extdesc="the Apache-MySql-Php (AMP) Extension" if [ "x$GEXTAMP" = "x" ] ; then export GEXTAMP=`pwd` export GEXTAMP_INSTALLED=$GEXTAMP/installed export PATH=$GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/bin:$PATH if [ "x$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "x" ] ; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/lib else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi export APACHE_HTTPD_HOME="$GEXTAMP_INSTALLED"; export COMPILE_UP_APACHE_HTTPD=1 if [ -n "$GSDLHOME" ] ; then # see if there is already an apache httpd we can use # override default values if there is if [ -e "$GSDLHOME/apache-httpd/$GSDLOS" ] ; then export APACHE_HTTPD_HOME="$GSDLHOME/apache-httpd/$GSDLOS"; export COMPILE_UP_APACHE_HTTPD=0 fi if extdir=${GEXTAMP##*/} if [ "x$GSDLEXTS" = "x" ] ; then export GSDLEXTS=$extdir else export GSDLEXTS=$GSDLEXTS:$extdir fi echo "+Your environment is now setup for $extdesc to Greenstone" else echo "+Your environment is already setup for $extdesc to Greenstone" fi