Changeset 32414 for main/trunk

2018-09-03T12:36:04+12:00 (6 years ago)

some changes to authentication strings

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/classes/

    r32376 r32414  
    111111auth.error.user_not_found=The requested user was not found in the database.
    112112auth.error.sql_exception=There was an SQL exception while accessing the database.
    113 auth.error.invalid_username=The username specified was invalid.
     113auth.error.invalid_username=The username specified was invalid (must be between 2 and 30 characters long, and contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ or . characters)
    114114auth.error.no_password=No password was entered.
    115115auth.error.password_too_short=The password you entered was too short (minimum of 3 characters).
    116116auth.error.password_too_long=The password you entered was too long (maximum of 64 characters).
    117 auth.error.password_illegal_chars=The password you entered contains illegal characters.
     117auth.error.password_illegal_chars=The password you entered contains illegal characters (only ascii characters are valid).
    118118auth.error.incorrect_password=The password specified was incorrect.
    119 auth.error.user_already_exists=This user already exists and therefore cannot be added.
     119auth.error.user_already_exists=This username already exists; please choose a different one.
    120120auth.error.add_user_error=There was an error adding this user to the database.
    121121auth.error.remove_user_error=There was an error removing this user from the database.
    123123auth.error.captcha_missing=The information from the captcha is missing.
    124124auth.error.not_authorised=You are not authorised to access this page.
    125 auth_error.missing_params=Missing compulsory parameters: username, oldPassword, or newPassword
     125auth.error.missing_params=Missing compulsory parameters: username, oldPassword, or newPassword
     126auth.error.something_wrong=Sorry. Something has gone wrong and I am not sure which page you want.
    126127auth.success.account_settings=You have successfully changed your details.
     128auth.success.edit_user=Details for user {0} successfully updated.
     129auth.success.delete_user=User {0} successfully deleted.
    128131## CrossCollectionSearch specific strings
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