Changeset 19549 for gsdl/trunk

2009-05-22T10:57:50+12:00 (15 years ago)

updated English strings.

1 edited


  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r19528 r19549  
    523523AZCompactSectionList.desc:Variation on AZCompactList that classifies sections rather than documents. Entries are sorted by section-level metadata.
    525 AZList.desc:Classifier plugin for sorting alphabetically (on a-z, A-Z0-9). Produces a horizontal A-Z list, with documents listed underneath.
     525AZList.desc:Classifier plugin for sorting alphabetically (on a-z, A-Z, 0-9). Produces a horizontal A-Z list, with documents listed underneath.
    527527AZList.metadata:A single metadata field or a comma separated list of metadata fields used for classification. Following the order indicated by the list, the first field that contains a metadata value will be used. List will be sorted by this element.
    700 AutoExtractMetadata.first:Comma separated list of first sizes (number of characters) to extract from the start of the text into a set of metadata fields 'FirstNNN', where NNN is the size.
     700AutoExtractMetadata.first:Comma separated list of numbers of characters to extract from the start of the text into a set of metadata fields called 'FirstN', where N is the size. For example, the values "3,5,7" will extract the first 3, 5 and 7 characters into metadata fields called "First3", "First5" and "First7".
    702702BaseMediaConverter.desc:Helper plugin that provides base functionality for media converter plugins such as ImageConverter and video converters.
    752752BibTexPlugin.desc:BibTexPlugin reads bibliography files in BibTex format. BibTexPlugin creates a document object for every reference in the file. This plugin is a subclass of SplitTextFile class, so if there are multiple records, all are read.
    754 BookPlugin.desc:Creates multi-level document from document containing <<TOC>> level tags. Metadata for each section is taken from any other tags on the same line as the <<TOC>>. e.g. <<Title>>xxxx<</Title>> sets Title metadata. Everything else between TOC tags is treated as simple html (i.e. no processing of html links or any other HTMLPlugin type stuff is done). Expects input files to have a .hb file extension by default (this can be changed by adding a -process_exp option); a file with the same name as the hb file but a .jpg extension is taken as the cover image (jpg files are blocked by this plugin). BookPlugin is a simplification (and extension) of the HBPlugin used by the Humanity Development Library collections. BookPlugin is faster as it expects the input files to be cleaner (The input to the HDL collections contains lots of excess html tags around <<TOC>> tags, uses <<I>> tags to specify images, and simply saves all text between <<TOC>> tags and the start of document text as Title metadata). If you're marking up documents to be displayed in the same way as the HDL collections, use this plugin instead of HBPlugin.
     754BookPlugin.desc:Creates multi-level document from document containing <<TOC>> level tags. Metadata for each section is taken from any other tags on the same line as the <<TOC>>. e.g. <<Title>>xxxx<</Title>> sets Title metadata. Everything else between TOC tags is treated as simple html (i.e. no HTMLPlugin type of processing is done, such as processing html links). Expects input files to have a .hb file extension by default (this can be changed by adding a -process_exp option); a file with the same name as the hb file but a .jpg extension is taken as the cover image (jpg files are blocked by this plugin). BookPlugin is a simplification (and extension) of the HBPlugin used by the Humanity Development Library collections. BookPlugin is faster as it expects the input files to be cleaner (The input to the HDL collections contains lots of excess html tags around <<TOC>> tags, uses <<I>> tags to specify images, and simply takes all text appearing after a <<TOC>> tag and on the same line as Title metadata). If you're marking up documents to be displayed in the same way as the HDL collections, use this plugin instead of HBPlugin.
    756756CONTENTdmPlugin.desc:Plugin that processes RDF files in exported CONTENTdm collections.
    804804DSpacePlugin.desc:A plugin that takes a collection of documents exported from DSpace and imports them into Greenstone.
    806 DSpacePlugin.first_inorder_ext: This is used to identify the primary stream of DSpace collection document. With this option, the system will treat the defined ext types of document in sequence to look for the possible primary stream.
    808 DSpacePlugin.first_inorder_mime:This is used to identify the primary data stream of DSpace collection document. With this option, the system will treat the defined mime types of document in sequence to look for the possible primary stream.
    810 DSpacePlugin.only_first_doc:This is used to identify the primary data stream of DSpace collection document. With this option, the system will treat the first document in dublin_core metadata file as the possible primary stream.
     806DSpacePlugin.first_inorder_ext: This is used to identify the primary document file for a DSpace collection document. With this option, the system will treat the defined ext types of document in sequence to look for the primary document file.
     808DSpacePlugin.first_inorder_mime:This is used to identify the primary document file for a DSpace collection document. With this option, the system will treat the defined mime types of document in sequence to look for the primary document file.
     810DSpacePlugin.only_first_doc:This is used to identify the primary document file for a DSpace collection document. With this option, the system will treat the first document referenced in the dublin_core metadata file as the primary document file.
    812812EmailAddressExtractor.desc:Helper extractor plugin for discovering email addresses in text.
    832832FavouritesPlugin.desc:Plugin to process Internet Explorer Favourites files.
    834 FOXPlugin.desc:Plugin to process a Foxbase dbt file. This plugin provides the basic functionality to read in the dbt and dbf files and process each record. This general plugin should be overridden for a particular database to process the appropriate fields in the file.
     834FOXPlugin.desc:Plugin to process a Foxbase dbt file. This plugin only provides the basic functionality to read in the dbt and dbf files and process each record. A customized plugin based on this general one would need to be written for a particular database to process the appropriate fields.
    836836GreenstoneXMLPlugin.desc:Processes Greenstone Archive XML documents. Note that this plugin does no syntax checking (though the XML::Parser module tests for well-formedness). It's assumed that the Greenstone Archive files conform to their DTD.
    850850HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness:Range of related text extraction techniques to use.
    851 HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.1:Filename, path, alternative (ALT) text only.
     851HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.1:Filename, path, alternative text (ALT attributes in img HTML tags) only.
    852852HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.2:All of 1, plus caption where available.
    853853HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.3:All of 2, plus near paragraphs where available.
    854854HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.4:All of 3, plus previous headers (<h1>, <h2>...) where available.
    855855HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.5:All of 4, plus textual references where available.
    856 HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.6:All of 4, plus page metatags (title, keywords, etc).
     856HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.6:All of 4, plus metadata tags in HTML pages (title, keywords, etc).
    857857HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.7:All of 6, 5 and 4 combined.
    858 HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.8:All of 7, plus repeat caption, filename, etc (raise ranking of more relevant results).
     858HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.8:All of 7, plus duplicating filename, path, alternative text, and caption (raise ranking of more relevant results).
    859859HTMLImagePlugin.aggressiveness.9:All of 1, plus full text of source page.
    12451245BasPlugout.bad_general_option:The %s plugout uses an incorrect option.
    1246 BasPlugout.debug:set debugging mode
     1246BasPlugout.debug:Set debugging mode
    12471247BasPlugout.desc:Base class for all the export plugouts.
    12481248BasPlugout.group_size:Number of documents to group into one XML file.
    12491249BasPlugout.gzip_output:Use gzip to compress resulting xml documents (don't forget to include ZIPPlugin in your plugin list when building from compressed documents).
    1250 BasPlugout.output_handle: the file descriptor used to send output information
    1251 BasPlugout.output_info:the reference to an arcinfo object used to store information about the archives.
     1250BasPlugout.output_handle: the file descriptor used to receive output data
     1251BasPlugout.output_info:The reference to an arcinfo object used to store information about the archives.
    12521252BasPlugout.verbosity:Controls the quantity of output. 0=none, 3=lots.
    12531253BasPlugout.xslt_file:Transform a document with the XSLT in the named file. 
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