Changeset 31496

2017-03-13T12:07:30+13:00 (7 years ago)

updated string keys based on new plugin names

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone2/perllib/

    r31131 r31496  
    768768BaseMediaConverter.desc:Helper plugin that provides base functionality for media converter plugins such as ImageConverter and video converters.
    770 BasePlugin.associate_ext:Causes files with the same root filename as the document being processed by the plugin AND a filename extension from the comma separated list provided by this argument to be associated with the document being processed rather than handled as a separate list.
    772 BasePlugin.associate_tail_re:A regular expression to match filenames against to find associated files. Used as a more powerful alternative to associate_ext.
    774 BasePlugin.block_exp:Files matching this regular expression will be blocked from being passed to any later plugins in the list.
    776 BasePlugin.desc:Base class for all the import plugins.
    778 BasePlugin.dummy_text:This document has no text.
    780 BasePlugin.encoding.ascii:Plain 7 bit ASCII. This may be a bit faster than using iso_8859_1. Beware of using this when the text may contain characters outside the plain 7 bit ASCII set though (e.g. German or French text containing accents), use iso_8859_1 instead.
    782 BasePlugin.encoding.unicode:Just unicode.
    784 BasePlugin.encoding.utf8:Either utf8 or unicode -- automatically detected.
    786 BasePlugin.filename_encoding:The encoding of the source file filenames.
    788 detect the encoding of the filename.
    790 BasePlugin.filename_encoding.auto_language_analysis:Auto-detect the encoding of the filename by analysing it.
    792 BasePlugin.filename_encoding.auto_filesystem_encoding:Auto-detect the encoding of the filename using filesystem encoding.
    794 BasePlugin.filename_encoding.auto_fl:Uses filesystem encoding then language analysis to detect the filename encoding.
    796 BasePlugin.filename_encoding.auto_lf:Uses language analysis then filesystem encoding to detect the filename encoding.
    798 BasePlugin.no_blocking:Don't do any file blocking. Any associated files (e.g. images in a web page) will be added to the collection as documents in their own right.
    800 BasePlugin.no_cover_image:Do not look for a prefix.jpg file (where prefix is the same prefix as the file being processed) to associate as a cover image.
    802 OIDtype set in
    804 BasePlugin.process_exp:A perl regular expression to match against filenames. Matching filenames will be processed by this plugin. For example, using '(?i).html?\$' matches all documents ending in .htm or .html (case-insensitive).
    806 BasePlugin.processing_tmp_files:Internal flag, set by converter plugins to indicate that we are processing a tmp file.
    808 BasePlugin.smart_block:Block files in a smarter way than just looking at filenames.
    810 BasePlugin.store_original_file:Save the original source document as an associated file. Note this is already done for files like PDF, Word etc. This option is only useful for plugins that don't already store a copy of the original file.
    812 BasePlugin.file_rename_method:The method to be used in renaming the copy of the imported file and associated files.
    814 BasePlugin.rename_method.url:Use url encoding in renaming imported files and associated files.
    816 BasePlugin.rename_method.base64:Use base64 encoding in renaming imported files and associated files.
    818 BasePlugin.rename_method.none:Don't rename imported files and associated files.
     770BaseImporter.associate_ext:Causes files with the same root filename as the document being processed by the plugin AND a filename extension from the comma separated list provided by this argument to be associated with the document being processed rather than handled as a separate list.
     772BaseImporter.associate_tail_re:A regular expression to match filenames against to find associated files. Used as a more powerful alternative to associate_ext.
     774BaseImporter.desc:Base class for all the import plugins.
     776BaseImporter.dummy_text:This document has no text.
     778BaseImporter.no_cover_image:Do not look for a prefix.jpg file (where prefix is the same prefix as the file being processed) to associate as a cover image.
     779 OIDtype set in
     782BaseImporter.process_exp:A perl regular expression to match against filenames. Matching filenames will be processed by this plugin. For example, using '(?i).html?\$' matches all documents ending in .htm or .html (case-insensitive).
     784BaseImporter.processing_tmp_files:Internal flag, set by converter plugins to indicate that we are processing a tmp file.
     786BaseImporter.smart_block:Block files in a smarter way than just looking at filenames.
     788BaseImporter.store_original_file:Save the original source document as an associated file. Note this is already done for files like PDF, Word etc. This option is only useful for plugins that don't already store a copy of the original file.
     790BaseImporter.file_rename_method:The method to be used in renaming the copy of the imported file and associated files.
     792BaseImporter.rename_method.url:Use url encoding in renaming imported files and associated files.
     794BaseImporter.rename_method.base64:Use base64 encoding in renaming imported files and associated files.
     796BaseImporter.rename_method.none:Don't rename imported files and associated files.
    820798BibTexPlugin.desc:BibTexPlugin reads bibliography files in BibTex format. BibTexPlugin creates a document object for every reference in the file. This plugin is a subclass of SplitTextFile class, so if there are multiple records, all are read.
    822800BookPlugin.desc:Creates multi-level document from document containing <<TOC>> level tags. Metadata for each section is taken from any other tags on the same line as the <<TOC>>. e.g. <<Title>>xxxx<</Title>> sets Title metadata. Everything else between TOC tags is treated as simple html (i.e. no HTMLPlugin type of processing is done, such as processing html links). Expects input files to have a .hb file extension by default (this can be changed by adding a -process_exp option); a file with the same name as the hb file but a .jpg extension is taken as the cover image (jpg files are blocked by this plugin). BookPlugin is a simplification (and extension) of the HBPlugin used by the Humanity Development Library collections. BookPlugin is faster as it expects the input files to be cleaner (The input to the HDL collections contains lots of excess html tags around <<TOC>> tags, uses <<I>> tags to specify images, and simply takes all text appearing after a <<TOC>> tag and on the same line as Title metadata). If you're marking up documents to be displayed in the same way as the HDL collections, use this plugin instead of HBPlugin.
     802CommonUtil.block_exp:Files matching this regular expression will be blocked from being passed to any later plugins in the list.
     804CommonUtil.desc:Base Utility plugin class that handles filename encoding and file blocking.
     806CommonUtil.encoding.ascii:Plain 7 bit ASCII. This may be a bit faster than using iso_8859_1. Beware of using this when the text may contain characters outside the plain 7 bit ASCII set though (e.g. German or French text containing accents), use iso_8859_1 instead.
     808CommonUtil.encoding.unicode:Just unicode.
     810CommonUtil.encoding.utf8:Either utf8 or unicode -- automatically detected.
     812CommonUtil.filename_encoding:The encoding of the source file filenames.
     813 detect the encoding of the filename.
     816CommonUtil.filename_encoding.auto_language_analysis:Auto-detect the encoding of the filename by analysing it.
     818CommonUtil.filename_encoding.auto_filesystem_encoding:Auto-detect the encoding of the filename using filesystem encoding.
     820CommonUtil.filename_encoding.auto_fl:Uses filesystem encoding then language analysis to detect the filename encoding.
     822CommonUtil.filename_encoding.auto_lf:Uses language analysis then filesystem encoding to detect the filename encoding.
     824CommonUtil.no_blocking:Don't do any file blocking. Any associated files (e.g. images in a web page) will be added to the collection as documents in their own right.
    824826CONTENTdmPlugin.desc:Plugin that processes RDF files in exported CONTENTdm collections.
    10911093MetadataCSVPlugin.desc:A plugin for metadata in comma-separated value format. The Filename field in the CSV file is used to determine which document the metadata belongs to.
    1093 MetadataPass.desc:On-the-side base class to BasePlugin that supports metadata plugins utilise metadata_read pass of
     1095MetadataPass.desc:On-the-side base class to BaseImporter that supports metadata plugins utilise metadata_read pass of
    10951097MetadataXMLPlugin.desc:Plugin that processes metadata.xml files.
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