Changeset 25997

2012-07-20T17:44:31+12:00 (12 years ago)

Some further minor corrections for the 2.85 version of the tutorials before committing the merged OAI Server and OAI Download tutorials for 2.86.

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r25996 r25997  
    10971097<Prerequisite id="word_pdf_collection"/>
    10981098<Version initial="2.85" current="2.85"/>
    11001101<Text id="pdfbox-ext-1">Greenstone comes with the PDFPlugin which can handle older versions of PDF, but can't cope by default with newer PDF files. However, a Greenstone extension making use of <b>PDFBox</b>, an open-source PDF conversion tool, is available if you want Greenstone to extract text from more recent PDF files. This tutorial will cover how to install the PDFBox extension for Greenstone and how to switch on its functionality in the Greenstone Librarian Interface.</Text>
    1102 <Content>
    11031103<Heading>Obtaining and installing the PDFBox extension for Greenstone</Heading>
    33403340<Prerequisite id="setting_up_GS_OAI_server"/>
    33413341<Version initial="2.85" current="2.85"/>
    3342 <Comment>
    3343 <Text id="gli-oai-1">GLI can serve like an OAI client application: it can connect to a remote OAI server and retrieve metadata, even download documents. In the previous tutorial, we set up the Greenstone's OAI server and set up the backdrop collection to be served over OAI. In this tutorial we will use GLI to connect to that OAI server and download OAI metadata for the <b>A Simple image collection</b> and even download its documents.</Text>
    3344 </Comment>
     3344<Text id="gli-oai-1">GLI can serve as an OAI client application: it can connect to a remote OAI server and retrieve metadata, even download documents. In the previous tutorial, we set up the Greenstone's OAI server and set up the backdrop collection to be served over OAI. In this tutorial we will use GLI to connect to that OAI server and download OAI metadata for the <b>A Simple image collection</b> and even download its documents.</Text>
    33473347<Text id="gli-oai-2">Launch GLI. This should launch the Greenstone server as well, if this is not already running, so that the OAI server is also up and running.</Text>
    33863386<Prerequisite id="setting_up_GS_OAI_server"/>
    33873387<Version initial="2.85" current="2.85"/>
    33893390<Text id="gs-oai-1">For this exercise, you need to be on a networked computer and your host computer needs to be visible to the outside world.
    33903391(That is, when you provide the full name of your computer, someone else in the world should be able to find that computer by typing its URL into their browser's address field.)</Text>
    33913394<Text id="gs-oai-2">For now though, we proceed to using an external OAI client to access our up-and-running Greenstone OAI server. It's not just any OAI client either, but an OAI Server validator.</Text>
    3393 <Content>
    33953397<Text id="gs-oai-3">You will want to be running the included Apache web server. So if you're on Windows and using the Local Library Server, quit it and rename the <AutoText text="server.exe" type="italics"/> application in your Greenstone installation folder to server.not. Then use the <AutoText text="Start" type="italics"/> menu shortcut to the Greenstone Server once more, to now launch the Apache web server.</Text>
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