Changeset 4548

2003-06-11T10:45:45+12:00 (21 years ago)

Changed all instances of "directory"/"directories" to "folder"/"folders".

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r4534 r4548  
    243243CDM.SubcollectionManager.Subindex_Controls:Assign Partitions
    244244CDM.SubcollectionManager.Title:{39}{46}Partition Indexes{47}{34}
    245 CDM.SuperCollectionManager.Instructions:A supercollection is one where a single search is performed over several collections, as if all the collections were one. Below is a list of collections that are available and installed according to greenstone (those collections present in your <greenstone install>/collect/ directory). You specify the collections to include in the supercollection by double-clicking on the appropriate collections name.
     245CDM.SuperCollectionManager.Instructions:A supercollection is one where a single search is performed over several collections, as if all the collections were one. Below is a list of collections that are available and installed according to greenstone (those collections present in your <greenstone install>/collect/ folder). You specify the collections to include in the supercollection by double-clicking on the appropriate collections name.
    246246CDM.SuperCollectionManager.Title:{39}{46}Super-Collection Selection{47}{34}
    272272CollectionManager.Creation_Failed_Already_Exists:Collection cannot be created because a collection with the filename '{0}' already exists.
    273273CollectionManager.File_Not_Found:{0}\nThe collection above cannot be opened as it no longer exists.
    274 CollectionManager.Gcache_Created:The Librarian Interface cache directory created.
    275 CollectionManager.Gimport_Created:The Librarian Interface import directory created.
    276 CollectionManager.Log_Created:The log directory created.
     274CollectionManager.Gcache_Created:The Librarian Interface cache folder created.
     275CollectionManager.Gimport_Created:The Librarian Interface import folder created.
     276CollectionManager.Log_Created:The log folder created.
    277277CollectionManager.Loading_Successful:Loaded collection {0}.
    278278CollectionManager.Locked:<html>A lock file already exists for the collection '{0}'.<br>Do you wish to ignore this lock?<br>(Doing so may have dire conquences if you intend to save)</html>
    320320CreatePane.Index_Tip:Specify which indexes to build. This defaults to all the indexes indicated in the collection configuration file.
    322 CreatePane.KeepOld_Tip:Do not remove the result of the previous import or build operation. In the case of import, do not remove the contents of the <i>archives</i> directory; when building, do not remove the content of the <i>building</i> directory.
     322CreatePane.KeepOld_Tip:Do not remove the result of the previous import or build operation. In the case of import, do not remove the contents of the <i>archives</i> folder; when building, do not remove the content of the <i>building</i> folder.
    324324CreatePane.ImportDir_Tip:Where material to be imported is found. Defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collection/col_name/gimport</i>
    343343CreatePane.Out_Tip:Specify a file to which to write all output messages, which defaults to standard error (the screen). Useful when working with debugging statements.
    345 CreatePane.RemoveOld_Tip:Remove the contents of the <i>archives</i> directory before importing.
     345CreatePane.RemoveOld_Tip:Remove the contents of the <i>archives</i> folder before importing.
    346346CreatePane.Statistics_Title:Collection Statistics
    371371#***** DirectoryLevelMetadata *****
    372 DirectoryLevelMetadata.Message:You are about to assign 'directory level' metadata to the selected folder (or folders). Such metadata will be automatically inherited by all files and folders in this folder. Furthermore this metadata cannot be removed from specific children, only replaced. To continue with this action click the OK button.
     372DirectoryLevelMetadata.Message:You are about to assign 'folder level' metadata to the selected folder (or folders). Such metadata will be automatically inherited by all files and folders in this folder. Furthermore this metadata cannot be removed from specific children, only replaced. To continue with this action click the OK button.
    373373DirectoryLevelMetadata.Title:About to add folder level metadata
    383383FileActions.Deleted: Deleted {0} files.
    384384FileActions.Deleting:Deleting {0}.
    385 FileActions.Directories_Selected:{0} directories selected
    386 FileActions.Directory_Exists:<html>The directory<br>{0}<br>already exists within the collection. Files will be copied into it.</html>
    387 FileActions.Directory_Selected:1 directory selected
     385FileActions.Directories_Selected:{0} folders selected
     386FileActions.Directory_Exists:<html>The folder<br>{0}<br>already exists within the collection. Files will be copied into it.</html>
     387FileActions.Directory_Selected:1 folder selected
    388388FileActions.File_Already_Exists_Message:"{0}"\nA file with the name shown above already exists at the\ndestination, and despite your previous choice the Librarian Interface\nis unable to overwrite it. Please check file permissions.
    389389FileActions.File_Already_Exists_Title:Error - File Already Exists.
    390 FileActions.File_And_Directories_Selected:1 file and {0} directories selected
    391 FileActions.File_And_Directory_Selected:1 file and 1 directory selected
    392 FileActions.File_Exists:<html>{0} already exists in the destination directory. Overwrite it?</html>
     390FileActions.File_And_Directories_Selected:1 file and {0} folders selected
     391FileActions.File_And_Directory_Selected:1 file and 1 folder selected
     392FileActions.File_Exists:<html>{0} already exists in the destination folder. Overwrite it?</html>
    393393FileActions.File_Not_Found_Message:"{0}"\nThe file named above can not be found. Once file view\nhas refreshed, please check the file still exists.
    394394FileActions.File_Not_Found_Title:Error - File Not Found.
    395395FileActions.File_Selected:1 file selected
    396 FileActions.Files_And_Directory_Selected:{0} files and 1 directory selected
     396FileActions.Files_And_Directory_Selected:{0} files and 1 folder selected
    397397FileActions.Files_Selected:{0} files selected
    398398FileActions.Folder_Already_Exists:The folder name '{0}' is already in use. Cannot create folder.
    412412FileActions.Reading_Metadata:Reading existing metadata. Please be patient.
    413413FileActions.Recalculating:Folder found. Recalculating total file size.
    414 FileActions.Selected:{0} files and {1} directories selected
     414FileActions.Selected:{0} files and {1} folders selected
    416416FileActions.Unknown_File_Error_Message:Although no error message was reported during the file\naction, a final check has shown that the destination\ncopy is not the same as the source file. The reason\nfor this is unknown. Please check your media and update\nyour installed JVM.
    536536#*****MappingPrompt **********
    537 MappingPrompt.File:Directory
    538 MappingPrompt.Map:Map Chosen Directory
     538MappingPrompt.Map:Map Chosen Folder
    540 MappingPrompt.Title:Set Directory Mapping
    541 MappingPrompt.Unmap:Unmap Directory
     540MappingPrompt.Title:Set Folder Mapping
     541MappingPrompt.Unmap:Unmap Folder
    693693Mirroring.Download_List_Configuration:Download List Options
    694694Mirroring.Further_Options:For further options see the configuration screen.
    695 Mirroring.Higher_Directories:Mirror files from directories above the url given?
     695Mirroring.Higher_Directories:Mirror files from folders above the url given?
    696696Mirroring.Overwrite_Existing:Overwrite files if they already exist locally?
    697697Mirroring.Remove_Failed:Automatically remove failed downloads from the list?
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