greenstone.uninstaller:Greenstone Uninstaller cancel:Cancel uninstall:Uninstall finish:Finish error:Error confirmation:Confirmation continue:Continue complete:Complete skip:Skip skip.all:Skip All retry:Retry readonly:Read Only will.uninstall.from:This will uninstall the Greenstone installation at uninstall.options:Uninstall Options: keep.collections:Keep Collections you sure you wish to Uninstall Greenstone have chosen to delete your collections.\nPlease backup any collections you wish to keep before continuing to figure out the current directory cancelled:Uninstall Cancelled finished:Uninstall Finished deleting:Deleting {file} from disk info.skipping:INFO: Skipping {file} No StartMenu path found. Deleting a StartMenu group will not be part of this uninstall warning.readonly:WARNING: {file} appears to be read-only warning.couldnt.delete:WARNING: {file} could not be deleted warning.nonexistent:WARNING: {file} does not exist error.nonexistent:ERROR: {file} does not exist error.couldnt.find.install.props:ERROR: Could not find the '' or 'etc/' file.\nEither this is not a valid Greenstone installation, or the installation has been corrupted.\nUninstallation cannot proceed warning.couldnt.create.flagfile:WARNING: Couldn't create the flag file. You will have to delete the jre and loose uninstaller files manually