2009-05-28T15:09:20+12:00 (15 years ago)

fixed a bad string reference

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r19444 r19638  
    1097 <Text id="ep-14"><b>Build</b> the collection and <b>preview</b>. All PDF documents (including pdf05-notext.pdf) have been processed and divided into sections, but each section displays <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. For the conversion to images for PDF documents, no text is extracted. </Text>
     1097<Text id="ep-14"><b>Build</b> the collection and <b>preview</b>. All PDF documents (including pdf05-notext.pdf) have been processed and divided into sections, but each section displays <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. For the conversion to images for PDF documents, no text is extracted. </Text>
    2697 <Text id="0695">When you reach a newspaper, only its associated text is displayed. When either of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> newspapers is accessed, the document view presents the message <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> No scanned image information (screen-view resolution or otherwise) is shown, even though it has been computed and stored with the document. This can be fixed by a format statement that modifies the default behaviour for <AutoText text="DocumentText"/>.</Text>
    2698 </Comment>
    2699 <NumberedItem>
    2700 <Text id="0696">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement. The default format string displays the document's plain text, which, if there is none, is set to <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> Change this to the following text. (This format statement can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; doc_tweak.txt</Path>)</Text>
     2697<Text id="0695">When you reach a newspaper, only its associated text is displayed. When either of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> newspapers is accessed, the document view presents the message <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> No scanned image information (screen-view resolution or otherwise) is shown, even though it has been computed and stored with the document. This can be fixed by a format statement that modifies the default behaviour for <AutoText text="DocumentText"/>.</Text>
     2700<Text id="0696">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement. The default format string displays the document's plain text, which, if there is none, is set to <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> Change this to the following text. (This format statement can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; doc_tweak.txt</Path>)</Text>
    27082708<Text id="0698">Including <Format>[screenicon]</Format> has the effect of embedding the screen-sized image generated by switching the <AutoText text="screenview"/> option on in <AutoText text="PagedImgPlug"/>. It is hyperlinked to the original image by the construct <Format>[srclink]...[/srclink]</Format>. This is a large image but it may be scaled by your browser.</Text>
    2710 <Text id="0698a">This modification will display screenview image, but does nothing about the dummy text <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>, which will still be displayed. To get rid of this, edit the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement again and replace</Text>
     2710<Text id="0698a">This modification will display screenview image, but does nothing about the dummy text <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>, which will still be displayed. To get rid of this, edit the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement again and replace</Text>
    27122712&lt;td valign=top&gt;[Text]&lt;/td&gt;
    2720 <Text id="0698c"><b>Preview</b> the collection and view one of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> documents. The line <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> should now be gone.</Text>
     2720<Text id="0698c"><b>Preview</b> the collection and view one of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> documents. The line <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> should now be gone.</Text>
    3018 <Text id="0727">Finally, you will have noticed that where the document itself should appear, you see only <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasPlug.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. To rectify this, select <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> pull-down list and use the following as its format statement (this text is in <Path>doctxt_tweak.txt</Path> in the <Path>format_tweaks</Path> folder mentioned earlier):</Text>
     3018<Text id="0727">Finally, you will have noticed that where the document itself should appear, you see only <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. To rectify this, select <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> pull-down list and use the following as its format statement (this text is in <Path>doctxt_tweak.txt</Path> in the <Path>format_tweaks</Path> folder mentioned earlier):</Text>
    30193019<Format>&lt;center&gt;&lt;table width=_pagewidth_ border=1&gt;<br/>
    30203020&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td colspan=2 align=center&gt;<br/>
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