6.8: Browsing Classifiers
This section explains how to assign "classifiers", which are used for browsing, to the collection. Under "Design Sections", click "Browsing Classifiers". To add a classifier, select it using the "Select classifier to add" pull-down list near the bottom and then click "Add Classifier". A window appears entitled "Configuring Arguments"; instructions for this dialog are just the same as for plugins (see Document Plugins). Once you have configured the new classifier, it is added to the end of the "Currently Assigned Classifiers" list.

To remove a classifier, select it from the list and click "Remove Classifier".

To change the arguments a classifier, select it from the list and click "Configure Classifier" (or double-click on the classifier in the list).

The ordering of classifiers in the collection's navigation bar is reflected in their order here. To change it, select the classifier you want to move and click "Move Up" or "Move Down".

For further information on classifiers read Chapter 2, Greenstone Developer's Guide -- Getting the most out of your documents.