2017-07-28T18:53:37+12:00 (7 years ago)

Intermediate commit for building wget with openssl. This is a working version, part of incremental commits. For now, we're still using wget-1.15-gs (that always requires --no-check-certificate if running wget), which now uses a wgetrc conf file to turn off the check-certificate default of wget, since without this, wget fails getting https pages that don't yet have a valid security certificate. This commit introduces the template wgetrc-gs.in file, which contains a flag set to not require certificate checks, is copied to gs2build/OS as wgetrc. The WGETRC env var is set in setup.bash to point to the wgetrc file so wget runs smoothly against https urls.

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone2/build-src/packages/wget/README

    r31826 r31829  
    107 9) We're now shifting to wget-1.17.1 which is installed on Ubuntu 16.04 and which work on https urls without the --no-check-certificate flag being necessary.
     1079) We're now shifting to wget-1.17.1 which is installed on Ubuntu 16.04, and for which a windows binary compiled with OpenSSL is available. Both the linux system version and windows binary work on https urls without the --no-check-certificate flag being necessary. However, the compiled up Linux version still needs this flag, see under PROBLEM.
    109109This way our perl code can launch wget as before, without always passing that additional flag. Hopefully the output in the Download pane will be the same so that the donwload parsing will work.
    118118* configuring had initially failed, reporting that OPENSSL_CFLAGS and OPENSSL_LIBS need to be set if not wanting to use whatever pkg-config may find. To set LIBS variables, use one of these forms: LIBS="-L/path/to/lib" or LIBS="/path/to/lib/lib.a" or LIBS="-lssl". To combine all three, separate with spaces. See http://trac.greenstone.org/changeset/30948 and https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/spdylay/issues/43
    120121Can turn off requiring a certificate check for https URLs in wgetrc conf file, as explained here:
    139140# https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-wget/2014-12/msg00104.html
    141 2ND PROBLEM: OpenSSL License, see https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
     142Alternatives for Windows:
     144- https://soliloquyforthefallen.net/?p=238
     145- https://github.com/wertarbyte/wget/tree/master/windows (README at end)
     147- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344921/wget-for-windows-7-trusted-source
    143 QUESTION: If I delete the gs2build/bin/linux/openssl folder, the built wget does not seem to care. Is it finding something else or has it included the openssl somehow? How can I verify this?
     150OpenSSL is under a double license, see https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
     151The licenses for GPL and OpenSSL are incompatible, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.en.html#OpenSSL
     152but you can combine it this way: https://opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/2233/gpl-v3-with-openssl-exception?rq=1
     153which is what we've done for GS2 and GS3.
     156TO DO:
     157- If I delete the gs2build/bin/linux/openssl folder, the built wget still works fine without it. Dr Bainbridge confirmed that this is because, wget is built against OpenSSL's static libraries and therefore no longer needs the OpenSSL stuff we build and have been putting into gs2build/bin/linux/openssl. So we no longer need to put the built OpenSSL there.
     159- Add a tick box in GLI > File > Preferences for turning on No Check Certificate over https, this should then replace our wgetrc file and env variable set in GS2's setup.bash. By default leave this flag unticked, so downloading won't work over https. Need to store this user setting in GLI's config.xml. Ensure that when the download over https failed, it results in an error.
     161- If the downloading error count > 0:
     162At the bottom of GLI > Download Pane > View Log > download error log - when we get errors:
     163You have the option of adjusting your proxy server settings (go through the Configure Proxy button)
     164For https certificate authentication, you have the option of turning off checking the certificate in the Connections tab of File > Preferences
     166Check the warnings on windows. If it's no longer always warning, then do the stuff above on warning too, not just on error.
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