Changeset 33443 for gs3-extensions

2019-08-28T20:22:34+12:00 (5 years ago)

More notes

1 edited


  • gs3-extensions/maori-lang-detection/MoreReading/Vagrant-Spark-Hadoop.txt

    r33441 r33443  
     66"So, not only have CommonCrawl given you loads of web data for free, they’ve also made your life easier by preprocessing the data for you. For many tasks, the content of the WAT or WET files will be sufficient and you won’t have to process the WARC files.
     68This should not only help you simplify your code but also make the whole processing faster. We recently ran an experiment on CommonCrawl where we needed to extract anchor text from HTML pages. We initially wrote some MapReduce code to extract the binary content of the pages from their WARC representation, processed the HTML with JSoup and reduced on the anchor text. Processing a single WARC segment took roughly 100 minutes on a 10-node EMR cluster. We then simplified the extraction logic, took the WAT files as input and the processing time dropped to 17 minutes on the same cluster. This gain was partly due to not having to parse the web pages, but also to the fact that WAT files are a lot smaller than their WARC counterparts."
     71"Both the parsing part and the processing part take just a couple of minutes per index file / WET file - the bulk of the “compute” lies within actually downloading these files.
     73Essentially if you have some time to spare and an unlimited Internet connection, all of this processing can be done on one powerful machine. You can be fancy and go ahead and rent some Amazon server(s) to minimize the download time, but that can be costly.
     75In my experience - parsing the whole index for Russian websites (just filtering by language) takes approximately 140 hours - but the majority of this time is just downloading (my speed averaged ~300-500 kb/s)."
    6178Configuring spark to work on Amazon AWS s3a dataset:
     90Configuring Spark to Use Amazon S3
     91"Some Spark tutorials show AWS access keys hardcoded into the file paths. This is a horribly insecure approach and should never be done. Use exported environment variables or IAM Roles instead, as described in Configuring Amazon S3 as a Spark Data Source."
     93"No FileSystem for scheme: s3n
     94 No FileSystem for scheme: s3n
     97This message appears when dependencies are missing from your Apache Spark distribution. If you see this error message, you can use the --packages parameter and Spark will use Maven to locate the missing dependencies and distribute them to the cluster. Alternately, you can use --jars if you manually downloaded the dependencies already. These parameters also works on the spark-submit script."
     139When the job is running, can visit the Spark Context at http://node1:4040/jobs/ (http://node1:4041/jobs/ for me, since I forwarded the vagrant VM's ports at +1)
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