2018-06-21T21:41:12+12:00 (6 years ago)

First set of commits to do with implementing the new 'paged_html' output option of PDFPlugin that uses using xpdftools' new pdftohtml. So far tested only on Linux (64 bit), but things work there so I'm optimistically committing the changes since they work. 2. Committing the pre-built Linux binaries of XPDFtools for both 32 and 64 bit built by the XPDF group. 2. To use the correct bitness variant of xpdftools, setup.bash now exports the BITNESS env var, consulted by gsConvert.pl. 3. All the perl code changes to do with using xpdf tools' pdftohtml to generate paged_html and feed it in the desired form into GS(3): gsConvert.pl, PDFPlugin.pm and its parent ConvertBinaryPFile.pm have been modified to make it all work. xpdftools' pdftohtml generates a folder containing an html file and a screenshot for each page in a PDF (as well as an index.html linking to each page's html). However, we want a single html file that contains each individual 'page' html's content in a div, and need to do some further HTML style, attribute and structure modifications to massage the xpdftool output to what we want for GS. In order to parse and manipulate the HTML 'DOM' to do this, we're using the Mojo::DOM package that Dr Bainbridge found and which he's compiled up. Mojo::DOM is therefore also committed in this revision. Some further changes and some display fixes are required, but need to check with the others about that.

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone2/perllib/strings.properties

    r32112 r32205  
    11631163PDFPlugin.complex:Create more complex output. With this option set the output html will look much more like the original PDF file. For this to function properly you Ghostscript installed (for *nix gs should be on your path while for windows you must have gswin32c.exe on your path).
     1165PDFPlugin.convert_to.paged_html:A series of HTML pages, one for each page. Each HTML page contains selectable text positionally overlaid on top of a screenshot of the PDF page background comprising any images, tables and drawings. Generated with Xpdf tools.
    11651167PDFPlugin.desc:Plugin that processes PDF documents.
    11731175PDFPlugin.use_sections:Create a separate section for each page of the PDF file.
    1175 PDFPlugin.zoom:The factor by which to zoom the PDF for output (this is only useful if -complex is set).
     1177PDFPlugin.zoom:The factor by which to zoom the PDF for output. When not outputting as paged_html, then zoom is only useful if -complex is set. If output is as paged_html, then a zoom factor of 1 means 100 percent.
    11771179PostScriptPlugin.desc:This is a \"poor man's\" ps to text converter. If you are serious, consider using the PRESCRIPT package, which is available for download at http://www.nzdl.org/html/software.html
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.