2010-12-16T14:11:34+13:00 (13 years ago)

small changes to simple html collection

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r23456 r23496  
    535 <Text id="0264">Next you must gather together the files that will constitute the collection. A suitable set has been prepared ahead of time in <Path>sample_files &rarr; simple_html</Path>. Using the left-hand side of the Librarian Interface's <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, interactively navigate to the <Path>sample_files</Path> folder.</Text>
     535<Text id="0264">Next you must gather together the files that will constitute the collection. A suitable set has been prepared ahead of time in <Path>sample_files &rarr; simple_html &rarr; html_files </Path>. Using the left-hand side of the Librarian Interface's <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, interactively navigate to the <Path>sample_files &rarr; simple_html</Path> folder.</Text>
    541 <Text id="0265">Now drag the <Path>simple_html</Path> folder from the left-hand side and drop it on the right. The progress bar at the bottom shows some activity. Gradually, duplicates of all the files will appear in the collection panel.</Text>
     541<Text id="0265">Now drag the <Path>html_files</Path> folder from the left-hand side and drop it on the right. The progress bar at the bottom shows some activity. Gradually, duplicates of all the files will appear in the collection panel.</Text>
    543543<Text id="0266">You can inspect the files that have been copied by double-clicking on the folder in the right-hand side.</Text>
    580580<Text id="0275a">Hyperlinks in a Greenstone collection work like this: If the link is to a document that is also in the collection, clicking it takes you to that document in the collection. If the link is to a document that is <i>not</i> in the collection, clicking it takes you to that document on the web.</Text>
    581 <Text id="0257b">Go back to the web browser and click the <Path>titles</Path>  link near the top of the page. Open the file <Path>boleyn.html</Path> and look for the link to <Path>Katharine of Aragon</Path> (in the 5th paragraph of the <Path>Biography</Path> section). This links to a document inside the collection--<Path>aragon.html</Path>. View this document by clicking the link. For an external link, click <Path>letters written by Katharine</Path> (in the <Path>Primary Sources</Path> section). This takes you out on to the web. If you want a warning message to be displayed first, you can open <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path> file and uncomment the line <Format>cgiarg shortname=el argdefault=prompt</Format>.</Text>
     581<Text id="0257b">Go back to the web browser and click the <Path>titles</Path>  link near the top of the page. Open the file <Path>boleyn.html</Path> and look for the link to <Path>Katharine of Aragon</Path> (in the 5th paragraph of the <Path>Biography</Path> section). This links to a document inside the collection--<Path>aragon.html</Path>. View this document by clicking the link. For an external link, click <Path>letters written by Anne</Path> (in the <Path>Primary Sources</Path> section). This takes you out on to the web. If you want a warning message to be displayed first, you can open <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path> file and uncomment the line <Format>cgiarg shortname=el argdefault=prompt</Format>. Note, that if you are already browsing a collection, then you will need to go back to the home page and re-enter the collection to see this take effect (due to caching of the el argument).</Text>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.