2010-05-11T11:32:50+12:00 (14 years ago)

expanded the description of the mapping rules, and included lists of valid elements

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone2/etc/oai.cfg

    r21718 r22073  
    7777oaimetadata oai_dc gsdl_qdc
    79 # Metadata in other formats must be mapped to these formats. This can be done
    80 # in this file, or for a particular collection, in its collect.cfg file.
     79#### Metadata Mapping Rules ####
     82# Metadata in other formats must be mapped to the formats specified above.
     83# This can be done in this file, or, for a particular collection, in its
     84# collect.cfg file.
    8286# The format is like
    8589# The Greenstone field names can be unqualified (Title, Subject) or
    86 # qualified by a namespace (dc.Title, dls.Subject). These mapping rules
    87 # will apply to the entire repository. Collection specific rules can also
    88 # be specified in this file using a collection name qualifier. This is
    89 # the collection name followed by a colon (demo:Title, demo:dls.Title).
    90 # Mappings specified in a collect.cfg file do not need the collection
    91 # qualifier.
     90# qualified by a namespace (dc.Title, dls.Subject). Capitalization must match
     91# that used by Greenstone.
     92# OAI field names must start with the metadataPrefix name (e.g. oai_dc.) and
     93# capitalization must match that used by the appropriate schema. Valid elements
     94# for each schema are listed below. Only valid elements will be included in
     95# the output
    93 # Details about the Dublin Core metadata format can be found at
    94 # http://dublincore.org/
    95 # Elements include Title, Creator, Subject, Description, Publisher,
    96 # Contributor, Date, Type, Format, Identifier, Source, Language,
    97 # Relation, Coverage, Rights
     97# OAI Dublin Core metadata schema:
     98# http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd
     99# metadataPrefix: oai_dc
     100# Valid elements:
     101# contributor coverage creator date description format identifier language
     102# publisher relation rights source subject title type
     104# Greenstone's OAI Qualified Dublin Core metadata schema:
     105# http://www.greenstone.org/namespace/gsdl_qdc/1.0/gsdl_qdc.xsd
     106# metadataPrefix: gsdl_qdc
     107# Valid elements:
     108# title creator subject description publisher contributor date type format
     109# identifier source language relation coverage rights alternative
     110# tableOfContents abstract created valid available issued modified
     111# dateAccepted dateCopyrighted dateSubmitted extent medium isVersionOf
     112# hasVersion isReplacedBy replaces isRequiredBy requires isPartOf hasPart
     113# isReferencedBy references isFormatOf hasFormat conformsTo spatial
     114# temporal audience accrualMethod accrualPeriodicity accrualPolicy
     115# instructionalMethod provenance rightsHolder mediator educationLevel
     116# accessRights license bibliographicCitation
     118# OAI RFC 1807 metadata schema
     119# http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/1.1/rfc1807.xsd
     120# metadataPrefix: rfc1807
     121# Valid elements:
     122# bib-version id entry organization title type revision withdraw author
     123# corp-author contact date pages copyright handle other_access retrieval
     124# keyword cr-category period series monitoring funding contract grant
     125# language notes abstract
    99127# mappings for the dls metadata set
     140# These mapping rules will apply to the entire repository.
     142# Collection specific rules can also be specified in this file using a
     143# collection name qualifier with the greenstone field name. This is the
     144# collection name followed by a colon (demo:Title, demo:dls.Title).
     145# oaimapping demo:dls.Title oai_dc.title
     146# Mappings specified in a collect.cfg file do not need the collection
     147# qualifier.
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