# this file must be UTF-8 encoded ##################################################################### # # Amharic Language text and icon macros # Translated by Yohannes Mulugeta and Abiyot Bayou # ###################################################################### # # This is the main macro file for translation when creating an # interface in another language. # Under the 'text macros' comments are text macros of the form: # _macroname_ {macro value} # Everything between the {} is the text to be translated. This text # may itself contain macros (i.e. characters other than space between # underscore characters, e.g. _about:numdocs_ or _textpage_). These # macro names occurring within text shouldn't be translated but should # be left as they are. Underscores or curly brackets occurring # naturally within the text should be escaped with a leading backslash # (i.e. '\_', '\{' or '\}). # # Comment lines (other than those described above) need not be # translated (i.e. any lines beginning with '#', like this line). # # The simplest way to translate this file is to save it as something # else (e.g. french.dm) and work through translating all the text # macro values and icon comments. # ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Global (base) package package Global ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textperiodicals_ [l=am] {ሕትመቶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # these three used by the default format statement of the demo and dls collections. _textsource_ [l=am] {ዋና ምንጭ፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdate_ [l=am] {የታተመበት ቀን፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnumpages_ [l=am] {የገጽ ብዛት፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsignin_ [l=am] {ግባ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdefaultcontent_ [l=am] {የተጠየቀው ገፅ ሊገኝ አልቻለም። ወደ ግሪንስቶን ዲጂታል ላይብረሪ ለመመለስ የመቃኚያህን ወደ ኋላ መመለሻ አዝራር ወይም ከላይ ያለውን የመነሻ አዝራር ተጠቀም።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdefaulttitle_ [l=am] {ጂኤስዲኤል (GSDL) ስህተት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textbadcollection_ [l=am] {ይህ ክምችት ("_cvariable_" የተባለ) በዚህ የግሪንስቶን ዲጂታል ላብረሪ ውስጥ አልተጫነም።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textselectpage_ [l=am] {-- ገጽ ምረጥ --} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _collectionextra_ [l=am] {ይህ ክምችት _about:numdocs_ ሰነዶችን ይዟል። ክምችቱ የተፈጠረው ከ _about:builddate_ቀናት በፊት ነው።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # this is only used by the collector (where the above _collectionextra_ # macro will always be set to another value) _collectorextra_ [l=am] {

ይህ ክምችት የያዘው _numdocs_ _If_("_numdocs_" eq "1",ሰነድ,ሰነዶች), በጠቅላላው _numbytes_ ያህል ጠቋሚ የተዘጋጀላቸው ጽሁፎች እና ሜታዳታ ይዟል።

እዚህጋ ጠቅ ብታደርግ የዚህን ክምችት ግንባታ ለማየት ትችላለህ። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrcollection_ [l=am] {} _textdescrabout_ [l=am] {ስለ ገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrhome_ [l=am] {መነሻ ገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrhelp_ [l=am] {እገዛ ገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrpref_ [l=am] {የምርጫ ገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrgreenstone_ [l=am] {ግሪንስቶን ዲጂታል ላይብረሪ ሶፍትዌር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrusab_ [l=am] {ለመጠቀም ያስቸገረህ ምንድነው?} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # Metadata names and navigation bar labels _textSearch_ [l=am] {ፈልግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelSearch_ [l=am] {ፈልግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1 _textTitle_ [l=am] {ርዕስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelTitle_ [l=am] {ርዕሶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textCreator_ [l=am] {ፈጣሪ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelCreator_ [l=am] {ፈጣሪዎች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textSubject_ [l=am] {ርዕሰ ጉዳይ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelSubject_ [l=am] {ጉዳዮች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textDescription_ [l=am] {ገለፃ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelDescription_ [l=am] {መግለጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textPublisher_ [l=am] {አሳታሚ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelPublisher_ [l=am] {አሳታሚዎች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textContributor_ [l=am] {አስተዋጽኦ ያደረጉ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelContributor_ [l=am] {አስተዋጽኦ ያደረጉ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textDate_ [l=am] {ቀን} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelDate_ [l=am] {ቀኖች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textType_ [l=am] {ዓይነት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelType_ [l=am] {ዓይነት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textFormat_ [l=am] {ፎርማት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelFormat_ [l=am] {ፎርማቶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textIdentifier_ [l=am] {መለያ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelIdentifier_ [l=am] {መለያዎች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textSource_ [l=am] {የፋይል ስም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelSource_ [l=am] {የፋይል ስሞች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textLanguage_ [l=am] {ቋንቋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelLanguage_ [l=am] {ቋንቋዎች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textRelation_ [l=am] {ግንኙነት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelRelation_ [l=am] {ግንኙነት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textCoverage_ [l=am] {ሽፋን} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelCoverage_ [l=am] {ሽፋን} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textRights_ [l=am] {መብቶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelRights_ [l=am] {መብቶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # DLS metadata set _textOrganization_ [l=am] {ድርጅት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelOrganization_ [l=am] {ድርጅቶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textKeyword_ [l=am] {ቁልፍ ቃል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelKeyword_ [l=am] {ቁልፍ ቃላት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textHowto_ [l=am] {እንዴት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelHowto_ [l=am] {እንዴት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # Miscellaneous Greenstone metadata _textPhrase_ [l=am] {ሃረግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelPhrase_ [l=am] {ሀረጎች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textCollage_ [l=am] {ኮሌጅ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelCollage_ [l=am] {ኮሌጅ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textBrowse_ [l=am] {አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelBrowse_ [l=am] {አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textTo_ [l=am] {ወደ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelTo_ [l=am] {ለ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textFrom_ [l=am] {ከ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelFrom_ [l=am] {ከ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textAcronym_ [l=am] {ምህጻረ ቃል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _labelAcronym_ [l=am] {ምህጻረ ቃልት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # Navigation bar tooltip - to customize this for a specific metadata, add a macro named _textdescrXXX_ where XXX is the metadata name _textdescrdefault_ [l=am] {በ _1_ አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrSearch_ [l=am] {የተወሰኑ ቃላቶችን ፈልግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrType_ [l=am] {በሀብት ዓይነት አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrIdentifier_ [l=am] {በሀብት መለያ አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrSource_ [l=am] {በፋይሉ የመነሻ ስም አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrTo_ [l=am] {በ ወደ (To) መስክ በመጠቀም አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrFrom_ [l=am] {በ ከዚህ (From) መስከ በመጠቀም አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrCollage_ [l=am] {በምስል ክምችት አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrAcronym_ [l=am] {ምህጻረ ቃላትን አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrPhrase_ [l=am] {ሀረጎችን አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrHowto_ [l=am] {እንዴት እንደሚፈረጅ አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrBrowse_ [l=am] {ሰነዶችን አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticontext_ [l=am] {ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonclosedbook_ [l=am] {ይህን ሰነድ ክፈትና ይዘቱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonnext_ [l=am] {ወደ ሚቀጥለው ክፍል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonprev_ [l=am] {ወደ ቀድሞው ክፍል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonworld_ [l=am] {የድረገጽ ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonmidi_ [l=am] {የኤምአይዲአይ (MIDI) ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonmsword_ [l=am] {የማይክሮሶፍት ዎርድ ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonmp3_ [l=am] {የኤምፒ3 (MP3) ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonpdf_ [l=am] {የፒዲኤፍ ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonps_ [l=am] {የፖስትስክሪፕት ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonppt_ [l=am] {የፓወር ፖይንት ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonrtf_ [l=am] {የአርቲኤፍ ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonxls_ [l=am] {የማይክሮሶፍት ኤክስኤል ሰነዱን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _page_ [l=am] {ገፅ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _pages_ [l=am] {ገፆች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _of_ [l=am] {የ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _vol_ [l=am] {ክፍል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _num_ [l=am] {ቁ.} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth00_ [l=am] {} _textmonth01_ [l=am] {ጥር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth02_ [l=am] {የካቲት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth03_ [l=am] {መጋቢት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth04_ [l=am] {ሚያዚያ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth05_ [l=am] {ግንቦት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth06_ [l=am] {ሰኔ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth07_ [l=am] {ሐምሌ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth08_ [l=am] {ነሀሴ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth09_ [l=am] {መስከረም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth10_ [l=am] {ጥቅምት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth11_ [l=am] {ህዳር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmonth12_ [l=am] {ታህሳስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdocument_ [l=am] {ሰነድ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsection_ [l=am] {ክፍል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textparagraph_ [l=am] {አንቀጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _magazines_ [l=am] {መጽሄት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _nzdlpagefooter_ [l=am] {


የኒው ዚላንድ ዲጂታል ላይብረሪ ፕሮጀክት
የኮምፒውተር ሳይንስ ትምህርት ክፍል, ዋይካቶ ዩኒቨርሲቲ, ኒው ዚላንድ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _linktextHOME_ [l=am] {መነሻ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _linktextHELP_ [l=am] {እገዛ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _linktextPREFERENCES_ [l=am] {ምርጫዎች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta ###################################################################### # 'home' page package home ###################################################################### _textpagetitle_ [l=am] {ግሪንስቶን ዲጂታል ላይብረሪ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnocollections_ [l=am] {ምንም ዓይነት የሚሰራ (የተገነባና ያልተገደበ) ክምችት የለም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textadmin_ [l=am] {የአስተዳደር ገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textabgs_ [l=am] {ስለ ግሪንስቶን} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textgsdocs_ [l=am] {የግሪንስቶን መዛግብት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescradmin_ [l=am] {አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን ለመጨመር፣ በሲስተሙ ባሉ ክምችቶች ላይየተጠቃለለ መረጃ ለማግኘት በግሪንስቶን አጫጫን ላይ የቴክኒክ መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት ያስችላል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrgogreenstone_ [l=am] {ስል ግሪንስቶን ሶፍትዌርና ስለ ኒው ዚላንድ ዲጂታል ላይብረሪ ፐሮጀክት አመጣጥ ይነግርሃል } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrgodocs_ [l=am] {የግሪንስቶን አጠቃቀም ጽሁፎች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta ##################################################################### # some macros used on the home page from other packages ##################################################################### package gli _textgli_ [l=am] {የላብረሪያኑ በይነገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrgli_ [l=am] {አዲስ ክምችት ለመፍጠር፣ ያሉ ክምችቶች ላይ ለመጨመር ወይም ማስተካከያ ለማድረግ ወይም ክምችቶችን ለማጥፋት ይረዳል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta package collector _textcollector_ [l=am] {ሰብሳቢው} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrcollector_ [l=am] {ይህ የላብረሪያኑን በይነገፅ ሊቀድም ይችላል፣ እና ብዙ ጊዜ የላይብረሪያኑን በይነገፅ መጠቀም ይመረጣል። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta package depositor _textdepositor_ [l=am] {አስቀማጩ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrdepositor_ [l=am] {ሰነዶችን ባሉት ክምችቶች ውስጥ ለመጨመር ይረዳሀል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta package gti _textgti_ [l=am] {የግሪንስቶን ተርጓሚ በይነገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdescrtranslator_ [l=am] {ልሳነ ብዙ የሆነውን የግሪንስቶን ስሪት ለማቆየት ይረዳል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta ###################################################################### # 'about' page package about ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textabcol_ [l=am] {ስለዚህ ክምችት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsubcols1_ [l=am] {

አጠቃላይ ክምችቱ _1_ ንዑስ ክምችቶችን ያጠቃልላል። አሁን የሚገኙት፤

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsubcols2_ [l=am] {
እየተጠቀምክ ያለው ንዑስ ክምችት ለማወቅ ወይም ለመለወጥ የምርጫ ገፁን መጠቀም ይቻላል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _titleabout_ [l=am] {ስለ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta ###################################################################### # document package package document ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _texticonopenbookshelf_ [l=am] {የላይብረሪውን ይኸኛውን ክፍል ዝጋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonclosedbookshelf_ [l=am] {ይህን የላይብረሪውን ክፍል በመክፈት ይዘቶችን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonopenbook_ [l=am] {ይህን መፅሃፍ ዝጋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonclosedfolder_ [l=am] {ይህን አቃፊ በመክፈት ይዘቶችን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonclosedfolder2_ [l=am] {ንዑስ ክፍሉን ክፈት፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonopenfolder_ [l=am] {ይህን አቃፊ ዝጋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonopenfolder2_ [l=am] {ንዑስ ክፍል ዝጋ፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonsmalltext_ [l=am] {የጽሁፉን ይኸኛውን ክፍል ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonsmalltext2_ [l=am] {ጽሁፉን ተመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonpointer_ [l=am] {የአሁኑ ክፍል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticondetach_ [l=am] {ይህንን ገጽ በአዲስ መስኮት ላይ ክፈት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonhighlight_ [l=am] {የመፈለጊያ ቃላቶችን ምረጥ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonnohighlight_ [l=am] {የመፈለጊያ ቃላቶችን አትምረጥ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticoncontracttoc_ [l=am] {ማውጫውን ሰብስብ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonexpandtoc_ [l=am] {ማውጫውን ዘርጋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonexpandtext_ [l=am] {ሁሉንም ጽሁፎች አሳይ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticoncontracttext_ [l=am] {አሁን ተመርጠው ላሉት ክፍሎች ብቻ ጽሁፍ አሳይ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonwarning_ [l=am] {ማስጠንቀቂያ፤ } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticoncont_ [l=am] {ይቀጥል?} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textltwarning_ [l=am] {
_iconwarning_ እዚህ ጋ ጽሁፉን ማስፋት በመቃኚያህ የሚታዩ በርካታ ዳታዎችን ያመነጫል } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textgoto_ [l=am] {ሂድ ወደ ገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textintro_ [l=am] {(የመግቢያ ጽሁፍ)} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textCONTINUE_ [l=am] {ትቀጥላለህ?} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textEXPANDTEXT_ [l=am] {ጽሁፉን ዘርጋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textCONTRACTCONTENTS_ [l=am] {ይዘቱን ሰብስብ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textDETACH_ [l=am] {አላቅ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textEXPANDCONTENTS_ [l=am] {ይዘቱን ዘርጋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textCONTRACT_ [l=am] {ጽሁፉን ሰብስብ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textHIGHLIGHT_ [l=am] {መምረጥ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textNOHIGHLIGHT_ [l=am] {የተመረጠ እንዳይኖር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textPRINT_ [l=am] {አትም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnextsearchresult_ [l=am] {የሚቀጥለው የፍልጋ ውጤት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textprevsearchresult_ [l=am] {የቀድሞው ፍለጋ ውጤት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # macros for printing page _textreturnoriginal_ [l=am] {ወደ መጀመሪያው ገጽ ተመለስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textprintpage_ [l=am] {ይህን ገጽ አትም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textshowcontents_ [l=am] {ማውጫውን አሳይ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthidecontents_ [l=am] {ማውጫውን ደብቅ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta ###################################################################### # 'search' page package query ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # this if statement produces the text 'results n1 - nn for query: querystring' or # 'No matches for query: querystring', depending on whether or not there were # any matches _textquerytitle_ [l=am] {_If_(_thislast_፣ውጤት _thisfirst_ - _thislast_ ለ፤ _cgiargq_ መጠይቅ፣ ለ፤ _cgiargq_ መጠይቅ የሚስማማ የለም)} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnoquerytitle_ [l=am] {የፍለጋ ገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsome_ [l=am] {ጥቂት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textall_ [l=am] {ሁሉም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textboolean_ [l=am] {ቡሊያን} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textranked_ [l=am] {በደረጃ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnatural_ [l=am] {ተፈጥሮአዊ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsortbyrank_ [l=am] {የተዛማጅነት ደረጃ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texticonsearchhistorybar_ [l=am] {የፍለጋ ታሪክ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textifeellucky_ [l=am] {ዕደለኝነት ይሰማኛል!} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta #alt text for query buttons _textusequery_ [l=am] {ይህን መጠይቅ ተጠቀም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textfreqmsg1_ [l=am] {የቃላት ቁጥር፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textpostprocess_ [l=am] {_If_(_quotedquery_,
ለማግኘት ቀድሞ የተዘጋጀ _quotedquery_ )} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textinvalidquery_ [l=am] {ተቀባይነት የሌለው የመጠይቅ ሐረግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textstopwordsmsg_ [l=am] {የሚከተሉት ቃላት የተለመዱ በመሆናቸው ተትተዋል፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textlucenetoomanyclauses_ [l=am] {መጠይቅህ በርካታ የፍለጋ ቃላቶችን ይዟል፤ እባክህ የተወሰነ መጠይቅ በመጠቀም ሞክር።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmorethan_ [l=am] {ይበልጣል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textapprox_ [l=am] {ስለ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnodocs_ [l=am] {ለመጠይቁ የተስማማ ሰነድ አልተገኘም።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _text1doc_ [l=am] {1 ሰነድ ከመጠይቁ ጋር ገጥሟል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textlotsdocs_ [l=am] {ሰነዶቹ ከመጠየቁ ጋር ተስማምተዋል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmatches_ [l=am] {ተስማሚ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textbeginsearch_ [l=am] {ፍለጋ ጀምር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textrunquery_ [l=am] {መጠይቁን አሰኪድ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textclearform_ [l=am] {ቅጹን አጽዳ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta #these go together in form search: #"Words (fold, stem) ... in field" _textwordphrase_ [l=am] {ቃላት } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textinfield_ [l=am] {... በመስክ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # -- Missing translation: _textfoldstem_ _textadvquery_ [l=am] {ወይም በቀጥታ መጠይቅ አስገባ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textallfields_ [l=am] {ሁሉም መስኮች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texttextonly_ [l=am] {ጽሁፍ ብቻ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textand_ [l=am] {እና} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textor_ [l=am] {ወይም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textandnot_ [l=am] {እና በስተቀር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # _indexselection_, _jselection_, _nselection_ and _gselection_ are set from # within the server - _indexselection_ is always set, but the others may be # unset _textsimplesearch_ [l=am] {ፍለጋ ለ _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,የ _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,በ _gselection_ ደረጃ )_If_(_nselection_,በ _nselection_ ቋንቋ ) ከቃላቶቹ _querytypeselection_ የያዘ _If_(_sfselection_,\,_allowformbreak_ የፍለጋውን ውጤት በ _sfselection_ መደርደር)} # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textadvancedsearch_ [l=am] {ፍለጋ _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,ከ _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,በ _gselection_ ደረጃ )_If_(_nselection_,በ _nselection_ቋንቋ ) _querytypeselection_ መጠይቅ በመጠቀም} # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textadvancedmgppsearch_ [l=am] {ፍለጋ _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,ከ _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,በ _gselection_ ደረጃ )_If_(_nselection_,በ _nselection_ቋንቋ ) እና ውጤቱን በ _formquerytypeadvancedselection_ መደርደር} # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textadvancedlucenesearch_ [l=am] {ፍለጋ _indexselection__If_(_jselection_, ከ _jselection_)_If_(_gselection_, በ _gselection_ ደረጃ)_If_(_nselection_, በ _nselection_ ቋንቋ)_If_(_sfselection_,\,_allowformbreak_ ውጤቱን በ _sfselection_\ ደርደር,) ለ } # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textformsimplesearch_ [l=am] {ፍለጋ _If_(_jselection_, _jselection_)_If_(_gformselection_, በ _gformselection_ ደረጃ)_If_(_nselection_, በ _nselection_ ቋንቋ)_If_(_sfselection_,\, ውጤቱን በ _sfselection_ በደርደር \,) ከ _formquerytypesimpleselection_ የ } # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textformadvancedsearchmgpp_ [l=am] {ፈልግ _If_(_jselection_,_jselection_ )_If_(_gformselection_,በ _gformselection_ ደረጃ )_If_(_nselection_,በ _nselection_ ቋንቋ )እና ውጤቱን በ _formquerytypeadvancedselection_ ቅደም ተከተል አሳይ } # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textformadvancedsearchlucene_ [l=am] {ፈልግ _If_(_jselection_, _jselection_)_If_(_gformselection_, በ _gformselection_ ደረጃ)_If_(_nselection_, በ _nselection_ ቋንቋ)_If_(_sfselection_,\, ወጤቱን በ _sfselection_ መደርድር\,) ለ} # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnojsformwarning_ [l=am] {ማስጠንቀቂያ፤ እየተጠቀመክ ባለው የድረገጽ ቃኚ ወስጥ ጃቫ ስክሪፕት እንዳይሰራ ተደጓል።
የቅፅ የፍለጋ ዘዴን ለመጠቀም እነዲሰራ አድርገው።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdatesearch_ [l=am] {በዚህ ክምችት ውስጥ ያሉ ሰነዲችን በቀናት ልዩነት (ከዚህ ቀን እስከእዚህ ቀን) መፈለግ ይቻላል፣ ወይም የተወሰነ ቀን የያዘ ሰነድን መፈለግ ይቻላል።ይህ የፍለጋ ተጨማሪ ባህሪ ነው።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textstartdate_ [l=am] {የመጀመሪያ (ወይም ብቻ) ቀን፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textenddate_ [l=am] {የመጨረሻ ቀን፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textbc_ [l=am] {ዓ.ዓ.} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textad_ [l=am] {C.E.} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textexplaineras_ [l=am] {C.E. እና B.C.E የ A.D. እና B.C.አማራጮች ናቸው። እነዚህ ቃላቶች በየትኛውም ባህል ላይ ልዩነት ሳያረጉ "Common Era" እና "Before the Common Era" ሚለውን የሚወክሉ ናቸው።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textstemon_ [l=am] {(በነዚህ የሚጨርሱትን ቃላት በመተው)} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsearchhistory_ [l=am] {የመጠይቅ ታሪክ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta #text macros for search history _textnohistory_ [l=am] {የፍለጋ ታሪክ ውስጥ ምንም የለም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthresult_ [l=am] {ውጤት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthresults_ [l=am] {ውጤቶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthallwords_ [l=am] {ሁሉም ቃላት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthsomewords_ [l=am] {ጥቂት ቃላት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthboolean_ [l=am] {ቡሊያን} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthranked_ [l=am] {በደረጃ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthcaseon_ [l=am] {የቃላት መጠን አንድ መሆን አለበት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthcaseoff_ [l=am] {በጉዳይ የታቀፈ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthstemon_ [l=am] {የተከረከመ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthstemoff_ [l=am] {ያልተከረከመ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta ###################################################################### # 'preferences' page package preferences ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textprefschanged_ [l=am] {ፍላጎቶች እንደሚከተለው ተስተካክለዋል። የድረ ገጽ መቃኚያውን “መልስ” ("back") አዝራር አትጠቀም -- አዝራሩ ያሰቀመጥከውን ወደነበረበት ይመልስልሃል። ስለሆነም በእሱ ምትክ ከላይ ባለው የማገኛ ረድፍ ላይ ካሉት አዝራሮች አንዱን ጠቅ አድርግ። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsetprefs_ [l=am] {ምርጫ አስቀምጥ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsearchprefs_ [l=am] {የፍለጋ ምርጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textcollectionprefs_ [l=am] {የክምችት ምርጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textpresentationprefs_ [l=am] {የቅጣጫ ምርጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textpreferences_ [l=am] {ምርጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textcasediffs_ [l=am] {የፊደል መጠን ልዩነት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textignorecase_ [l=am] {የፊደል ዓይነት ልዩነትን አትመልክት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmatchcase_ [l=am] {የፊደል ዓይነት የግድ መግጠም አለበት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textwordends_ [l=am] {የቃል መጨረሻዎች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textstem_ [l=am] {የቃል መጨረሻዎችን አትመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnostem_ [l=am] {ቃሉ ሙሉ ለሙሉ መመሳሰል አለበት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textaccentdiffs_ [l=am] {የዘዬ ልዩነት፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textignoreaccents_ [l=am] {ቋንቋ ዘዬዎችን አትመልከት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textmatchaccents_ [l=am] {የቋንቋ ዘዬዎች መመሳሰል አለባቸው} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textprefop_ [l=am] {በ _hitsperpageoption_ ውጤት መጠን በገጽ ውስጥ አስከ _maxdocoption_ ያህል ውጤት ይሰጣል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textextlink_ [l=am] {የውጪ ድረ ገጾችን ማግኘት፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textintlink_ [l=am] {መነሻው ሰነድ የተወሰደው፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textlanguage_ [l=am] {በይነገጽ ቋንቋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textencoding_ [l=am] {ቀረጻ፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textformat_ [l=am] {የበይነገጽ ፎርማት፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textall_ [l=am] {ሁሉም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textquerymode_ [l=am] {የመጠይቅ ሁኔታ፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsimplemode_ [l=am] {ቀላል የመጠይቅ ዓይነት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textadvancedmode_ [l=am] {የላቀ የመጠይቅ ዘዴ (!, &, | እና ቅንፍ በመጠቀም ቡሊያን ፍለጋ ለማድረግ ያስችላል)} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textlinkinterm_ [l=am] {የመሸጋገሪያ ገጽ በመጠቀም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textlinkdirect_ [l=am] {በቀጥታ ወደ እዚህ ሂድ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdigitlib_ [l=am] {የዲጂታል ላይብረሪ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textweb_ [l=am] {የድረገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textgraphical_ [l=am] {ስዕላዊ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texttextual_ [l=am] {ጽሁፋዊ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textcollectionoption_ [l=am] {

የሚካተቱ ንዑስ ክምችቶች፤
} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsearchtype_ [l=am] {የመጠይቅ ዘይቤ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textformsearchtype_ [l=am] {_formnumfieldoption_ በመጠቀም የተቀረጹ መስኮች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textplainsearchtype_ [l=am] {በ _boxsizeoption_ የመጠይቅ ገጽ የተለመደ ነው} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textregularbox_ [l=am] {ነጠላ መስመር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textlargebox_ [l=am] {ትልቅ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textrelateddocdisplay_ [l=am] {ተዛማጅ ሰነዶችን አሳይ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsearchhistory_ [l=am] {የፍለጋ ታሪክ፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnohistory_ [l=am] {የፍልጋ ታሪክ የለም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthistorydisplay_ [l=am] {_historynumrecords_ የፍለጋ ታሪክ መዝገቦችን አሳይ } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textnohistorydisplay_ [l=am] {የፍለጋ ታሪክ አታሳይ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta ##################################################################### # 'browse' package for the dynamic browsing interface package browse ##################################################################### _textsortby_ [l=am] {ሰነዶችን ለመደርደር የተጠቀመው} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textalsoshowing_ [l=am] {በተጨማሪ የሚያሳየው} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textwith_ [l=am] {ቢበዛ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdocsperpage_ [l=am] {የሰነድ ብዛት በገጽ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textfilterby_ [l=am] {የምታገኘው ሰነዶች የያዙት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textall_ [l=am] {ሁሉም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textany_ [l=am] {ማንኛውም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textwords_ [l=am] {ካሉት ቃላቶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textleaveblank_ [l=am] {ሁሉንም ሰነዶች ለማግኘት ይህንን ሳጥን ባዶ እነዲሆነ መተው} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _browsebuttontext_ [l=am] {“ሰነዶችን በቅደም ተከተል ደርድር”} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _nodata_ [l=am] {ዳታ የለም} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _docs_ [l=am] {ሰነዶች} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta ###################################################################### # 'help' page -- this is lower priority for translating than the # rest of this file package help ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textHelp_ [l=am] {እገዛ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta # Macros giving a brief help message for navigation bar access buttons # The arguments to this will be _textXXX_ and _labelXXX_, where XXX is the metadata name. For example, to print out the help message for a titles classifier, the library will use _textdefaulthelp_(_textTitle_,_labelTitle_) # To customize this for a specific metadata, add a macro named _textXXXhelp_ where XXX is the metadata name _textdefaulthelp_ [l=am] {ሰነዶችን በ _1_ ለማሰስ የ _2_ አዝራርን ጠቅ በማድረግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textSearchhelp_ [l=am] {የ _labelSearch_ አዝራርን በመጠቀም በጽሁፍ ውስጥ የሚገኙ የተወሰኑ ቃላቶችን ፈልግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textTohelp_ [l=am] {የ _labelTo_ አዝራርን በመጠቀም ሰነዶችን በ ወደ (To) መስክ ፈልግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textFromhelp_ [l=am] {ህትመቶችን በ ከ(From) መስክ ለማሰስ _labelFrom_ አዝራርን ጠቅ ማድረግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textBrowsehelp_ [l=am] {ሰነዶችን አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textAcronymhelp_ [l=am] {የ _labelAcronym_ አዝራርን ጠቅ በማድረግ ሰነዶችን በምሕጻረ ቃል ይዘታቸው በመጠቀም አስስ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textPhrasehelp_ [l=am] {የ _labelPhrase_ አዝራርን በመጠቀም በሰነዶች ውስጥ የተከሰቱ ሀረጎችን አስስ። ይህ የፊንድ (phind) ሐረግ መቃኛን ይጠቀማል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelptopicstitle_ [l=am] {ርዕሰ ጉዳይ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textreadingdocs_ [l=am] {ሰነዶችን እንዴት ማንበብ ይቻላል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpreadingdocs_ [l=am] {

አንድ መፅሐፍ ላይ ወይም ሰነድ ላይ መድረስህን ማወቅ ትችላለህ፣ ምክንያቱም በርዕሱ፣ ወይም የፊት ገፅ ሽፋን ምስሉ በገፁ ከራስጌ በስተግራ በኩል ስለሚታይ። በአንዳንድ ክምችቶች ይህ ከማውጫ ጋር አብሮ ይሆናል፣ በሌሎች ደግም የገፅ ቁጥሩን ከሳጥን ጋር በመያዝ አዲስ ገፅ ማስመረጥ እና ወደ ፊት ወደ ኃላ መሄድን ያስችላለ። በማውጫው ላይ ፣ አሁን ያለህበት ክፍል ርዕስ ጎላ ብሎ ይታያል፣ እና ሊሰፋ ይችላል - አቃፊዎቹን ጠቅ በማድረግ መክፈትና መዝጋት ይቻላል። ለመዝጋት ከላይ የተዘረጋውን መፅሐፍት ጠቅ ማድረግ ነው።

ከስር የሚታየው አሁን ያለህበት ክፍል ፅሁፍ ነው። እያነበብህ ስትሄድ፣ ከታች ወደ ሚቀጥለው ክፍል የሚወስድ ወይም ወደ ኃላ የሚመልስ ቀስት ይገኛል።

ከርዕሱ ወይም ከፊት ገፅ ምስሉ በታች አዝራሮች አሉ። አሁን ያለህበትን ክፍል ፅሁፍወይም መፅሐፍ እነዳለ ለማስፋት _document:textEXPANDTEXT_ ላይ ጠቅ። ሰነዱ ትልቅ ከሆነ፣ ትንሽ ጊዜ ሊወስድ ይችላል እና የኮምፒውተሩን ሜሞሪ በጣም ይወስዳል! የሰነዱን ማውጫ እንዳለ ለማስፋት _document:textEXPANDCONTENTS_ ላይ ጠቅ አድርግ እናም የርዕሱን ጠቅላላ ክፍሎች እና በስሩ ያሉትን ሁሉ ማየት ያስችላል። ለዚሁ ሰነድ አዲስ የመቃኚያ መስኮት ለመክፈት _document:textDETACH_ ላይ ጠቅ አድርግ። (ይህ ሁለት ሰነዶችን ለማመሳከር ወይም ለማንበብ ይጠቅማል።) በመጨረሻም፣ ፍለጋ ስታካሂድ ፍለጋ ያደረክባቸው ቃላት ደመቀው ይታያሉ። ድምቀቱን ለማጥፋት _document:textNOHIGHLIGHT_ ጠቅ አድርግ።

ከመፈለጊያ ገፁ ላይ፣ እንድን መጠይቅ በቀላሉ ለማዘጋጀት፤

  1. ልትፈልግ ያሰብከውን ለይተህ አውጣ
  2. እንበልና በአጠቃላይ ሁሉንም ቃላት ነው ወይስ የተወሰኑትን ቃላት ብቻ ነው የምትፈልገው
  3. ቀላቶቹን በመፈለጊያ ቦታው ላይ ፃፋቸው
  4. ቀጥሎም ፍለጋ ጀምር የሚለውን አዝራር ጠቅ አድርግ

መጠይቅ በምታደርግበት ጊዜ፣ ከመጠይቁ ጋር የሚዛመዱ የ ሀያ ሰነዶች ርዕስ ይመጣል። መጨረሻው ላይ ወደ ሚቀጥለው ሀያ ሰነዶች የሚወስድ አዝራር አለ። ከዛም ወደ ሦስተኛው ሀያዎቹ ሰነዶች ወይም ወደ መጀመሪያ ሀያዎቹ የሚወስዱ አዝራሮች ይኖራሉ፣ እያለ ይቀጥላል። ለማየት የአንዱን ሰነድ ርዕስ ጠቅ አድርግ፣ ወይም ከጎን ያለችውን ትንሽዬ አዝራር ተጠቀም።

ቢበዛ እሰከ 100 ያህል ሰነድ ቢመጣ ነው። ይህን ቁጥር በገፁ አናት ላይ ያለውን _Global:linktextPREFERENCES_ አዝራር ጠቅ በማድረግ መቀየር ይቻላል።

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpquerytermstitle_ [l=am] {የመፈለጊያ ቃላት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpqueryterms_ [l=am] {

በመጠይቅ ሳጥን ውስጥ የተተየበው ሁሉ እንድ በዝርዝር የተቀመጠ ቃላቶች ወይም ሀረጎች ተወስደው “የመፈለጊያ ቃል” ተብልው ይጠራሉ። የመፈለጊያ ቃል ፊደልና ቁጥር የያዘ ነጠላ ቃል ወይም በትምህረተ ጥቅስ ("...") ውስት የተደረደሩ ቃላቶችን የያዘ ነው። ቃላት በመካከላቸው ባለ ባዶ ቦታ አማካኝነት ይነጣጠላሉ። ሌሎች ምልክቶች ለምሳሌ የቃል ምልክቶች ሲገኝ ተግባራቸው ልክ እንደ ባዶ ቦታ ቃላቶች መነጣጠል ይሆናል። ስለሆነም ከነዚህ ምልክቶች ከቃላት መካከል ሲገኙ እነደሌሉ ይቆጠራል። በዚህም ምክንያት የተወሰነ የቃል ምልክቶችን የያዘ ቃላቶችን ለይቶ መፈለግ አይችልም።

ለምሳሌ፣ የሚከተለው መጠይቅ

ከሚከተለው ጋር ተመሳሳይ ተደርጎ ይወሰዳል

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpmgppsearching_ [l=am] {በ ኤምጂፒፒ (MGPP) ለተገነባ ክምችት ተጨማሪ አማራጮች አሉ።

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelplucenesearching_ [l=am] {በ ሉሰን (Lucene) ለተገነባ ክምችት ተጨማሪ አማራጮች አሉ። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpquerytypetitle_ [l=am] {የመጠይቅ አይነት} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpquerytype_ [l=am] {

ሁለት ዓይነት የተለያዪ መጠይቆች አሉ።

የተፈለገውን ያህል የመፈለጊያ ቃል መጠቀም ይቻላል -- ሙሊ ዐ.ነገር ወይም አንድ አነቀጽ ሊሆን ይችላል። አንድ ቃል ብቻ ጥቅም ላይ ከዋለ ሰነዶቹ ቃሉ በውስጣቸው በተደጋገመው መጠን ቅደም ተከተል ይሰ ይሰጣቸዋል።

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpadvancedsearchtitle_ [l=am] {የ _1_ የፍለጋ ፍርግምን በመጠቀም የላቀ ፍለጋ ማካሄድ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpadvancedsearch_ [l=am] {

የላቀ መጠይቅ ሁኔታን ከመረጥክ (በፍላጎት) ትንሽ ለየት ያለ የመፈለጊያ መንገድ ይኖርሃል። _selectadvancedsearch_ } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpadvsearchmg_ [l=am] {በኤምጂ (MG) ክምችት ላይ የሚደረግ የላቀ ፍለጋ የደረጃ እና የቦሊያን የተባሉ አማራጮችን ይሰጣል። የ ደረጃ ፍለጋ በ _texthelpquerytypetitle_ ከተመለከተው ጥቂት ፍለጋ ጋር ተመሳሳይ ነው።

_texthelpbooleansearch_ } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpbooleansearch_ [l=am] {የ ቡሊያን ፍለጋ ዘዴ & (ለ "and")፣ | (ለ "or")፣ እና ! (ለ "not")፣ መከወኛ ምልክቶችን በመጠቀም ቃላቶችን ማጣመርን እንዲሁም ቡድን ለመፍጠር ቅንፍ መጠቀምን ይፈቅዳል።

ለምሳሌ፣ snail & farming የሚለው መጠይቅ snail AND farming፣ የሚሉትን ቃላት በአንድነት የያዙ ሰነዶችን ይፈልጋል። በሌላ በኩል snail | farming የሚል መጠይቅ ከሆነ snail ወይም farming ከሚሉት ቃላቶች አንዱን የያዙ ሰነዶች ይፈልጋል። snail !farming የሚል መጠይቅ ከሆነ snail የሚለውን የያዘ ነገር ግን farming የሚለውን ያላካተቱ ሰነዶችን ይፈልጋል።

የበለጠ ለይተው የሚያወጡ መጠይቆች ከዋኞቹን በማቀላቀልና ቅንፍ በመጠቀም መመስረት ይቻላል። ለምሳሌ፣ (sheep | cattle) & (farm | station)፣ ወይም sheep | cattle | goat !pig። } # Updated 2-Jul-2006 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpadvsearchmgpp_ [l=am] {በ ኤምጂፒፒ (MGPP) ክምችት የረቀቀ ፍለጋ ቡሊያን ከዋኞችን ይጠቀማል። _texthelpbooleansearch_

ውጤቱም በደረጃ ቅደም ተከተል ይቀመጣል፣ ለ ተወሰኑ ፍለጋ እንደተጠቀሰው በ _texthelpquerytypetitle_፣ ውስጥ ወይም በ "natural" (ወይም "build") ቅደም ተከተል መፈለግ። ይህ ቅደም ተከተል ሰነዶቹ ክምችቱ ሲፈጠር በነበረው ሂደት ቅደም ተከትል ነው።

ተጨማሪ ከዋኞች NEARx እና WITHINx ናቸው። NEARx የሚለው ከዋኝ የሁለት መጠይቅ ቃላትን ከሰነድ ጋር ለመዛመዳቸው በመሃከላቸው ያለውን ከፍተኛ ርቀት የሚወስን ነው። WITHINx የሚለው ደግሞ የሚወስነው ሁለተኛው ተርም (term) ከመጀመሪያው ተርም (term) በመቀጠል በተወሰነ ቃላት ውስጥ የሚከሰትበት ነው። ይህ ከ NEAR ጋር ተመሳሳይ ነው ነገር ግን ቅደም ተከተሉ አስፈላጊ ነው። ቅድመ መጥ ርቀቱ 20 ነው። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpadvancedsearchextra_ [l=am] {ማስታወሻ፤ ፍለጋ የምታካሂደው በቀላል መጠይቅ ሁኔታን በመጠቀም ከሆነ እነዚህን ከዋኞች በሙሉ ስራ ላይ አይወሉም።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpadvsearchlucene_ [l=am] {በሉሰን ክምችቶች የላቀ ፍለጋ ለማካሄድ የቡሊያን ከዋኞችን ተጠቀም። _texthelpbooleansearch_} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpformsearchtitle_ [l=am] {በመስክ የተወሰነ ፍለጋ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpformsearch_ [l=am] {

በመስክ የተከፋፈለ ፍለጋ ፍለጋዎችን በመስኮች በማጣመር ለመፈለግ የሚያስችል ዕድል ይፈጥራል። ለምሳሌ፣ "Smith" የሚለውን ከርዕስ መስክ AND "snail farming" የሚለውን ከርዕሰ መስክ አጣምሮ መፈለግ ይቻላል። በቀላል የመጠይቅ ዘዴ በቅፁ ላይ ያሉት መስመሮች በየግላችው መደበኛ የነጠላ መስመር ፍለጋ አካሄድ ባህሪን የያዙ ናቸው። በየራሳቸው የተቀመጡት የቅጽ ነጠላ መስመሮች ANDን (ለ "all" ፍለጋ) ወይም ORን (ለ "some" ፍለጋ) በመጠቀም ሊጣመሩ ይችላሉ። በእያንዳንዱ መስክ ውስጥ የሚገቡ ቃለቶችም በተመሳሳይ መልኩሊጣመሩ ይችላሉ። በልዕቅ መጠይቅ ዘዴ የወደታች ተከፋች ዝርዝርን ተጠቅሞ AND/OR/NOT በመስኮቹ መካከል በተለያየ መንገድ በማጣመር እንዲሁም በመስኮቹ ውስጣዊ የቡልያን ከዋኞች መጠቀም ይቻላል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpformstemming_ [l=am] {በ "fold" እና በ "stem" ሳጥኖች በመስክ ውስጥ ያሉ ቃላቶች በዓይነት የታጠሩ ወይም የተኮረኮሙ መሆናቸውን ለመግለፅ ይረዳል። በሁለቱም ሳጥኖች ለላቀ የቅፅ ፍለጋ በቅድመ መጥእንዳይሰሩ ሆነዋል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textdatesearch_ [l=am] {በቀናት መፈለግ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpdatesearch_ [l=am] {የቀን ፍለጋ የፍለጋህ ቃላት ጋር ከሚገጣጠሙ ሰነዶች ባሻገር በተወሰነ የጊዜ ማዕቀፍ ውስጥ ያሉ ክስተቶችን የያዘ ሰነዶችን ለመፈለግ ያስችላል። በተወሰነ ዓመት ወይም ዓመታት መካከል ያሉ ሰነዶችን መፈለግ ይችላል። እዚህ ጋር ሊተኮርበት የሚገባው በዚህ የፍለጋ ዘዴ የግድ የፍለጋ ቃል ማስገባት አያስፈልግም -- ቀኑን ብቻ በማስገባት መፈለግ ይቻላል። በተጨማሪም በፍለጋው ቀኖችን የግድ ማስገባት አያስፈልግም፣ ሆኖም ምንም ዓይነት ቃል ካልገባ ፍለጋው የቀን ፍለጋ ሳይካሄድ ከሚደረገው ፍከጋ ጋር አንድ አይነት ይሆናል።

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpdatehowtotitle_ [l=am] {ይህን ገጽታ እንዴት ልጠቀም፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpdatehowto_ [l=am] {

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpdateresultstitle_ [l=am] {የፍለጋህ ውጤቶች የሚሰሩበት መንገድ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpdateresults_ [l=am] {በአጠቃላይ አነጋገር ስል 1903 የሚናገር ሰነድ መፈለግ የሚሰጠው ስል 1903 የተጻፉ ሰነዶችን እንጂ በ 1903 የተጻፈ ማጣቀሻ መጽሀፍቶችን አይደለም። ሆኖም የሰነዶች ጊዜ የተቀመጠበትን መንገድ ተከትሎ 1903ን ጨምሮ የተወሰነ ግዜ የሚሸፍኑ ሰነዶችን (ለምሳሌ ከ 1899-1911) ይሰጣል፤ ከዚህም በላይ የጽሁፍ ስማቸው 1903 የሚካተትበት የሆኑበት ክፍለ ዘመን የያዙ (ለምሳሌ 20ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን፣ 20ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን) ሰነዶችን ይሰጣል። ይህ የሚያሳየው የአንዳንድ ሰነዶች ለፍለጋ ጥቅም ላይ የዋለው የጊዜ ቁጥር ሰነዶቹ በያዙት ጽሁፍ ውስጥ ተካቶ የሚገኝ መሆኑ ነው።

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textchangeprefs_ [l=am] {ምርጫህን መቀየር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelppreferences_ [l=am] {

ከገፁ አናት ላይ _Global:linktextPREFERENCES_ የሚለውን አዝራር ጠቅ ስታደርግ የበይነገፁን አንዳንድ ባህሪያት ለራስህ በሚያመች መልኩ መቀየር ትችላለህ። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpcollectionprefstitle_ [l=am] {የክምችት ምርጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpcollectionprefs_ [l=am] {

አንዳንድ ክምችቶች በውስጣቸው የተለያዩ ንዑስ ክምችቶችን ሊይዙ ይችላሉ። እነዚህ ንዑስ ክምችቶች በተናጥል ወይም እንደ አንድ ክምችት ፍለጋ ሊካሄድባቸው ይችላል። በመሆኑም በፍለጋ ወቅት ፍለጋው የሚያካትታቸው ንዑስ ክምችቶች ለመምረጥ የምርጫ ገፁን መጠቀም ይቻላል። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelplanguageprefstitle_ [l=am] {የቋንቋ ምርጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelplanguageprefs_ [l=am] {

እያንዳንዱ ክምችት ቅድመ መጥ የአቀራረብ ቋንቋ አለው፣ ነገር ግን ወደ ሌላ ቋንቋ መቀየር ይቻላል። በተጨማሪ ግሪንስቶን ለመቃኚያ ውጤት ሲያስተላልፍ የሚጠቀምበትን የኢነኮዲንግ ስኬማን መቀየር ይቻላል --ሶፍተዌሩ የመስማማውን ቅድመ መጥ ይመርጣል፣ ነገር ግን በአንዳንድ መቃኚያዎች የተፈለገውን ኢነኮዲንግ ስኬማ በመቀየር ፊደሎቹን ለማየት ማስተካክል ሊያስፈልግ ይችላል። ሁሉም ክምችቶች ከ ስታንዳርድ ገራፊካል በይነገፅ ወደ ፅሁፍዊ ወደሆነው ለመቀየር ያስችላሉ። ይህ የማየት እክል ላለባችው ተጠቃሚዎች አጉልተው እነዲያነቡ ወይም ወደ ንግግር በሚቀይር መሳሪያ እንዲያዳምጡ ይረዳቸዋል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelppresentationprefstitle_ [l=am] {የአቀራረብ ምርጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelppresentationprefs_ [l=am] {እንደ ክምችቱ ሁኔታ፣ የሰነዱን አቀራረቡ ለመቆጣጠር ብዙ አማራጮች ሊኖሩ ይችላሉ።

የድረ ገፅ ክምችቶች በየገፁ አናት ላይ ያለውን የግሪንስቶንን አሳሽ አሞሌ እንዳይኖር የደርግልሃል፣ እናም አንዴ ፍለጋ ካካሄድህ በኃላ ከሚዛመደው ትክክለኛ ድረገፅ ላይ ያለ ግሪነስቶን ራስጌ ታርፋለህ። ተጨማሪ ፍለጋ ለማከናወን መቃኚያህን በመጠቀም ወደ ኋላ ተመለስ. እነዚህ ክምችቶች ከክምችቱ ድጅታል ላይብረሪ እንድትወጣ የሚያደርገውን አያያዥ ጠቅ ስታደርግ የሚመጣውን የጊሪንስቶንን የማስጠንቀቂያ መልዕክት እንዳይኖር እንድታደርግ ያስችልሃል። እናም በአንዳንድ የድረገፅ ክምችቶች በ "ፍለጋ ውጤት" ገፅ ላይ ያለው አያያዥ በቀጥታ ወደ ራሱ ዩአርኤል ይሂድ አይሂድ መቆጣጠር ይቻላል። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpsearchprefstitle_ [l=am] {የፍለጋ ምርጫ} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpsearchprefs_ [l=am] {

ወደ "ረቀቀ" የመጠይቅ ሁኔታ በመቀየር ቃላቶችን በ & (ለ "and"), | (ለ "or"), እና ! (ለ "not") በማያያዝ መጠቀም ሲቻል፣ በቡድን ለሆኑ ቃላት የቅንፍ ምልክትን ካስፈለገ መጠቀም ይቻላል። ይህ የተሻለ መጠይቆችን ለማከናወን ይረዳል።



የፍለጋ ታሪክን መጠቀም፣ የመጨረሻዎቹን መጠይቆች ማየት ያስችላል። ይህ ደግሞ እነዚህ መጠይቆች በቀላሉ በማሻሻል እንደገና ለመጠቀም ያስችላል።

በመጨረሻም፣የፍለጋ ውጤትህን እና በእያንዳንዱ ሙሉ ሰክሪን ላይ የሚታየውን ቁጥር ለመቆጣጠር ያስችላል። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textcasefoldprefs_ [l=am] {ጥንድ አዝራሮች በፍለጋ ወቅት ካፒታልና አነስተኛ ፊደላት መዛመድ አለመዛመዳቸውን ይቆጣጠራል። ለምሳሌ፤ "_preferences:textignorecase_" ከተመረጠ፣ snail farming የሚለው ቃል ልክ እነደ Snail Farming እና SNAIL FARMING ይወሰዳል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textstemprefs_ [l=am] {ጥንድ አዝራሮች የቃላት መጨረሻዎችን በፍለጋ ወቅት ለመጠቀም ወይም ያለመጠቀም ሁኔታዎችን ይቆጣጠራል። ለምሳሌ፣ "_preferences:textstem_" ከተመረጠ፣ snail farming የሚለው ከ snails farm እና ከ snail farmer ጋር በአንድ አይነት ይታያል። ይህ ባሁኒ ጊዜ በትክከል የሚሰራው በእንግሊዝኛ ቋንቋ ለተጻፈ ጽሁፍ ነው። _selectstemoptionsprefs_} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textaccentfoldprefs_ [l=am] {ጥንድ አዝራሮች በፍልጋ ውስጥ የንባብ ምልክት ያላቸውና የሌላቸው ተመሳሳይ ሆሄያት በተመሳሳይነት መዛመድ አለመዛመዳቸውን ይቆጣጠራል። ለምሳሌ፤ "_preferences:textignoreaccents_" ከተመረጠ፣ fédération የሚለው ቃል ልክ እነደ fedération እና federation ይወሰዳል። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textstemoptionsprefs_ [l=am] {ከላይ በ "_texthelpquerytermstitle_" የመፈለጊያ ማሳጠሪያ መሳሪያ መጠቀም የበለጠ አመቺና ቀጥተኛ ሊሆን ይችላል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsearchtypeprefsplain_ [l=am] {ከአንቀጽ የሚስተካከል ፍለጋ ለማካሄድ የሚያስችል የመጠይቅ ሳጥን ማግኘት የቻላል። ትልቅ መጠን ያለውን ጽሁፍ ለመፈለግ ፍጥነቱ የሚገርም ነው።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsearchtypeprefsform_ [l=am] {በመፈለጊያ ቅጹ ላይ የሚታዩትን መስኮች መቀየር ይቻላል።} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsearchtypeprefsboth_ [l=am] {የክምችቱን ጠፍለጋ አይነት በ “መደበኛ” እና በ “መስክ ወደ ተከፋፈለ” የፍለጋ አይነቶች መካከል ማዟዟር ይቻላል።

} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texttanumbrowseoptions_ [l=am] {በዚህ ክምችት መረጃዎችን ለመፈለግ _numbrowseoptions_ መነገዶች አሉ፤} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _textsimplehelpheading_ [l=am] {በ _collectionname_ ክምችት ውስጥ መረጃን እንዴት መፈለግ እንደሚቻል} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpscopetitle_ [l=am] {የመጠይቁ ወሰነ ዳር} # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta _texthelpscope_ [l=am] {

አብዛኛቹ ክምችቶች ፍለጋ የምታከናውንባቸውን ኢነዴክሶች እንድታማርጥ ያደረጉሃል። ለምሳሌ፣ ከደራሲው ከርዕስ ኢነዴክሶች ልታማርት ትችላልህ። ወይም የክፍልና እና የአንቀጽ ኢነዴክሶችን ሊኖሩ ይችላሉ። በአጠቃላይ የትኛውንም ኢነዴክስ ብትጠቀም መፈለጊያውን የሚያሟሉ ሰነዶች ታገኛለህ።

ሰነዶቹ መጽሃፍ ከሆኑ፣ እነሱ ተስማሚ በሆነ ቦታ ይከፈታሉ። } # Updated 2-Jul-2008 by Yohannes Mulugeta