# this file must be UTF-8 encoded ############################################################################ # # This stuff is only used by the usability (I'd like to Complain) stuff # ############################################################################ package Global # -- Missing translation: _documents_ # -- Missing translation: _lastupdate_ # -- Missing translation: _ago_ # -- Missing translation: _colnotbuilt_ # -- Missing translation: _textpagetitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textadmin_ # -- Missing translation: _textabgs_ # -- Missing translation: _textgsdocs_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgli_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrcollector_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrtranslator_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescradmin_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgogreenstone_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgodocs_ # -- Missing translation: _textpoem_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutgreenstone_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrselcol_ ###################################################################### # home help page package homehelp ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _text4buts_ # -- Missing translation: _textnocollections_ # -- Missing translation: _text1coll_ # -- Missing translation: _textmorecolls_ ###################################################################### # external link package package extlink ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textextlink_ # -- Missing translation: _textlinknotfound_ # -- Missing translation: _textextlinkcontent_ # -- Missing translation: _textlinknotfoundcontent_ # should have arguments of collection, collectionname and link # -- Missing translation: _foundintcontent_ ###################################################################### # authentication page package authen ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textGSDLtitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textusername_ # -- Missing translation: _textpassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textmustbelongtogroup_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessageinvalid_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessagefailed_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessagedisabled_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessagepermissiondenied_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessagestalekey_ ###################################################################### # 'docs' page package docs ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textnodocumentation_ # -- Missing translation: _textuserguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textinstallerguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textdeveloperguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textpaperguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textorganizerguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textgsdocstitle_ ###################################################################### # collectoraction package collector ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textdefaultstructure_ # -- Missing translation: _textmore_ # -- Missing translation: _textcollector_ # -- Missing translation: _textinfo_ # -- Missing translation: _textsrce_ # -- Missing translation: _textconf_ # -- Missing translation: _textbild_ # -- Missing translation: _textview_ # -- Missing translation: _textdel_ # -- Missing translation: _textexpt_ # -- Missing translation: _textdownloadingfiles_ # -- Missing translation: _textimportingcollection_ # -- Missing translation: _textbuildingcollection_ # -- Missing translation: _textcreatingcollection_ # -- Missing translation: _textcollectorblurb_ # -- Missing translation: _textcb1_ # -- Missing translation: _textcb2_ # -- Missing translation: _textcnc_ # -- Missing translation: _textwec_ # -- Missing translation: _textcb3_ # -- Missing translation: _textcb4_ # -- Missing translation: _textfsc_ # -- Missing translation: _textwtc_ # -- Missing translation: _textamd_ # -- Missing translation: _textetc_ # -- Missing translation: _textdtc_ # -- Missing translation: _textetcfcd_ # -- Missing translation: _textcaec_ # -- Missing translation: _textnwec_ # -- Missing translation: _textcianc_ # -- Missing translation: _texttsosn_ # -- Missing translation: _textsin_ # -- Missing translation: _textswts_ # -- Missing translation: _textatco_ # -- Missing translation: _textbtc_ # -- Missing translation: _textpvyh_ # -- Missing translation: _texttfsiw_ # -- Missing translation: _textadab_ # -- Missing translation: _textwyar_ # -- Missing translation: _textcnmbs_ # -- Missing translation: _texteambs_ # -- Missing translation: _textpsea_ # -- Missing translation: _textdocmbs_ # -- Missing translation: _textwcanc_ # -- Missing translation: _texttfc_ # -- Missing translation: _texttctiasp_ # -- Missing translation: _textcea_ # -- Missing translation: _textteas_ # -- Missing translation: _textatc_ # -- Missing translation: _texttiasd_ # -- Missing translation: _textypits_ # -- Missing translation: _srcebadsources_ # -- Missing translation: _textymbyco_ # -- Missing translation: _textbtco_ # -- Missing translation: _textand_ # -- Missing translation: _textad_ # -- Missing translation: _texttftysb_ # -- Missing translation: _textis_ # -- Missing translation: _textddd1_ # -- Missing translation: _textddd2_ # -- Missing translation: _textconf1_ # -- Missing translation: _textreset_ # -- Missing translation: _textbild1_ # -- Missing translation: _textbild2_ # -- Missing translation: _textstopbuild_ # -- Missing translation: _textbild3_ # -- Missing translation: _textbuildcancelled_ # -- Missing translation: _textbildcancel1_ # -- Missing translation: _textbsupdate1_ # -- Missing translation: _textbsupdate2_ # -- Missing translation: _textseconds_ # -- Missing translation: _textbildsuc_ # -- Missing translation: _textviewbildsummary_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg11_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg21_ # -- Missing translation: _textblcont_ # -- Missing translation: _texttryagain_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg31_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg41_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg71_ # -- Missing translation: _textretcoll_ # -- Missing translation: _textdelperm_ # -- Missing translation: _textdelinv_ # -- Missing translation: _textdelsuc_ # -- Missing translation: _textclonefail_ # -- Missing translation: _textcolerr_ # -- Missing translation: _texttmpfail_ # -- Missing translation: _textmkcolfail_ # -- Missing translation: _textnocontent_ # -- Missing translation: _textrestart_ # -- Missing translation: _textreloaderror_ # -- Missing translation: _textexptsuc_ # -- Missing translation: _textexptfail_ ###################################################################### # 'gsdl' page package gsdl ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone1_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone2_ # -- Missing translation: _textplatformtitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone3_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone4_ # -- Missing translation: _textcustomisationtitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone5_ # -- Missing translation: _textdocumentationtitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textdocuments_ #_textthreedocs_ {There are three documents that explain the Greenstone system:} #_textinstall_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software Installer's Guide} #_textuser_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software User's Guide} #_textdevelop_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software Developer's Guide} # -- Missing translation: _textmailinglisttitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textmailinglist_ # -- Missing translation: _textbugstitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textreport_ # -- Missing translation: _textgs3title_ # -- Missing translation: _textgs3_ # -- Missing translation: _textcreditstitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textwhoswho_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutgslong_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userslistusers ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textlocu_ # -- Missing translation: _textuser_ # -- Missing translation: _textas_ # -- Missing translation: _textgroups_ # -- Missing translation: _textcomment_ # -- Missing translation: _textadduser_ # -- Missing translation: _textedituser_ # -- Missing translation: _textdeleteuser_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package usersedituser ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textedituser_ # -- Missing translation: _textadduser_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutusername_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutpassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textoldpass_ # -- Missing translation: _textenabled_ # -- Missing translation: _textdisabled_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutgroups_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package usersdeleteuser ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textdeleteuser_ # -- Missing translation: _textremwarn_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userschangepasswd ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textchangepw_ # -- Missing translation: _textoldpw_ # -- Missing translation: _textnewpw_ # -- Missing translation: _textretype_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userschangepasswdok ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textsuccess_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package users ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textinvalidusername_ # -- Missing translation: _textinvalidpassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textemptypassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textuserexists_ # -- Missing translation: _textusernameempty_ # -- Missing translation: _textpasswordempty_ # -- Missing translation: _textnewpass1empty_ # -- Missing translation: _textnewpassmismatch_ # -- Missing translation: _textnewinvalidpassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailed_ ###################################################################### # 'status' pages package status ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textversion_ # -- Missing translation: _textframebrowser_ # -- Missing translation: _textusermanage_ # -- Missing translation: _textlistusers_ # -- Missing translation: _textaddusers_ # -- Missing translation: _textchangepasswd_ # -- Missing translation: _textinfo_ # -- Missing translation: _textgeneral_ # -- Missing translation: _textarguments_ # -- Missing translation: _textactions_ # -- Missing translation: _textbrowsers_ # -- Missing translation: _textprotocols_ # -- Missing translation: _textconfigfiles_ # -- Missing translation: _textlogs_ # -- Missing translation: _textusagelog_ # -- Missing translation: _textinitlog_ # -- Missing translation: _texterrorlog_ # -- Missing translation: _textadminhome_ # -- Missing translation: _textreturnhome_ # -- Missing translation: _titlewelcome_ # -- Missing translation: _textmaas_ # -- Missing translation: _textvol_ # -- Missing translation: _textcmuc_ # -- Missing translation: _textati_ # -- Missing translation: _texttsaa_ # -- Missing translation: _textcolstat_ # -- Missing translation: _textcwoa_ # -- Missing translation: _textcafi_ # -- Missing translation: _textcctv_ # -- Missing translation: _textsubc_ # -- Missing translation: _texteom_ # -- Missing translation: _textftum_ # -- Missing translation: _textmus_ ###################################################################### # 'bsummary' pages package bsummary ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textbsummary_ # -- Missing translation: _textflog_ ############################################################################ # # This stuff is only used by the usability (I'd like to Complain) stuff # ############################################################################ package Global _greenstoneusabilitytext_ [l=ja] {グリーンストーンの利用性} _textwhy_ [l=ja] {貴方が見ているWeb Pageを見つけたということを知らせるため、このレポートをお送りください} _textextraforform_ [l=ja] {Form には記入しなくても結構です} _textprivacybasic_ [l=ja] {

このレポートは the Greenstone web pageとそれに関連する技術について述べてあります。} _textstillsend_ [l=ja] {レポートをお送りになりたいですか} _texterror_ [l=ja] {エラー} _textyes_ [l=ja] {はい} _textno_ [l=ja] {いいえ} _textclosewindow_ [l=ja] {Window を閉める} _textabout_ [l=ja] {について} _textprivacy_ [l=ja] {自費出版} _textsend_ [l=ja] {送る} _textdontsend_ [l=ja] {送らない} _textoptionally_ [l=ja] {オプション} _textunderdev_ [l=ja] {詳細なプレビューは最終バージョンによって提供されます} _textviewdetails_ [l=ja] {レポートを詳細に見てください} _textmoredetails_ [l=ja] {細かい詳細} _texttrackreport_ [l=ja] {このレポートを追跡する} _textcharacterise_ [l=ja] {どんな問題ですか} _textseverity_ [l=ja] {問題の程度} _textbadrender_ [l=ja] {ページがおかしい} _textcontenterror_ [l=ja] {コンテンツエラー} _textstrangebehaviour_ [l=ja] {おかしな挙動です} _textunexpected_ [l=ja] {予期しない何かが起こりました} _textfunctionality_ [l=ja] {使用が難しい} _textother_ [l=ja] {その他} _textcritical_ [l=ja] {重大} _textmajor_ [l=ja] {厳しい} _textmedium_ [l=ja] {ミデイーアム} _textminor_ [l=ja] {マイナー} _texttrivial_ [l=ja] {ささいな問題} _textwhatdoing_ [l=ja] {なにをなされようとしましたか?} _textwhatexpected_ [l=ja] {どのようなことをしようと思われましたか?} _textwhathappened_ [l=ja] {実際には何がおこりましたか?} _cannotfindcgierror_ [l=ja] {


、”Complain”ボタンのためのサーバープログラマは見つけられません} _textusabbanner_ [l=ja] {Greenstoneのkoru-stykeのバナー} ###################################################################### # GTI text strings package gti ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textgti_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtierror_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtihome_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiselecttlc_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiselecttfk_ # -- Missing translation: _textgticoredm_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiauxdm_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiglidict_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiperlmodules_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtigreenorg_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtienter_ # -- Missing translation: _textgticorrectexistingtranslations_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtidownloadtargetfile_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiviewtargetfileinaction_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtinumchunksmatchingquery_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtinumchunkstranslated_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtinumchunksrequiringupdating_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtinumchunksrequiringtranslation_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtienterquery_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtifind_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtitranslatingchunk_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiupdatingchunk_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtisubmit_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtilastupdated_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtitranslationfilecomplete_ ############ # gli page ############ package gli # -- Missing translation: _textgli_ # -- Missing translation: _textglilong_ # -- Missing translation: _textglihelp_