2013-10-17T19:09:21+13:00 (11 years ago)

Committing two new scripts for processing translations, and a spelling correction to a third script. The new scripts are: 1. remove_extra_lines.sh, which is a modified version of the one Lan gave me and which strips lines that mention 'Missing translation' and 'Updated date by name'. This one makes sure not to leave empty lines behind after removing lines that only contained 'Missing translation' messages. 2. translation_status.sh, mainly to be used on nzdl's GTI installation, this script should be called by the cron to send off an email if any of the translation files in macros, gli/help, gli/classes, perllib or gsinstaller have been modified. This is needed to alert us if any translator used the GTI to update translations on nzdl. This script will send us an email. Upon receipt, we should locally process those files on nzdl that were updated by passing them through the remove_extra_lines.sh script, then commit the result to svn, and finally replace the ones on nzdl's GTI installation with the one committed to svn.

1 added

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