<br/>
    2000 body.bgimage \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/chalk-blue.gif"); \}<br/>
    2001 </Format>
    2002 <Text id="mf-13">/*...*/ around a line signals a comment, and this style element will be ignored. We use this to "comment out" the original line and replace it with a modified line. This way it is easy to revert back to the original if necessary. Here we are changing the background image for the <Format>bgimage</Format> section of the <Format>body</Format> of the page to <Format>chalk-blue.gif</Format>.</Text>
    2003 <Text id="mf-14">Save <Path></Path> and close the file.</Text>
    2004 </NumberedItem>
    2005 <NumberedItem>
    2006 <Text id="mf-15">Preview the home page in a web browser. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) The page header and background should now use the new graphics, and be blue.</Text>
    2007 <Comment>
    2008 <Text id="mf-15a">The final part of this exercise looks at how we determined which images needed replacing, and which macro files should be edited.</Text>
    2009 </Comment>
    2010 </NumberedItem>
    2011 <Heading>
    2012 <Text id="mf-16">Changing the colour of the navigation bar, page title and page text</Text>
    2013 </Heading>
    2014 <Text id="mf-17">Now that the background image is a nice blue colour, lets format the page so that some other parts are blue too. Preview the collection after each change to make sure that it has worked properly. On Windows, macro file changes require a restart of the Greenstone library server. Stylesheet changes may require a force reload in the web browser.</Text>
    2015 <NumberedItem>
    2016 <Text id="mf-18">First, we'll change the colour of the navigation bar and green divider bars. These use an image as a background, specified in the same macro as the page background.</Text>
    2017 <Text id="mf-19">Open <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> in a text editor, and find the <Format>_cssheader_</Format> macro that you modified previously. Change the <Format>div.navbar</Format> and <Format>div.divbar</Format> parts to use <Format>divb-blue.gif</Format> instead of <Format>bg_green.png</Format>:</Text>
    2018 <Format>
    2019 /*div.navbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}*/<br/>
    2020 div.navbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/divb-blue.gif"); \}<br/>
    2021 /*div.divbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}*/<br/>
    2022 div.divbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/divb-blue.gif"); \}<br/>
    2023 </Format>
    2024 </NumberedItem>
    2025 <NumberedItem>
    2026 <Text id="mf-20">The selected item on the navigation bar uses the same background, so change that too:</Text>
    2027 <Format>
    2028 /*a.navlink_sel \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}*/<br/>
    2029 a.navlink_sel \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/divb-blue.gif"); \}
    2030 </Format>
    2031 </NumberedItem>
    2032 <NumberedItem>
    2033 <Text id="mf-21">Next, we get rid of the background green image on the page and collection titles. Comment out the <Format>p.bannertitle</Format> and <Format>p.collectiontitle</Format> parts:</Text>
    2034 <Format>
    2035 /*p.bannertitle \{background-image: url("_httpimg_/banner_bg.png"); \}*/<br/>
    2036 /*p.collectiontitle \{background-image: url("_httpimg_/banner_bg.png"); \}*/
    2037 </Format>
    2038 </NumberedItem>
    2039 <Text id="mf-22">The above style definitions were included in the macro file so that image paths could be dynamically generated. The majority of the style definitions reside in an external style file, <Path>Greenstone &rarr; images &rarr; style.css</Path>, and most style changes involve modifying that file.</Text>
    2040 <NumberedItem>
    2041 <Text id="mf-23">Open <Path>Greenstone &rarr; images &rarr; style.css</Path> in a text editor. Make the following modifications. You might want to preview after each one to see the effect.</Text>
    2042 <Text id="mf-24">Change some of the colours:</Text>
    2043 <BulletList>
    2044 <Bullet>
    2045 <Text id="mf-27">Find the <Format>body</Format> style instructions:</Text>
    2046 <Format>
    2047 body {<br/>
    2048   background: #ffffff;<br/>
    2049   color: #000000;<br/>
    2050 }
    2051 </Format>
    2052 <Text id="mf-27a">Set <Format>color</Format> to <Format>teal</Format>.</Text>
    2053 </Bullet>
    2054 <Bullet>
    2055 <Text id="mf-25">For <Format>a.collectiontitle</Format>, set <Format>color</Format> to <Format>blue</Format>.</Text>
    2056 </Bullet>
    2057 <Bullet>
    2058 <Text id="mf-26">For <Format>p.collectiontitle</Format>, add <Format>color: blue;</Format></Text>
    2059 </Bullet>
    2060 </BulletList>
    2061 </NumberedItem>
    2062 <NumberedItem>
    2063 <Text id="mf-28">For fun, lets switch the positions of the home, help and preferences buttons and the collection name or image.</Text>
    2064 <BulletList>
    2065 <Bullet>
    2066 <Text id="mf-29">For <Format>div.pageinfo</Format>, set both <Format>float</Format> and <Format>text-align</Format> to <Format>left</Format>.</Text>
    2067 </Bullet>
    2068 <Bullet>
    2069 <Text id="mf-30">For <Format>div.collectimage</Format>, set <Format>float</Format> and <Format>text-align</Format> to <Format>right</Format>.</Text>
    2070 </Bullet>
    2071 </BulletList>
    2072 <Text id="mf-31">The look of your library should now be substantially different.</Text>
    2073 </NumberedItem>
    2074 <Heading>
    2075 <Text id="mf-32">Adding a footer</Text>
    2076 </Heading>
    2077 <NumberedItem>
    2078 <Text id="mf-33">Next we add a footer to each page. <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> defines a header and footer for each page, and macro files for the different pages define the page content. Open the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> in a text editor.</Text>
    2079 </NumberedItem>
    2080 <NumberedItem>
    2081 <Text id="mf-34">Locate the <Format>_footer_</Format> macro:</Text>
    2082 <Format>
    2083 _footer_ {<br/>
    2084 &lt;!-- page footer (\_style:footer\_) --&gt;<br/>
    2085 _pagefooterextra__endspacer__htmlfooter_<br/>
    2086 }
    2087 </Format>
    2088 <Text id="mf-35">After <Format>_pagefooterextra_</Format> add some text or HTML. For example <Format>&lt;center&gt;&lt;small&gt;Copyright 2006 My Awesome Digital Library&lt;/small&gt;&lt;/center&gt;</Format>. The resulting macro will look something like:</Text>
    2089 <Format>
    2090 _footer_ {<br/>
    2091 &lt;!-- page footer (\_style:footer\_) --&gt;<br/>
    2092 _pagefooterextra_
    2093 &lt;center&gt;&lt;small&gt;Copyright 2006 My Awesome Digital Library&lt;/small&gt;&lt;/center&gt;
    2094 _endspacer__htmlfooter_<br/>
    2095 }
    2096 </Format>
    2097 <Comment>
    2098 <Text id="mf-36">The <Format>&lt;center&gt;</Format> and <Format>&lt;small&gt;</Format> HTML tags center the text, and make it a smaller size than the rest of the page.</Text>
    2099 </Comment>
    2100 <Text id="mf-37">Save <Path></Path> and close the file.</Text>
    2101 </NumberedItem>
    2102 <NumberedItem>
    2103 <Text id="mf-38">Preview the changes in a web browser. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) Each page should now have the new text at the bottom.</Text>
    2104 </NumberedItem>
    2105 <NumberedItem>
    2106 <Text id="mf-39">Adding text into the main <Format>_footer_</Format> macro adds it to all pages. To add a footer just to a particular page, use <Format>_pagefooterextra_</Format> in the appropriate macro file. For example, lets add some more text to the footer, this time just on the home page.</Text>
    2107 <Text id="mf-40">Open the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> in a text editor. After the line <Format>package home</Format>, add the following text:</Text>
    2108 <Format>
    2109 _pagefooterextra_ {Collections generated by Me.}
    2110 </Format>
    2111 <Text id="mf-41">Save <Path></Path> and close the file.</Text>
    2112 <Text id="mf-42">Preview the home page in a web browser. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) The home page should now display the new text, while the other pages won't.</Text>
    2113 </NumberedItem>
    2114 <Heading>
    2115 <Text id="mf-43">Make your own Greenstone home page</Text>
    2116 </Heading>
    2117 <Text id="mf-44">You can make radical changes to a page by changing the macro file completely. For example, here we use a predefined alternative to the home page.</Text>
    2118 <NumberedItem>
    2119 <Text id="mf-45">Open the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path> in a text editor. Locate the <AutoText text="macrofiles" type="italics"/> list:</Text>
    2120 <Format>
    2121 # The list of display macro files used by this receptionist<br/>
    2122 macrofiles \<br/>
    2123 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; \<br/>
    2124 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; \<br/>
    2125 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; \<br/>
    2126 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br/>
    2127 </Format>
    2128 <Text id="mf-46">Change the text <Format></Format> to <Format></Format>. Save and close the file.</Text>
    2129 </NumberedItem>
    2130 <NumberedItem>
    2131 <Text id="mf-47">Preview the newly structured home page in a web browser. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) </Text>
    2132 </NumberedItem>
    2133 <NumberedItem>
    2134 <Text id="mf-48">Reverse this last change by changing <Format></Format> back to <Format></Format> in the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path>. You may also like to reverse the other changes you have made.</Text>
    2135 </NumberedItem>
    2136 <Heading>
    21371990<Text id="mf-49">Collection specific customisation</Text>
    2139 <Text id="mf-50">Macros can also be used to customize single collections. They should be added to a file called <Path></Path> in the <Path>macros</Path> directory of a collection. This part of the exercise can be done using the Librarian Interface.</Text>
    2140 <Text id="mf-51">We use the Word and PDF collection (from exercise <TutorialRef id="word_pdf_collection"/>) as the example for this exercise, but it can be done with any collection. Open up this collection (reports) in the Librarian Interface.</Text>
    2141 <NumberedItem>
    2142 <Text id="mf-51a">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, and select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Macros"/> from the left hand list. This section allows you to edit the collection's macro file.</Text>
    2143 </NumberedItem>
    2144 <NumberedItem>
    2145 <Text id="mf-53">First, we change the title of the <AutoText key="coredm::_about:textabcol_"/> section of the about page. Add the following text in the edit box:</Text>
     1992<Text id="mf-50">Macros can be used to customize single collections by adding them to a file called <Path></Path> in the <Path>macros</Path> directory of a collection.</Text>
     1993<Text id="mf-51">We use the Word and PDF collection (from exercise <TutorialRef id="word_pdf_collection"/>) as the example for this exercise, but it can be done with any collection. Open up this collection (<b>reports</b>) in the Librarian Interface.</Text>
     1995<Text id="mf-51a">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, and select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Macros"/> from the left hand list. This section allows you to edit the collection's <i></i> macro file.</Text>
     1998<Text id="mf-53">First, we change the title of the <AutoText key="coredm::_about:textabcol_"/> section of the about page. Add the following text in the edit box (which can be copied from the file <Path>about_tweak.txt</Path> in the <Path>sample_files &rarr; custom</Path> folder):</Text>
    21472000package about<br/>
    2156 <Text id="mf-55">Preview the collection. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) The about page will have a new title underneath the search form.</Text>
    2157 </NumberedItem>
    2158 <NumberedItem>
    2159 <Text id="mf-56">Next we'll do some style customisations for this collection. Add the following text:</Text>
     2009<Text id="mf-55">Preview the collection by pressing the <AutoText key="glidict::CreatePane.Preview_Collection" type="button"/> button. The <i>About</i> page will have a new title underneath the search form.</Text>
     2012<Text id="mf-33">Next we add a footer to each page. Add the <Format>_footer_</Format> macro to the end of the edit box (which can be copied from the file <Path>footer_tweak.txt</Path> in the <Path>sample_files &rarr; custom</Path> folder):</Text>
    21612014package Style<br/>
     2016_footer_ {<br/>
     2018&lt;center&gt;&lt;small&gt;Copyright 2006 My Awesome Digital Library&lt;/small&gt;&lt;/center&gt;
     2023<Text id="mf-36">The <Format>&lt;center&gt;</Format> and <Format>&lt;small&gt;</Format> HTML tags center the text, and make it a smaller size than the rest of the page.</Text>
     2027<Text id="mf-38">Preview the changes in a web browser. Each page should now have the new text at the bottom.</Text>
     2030<Text id="mf-39">Putting text in the main <Format>_footer_</Format> macro adds it to all pages of this collection. To add a footer just to a particular page, use <Format>_pagefooterextra_</Format> in the appropriate package. For example, lets add some more text to the footer, this time just on the <i>About</i> page.</Text>
     2031<Text id="mf-40">Add the following text immediately after the line
     2032<Format>package about</Format> :</Text>
     2034_pagefooterextra_ {Collection generated by Me.}
     2036<Text id="mf-42">Preview the <i>About</i> page in a web browser. The <i>About</i> page should now display the new text, while the other pages won't.</Text>
     2039<Text id="mf-56">Next we'll do some style customisations. Add the following text below the <Format>_footer_</Format> macro (which can be copied from the file <Path>red_tweak.txt</Path> in the <Path>sample_files &rarr; custom</Path> folder)</Text>
    21632041_collectionspecificstyle_ {<br/>
    21642042&lt;style type="text/css"&gt;<br/>
    2176 <Text id="mf-57">Preview the collection. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) The reports collection will now have a pink background, and the navigation bar and divider bars will be red. These changes will only affect this collection.</Text>
     2054<Text id="mf-56a">/*...*/ around a line signals a comment, and this style element will be ignored.</Text>
     2055<Text id="mf-57">Preview the collection. The <b>reports</b> collection will now have a pink background, and the navigation bar and divider bars will be red. These changes will only affect this collection.</Text>
    21782057<Text id="mf-58">Any macros from the general macro files can be copied into a collection's <Path></Path> file and modified. Remember to include the package declaration to make sure that the macros get applied to the correct page(s).</Text>
    21792058<Text id="mf-59">The style modifications made above were minor. The collection still uses the majority of the standard style file. The style declarations in the <Format>_collectionspecificstyle_</Format> macro get appended to the default ones. To completely change the appearance of a collection, we can use a new style sheet altogether.</Text>
    2181 <Text id="mf-59a">Add the following to <Path></Path> after the last modifications:</Text>
     2060<Text id="mf-59a">Add the following text (which can be copied from the file <Path>css_tweak.txt</Path> in the <Path>sample_files &rarr; custom</Path> folder) after the last modifications:</Text>
    21832062_cssheader_ {<br/>
     2071<Text id="mf-73">Changing the colour of the page title and page text</Text>
     2073<Text id="mf-17">In the previous exercises we changed a single collection. Now we change all the pages in our Greenstone installation by modifying style and macro files outside the Librarian Interface. First, we format the page so that some other parts are blue. Preview any collection after each change to make sure that it has worked properly. On Windows, macro file changes require a restart of the Greenstone local library server. Stylesheet changes may require a forced reload in the web browser.</Text>
     2076<Text id="mf-18">First, we'll change the colour of the navigation bar and green divider bars. These use an image as a background, specified in the same macro as the page background.</Text>
     2077<Text id="mf-19">Open <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> in a text editor, and find the <Format>_cssheader_</Format> macro that you modified previously. Change the <Format>div.navbar</Format> and <Format>div.divbar</Format> parts to use <Format>divb-blue.gif</Format> instead of <Format>bg_green.png</Format>:</Text>
     2079/*div.navbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}*/<br/>
     2080div.navbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/divb-blue.gif"); \}<br/>
     2081/*div.divbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}*/<br/>
     2082div.divbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/divb-blue.gif"); \}<br/>
     2084<Text id="mf-19a">Preview the collection, now the navigation bar and the green divider change to a blue background. Note that when you select a classifier, the background of the selected item is still green.</Text>
     2087<Text id="mf-20">The selected item on the navigation bar uses the same background, so change that too:</Text>
     2089/*a.navlink_sel \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}*/<br/>
     2090a.navlink_sel \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/divb-blue.gif"); \}
     2092<Text id="mf-20a">Preview the collection, now the selected classifier is also in a blue background.</Text>
     2095<Text id="mf-21">Next, we get rid of the background green image on the page and collection titles. Comment out the
     2096<Format>p.bannertitle</Format> and <Format>p.collectiontitle</Format>
     2097parts.(If a collection title image is used, you won't see the change of the background on the collection titles.)</Text>
     2099/*p.bannertitle \{background-image: url("_httpimg_/banner_bg.png"); \}*/<br/>
     2100/*p.collectiontitle \{background-image: url("_httpimg_/banner_bg.png"); \}*/
     2102<Text id="mf-21a">Preview the collection, the small green background on the collection title image and the page title image is gone.</Text>
     2104<Text id="mf-22">The above style definitions were included in the macro file so that image paths could be dynamically generated. </Text>
     2107<Text id="mf-23">The majority of the style definitions reside in an external style file, <Path>Greenstone &rarr; images &rarr; style.css</Path>, and most style changes involve modifying that file. Open <Path>Greenstone &rarr; images &rarr; style.css</Path> in a text editor, e.g. WordPad (and save a .backup copy). Make the following modifications. You might want to preview after each one to see the effect.</Text>
     2108<Text id="mf-24">Change some of the colours:</Text>
     2111<Text id="mf-27">Find the <Format>body</Format> style instructions:</Text>
     2113body {<br/>
     2114  background: #ffffff;<br/>
     2117<Text id="mf-27a">Add <Format>color: teal;</Format></Text>
     2120<Text id="mf-25">For <Format>a.collectiontitle</Format>, set <Format>color</Format> to <Format>blue</Format>.</Text>
     2123<Text id="mf-26">For <Format>p.collectiontitle</Format>, add <Format>color: blue;</Format></Text>
     2126<Text id="mf-27b">Preview the collection. Now text in the page body is a light green color (teal), and the font of the collection title has changed from black to blue.</Text>
     2128<comment>(If a collection title image is used, you won't see the change on the collection title.)</comment>
     2130<Text id="mf-28">Lets switch the positions of the HOME, HELP and PREFERENCES buttons and the collection name or image.</Text>
     2133<Text id="mf-29">For <Format>div.pageinfo</Format>, set both <Format>float</Format> and <Format>text-align</Format> to <Format>left</Format>.</Text>
     2136<Text id="mf-30">For <Format>div.collectimage</Format>, set <Format>float</Format> and <Format>text-align</Format> to <Format>right</Format>.</Text>
     2139<Text id="mf-31">The look of your library should now be substantially different. The HELP, HOME and PREFERENCES buttons are in the left upper corner whereas the collection title is switched to the right of the page.</Text>
     2142<Text id="mf-8">Now we will customize the default Greenstone header image and the background image. Two new images for this exercise can be found in <Path>sample_files &rarr; custom</Path>. Copy <Path>newbgimg.gif</Path>, <Path>newheadimg.gif</Path> from the <Path>custom</Path> folder into the <Path>Greenstone &rarr; images</Path> folder.</Text>
     2145<Text id="mf-9">Open the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> in a text editor. Find each occurrence of <Format>gsdlhead.gif</Format> in this file (there are two) and replace with <Format>newheadimg.gif</Format>. (If you are using WordPad, you can use <Menu>Edit &rarr; Find</Menu> to search for the text.)</Text>
     2146<Text id="mf-10">Save <Path></Path> and close the file.</Text>
     2149<Text id="mf-11">Open the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> with the text editor. Locate the following part of the file (this is part of the <Format>_cssheader_</Format> macro):</Text>
     2151&lt;style type="text/css"&gt;<br/>
     2152body.bgimage \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/chalk.gif"); \}<br/>
     2154<Text id="mf-12">Use copy and paste on the <Format>body.bgimage</Format> line to make it look like this: </Text>
     2156&lt;style type="text/css"&gt;<br/>
     2157/*body.bgimage \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/chalk.gif"); \}*/<br/>
     2158body.bgimage \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/newbgimg.gif"); \}<br/>
     2160<Text id="mf-13">Here we are changing the background image for the <Format>bgimage</Format> section of the <Format>body</Format> of the page to <Format>newbgimg.gif</Format>.</Text>
     2161<Text id="mf-14">Save <Path></Path> and close the file.</Text>
     2164<Text id="mf-15">Preview the home page in a web browser. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) The header and background of every page of each collection should now use the new graphics.</Text>
     2167<Text id="mf-43">Make your own Greenstone home page</Text>
     2169<Text id="mf-44">You can make radical change to a page by changing the macro file completely. For example, here we use a alternative to the home page which we have prepared for you in advance and included in your Greenstone installation.</Text>
     2171<Text id="mf-45">Open the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path> in a text editor. Locate the <AutoText text="macrofiles" type="italics"/> list:</Text>
     2173# The list of display macro files used by this receptionist<br/>
     2174macrofiles \<br/>
     2175&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; \<br/>
     2176&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; \<br/>
     2177&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; \<br/>
     2180<Text id="mf-46">Change the text <Format></Format> to <Format></Format>. Save and close the file.</Text>
     2183<Text id="mf-47">Preview the newly structured home page in a web browser. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) Look at the file macros/ in a text editor to see hoe these changes are expressed.</Text>
     2186<Text id="mf-48">Reverse this last change by changing <Format></Format> back to <Format></Format> in the file <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path>. You may also like to reverse the other changes you have made.</Text>
     2188<Text id="mf-15a">The final part of this exercise looks at how we determined which images needed replacing, and which macro files should be edited.</Text>
    21922192<Text id="mf-63">How to determine which images to replace (advanced)</Text>
    2195 <Text id="mf-64">In the first part of this exercise we replaced the default background (<AutoText text="chalk.gif"/>) and header (<AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif"/>) images with new ones. To do this we needed to change the image names in the macro files. How did we know which images we were replacing and which macro files to edit? This exercise shows you how to find out.</Text>
    2196 </NumberedItem>
    2197 <NumberedItem>
    2198 <Text id="mf-65">To find out the names of the images to replace, go to the home page of your digital library in a browser. Right-click on the header image (<AutoText text="Greenstone digital library software" type="quoted"/>) and select "Save picture as". A dialog will pop up and will display the image name: <AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" type="quoted"/> (or <AutoText text="gsdlhead-blue.gif" type="quoted"/> if you are using the new header). Click Cancel to close the dialog&mdash;you don't need to save the images. Do the same for the background image by right clicking on the left hand green (or blue) swirly bar. This time choose "Save background as" to find the name: <AutoText text="chalk.gif" type="quoted"/> (or <AutoText text="new_background.gif" type="quoted"/>), then click Cancel.</Text>
     2195<Text id="mf-64">In the step 10 of this exercise we replaced the default background (<AutoText text="chalk.gif"/>) and header (<AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif"/>) images with new ones. To do this we needed to change the image names in the macro files. How did we know which images we were replacing and which macro files to edit? This exercise shows you how to find out.</Text>
     2198<Text id="mf-65">To find out the names of the images to replace, go to the home page of your digital library in a browser. Right-click on the header image (<AutoText text="Greenstone digital library software" type="quoted"/>) and select "Save picture as". A dialog will pop up and will display the image name: <i><AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" /></i> (or <i><AutoText text="newheadimg.gif" /></i> if you are using the new header). Click Cancel to close the dialog&mdash;you don't need to save the images. Do the same for the background image by right clicking on the left hand green (or blue) swirly bar. This time choose "Save background as" to find the name: <i><AutoText text="chalk.gif" /></i> (or <i><AutoText text="newbgimg.gif" /></i>), then click Cancel.</Text>
    22042204<Text id="mf-67">Once you have identified the names of the images to be replaced, you need to find out where they occur in the macro files. To do this, search the macro files for the image names using the <AutoText text="find"/> program, which is run in a command prompt. Open a command prompt using <Menu>Start &rarr; Programs &rarr; Accessories &rarr; Command Prompt</Menu>, or <Menu>Start &rarr; Run</Menu> and enter <Command>cmd</Command> as the name of the program to run.</Text>
    22052205<Text id="mf-68">You can type <Command>find/?</Command> to see a description of the program and its arguments.</Text>
    2206 <Text id="mf-69">To search the macro files for <AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" type="quoted"/> type</Text>
     2206<Text id="mf-69">To search the macro files for <i><AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" /></i> type</Text>
    22072207<Command>find "gsdlhead.gif" "C:\Program Files\Greenstone\macros\*.dm"</Command>
    22082208<Text id="mf-70"><AutoText text="*.dm"/> means all files ending in <AutoText text=".dm"/>. A list of all macro files will be displayed, along with any matches. You will see that <Path></Path> and <Path></Path> both contain <AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif"/>. <Path></Path> in the one you want to edit&mdash;<Path></Path> is used for the home page when you export a collection to CD-ROM.</Text>
    2209 <Text id="mf-71">Do the same thing for <AutoText text="chalk.gif" type="quoted"/>:</Text>
     2209<Text id="mf-71">Do the same thing for <i><AutoText text="chalk.gif" /></i>:</Text>
    22102210<Command>find "chalk.gif" "C:\Program Files\Greenstone\macros\*.dm"</Command>
    2211 <Text id="mf-72"><Path></Path> is the only file that mentions this image.</Text>
     2211<Text id="mf-72"><Path></Path> and <Path></Path> are the only files that mention this image.</Text>
    22122212<Text id="mf-73">Close the command prompt.</Text>
    22202220<SampleFiles folder="beatles"/>
    2221 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     2221<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    22552255<Prerequisite id="multimedia_collection_explore"/>
    22562256<SampleFiles folder="beatles"/>
    2257 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     2257<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    23032303<Text id="0566"><b>Build</b> the collection again, and <b>preview</b> it.</Text>
    2304 <Text id="0567">Extracted metadata is unreliable. But it is very cheap! On the other hand, manually assigned metadata is reliable, but expensive. The previous section of this exercise has shown how to aim for the best of both worlds by using extracted metadata but correcting it when it is wrong. While this may not satisfy the professional librarian, it could provide a useful compromise for the music teacher who wants to get their collection together with a minimum of effort.</Text>
     2304<Text id="0567">Extracted metadata is unreliable. But it is very cheap! On the other hand, manually assigned metadata is reliable, but expensive. The previous section of this exercise has shown how to aim for the best of both worlds by using extracted metadata but correcting it when it is wrong.</Text>
    23572357<highlight>{If}{[dc.Format] eq 'Images',</highlight><br/>
    2359 <highlight>[link][icon][/link]}}</highlight>&lt;/td&gt; <br/>
     2359<highlight>{If}{[dc.Format] eq 'Supplementary',</highlight><br/>
     2360<highlight>[srclink][srcicon][/srclink] [link][icon][/link],</highlight>
     2361<highlight>[link][icon][/link]}}}</highlight>&lt;/td&gt; <br/>
    23602362&lt;td valign=top&gt;[highlight]<br/>
    25302532<Text id="0646">Using the file browser, copy the <Path>images</Path> and <Path>macros</Path> folders from the <Path>advbeat_large</Path> folder into the <Path>smallbea</Path> folder. (It's OK to overwrite the existing <Path>images</Path> folder: the image in it is included in the folder being copied.) The <Path>images</Path> folder includes some useful icons, and the <Path>macros</Path> folder defines some macro names that use these images.</Text>
    2531 <Text id="0646a">To see the macro definitions, open the collection in the LIbrarian Interface (<Menu><AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> &rarr; <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File_Open"/></Menu>) and view the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Macros"/> section in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel.</Text>
     2533<Text id="0646a">To see the macro definitions, open the collection in the Librarian Interface (<Menu><AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> &rarr; <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File_Open"/></Menu>) and view the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Macros"/> section in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel.</Text>
    26212623<SampleFiles folder="niupepa"/>
    2622 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     2624<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    2637 <Text id="0680">Some of the files you have just dragged in are the newspaper images; others are text files that contain the text extracted from these images. We want these to be processed by <AutoText text="PagedImgPlug"/>, not <AutoText text="ImagePlug"/> or <AutoText text="TEXTPlug"/>. Switch to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel and delete <AutoText text="ImagePlug"/> and <AutoText text="TEXTPlug"/>. While you are at it, you could tidy things up by deleting <AutoText text="ZIPPlug"/> and all plugins from <AutoText text="HTMLPlug"/> to <AutoText text="NULPlug"/> as well, since they will not be used. <AutoText text="GAPlug"/> and <AutoText text="PagedImgPlug"/> remain.</Text>
     2639<Text id="0680">Some of the files you have just dragged in are the newspaper images; others are text files that contain the text extracted from these images. We want these to be processed by <AutoText text="PagedImgPlug"/>, not <AutoText text="ImagePlug"/> or <AutoText text="TEXTPlug"/>. Switch to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel and <i>delete <AutoText text="ImagePlug"/> and <AutoText text="TEXTPlug"/></i>.</Text>
    2643 <Text id="0678a">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Indexes"/> section, check the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.LevelManager.Section"/> checkbox to build the indexes on section level as well as document level.</Text>
    2644 </NumberedItem>
    2645 <NumberedItem>
    26462645<Text id="0681">Now go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Create"/> panel, <b>build</b> the collection and <b>preview</b> the result. Search for <AutoText text="waka" type="quoted"/> and view one of the titles listed (all three appear as <AutoText text="Te Whetu o Te Tau" type="italics"/>). Browse by <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_"/> and view one of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi" type="italics"/> newspapers. Note that only the <AutoText text="Te Whetu o Te Tau" type="italics"/> newspapers have text; <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi" type="italics"/> papers don't.</Text>
    2664 <Text id="0687">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/> classifier in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> list, and <AutoText text="VList"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> list. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> to add this format statment to your collection. Delete the contents of the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Editor"/> box, and add the following text. (This format statement can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; titles_tweak.txt</Path>.)</Text>
     2663<Text id="0686a"><b>Build</b> the collection, and <b>preview</b> the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> list and the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelDate_" type="italics"/> list.</Text>
     2666<Text id="0687">Now we change the format statement for <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> to display more information about the documents. In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Title"/> classifier in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> list, and <AutoText text="VList"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> list. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> to add this format statement to your collection. Delete the contents of the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Editor"/> box, and add the following text. (This format statement can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; titles_tweak.txt</Path>.)</Text>
    26662668&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    26672669&lt;td valign="top"&gt;<br/>
    26682670{If}{[numleafdocs],[ex.Title] ([numleafdocs]),<br/>
    2669 {If}{[ex.Volume],Volume [ex.Volume] }<br/>
    2670 {If}{[ex.Number],Number [ex.Number] }<br/>
    2671 {If}{[ex.Date], [ex.Date]}}<br/>
     2671Volume [ex.Volume] Number [ex.Number] Date [ex.Date]}<br/>
    2676 <Text id="0690a"><b>Build</b> the collection, and <b>preview</b> the new <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> list.</Text>
    2677 <Text id="0687c">As a consequence of using the <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/> classifier, bookshelf icons appear when titles are browsed. This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf. It works by exploiting the fact that only bookshelf icons define <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format> metadata. For document nodes, Title is not displayed. Instead, Volume, Number and Date information are displayed if present.</Text>
     2676<Text id="0690a">Refresh in the web browser to view the new <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_" type="italics"/> list.</Text>
     2677<Text id="0687c">As a consequence of using the <AutoText text="AZCompactList"/> classifier, bookshelf icons appear when titles are browsed. This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf. It works by exploiting the fact that only bookshelf icons define <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format> metadata. For document nodes, Title is not displayed. Instead, Volume, Number and Date information are displayed.</Text>
     2680<Text id="0691">The <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelDate_" type="italics"/> list groups documents by date. A numeric date is displayed at the end of each document title, for example 18580601. This is in the Greenstone internal date format, which is crucial for the <AutoText text="DateList" /> classifier to correctly parse date metadata and generate an ordered date list. However, you can make the date look nice by adding a <AutoText text="[Format:]"/> macro to date metadata.</Text>
     2683<Text id="0691a">Now we format the date. In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="DateList" /> classifier <i>and set <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> to <AutoText text="DateList"/></i>. Replace the last line</Text>
     2687<Text id="0691b">with</Text>
     2691<Text id="0691c">Refresh in the web browser to view the new <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelDate_" type="italics"/> list.</Text>
    2683 <Text id="0695">When you reach a newspaper, only its associated text is displayed. When either of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> newspapers is accessed, the document view presents the message <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. No scanned image information (screen-view resolution or otherwise) is shown, even though it has been computed and stored with the document. This can be fixed by a format statement that modifies the default behaviour for <AutoText text="DocumentText"/>.</Text>
    2684 </Comment>
    2685 <NumberedItem>
    2686 <Text id="0696">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement. The default format string displays the document's plain text, which, if there is none, is set to <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. Change this to the following text. (This format statement can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; doc_tweak.txt</Path>)</Text>
     2697<Text id="0695">When you reach a newspaper, only its associated text is displayed. When either of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> newspapers is accessed, the document view presents the message <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> No scanned image information (screen-view resolution or otherwise) is shown, even though it has been computed and stored with the document. This can be fixed by a format statement that modifies the default behaviour for <AutoText text="DocumentText"/>.</Text>
     2700<Text id="0696">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement. The default format string displays the document's plain text, which, if there is none, is set to <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> Change this to the following text. (This format statement can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; doc_tweak.txt</Path>)</Text>
    2694 <Text id="0698">Including <Format>[screenicon]</Format> has the effect of embedding the screen-sized image generated by switching the <AutoText text="screenview"/> option on in <AutoText text="PagedImgPlug"/>. It is hyperlinked to the original image by the construct <Format>[srclink]...[/srclink]</Format>.</Text>
     2708<Text id="0698">Including <Format>[screenicon]</Format> has the effect of embedding the screen-sized image generated by switching the <AutoText text="screenview"/> option on in <AutoText text="PagedImgPlug"/>. It is hyperlinked to the original image by the construct <Format>[srclink]...[/srclink]</Format>. This is a large image but it may be scaled by your browser.</Text>
    26962710<Text id="0698a">This modification will display screenview image, but does nothing about the dummy text <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>, which will still be displayed. To get rid of this, edit the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement again and replace</Text>
    27002714<Text id="0698b">with</Text>
    2702 {If}{[Text] ne "<AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="plain"/> ",&lt;td valign=top&gt;[Text]&lt;/td&gt;}
    2703 </Format>
    2704 </NumberedItem>
    2705 <NumberedItem>
    2706 <Text id="0698c"><b>Preview</b> the collection and view one of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> documents. The line <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> should now be gone. (Note that it important to get the text exactly right for this to work, including the space after the ".".)</Text>
     2716{If}{[NoText] ne '1',&lt;td valign=top&gt;[Text]&lt;/td&gt;}
     2720<Text id="0698c"><b>Preview</b> the collection and view one of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> documents. The line <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> should now be gone.</Text>
     2732<Text id="0690e"><b>Build</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection.</Text>
    27182735<Text id="0690d-1">Set the display text used for the level drop-down menu by going to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.SearchMetadata"/> section on the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel. Set the document level text to "newspaper", and the section level text to "page".</Text>
    2719 </NumberedItem>
    2720 <NumberedItem>
    2721 <Text id="0690e"><b>Build</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection. Compare searching at "newspaper" level compared to  "page" level. A useful search term for this collection is <AutoText text="aroha" type="quoted"/>.</Text>
    2722 </NumberedItem>
    2723 <NumberedItem>
    2724 <Text id="0690f">You will notice that when searching for individual pages, the newspaper image is displayed in the search results. As these images are very large, this is not very useful. Go to <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel in the Librarian Interface and select the <AutoText text="VList"/> format statement from the list of assigned format statements. Remove the second line from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Editor"/>:</Text>
     2736<Text id="0690d-2">Refresh in your web browser. Compare searching at "newspaper" level with searching at "page" level. A useful search term for this collection is <AutoText text="aroha" type="quoted"/>.</Text>
     2739<Text id="0690f">You will notice that when searching for individual pages, the newspaper image is displayed in the search results. As these images are very large, this is not very useful. Go to <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel in the Librarian Interface, choose <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.AllFeatures"/>  in <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> list, and select the <AutoText text="VList"/> format statement from the list of assigned format statements. Remove the second line from the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Editor"/>:</Text>
    27262741&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}[ex./srclink]&lt;/td&gt;
    2728 <Text id="0690f-1">While we are here, lets remove the filename from the display. Remove the following from the last line:</Text>
     2743<Text id="0690f-1">The reason why this is causing a problem is that the <AutoText text="PagedImgPlug"/> does not produce ex.thumbicon, and as a consequence this format statement displays ex.srcicon, which is very large  </Text>
     2744<Text id="0690f-2">While we are here, let's remove the filename from the display. Remove the following from the last line of the format string:</Text>
    27402756&lt;td valign="top"&gt;[link][icon][/link]&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
    27412757&lt;td valign="top"&gt;<br/>
    2742 {If}{[parent:ex.Title],[parent:ex.Title]<br/>
    2743 {If}{[parent:ex.Volume],Volume [parent:ex.Volume] }<br/>
    2744 {If}{[parent:ex.Number],Number [parent:ex.Number]}: Page [ex.Title],<br/>
    2745 [ex.Title] {If}{[ex.Volume], Volume [ex.Volume] }<br/>
    2746 {If}{[ex.Number], Number [ex.Number] }}<br/>
    2747 &lt;br/&gt;&lt;i&gt;({Or}{[parent:ex.Date],[ex.Date]})&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/td&gt;<br/>
     2758{If}{[parent:ex.Title],[parent:ex.Title] Volume [parent:ex.Volume] Number [parent:ex.Number]: Page [ex.Title],<br/>
     2759[ex.Title] Volume [ex.Volume] Number [ex.Number]}<br/>
    2750 <Text id="0690l"><b>Preview</b> the search results. Items display newspaper title, Volume, Number and Date if available, and pages also display the page number.</Text>
    2751 </NumberedItem>
    2752 <Comment>
    2753 <Text id="0701">In the collection you have just built, newspapers are grouped by series title, and dates are supplied alongside each one to distinguish it from others in the same series. Users can browse chronologically by date, and when a newspaper page is viewed a preview image is shown on the left that displays the original high-resolution version when clicked, accompanied on the right by the plain-text version of that newspaper (if available).</Text>
     2763<Text id="0690l"><b>Preview</b> the search results. Items display newspaper title, Volume, Number and Date, and pages also display the page number.</Text>
     2766<Text id="0701">The collection you have just built involves a fairly complex document structure. There are two series of newspapers, <AutoText text="Te Waka"/> and <AutoText text="Te Whetu"/>.</Text>
     2769<Text id="0701-a">In the <AutoText text="Te Waka"/> series there are two actual newspapers, <AutoText text="Volume 1" type="italics"/> Numbers 1 and 2. Number 1 has 4 pages, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4; Number 2 has 4 pages, numbered 5, 6, 7, 8. The page numbers increase consecutively through each volume, despite the fact that the volume is divided into different Numbers. Each page in the Te Waka series is represented by a single file, a GIF image of the page.</Text>
     2772<Text id="0701-b">The <AutoText text="Te Whetu"/> series has three actual newspapers, <AutoText text="Volume 1" type="italics"/> Numbers 1, 2, and 3. Number 1 has 4 pages, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4; Number 2 has 5 pages, numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Number 3 has 5 pages, numbered 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Again the page numbers increase consecutively through each volume. Each page in this series is represented by two files, a GIF image of the page and a text file containing the OCR’d text that appears on it.</Text>
     2775<Text id="0701-c">The key to this structure is in the respective <i>.item</i> files. Here is a synopsis of the information they contain:</Text>
     2777(9-1-1) Te Waka Volume 1 Number 1<br/>
     2778&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.1 gif<br/>
     2779&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.2 gif<br/>
     2780&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.3 gif<br/>
     2781&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.4 gif<br/>
     2782(9-1-2) Te Waka Volume 1 Number 2<br/>
     2783&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.5 gif<br/>
     2784&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.6 gif<br/>
     2785&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.7 gif<br/>
     2786&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.8 gif<br/>
     2787(10-1-1)    Te Whetu Volume 1 Number 1<br/>
     2788&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.1 gif text<br/>
     2789&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.2 gif text<br/>
     2790&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.3 gif text<br/>
     2791&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.4 gif text<br/>
     2792(10-1-2)    Te Whetu Volume 1 Number 2<br/>
     2793&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.5 gif text<br/>
     2795&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.9 gif text<br/>
     2796(10-1-3)    Te Whetu Volume 1 Number 3<br/>
     2797&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.10 gif text<br/>
     2799&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.14 gif text<br/>
    27612808<SampleFiles folder="niupepa"/>
    27622809<Prerequisite id="scanned_image_collection"/>
    2763 <Version initial="2.70" current="2.71"/>
     2810<Version initial="2.70" current="2.80"/>
    28152862<Text id="sc21">The second style is an extended format, and uses XML. It allows a hierarchy of pages, and metadata specification at the page level as well as at the document level. In this section, we add in two newspapers which use XML-based item files.</Text>
    2817 <Text id="sc22">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, add the folder <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; new_papers &rarr; xml</Path> to your collection. </Text>
     2864<Text id="sc22">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, add the folder <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; new_papers &rarr; xml</Path> (you need to add the <AutoText text="xml"/> folder, not the <AutoText text="23"/> folder) to your collection. </Text>
    2869 {If}{[Text] ne 'This document has no text. ',_document:viewtext_}<br/>
     2916{If}{[NoText] ne '1',_document:viewtext_}<br/>
    28712918&lt;div class="toc"&gt;[DocTOC]&lt;/div&gt;<br/>
    28812928{If}{_cgiargp_ eq 'fullsize',[srcicon],<br/>
    28822929{If}{_cgiargp_ eq 'preview',[screenicon],<br/>
    2883 {If}{[Text] ne \'This document has no text. \',[Text],[screenicon]}}}
     2930{If}{[NoText] ne '1',[Text],[screenicon]}}}
    28852932<Text id="sc34b">This format statement changes the display based on the <AutoText text="p" type="quoted"/> argument (<Format>_cgiargp_</Format>). This is not used normally for document display, so we can use it here to switch between full size image (<Format>[srcicon]</Format>), preview size image (<Format>[screenicon]</Format>) and text (<Format>[Text]</Format>) versions of each page.</Text>
    28962943<SampleFiles folder="oai"/>
    2897 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     2944<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    29963043<Prerequisite id="OAI_collection"/>
    2997 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     3044<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    3022 <Text id="oai-8">Downloaded files are stored in a top-level folder called <AutoText key="glidict::Tree.DownloadedFiles"/> that appears on the left-hand side of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel. These can files can then be added to a collection.</Text>
     3069<Text id="oai-8">Downloaded files are stored in a top-level folder called <AutoText key="glidict::Tree.DownloadedFiles"/> that appears on the left-hand side of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel. These files can then be added to a collection.</Text>
    30753122<Text id="0750">Use METS as Greenstone's Internal Representation</Text>
    3077 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     3124<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    3080 <Text id="0751">In the Greenstone Librarian Interface, open up one of your existing collections, for example the <b>hobbits</b> collection.</Text>
     3127<Text id="0751">In the Greenstone Librarian Interface, open up one of your existing collections, for example the <b>Small HTML Collection</b> collection.</Text>
    31063153<SampleFiles folder="dspace"/>
    3107 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     3154<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    31133160<Text id="0763">Start a <b>new collection</b> called <b>StoneD</b> and fill out its fields appropriately. Leave the metadata set at Dublin Core, the default.</Text>
     3162<!-- don't need to remove the plugins -->
    31163165<Text id="0764">Switch to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel and select the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section on the left-hand side. <b>Remove</b> <AutoText text="ZIPPlug" />, <AutoText text="TEXTPlug" />, <AutoText text="HTMLPlug" />, <AutoText text="EMAILPlug" />, <AutoText text="PSPlug" />, <AutoText text="ImagePlug" />, <AutoText text="ISISPlug" /> and <AutoText text="NULPlug" />. Strictly speaking we do not need to remove these, however it reduces clutter.</Text>
    31193169<Text id="0765">Now add <AutoText text="DSpacePlug" />. Leave the plugin options at their defaults and press <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text>
    31933243<Prerequisite id="dspace_to_greenstone"/>
    3194 <Version initial="2.60" current="2.71"/>
     3244<Version initial="2.60" current="2.80"/>
    32353285<Text id="gems-1">Editing metadata sets</Text>
    3237 <Version initial="2.70w" current="2.71"/>
     3287<Version initial="2.70w" current="2.80"/>
    32393289<Text id="gems-2">GEMS (Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets) can be used to modify existing metadata sets or create new ones. GEMS is launched from the Librarian Interface when you want to create a new metadata set, or edit an existing one. In this exercise, we run GEMS outside of the Librarian Interface.</Text>
    3254 <Text id="gems-8">In this exercise, we will create a new metadata set. In order to save time, we will base it on an existing one: Development Library Subset. From the <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> menu, select <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File_New"/> (<AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> &rarr; <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File_New"/>). A popup window appears: <AutoText key="glidict::GEMS.NewMetadataSetPrompt.Title"/>. Fill in the fields. Use <AutoText text="My Metadata Set" type="quoted"/> for the <AutoText key="glidict::GEMS.NewMetadataSetPrompt.Metadata_Title"/>, <AutoText text="my" type="quoted"/> for the <AutoText key="glidict::GEMS.NewMetadataSetPrompt.Metadata_Namespace"/>, and select "Development Library Subset Example Metadata" from the <AutoText key="glidict::GEMS.NewMetadataSetPrompt.Base_MetadataSet"/> drop down list. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text>
     3304<Text id="gems-8">In this exercise, we will create a new metadata set. In order to save time, we will base it on an existing one: Development Library Subset. From the <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> menu, select <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File"/> &rarr; <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.File_New"/>. A popup window appears: <AutoText key="glidict::GEMS.NewMetadataSetPrompt.Title"/>. Fill in the fields. Use <AutoText text="My Metadata Set" type="quoted"/> for the <AutoText key="glidict::GEMS.NewMetadataSetPrompt.Metadata_Title"/>, <AutoText text="my" type="quoted"/> for the <AutoText key="glidict::GEMS.NewMetadataSetPrompt.Metadata_Namespace"/>, and select "Development Library Subset Example Metadata" from the <AutoText key="glidict::GEMS.NewMetadataSetPrompt.Base_MetadataSet"/> drop down list. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text>
    3266 <Text id="gems-12">In the right hand side, the default attributes will appear for the new element. "Label" and "definition" are used in the Librarian Interface when displaying metadata elements and their descriptions. These attributes can be set in multiple languages.</Text>
     3316<Text id="gems-12">In the right hand side, the default attributes will appear for the new element. "Label" and "definition" are used in the Librarian Interface when displaying metadata elements and their descriptions (the "definition" is shown as additional text for the element). These attributes can be set in multiple languages.</Text>
  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_es.xml

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    1819<Text id="wiki">Back to wiki</Text><Updated date="2-Mar-2006"/>
    1920<Text id="print">Imprima versión</Text><Updated date="29-Mar-2006"/>
     21<Text id="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2005 2006 2007 by the <Link url="">New Zealand Digital Library Project</Link> at <Link url="">the University of Waikato</Link>, New Zealand<br/>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the <Link url="">GNU Free Documentation License</Link>, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <Link url="">“GNU Free Documentation License.”</Link></Text>
  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_fr.xml

    r11967 r17494  
    44     <!ENTITY rarr "&#8594;">
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    1819<Text id="wiki">Back to wiki</Text><Updated date="2-Mar-2006"/>
    1920<Text id="print">Imprimer version</Text><Updated date="2-Apr-2006"/>
     21<Text id="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2005 2006 2007 by the <Link url="">New Zealand Digital Library Project</Link> at <Link url="">the University of Waikato</Link>, New Zealand<br/>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the <Link url="">GNU Free Documentation License</Link>, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <Link url="">“GNU Free Documentation License.”</Link></Text>
  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_ru.xml

    r11967 r17494  
    44     <!ENTITY rarr "&#8594;">
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    1819<Text id="wiki">Back to wiki</Text><Updated date="2-Mar-2006"/>
    1920<Text id="print">ВерсОя Ўля печатО</Text><Updated date="29-Mar-2006"/>
     21<Text id="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2005 2006 2007 by the <Link url="">New Zealand Digital Library Project</Link> at <Link url="">the University of Waikato</Link>, New Zealand<br/>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the <Link url="">GNU Free Documentation License</Link>, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <Link url="">“GNU Free Documentation License.”</Link></Text>
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