#language page page.language-selector.displayText = Language language-selector-explanation.displayText = Please choose your preferred language (Note: This installer has not been fully translated into all these languages yet) # intro page page.intro.displayText = Greenstone @version@ installer welcome-message.displayText = Greenstone2 is software for building and sharing digital libraries.\n\nIt is recommended that you uninstall any previous installations of Greenstone2 before running this installer. # license page page.license.displayText = License conditions # destination page page.destination.displayText = Install Destination installDir.displayText = Select an installation folder # selector page page.selector.displayText = Components choose-components.displayText = Choose the components you want to install #target names and descriptions Looking_For_Previous_Installation = Load Properties of Old Installation Installing_Core_System.displayText = Core System Installing_Core_System.explanatoryText = \ \ This is the core Greenstone2 system. It is a required component. \ Installing_Source_Code_Core.displayText = Source Code Core Installing_Source_Code_Core.explanatoryText = \ \ This is the core Greenstone2 system for source releases. It includes config files, macros, images and other files which accompany the source code. \ Installing_Source_Code.displayText = Source Code Installing_Source_Code.explanatoryText = \ \ The source code is an optional component.

\ Install the source code if you wish to make modifications to your copy of Greenstone3, or just
\ want to see how it works. \ Installing_ImageMagick.displayText = ImageMagick (@bundled.version.imagemagick@) Installing_ImageMagick.explanatoryText = \ \ Greenstone uses ImageMagick to process images. If you have ImageMagick on your computer already,
\ or if you don't wish to include images in Greenstone collections, then you may choose not to
\ install ImageMagick. \ Installing_Ghostscript.displayText = GhostScript (@bundled.version.ghostscript@) Installing_Ghostscript.explanatoryText = \ \ Greenstone uses GhostScript to process PDF and PostScript files.
\ If you have Ghostscript on your computer already, or if you don't wish to include images in
\ Greenstone collections, then you may choose not to install Ghostscript. \ Installing_Start_Menu_Shortcuts.displayText = Start Menu Shortcuts Installing_Start_Menu_Shortcuts.explanatoryText = Create shortcuts to Greenstone on your Start Menu #admin password page page.admin-password.displayText = Please set the Admin Password admin.password.displayText = Admin Password admin-password-expl.displayText = In order to access certain parts of the Greenstone interface you need a password. A user with the username 'admin' will be created for you with the password you provide. The password must be between three and eight characters long. # progress page page.progress.displayText = Installation progress finishButtonText = Install # AntInstaller builtin stuff dirNotExistCreate=The folder does not exist, create it? dirNotExist=The folder does not exist fileNotExist=The file does not exist dirNotCreated=The folder could not be created canNotCreateFile=Can not create file appRootInvalid=This folder does not appear to be the root of the application selectFile=Select File selectFolder=Select Folder browseDotDotDot=Browse... notValidSelection=Not a valid selection showDetails=Show Details #Default loading promptLoadDefaults=Installation configujration found. Load the existing configuration? promptMissingDefaultPassword=A password was not found it may have been omitted for security reasons, it will be set to the default. click=Click toContinue=to continue failed=Failed exit=Exit complete=Complete finished=Finished extracting=Extracting... installFinished=Install Finished running= backButton=Back cancelButton=Cancel nextButton=Next output=Output errors=Errors notCorrectFormat=The field is not of the correct format notCorrectPasswordFormat=The password is not of the correct format passwordsDoNotMatch=The passwords do not match installationFailed=Install failed propertiesVersionMismatch=Some options are missing from the previous version and must be manually entered, continue? install-cancelled=Install Cancelled Finished=Finished Failed=Failed, view the error messages ant.failure=Ant run failed - examine the error logs for details #Text for license page buttons license.next.text=Accept license.cancel.text=Reject