Changeset 25883 for main/trunk

2012-06-28T15:12:21+12:00 (12 years ago)

removed the link from the coll_warning

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/classes/

    r20299 r25883
    22 home.coll_warning=This interface is designed to look and behave like the classic Greenstone 2 style interface. (For a generic Greenstone3 look and feel, click <a href="gs3library">here</a>.) It makes assumptions about the services that a collection might have: it looks for the TextQuery/FormQuery/AdvancedFormQuery and ClassifierBrowse services. If a query service is present, a search button is added to the navigation bar. If more than one query service is available they come under the same button, and are selectable via the preferences page. If ClassifierBrowse is present, the classifiers provided by that service are displayed on the navigation bar instead of the service itself. Any other services are ignored. Greenstone 2 collections work exactly as they would in a Greenstone 2 library, while some other collections do not work properly.
     22home.coll_warning=This interface is designed to look and behave like the classic Greenstone 2 style interface. It makes assumptions about the services that a collection might have: it looks for the TextQuery/FormQuery/AdvancedFormQuery and ClassifierBrowse services. If a query service is present, a search button is added to the navigation bar. If more than one query service is available they come under the same button, and are selectable via the preferences page. If ClassifierBrowse is present, the classifiers provided by that service are displayed on the navigation bar instead of the service itself. Any other services are ignored. Greenstone 2 collections work exactly as they would in a Greenstone 2 library, while some other collections do not work properly.
    2424# about page
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