2010-07-15T22:10:59+12:00 (14 years ago)

Getting collectgroup to work for a remote Greenstone server. Need to update gliserver.pl still to work with the collectgroup changes. 1. GLI side changes: no longer does the collectdir parameter to import and build include the colgroup at the end, it is now back to being everything upto the GS collect dir. Instead, the loaded collection is colgroup/subcolname. 2. Changed CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionName() to return (colgroup/)subcolname instead of the subcolname excluding groupname. 3. This required changes in other classes, including replacing unnecessary explicit calls to getLoadedGroupQualifiedCollectionName(). 4. Added another variant: getLoadedCollectionName(boolean). If the parameter is true, it will put a url style slash between colgroup and subcolname, otherwise use the OS dependent FileSeparator. 5. Changes to RemoteGreenstoneServer to pass the group/subcol as the collectionname to gliserver.pl, with a vertical bar separator. 6. Minor changes like: WorkspaceTreeNode now knows not to load a collection group if it's already in the loaded collection (previously handed only sub collection name), removed old debugging statements and unused import statements.

1 edited


  • main/trunk/gli/src/org/greenstone/gatherer/gui/PreviewButton.java

    r21587 r22410  
    7777    // we could be working with standalone collections or collection groups
    7878    // so getting a collection-name may have a collection group prefix
    79     // This means CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionName() is no longer sufficient
    80     String collGroupWithName = CollectionManager.getLoadedGroupQualifiedCollectionName(true);
     79    // This means CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionName() needs to (and does) return (colgroup/)subcolname
     80    String collGroupWithName = CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionName(true);
    8282    // set up the home page for the current collection
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