Changeset 19434 for gli

2009-05-13T14:37:30+12:00 (15 years ago)

fixed a couple of typos.

4 edited


  • gli/trunk/help/en/depositormetadatasettings.htm

    r19338 r19434  
    14 <p>The Greenstone Depositor enables user to add new documents into an existing collection through a web interface. This section describes the Depositor Metadata pane, where you can specify which metadata fields should be used to describe the new documents added through Depositor. Any metadata sets that have been associated with the current collection will be available for selection. If there is no other metadata set than the "Greenstone Extracted Metadata Set" associated with the collection, the "Dublin Core Metadata Set" will be used as default. To learn more about the Depositor, see the online tutorial exercise at Under the "Format" tab, click "Depositor Metadata".</p>
     14<p>The Greenstone Depositor enables users to add new documents into an existing collection through a web interface. This section describes the Depositor Metadata pane, where you can specify which metadata fields should be used to describe the new documents added through Depositor. Any metadata sets that have been associated with the current collection will be available for selection. If there is no other metadata set than the "Greenstone Extracted Metadata Set" associated with the collection, the "Dublin Core Metadata Set" will be used as default. To learn more about the Depositor, see the online tutorial exercise at Under the "Format" tab, click "Depositor Metadata".</p>
    1616<p>The Depositor Metadata panel shows a checklist of available metadata fields. If there is more than one metadata set associated with the collection, neighbouring metadata sets are displayed in different colours. Hover the mouse over a metadata element: a tool-tip displaying its description will appear.</p>
    18 <p>Check those you want to be used to describe new documents when they are deposited through the Depositor. A drop-down list with two choices will appear beside each checked element. This allows you to specify the type of input box for the element in the web interface. "text" means that a single line input box will be used, whereas "textarea" means that a multi-line input box will be used. Select an appropirate box type for each field.</p>
     18<p>Check those you want to be used to describe new documents when they are deposited through the Depositor. A drop-down list with two choices will appear beside each checked element. This allows you to specify the type of input box for the element in the web interface. "text" means that a single line input box will be used, whereas "textarea" means that a multi-line input box will be used. Select an appropriate box type for each field.</p>
    2020<p>At least one metadata element must be selected. If there is only one selected element in the list, de-selecting it will pop-up a warning message: "At least one metadata element should be selected.".</p>
  • gli/trunk/help/en/exporting.htm

    r19338 r19434  
    1414<p>Greenstone can export the contents and/or metadata of a collection to several standard formats, including METS, DSpace and MARCXML.</p>
    16 <p>To export a collection, open the "File" menu and choose "Export...". You can choose which format to export to by selecting it in the "Export to" drop-down list. Specify a name for the directory where you want to put the exported files&mdash;the files will end up in &lt;path to greenstone&gt;/tmp/exported_xxx, where xxx is the name you specified. Select one collection in the list of available collections, then click "Export collection".</p>
     16<p>To export a collection, open the "File" menu and choose "Export...". You can choose which format to export to by selecting it in the "Export to" drop-down list. Specify a name for the directory where you want to put the exported files&mdash;the files will end up in &lt;path to greenstone&gt;/tmp/exported_xxx, where xxx is the name you specified. Select one collection in the list of available collections, then click "Export Collection".</p>
    1818<p>There are other options specific to the various formats. You can specify XSLT files which will be applied to the resulting XML document(s) in order to customize the output format. Exporting to MARCXML uses a mapping file to map Greenstone metadata to MARC fields. The default mapping file maps only Dublin Core metadata. You can specify a custom mapping file to be used instead.</p>
  • gli/trunk/help/en/help.xml

    r19267 r19434  
    461461<Text id="dm-1">Depositor Metadata</Text>
    463 <Text id="dm-2">The Greenstone Depositor enables user to add new documents into an existing collection through a web interface. This section describes the Depositor Metadata pane, where you can specify which metadata fields should be used to describe the new documents added through Depositor. Any metadata sets that have been associated with the current collection will be available for selection. If there is no other metadata set than the "Greenstone Extracted Metadata Set" associated with the collection, the "Dublin Core Metadata Set" will be used as default. To learn more about the Depositor, see the online tutorial exercise at Under the "Format" tab, click "Depositor Metadata".</Text>
     463<Text id="dm-2">The Greenstone Depositor enables users to add new documents into an existing collection through a web interface. This section describes the Depositor Metadata pane, where you can specify which metadata fields should be used to describe the new documents added through Depositor. Any metadata sets that have been associated with the current collection will be available for selection. If there is no other metadata set than the "Greenstone Extracted Metadata Set" associated with the collection, the "Dublin Core Metadata Set" will be used as default. To learn more about the Depositor, see the online tutorial exercise at Under the "Format" tab, click "Depositor Metadata".</Text>
    464464<Text id="dm-3">The Depositor Metadata panel shows a checklist of available metadata fields. If there is more than one metadata set associated with the collection, neighbouring metadata sets are displayed in different colours. Hover the mouse over a metadata element: a tool-tip displaying its description will appear.</Text>
    465 <Text id="dm-4">Check those you want to be used to describe new documents when they are deposited through the Depositor. A drop-down list with two choices will appear beside each checked element. This allows you to specify the type of input box for the element in the web interface. "text" means that a single line input box will be used, whereas "textarea" means that a multi-line input box will be used. Select an appropirate box type for each field.</Text>
     465<Text id="dm-4">Check those you want to be used to describe new documents when they are deposited through the Depositor. A drop-down list with two choices will appear beside each checked element. This allows you to specify the type of input box for the element in the web interface. "text" means that a single line input box will be used, whereas "textarea" means that a multi-line input box will be used. Select an appropriate box type for each field.</Text>
    466466<Text id="dm-5">At least one metadata element must be selected. If there is only one selected element in the list, de-selecting it will pop-up a warning message: <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.DepositorMetadataManager.Warning"/>.</Text>
    499499<Text id="exp-2">Greenstone can export the contents and/or metadata of a collection to several standard formats, including METS, DSpace and MARCXML.</Text>
    500 <Text id="exp-3">To export a collection, open the "File" menu and choose "Export...". You can choose which format to export to by selecting it in the "Export to" drop-down list. Specify a name for the directory where you want to put the exported files&mdash;the files will end up in &lt;path to greenstone&gt;/tmp/exported_xxx, where xxx is the name you specified. Select one collection in the list of available collections, then click "Export collection".</Text>
     500<Text id="exp-3">To export a collection, open the "File" menu and choose "Export...". You can choose which format to export to by selecting it in the "Export to" drop-down list. Specify a name for the directory where you want to put the exported files&mdash;the files will end up in &lt;path to greenstone&gt;/tmp/exported_xxx, where xxx is the name you specified. Select one collection in the list of available collections, then click "Export Collection".</Text>
    501501<Text id="exp-4">There are other options specific to the various formats. You can specify XSLT files which will be applied to the resulting XML document(s) in order to customize the output format. Exporting to MARCXML uses a mapping file to map Greenstone metadata to MARC fields. The default mapping file maps only Dublin Core metadata. You can specify a custom mapping file to be used instead.</Text>
  • gli/trunk/help/en/help_index.xml

    r19267 r19434  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Document><Section name="introduction"><Title>Introduction</Title><Section name="ofmiceandmenus"><Title>Of Mice and Menus</Title></Section><Section name="howtoavoidthisdocument"><Title>How to Avoid Reading This Document</Title></Section></Section><Section name="startingoff"><Title>Starting Off</Title><Section name="creatingacollection"><Title>Creating a New Collection</Title></Section><Section name="savingacollection"><Title>Saving the Collection</Title></Section><Section name="openingacollection"><Title>Opening an Existing Collection</Title></Section><Section name="deletingcollections"><Title>Deleting Collections</Title></Section></Section><Section name="downloadingfiles"><Title>Downloading Files from the Internet</Title><Section name="themirrorview"><Title>The Download view</Title></Section></Section><Section name="collectingfiles"><Title>Collecting Files for Your Collection</Title><Section name="thegatherview"><Title>The Gather View</Title></Section><Section name="creatingshortcuts"><Title>Creating A Shortcut in the Workspace Tree</Title></Section><Section name="creatingfolders"><Title>Creating Folders</Title></Section><Section name="addingfiles"><Title>Adding Files</Title></Section><Section name="replacingfiles"><Title>Renaming and Replacing Files</Title></Section><Section name="removingfiles"><Title>Removing Files</Title></Section><Section name="explodingfiles"><Title>"Exploding" Metadata Files</Title></Section><Section name="filteringthetree"><Title>Filtering the Trees</Title></Section></Section><Section name="enrichingacollection"><Title>Enriching Your Collection with Metadata</Title><Section name="theenrichview"><Title>The Enrich View</Title></Section><Section name="selectingmetadatasets"><Title>Selecting Metadata Sets</Title></Section><Section name="appendingmetadata"><Title>Appending New Metadata</Title></Section><Section name="addingpreviouslydefinedmetadata"><Title>Adding Previously Defined Metadata</Title></Section><Section name="updatingmetadata"><Title>Editing or Removing Metadata</Title></Section><Section name="reviewingmetadata"><Title>Reviewing Assigned Metadata</Title></Section><Section name="importingpreviouslyassignedmetadata"><Title>Importing Previously Assigned Metadata</Title></Section></Section><Section name="designingacollection"><Title>Configuring Your Collection</Title><Section name="thedesignview"><Title>The Design View</Title></Section><Section name="plugins"><Title>Document Plugins</Title></Section><Section name="searchindexes"><Title>Search Indexes</Title><Section name="searchindexoptions"><Title>Search Index Options</Title></Section></Section><Section name="partitionindexes"><Title>Partition Indexes</Title><Section name="definefilters"><Title>Define Filters</Title></Section><Section name="assignpartitions"><Title>Assign Partitions</Title></Section><Section name="assignlanguages"><Title>Assign Languages</Title></Section></Section><Section name="classifiers"><Title>Browsing Classifiers</Title></Section></Section><Section name="producingthecollection"><Title>Producing Your Collection</Title><Section name="thecreateview"><Title>The Create View</Title></Section><Section name="builderrors"><Title>Errors in collection building</Title></Section><Section name="expertbuilding"><Title>Create view in Expert mode</Title></Section><Section name="scheduledbuilding"><Title>Scheduling collection Builds</Title></Section></Section><Section name="formattingacollection"><Title>Customizing Your Collection's Appearance</Title><Section name="theformatview"><Title>The Format View</Title></Section><Section name="generalsettings"><Title>General</Title></Section><Section name="searchmetadatasettings"><Title>Search</Title></Section><Section name="formatstatements"><Title>Format Features</Title></Section><Section name="translatetext"><Title>Translate Text</Title></Section><Section name="xcollectionsearching"><Title>Cross-Collection Search</Title></Section><Section name="collectionspecificmacros"><Title>Collection Specific Macros</Title></Section><Section name="depositormetadatasettings"><Title>Depositor Metadata</Title></Section></Section><Section name="miscellaneous"><Title>Miscellaneous</Title><Section name="preferences"><Title>Preferences</Title></Section><Section name="fileassociations"><Title>File Associations</Title></Section><Section name="exporting"><Title>Exporting collections to other formats</Title></Section><Section name="exportingcollections"><Title>Exporting Collections to CD/DVD</Title></Section></Section></Document>
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2<Document><Section name="introduction"><Title>Introduction</Title><Section name="ofmiceandmenus"><Title>Of Mice and Menus</Title></Section><Section name="howtoavoidthisdocument"><Title>How to Avoid Reading This Document</Title></Section></Section><Section name="startingoff"><Title>Starting Off</Title><Section name="creatingacollection"><Title>Creating a New Collection</Title></Section><Section name="savingacollection"><Title>Saving the Collection</Title></Section><Section name="openingacollection"><Title>Opening an Existing Collection</Title></Section><Section name="deletingcollections"><Title>Deleting Collections</Title></Section></Section><Section name="downloadingfiles"><Title>Downloading Files from the Internet</Title><Section name="themirrorview"><Title>The Download view</Title></Section></Section><Section name="collectingfiles"><Title>Collecting Files for Your Collection</Title><Section name="thegatherview"><Title>The Gather View</Title></Section><Section name="creatingshortcuts"><Title>Creating A Shortcut in the Workspace Tree</Title></Section><Section name="creatingfolders"><Title>Creating Folders</Title></Section><Section name="addingfiles"><Title>Adding Files</Title></Section><Section name="replacingfiles"><Title>Renaming and Replacing Files</Title></Section><Section name="removingfiles"><Title>Removing Files</Title></Section><Section name="explodingfiles"><Title>"Exploding" Metadata Files</Title></Section><Section name="filteringthetree"><Title>Filtering the Trees</Title></Section></Section><Section name="enrichingacollection"><Title>Enriching Your Collection with Metadata</Title><Section name="theenrichview"><Title>The Enrich View</Title></Section><Section name="selectingmetadatasets"><Title>Selecting Metadata Sets</Title></Section><Section name="appendingmetadata"><Title>Appending New Metadata</Title></Section><Section name="addingpreviouslydefinedmetadata"><Title>Adding Previously Defined Metadata</Title></Section><Section name="updatingmetadata"><Title>Editing or Removing Metadata</Title></Section><Section name="reviewingmetadata"><Title>Reviewing Assigned Metadata</Title></Section><Section name="importingpreviouslyassignedmetadata"><Title>Importing Previously Assigned Metadata</Title></Section></Section><Section name="designingacollection"><Title>Configuring Your Collection</Title><Section name="thedesignview"><Title>The Design View</Title></Section><Section name="plugins"><Title>Document Plugins</Title></Section><Section name="searchindexes"><Title>Search Indexes</Title><Section name="searchindexoptions"><Title>Search Index Options</Title></Section></Section><Section name="partitionindexes"><Title>Partition Indexes</Title><Section name="definefilters"><Title>Define Filters</Title></Section><Section name="assignpartitions"><Title>Assign Partitions</Title></Section><Section name="assignlanguages"><Title>Assign Languages</Title></Section></Section><Section name="classifiers"><Title>Browsing Classifiers</Title></Section></Section><Section name="producingthecollection"><Title>Producing Your Collection</Title><Section name="thecreateview"><Title>The Create View</Title></Section><Section name="builderrors"><Title>Errors in collection building</Title></Section><Section name="expertbuilding"><Title>Create view in Expert mode</Title></Section><Section name="scheduledbuilding"><Title>Scheduling collection Builds</Title></Section></Section><Section name="formattingacollection"><Title>Customizing Your Collection's Appearance</Title><Section name="theformatview"><Title>The Format View</Title></Section><Section name="generalsettings"><Title>General</Title></Section><Section name="searchmetadatasettings"><Title>Search</Title></Section><Section name="formatstatements"><Title>Format Features</Title></Section><Section name="translatetext"><Title>Translate Text</Title></Section><Section name="xcollectionsearching"><Title>Cross-Collection Search</Title></Section><Section name="collectionspecificmacros"><Title>Collection Specific Macros</Title></Section><Section name="depositormetadatasettings"><Title>Depositor Metadata</Title></Section></Section><Section name="miscellaneous"><Title>Miscellaneous</Title><Section name="preferences"><Title>Preferences</Title></Section><Section name="fileassociations"><Title>File Associations</Title></Section><Section name="exporting"><Title>Exporting collections to other formats</Title></Section><Section name="exportingcollections"><Title>Exporting Collections to CD/DVD</Title></Section></Section></Document>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.