gsdl=Greenstone Digital Library Software gs3power=powered by greenstone3 # the buttons home_b=HOME help_b=HELP pref_b=PREFERENCES # tool tips for the buttons home_tip=Library home page help_tip=Help pages pref_tip=Change your interface preferences # page titles help_t=help pref_t=preferences aboutpage=About page textframebrowser=You must have a frame enabled browser to view this. ####################### # query page ######################## about.noservices=There are no services available for this collection. available: about.servicehelp=You can access the services by clicking on the buttons below or on the names on the navigation bar. The navigation bar is persistent across all pages in the collection. #about.description=Description: about.metadata=Metadata: ####################### # query page ######################## query.wordcount=Word count: query.nodocsmatch=No documents matched the query. query.onedocsmatch=One document matched the query. query.manydocsmatch={0} documents matched the query. query.atleastdocsmatch=At least {0} documents matched the query. query.docsreturned={0} documents returned. query.matches=Matches query.results=Results ############### # document page ################## document.pageof=Page {0} of {1}. document.pages={0} pages. document.gotopage=Go to page ################## # prefs page ################## pref.searchpref=Search preferences pref.prespref=Presentation preferences pref.interfacelang=Interface language: pref.encoding=Encoding: pref.hitsperpage=Number of hits per page: pref.all=all pref.set_prefs=Set preferences pref.berrybasket=Berry basket pref.berrybasket.on=on viewer mode: ################## # docs page ################## doc.expand_doc_b=EXPAND
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PAGE doc.detach_page_tip=Open this page in a new window ################## # authentication page ################## authen.login_descibe_line_1=The page you have requested requires you to sign in. authen.login_descibe_line_2=[Note that you must belong to the "administrator" group to access this page] authen.login_descibe_line_3=Please enter your Greenstone username and password. authen.no_permission=Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page. authen.username=username authen.username_describe=Usernames must be between 2 and 30 characters long. They can contain alphanumeric characters, '.', and '_'. authen.password=password authen.password_describe=Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters. authen.account_status=account status authen.enabled=enabled authen.disabled=disabled authen.groups=groups authen.groups_describe=Groups is a comma separated list. authen.comment=comment authen.add_a_new_user_title=Add a new user authen.change_password_title=Change password authen.change_password_login_describe_line_1=The page you have requested requires you to sign in. authen.change_password_login_describe_line_2=Please enter your Greenstone username and password. authen.change_password_describe_line_1=Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters. authen.old_password=old password authen.new_password=new password authen.retype_new_password=retype new password authen.change_password_successed_title=Change password authen.change_password_successed_content=Your password was successfully changed. authen.old_password_warning=The old password was incorrect. authen.new_retype_password_warning=Enter your new password and then retype it. authen.two_password_not_match=The two versions of your new password did not match. authen.password_empty_warning=Either the new password or the retyped password cannot be empty. authen.password_initial=Please enter an initial password for this user. authen.new_password_invalid=The new password is invalid. authen.retyped_password_invalid=The retyped password is invalid. authen.username_password_empty_warning=Either the username or the new password cannot be empty. authen.edit_user_information=Edit user information authen.do_you_really_want_to_permanently_remove_user=Do you really want to permanently remove user " authen.user_has_existed=The user name has existed in the users table, choose an unique one. authen.unsername_err=The username is invalid authen.password_err=The password is invalid authen.wrong_password_warning=Either your username or password was incorrect. authen.list_of_current_users_title=List of current users authen.delete_warning=Do you really want to permanently remove user " authen.edit=edit authen.delete=delete authen.sign_in=sign in authen.account_status_false=The account is disabled, request Administrator for more information. authen.authentication=Authentication authen.greenstone_home=Greenstone home authen.list_users=list users authen.add_a_new_user=add a new user authen.change_password=change password authen.logout=logout authen.login=login authen.login_successfully=Login successfully