#! /bin/bash # # JFlex start script $Revision: 339 $ # # if Java is not in your binary path, you need to supply its # location in this script. The script automatically finds # JFLEX_HOME when called directly, via binary path, or symbolic # link. # # Site wide installation: simply make a symlink from e.g. # /usr/bin/jflex to this script at its original position # #=================================================================== # # configurables: # path to the java interpreter JAVA=java # end configurables # #=================================================================== # # calculate true location PRG=`type $0` PRG="${PRG##* }" # If PRG is a symlink, trace it to the real home directory while [ -L "$PRG" ] do newprg=$(ls -l ${PRG}) newprg="${newprg##*-> }" [ "${newprg}" = "${newprg#/}" ] && newprg="${PRG%/*}/${newprg}" PRG="$newprg" done PRG="${PRG%/*}" JFLEX_HOME="${PRG}/../.." # -------------------------------------------------------------------- export CLASSPATH CLASSPATH=$JFLEX_HOME/lib/JFlex.jar $JAVA JFlex.Main $@ #for more memory: #$JAVA -Xmx128m JFlex.Main $@